THE WEATHER CONTINUED FAIR AND WARM TODAY ALI AMP AN dab A'. A16- ASSOi PR PAY AND SE] R.CHT \11aIT WI i } F __ VOL. XXXI. No. 4. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1920. A PRICETHRE s .. L CONTINENTAL U25S. OF 05MILLIONS OUTLYING POSSESSIONS RAISE TOTAL CENSUS COUNT TO 118,000,000 GAIN REPORTED OF 14.9 PER CENT IN 10 YEARS Prellmuary Tabulations Per Cent-of People in Cities Show 519 Live (By Associate Press), Washington, Oct. 7.-The 1920 popu- lation of continental United States was announced today by the census bur- eau as 105,683,190. This was an in- crease of 13,710,842\ or 14.9 per cent since 1910. Today's total does not include the population of outlying possessions which will be announced as soon as the figures for Alaska and the mili- tary and naval services abroad are tabulated. It is estimated, however, that these possessions have 12,250,000 inhabitants, so the total number of people living under the American flag, is in round numbers 118,000,000. The figures for continental United States compare with 91,972,266 ten years ago and 75,994,575 20 years ago. The increase for the last decade how- ever felt 2,266,849 or 6.1 per cent be- low that of the preceding decade. Rogers Explains Loa. Director Rogers of the census bur- eau in a formal statement attribut- ed this loss to the almtost complete stopping of immigration during the world war and increase in emmigra- tion during the same period, deaths in' the influenza epidemic of 1917 and 1918 and war casualties. 4 The statement noted that the trend of population from the country to the city has been greatly accentuated since 1910. For the. first time in the history of the country jmore than one- half of the entire population is now living in urban territory. City Claims Most People Preliminary tabulations Mr. Rogers. said showed that 54,816,209 or 51.9 per cent of. the people were living in incorporated places of 2,500 inhabi- tants or more, and 50,866,899 or 48.1 per cent in rural territory. This situation was clearly reflected in the figures as to farms in the country which also were made pub- lie today. These placed the total of the farms at 6,459,998, an increaseof only 98,496 or 1.5 per cent in ten years as against an increase of 624,130 or 10.9 per cent for the previous de- cade. Revised figures for a number of cities and counties are yet to be announced but the main of the 1920 census is completed after nine months of labor. HARDING COMES OUT FLAT AGAINST LEAGUE OF NATIONS NEW HEAD GREETS SOPHOMORE'CLASS President Marion L. Burton conclud- ed the series of four informal reccp, tions which he held for the male stu- dents of the University when he ad- dressed the sophomores last night. The second year men were urged by the president to look upon themselves as citizens of the University, and to to their work in such a manner that Fahey would not'be cheating themselv- es. He emphasized the fact'that the time had come to dispense with the idea that a college man exchanges a four yeA r meal ticket for a diploma. The purpose of these receptions was to give the students an opportunity to meet President Burton, and he ex- presse himself as pleased in the man- ner in which the men have turned out. BURTON APPOINTS NEW.. REGENrS4 COMMITTEES Announcement of the personnel of the reorganized committees of regents was made yesterday by President Ma- rion L. Burton. The new arrangement, taking the place of the old system of having re- gents' committees to look after the in- terest of each school and college, is expected to increase the interest of the regents in the University as a whole. The committees are as fol- lows:-- Executive committee - President Burton, chairman, Regents J. E. Beal and W. H. Sawyer. Finance - Regent Frank Leland, chairman, Regents W. H. Sawyer and L. L. Hubbard.T Salaries-Regent Victor Gore, chair- man, Regents J. O. Murfin and Frank Leland. Buildings and Grounds-Regent W. H. ,Clements, chairman, Regents Ben- jamin Hanchett and L. L. Hubbard. Library -Regent W. H. Clements, chairman, and Regents Benjamin Han- chett and Victor Gore. Edulcational Policies - President Burton, chairman, Regents Victor Gore and Frank Leland. Promotion of Research - Regent Benjamin Hanchett, chairman, Regents W. L. Cleemnts and Walter Sawyer. Student Welfare-Regent James O. Murfin, chairman, Regents Benjamin Hanchett and J. E. Beal. President Burton will be permanent chairman of the executive and educa- tional policies committees, and ex-offi- cio member of all other committees. BROOKLYN TAKES President Iurton Will Initiate IHRD CAMEC. 2-VUnion Services of Year, I --- - 7-- ""'". V M° ii m I ~No~tble Iit ofa treaers Sl t'A~dtoIn Caldwell Knocked Out in One-Third of Inning by Concentrated Brooklyn Attack SMITH PITCHES HIMSELF TO FAME IN THREE HIT GAME (By Associated Press) New York, Oct. 7-Sherrod W. Smith, Brooklyn's southpaw hurling ace, pitched himself into a place in the world series hall of fame, when he had Cleveland helpless in the third game of the world series which Brook- lyn won 2 to 1. Smith was supported by his team- mates in a manner which fully equal- led the best exhibition of fielding seen in many similar contests. It was almost impossible for Cleveland to get a drive through the various combinations which shifted with lightning speed from place to place wherever the ball was hit. Gives But Three Hits Only three hits were made off the winning hurler and of these catcher Steve O'Neil gathered in two and Manager Speaker one. Speaker made his hit, a double, in the fourth inning, O'Neil followed with a single in the fifth and another in the eighth. Had Zack Wheat played Speaker's double safe, Smith would have been credited with a world series shutout. Of the 28 batters who faced Smith only 5 reached first base, 3 on hits and 2 on passes. Brooklyn Bats Its Way to Victory Brooklyn batted its way to victory in the first inning by falling on the offerings of Ray Caldwell as soon as he took his place on the mound. What Manager Speaker saw in Caldwell's curves when the latter wound up will always be a mystery. Certainly the lanky pitcher had nothing but delib- eration after he entered the bo. Of this he had plenty to spare. A base on balls, an error and two hits netted the Superbas the two runs that won the game. In many respects the game measur- edl up to the third be contest seen in any world series contest in many years. Old time players and follow- ers of the game were unanimous in this opinion. The entire contest al- though marred by two errors scintil- lated with defensive plays which brought the thousands of spectators to their feet repeatedly. Real Baseball Weather It was the first contest to be play- ed in real baseball weather and the fans showed the effects of the more suitable setting. The outcome of the third 'game in no way appeared to affect the conficl- ence of Manager Speaker in the ability of his players to win out in the com- ing wattles which switch to Cleve- land tonight. "We will win the series," was the comment of Speaker as he left the field. He declared Brooklyn's victory was due to better team work in the field by Brooklyn. "Just as I thought, two days ago,"' Manager Robinson of Brooklyn, said, 'the series will be very colse. The clubs are very evenly matched butI think we have the edge on Cleve- land with respect to pitchers." ANN ARBOR POPULATION GAINS 30 PER CENT IN 10 YEARS i 1 i l I. s i I s Address Meetings in Hill Auditorium President Marion L. Burton has been selected by the 'Union Services committee to initiate this year's series of Sunday evening student services wth a talk to be given in Hill audi- torium at 7 o'clock in the evening of Oct. 24.. Fred J. Petty, '21, will pre- side at this first gathering and will in- troduce the speaker. The second Union service will be held on Nov. 14 and the speaker chos- en for this date is Mr. Clayton Mor- rison of Ch-icago, a well known speak- er, his prominence being partly due to ANNOUNCES SERIES Gabrilowitsch Will Open Concerts Here with Chopin Recital Oct. 19 SOCIETY TO HOLD MEETING AND TEA THIS AFTERNOON LATE WIRE BRIEFS New York, Oct. 7-Five men were killed, five others are missing and be- lieved to be dead, and more than a score injured in an explosion which wiecked a forward compartment of the British tanker Crowe of Toronto, un- dergoing repairs at a Brooklyn ship- yard. The blast which endangered the lives of more than 200 workmen is believed to have been caused when gases from an empty oil tank were ignited by a blow torch. One man was thrown more than 100 feet in the air. The majority of the wounded were burned and lacerated but all are expected to live. Damage to the ship amounted to thousands of dollars.' Oct. 24 BUT 2500 SEATS SFOR STUDENT DOE AT INAUGURAII Ossip Gabrilowitsch, conductor of .the Detroit Symphony orchestra, will open the second concert series of the Matinee Musicale with a Chopin recit- al, Oct. 19, in Pattengill auditorium. Charles Carver, basso, accompanied by Frank L:Forge, the pianist and composer, will gi a song recital on Nov. 9. The Christ-., LcJacocrt, Dec. 15, will be given by Mr. Alexander and his Ypsilanti Normal choir. This con- cert will be given in the Presbyterian church. Detroit Quartette to Close Series Sascha Jacobinoff, a brilliant young violinist, will give the February con- cert. The Detroit Symphony String quart- ette, made up of Ilza Scholnik and William Grafing King, violinists, Phil- ip Abbass, 'cellist, and Clarence Evans, viola, will render the closing concert March 22. With the exception of the Christmas recital, these concerts will be held in the Pattengill auditorium. Mrs. Burton to be Quest of Honor A program of interpretative danc- ing will begiven by Miss Margaret Litchfield at the first meeting of the society to be held this afternoon in the Assembly room of the Union. Although admission is by card, members may purchase tickets for their guests. The doors will be open- ed at 3 o'clock. Mrs Marion L. Burton, the guest of honor, will receive with the officers and directors at an informal tea fol- lowing the program. ENROLLMENT FIGURES WILL APPROXIMATE EARLY ESTIMATE The latest registration figures re- ported show that the number of stu- dents in the University this year will approximate the first estinate given out in Tuesday's Daily, or about 10.- 500. Registrar Hall has made no official count since Monday of the literary stu- dents but he says that as far as he can ascertain the number registering late is the same as first announced. The Law school has 340 students en- rolled, which is eight more than reg- istered at the same time last year. This school expects there will be about 400 tsudents as a total for the year. This will be 20 more than last year. There are 2,072 registered in the engineering college against 1,883 last year. Working on this proportion there will be about 2,300 students in that college this year. The Medical school has an increase of 16 per' cent enrollment over last year. There are 170 freshmen in that school compared with 147 last year. Dean Mathews Here Sunday the fact that he is editor of the Christ- ian Century magazine. Thanksgiving Service Arranged Contrary to the general custom of holding the services in the evening, [Till auditorium will open its doors for the third Union service of the year at 11 o'clock on Thanksgiving morn- ing when Prof. Edward A. Steiner of Grinnel college, will deliver a talk to the student gathering. Professor Steiner is a writer and lecturer, the author of "Against the Current," and several other books, and, although. a professor of sociology, devotes about a half of his time during the year to his platform work. /Probably the best known speaker to appear in the early part of the series .is Mr. Chase S. Osborn, ex-governor of Michigan and a former Regent of the University. Mr. Osborn is also known as a lecturer and author, be- ing noted especially for his book, "The Iron Hunter," which deals largely with some of the earlier days at the University. He was also a candidate for Republican nomination for senator against Senator Truman H. Newberry. 'ommitte Officers Chosen At a meeting held yesterday after- noon, Robert F. Grindley, '21E, was elected chairman of the Union serv- ices committee and Fred J. Petty, '21, was chosen to preside at the first meet- ing. The other members of the com- mittee are Richard C. Losch, '21, Ches- ser M. Campbell, '21, Marcella Moon, '21, Marguerite Clark, '21, Lois De- Vries, '21, Eva Lemert, Rev. L. A. Barrett. Rev. S. S. Robins, Rev. J. M. Wells, and Mr. T. S. Evans of the Un- iversity Y. M. C. A., the latter to con- tinue his work this year as secretary of the committee. Sook Yet Lacking For Union Opera Considerable trouble is being expe- rienced by the Union in finding a suit- able book for the opera pext spring. Very little music has appeared as yet for this year's production. George Roderick, '21E, who wrote' several of the pieces used in last year's production, has turned in several num- bers. However, other writers are need- ed and anyone interested should get in touch with Mr. Earl V. Moore, mu- sical director at the Union. It is expected that E. Mortimer Shuter, director of last year's opera, will come to Ann Arbor next week to make plans for this year's produc-, tion. Mr. Shuter is at present in Phil- adelphia helping Fred Stone put on "Tip Top," a new Charles Dillingham production, which will open soon in New York. Plans for the opera -i 11 undoubtedly progress more rapidly, after Mr. Shuter's visit. Y.W.C.A. PLANS TO ORGANIZE FORUM LIMITED SEATING CAPACITY AUDITORIUM CAUSE S PROBLEM DISTINGUISHED VISITO. INVITED FOR CEREMO Subcommittees in Daily Session Prepare for Important Event Limited seating capacity of. :1 Auditorium is one of te 'greg problems . confronting the execu committee in charge of arrangem for the inauguration of President rion L. Burton on' Thursday, Oct. accor-ding to*Dean E. H. Kraus, cM man of the committee in charge. Arrangements have been made. the distribution of 2,50 icket;-'o students of the various schools, colleges in pro rata to the enrollm in order that all classes. and schc w_ 11 be represented. These ;til will be placed in the hands of the retaries of the, diffei'en scl4ools announceemnt will be made in Daily Official Bulletin at antarlty d as to the time. and place of distri tion. Students to Bank Line of ilarl Students who take tickets for the augural session must enter Hill-. am torium betore 10:20 o'clock 4n Thursday morning, as student tici will not be accepted, after that ti These students will not be xpec to be present at the academic prop sion at 9:30 o'clock but all ether S dents are requested to turn out the procession so that the eitire1 of march may be banked on either s by students. Announcement of line of march will be made in a days. "This is to be th6 greatest event its kind that has been held In University," said Dean Kraus yest day in emphasizing the importance all student's'attending the .laugu procession. "Tl;erehas not been i a program since 1871, when Di Jai B. Angell became president of University-" he added. Guests to be Present. Many distinguished university ecutives and educators wil be pres for the inauguration. Official de gates and participants in' the sees will be seated on the platformt of' auditorium. The- first floor will be .served for the deans, faculty menb and their wives, specil guests, a ni, officers of the University, and ' guard of honor. ' The two balcu are set aside for studens v A meeting of the eeicutive comn tee, of which the members are D Kaus, chairman, Shirley' W. Sm: secretary of the University, and '. Buhr, assistant to thg presideht, being held every afternoon. Chairman of the subconmn.Ltees a Prof. .NY. P. Lombard, hospitali Prof. J. L. Brumm, .publicity; Dr. A. Stanley, music; Prof. Evans H brook, banquet and reception; Mr. B. Shaw, alumni associations; H. P. Thieie, transportatiodi; P Emil Lorch, decoratibns; Prof.'L. Gram, academic procession; nd Thi C. W. Cook, platform arrangemex GAINES WILL RETURN- :) RESUME DUTIES SATUR LeGrand A. Gaines, Jr., '21], rb: ness manager of The Daily and~pre dent of the Student council, who f tured his leg in an automobile accidi this summer, will arrive Saturd'ay Ann Arbor, according to a letter ceived here by his brother Har Gaines, '24E. Althought Gainesk I to use crutches, he wifl return to, duties. . Room Ppoprietors Will Meet. 'od All Ann Arbor :women who havegs dents in their homes to vho-M' ti rent rooms are requested to attend meeting at 2:15 o'clock this aftrirf in Sarah Caswell Angell Ball, Whk they will confer with the -Univers committee 'on the hou'sing probl and elect a regular representative this committee who will act for, the Prof. Philip . Bursley is.the, facu representative, and Paul Eaton, i president of the Union wilipgiglP student member today. (By Associated Press) Omaha, Neb., Oct. 7-On his, west- ward swing of his campaign Sen. Harding urged today that the nation stay out of the League of Nations al- together and reject the obligations of the league covenant. Declaring that clarifying reserva- tions would never meet the require- ments of national security the Repub- lican nominee, put before the voters of Iowa and Nebraska the direct issue of accepting or rejecting membership in the league. "I do not want to clarify these obli- gations," he said, "I want to turn my back on them. It is not interpreta- tion but rejection that I favor. I- un- derstand the position of the Democrat- ic nominee and he understands mine. In simple words it is that he favors going into the Paris league and I favor staying out." Students Under Absent Voter Act Students who wish to participate in suffrage this fall under the "Absentee Voters act" may receive the stationery and blanks after next week at the Republican club headquarters, 234 Nickels Arcade. Michigan students must have their application blanks in their respective town or city clerk's office by Oct. 16. Prof. Edwin C. Goddard of the Law school has again offered his services and advice in enabling students to participate under this law. Washington, Oct. 7-Treasury pay- ments to railroads under guaranteed provisions of the Transportation act will be held up under a ruling today, by Comptroller of the Treasury War- wick-until final accounting of the loss- es sustained during the guaranteed period are made. Officials estimate ap- proximately $6,000,000 was involved. MICHIGAN GRAD CO-AUTHOR OF SUCCESSFUL NEW PLAY "The Broken Wing," a melodrama which opened Monday evening at the Park Square theater, Boston, was written by Paul Dickey and Charles W. Goddard, '02. The play has been favorably received by the public on its first nights and critics of the Hub have predicted a long and successful run. The setting of the play is in an un- settled part of Mexico where a youth- ful American aviator is forced to land by a broken wing. "The Misleading Lady," which made' its initial appearance in 1914 and had a record run at the Fulton theater in New York was also written by Mr. Goddard and Mr. Dickey. Census returns recently received by. the chamber of commerce show the city to have increased thirty-one per cent in population since, the taking of the last census in 1910. The present population of Ann Ar- bor, as compiled in the 1920 census, is 19,516, while the total number of in- habitants in 1910 was 14,728. The in.- crease is said by chamber of commerce officials to be a normal one. Baggageman Delivers 8,000 Trunks Trunks, trunks, trunks. Life has been just one trunk after another for Ann Arbor baggage nien for more than a week. One company has been hauling an average of 800 trunks a day ever since the influx of students began. Engaged in such work alone, this company has five trucks and ten men. All the other darymen and baggage handlers in the city report a greatly increased volume of business this year. As nearly as can be esti- mated more than 8,000 trunks have already been delivered. This year's program of the Y. W. C. A. will include a new activity, the organiaztion of a forum among wo- men students. According to the official definition, "the forum is to consist of discussion groups, the purpose of which is to promote democracy on the campus." These groups will meet every other week to discuss informally problems of local and general interest, and will afford an opportunity for the consid-" eration of campus policies. Each prospective Y. W. C. A. mem-, ber was asked to check on a card the topics that she would like to hear dis- cussed. Some subjects such as per- sonal efficiency, freshman standards, child labor, and indastrial democracy were listed. "By means of this innovation," said Gertrude Boggs, '22, chairman of the committee in charge of the new Stu- dents' forum, "we hope not only to give students the opportunity for dis- cussion of current problems, but also to bring a large number of girls to- gether under the Y. W. C. A." Dean Shailer Mathews, of the Uni-7 versity of Chicago, has been secured Postmaster Wants Student Addresses. as the first speaker on the Wesleyan The postmaster has requested that Guild lecture course for this year. all new students or old students, who Dean Mathews will deliver an address have not done so before fill out an at the Methodist church next Sunday address card for the postoffice. These evening. cards may be obtained at either the He is widely known as an author of campus or down town office. books on religious and educational There is a great quantity of mail at topics, and he has spoken in Ann Ar- the offices which cannot be delivered bor on several previous occasions. on account of insufficient addresses.