THE MICHIGAN DAILY ________ " STUDENT TO SELL-Man with or without selling experience to become associated locally with big banking institution Not necessary to have had bankin g or selling etperience; we teach you in daily sale., meetings conducted ny trained men and by per- sonal assistance working as a junior. You will start earnfing at once- while learning. $30.00 and more weekly not at all uncommon. Come in and talki it over-see what other part time men are doing, then decide. See Fred E. Fox, 703 First National Bank Build- ing, '9 to 11, mornings or phone 418-W for appointment. Guaranty Fin- ance Corporation. E. D. Bleck's Orchestra engagements now open. Phone 2485-R or 1184-M.--Adv. *L*YN DO N & COM PANY -EsT. 1905 -. 719 North University Avenue Are you going to take pictures today? Better bring the filmsc here for develop- ing and printing. Your pictures get Ii WUfomen Th~e Freshman Girls' Glee club will have its Michiganensian picture taken at 11:30 o'clock today at Rents chel- er's. The University Girls' Glee club will. meet at 12 o'clock today at Rentschel- er's for its Michiganensian picture. . The Wyvern picture will be taken at 12:45 o'clock Tuesday at Corbett and Hamilton's studio. Regular schedules for basketball have been arranged as follows : Soph- omores at 5 o'clock on Mondays; Jun-j iors and seniors at ,5 o'clock on Tues- days; freshmen at 2 and 3 o'clock on Wednesdays. The playground course will be held at 4 o'elpck on Wednesdays. Swimming classes at Barbour gym- nasium have begun. All who have! ?tiRIEST 11 Home of Sweet and Purity Always Fresh Tbe Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00 Resources .........$x,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron 707 North University Ave. rI PARCEL SERVICE I Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom - er, whether the account be large or small. -Free 802 S. Main Phone 474-W . . I. t We Pack, Wrap and Mail CANDIES AND BOlE! To All Parts of the W( NO TROUBLE TO '' SCHOOL OF DANCING if you can walk, you can dance after four privatew lessons with .MLLE. JEANETTE KRUSZKA OR PHILIP MILLER, 123 LET US PROVE THE FACT For Appointment Call PHONE 2308-R Between Hours 12.2 OR AT THE STUDIO 324 E. HURON Two Blocks West of High School # 3f AM ANA SEYFRI JustLeave Your I ORDER, ADDRES POSTA then forget it-we do the ABSOLUTELY SAFE DIAMONDS A Gift of Beauty Is Joy Forever. Also a Fine Investment. No Extra 11 BETSY RO&I CANDIES LI'.. i~.4I'J.~ 9~I~~registered should report.l tonldate methods. Girls who can play the piano and would like to play for folk dancing, * are requested to call at Miss Wood's _________________________________________________ office in Barbour gymnasium as soon __________________________________________"1________ as possible. ( :. All upperclass men taking elective C work i gymnasium are requred to ^ °"°-r have a locker ticket and to be examin- = 1 LKN ed by the Health service. ' Dancing classes have begun. Be- ginners will meet regularly at 5 o'clock " Thursday afternoons. The advanced class will meet at 5 o'clock Wednes- day afternoons. ?HOCKEY TEAMS HOLD "WEENME" ROAST AT FORESTRY FR I" All members of the first and se-1 ond hockey teams are invited to a' "weenie roast to be held this after- I ' -noon at the forestry farm. The car leaves the interurban station at 2:48 o'clock. Those girls who can come should report to their team captains: -Freshman captain, Maran 'Wllis, o = 299-W; sophomore, Elsa Qssen, 257; SS junior, Elsie Townsend, 2597; senior, cmo Katrina Schermerhorn, 251. The cap-: tains should report all names toth hockey manager, Elsie Townsend, 22. - = DANCING CLASS ESTABLISHED ="~ = UNDER AUSPICES OF LEAGUE' . -*' =. Women who wish to enroll for class- es in dancing to be given by W. J. = Ryan, under the auspices of the Wom,- h 1 aniksgiving is a 'gOod time to give en's league, are asked to sign up at : i the office of the dean of women. Aletha j( 7 Yerkes, '21, will be in the league rooms SY W H TA1 in Barbour gymnasium from 4 to 6 _ _" o'clock Monday afternoon to give 4 ,further ;information concerning the =class and to take subscriptions. One LeUave your order. for mailing or = dollar will be the price of the first delivery. We ,have the candy four lessons which will begin Satur- --in stock ready foryo. The time limit for signing up i st -at 6 o'clock Monday afternoon. - - Dean Jordan to Entertain Chaperones 324 SOUTH STATE STREET= Dean Myra B. Jordan will entrtain C the sorority chaperones and dormitory ~ AN SOTH ~ ~ VN~J~ Iheads at ta from 3,.30 to 600 o'clock FAST ND SUTH Y VE++lv- Moday afternwn at her home on Hill = CI street. Mrs. Maren L. Burton, Miss - ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 P QCAN lenrShTREEadTisHee BN - hop will receive with ]Kr. Jordan. TSquare Rtertins Wome Engieers T-square entertained all the women flITHIS of the Engineering and Architectural CLOSES Brbour gymnasium. Dean Myra B. [ ! I C OLUMN colleges at tea Saturday afternoon in A si 8&QSES Jordan, Mrs. Mortimer E. Cooley, Myis. A DV ERT 1SI N OC AT 3 Ps.M William 11. Butts, Mrs. Emil Lorch, + and Miss Camilla Green poured. FOB ASE. LST AD FUNDFor live progressive up-to-date ad- FOR SAJE LST AD FUNDvertising us The Michigan Dal.-' FOR 8ALD--New Fox Portable Type- LOST - One pair medium length Adv writers, $5.00; especially suited to 'brown kin gloves in University hall, , students' work. Also rebuilt Stand- * Saturday -morning. 'Finder please -___.,,___'....__ ar ypewriters. Phone Marston, call 227-. 42-3 rF"' 1951-Rt. 555 Packard. 41-2 LOST-Psi Upsilon stick pin Thurs- U N IO N m FOAPRALEl-Can Fl Tat Saxophorne day. Finder please retuii to Jq1 _ Schianderer & Seyfried 113 E. Liberty Street Ann Arbor Michigan 1 5 NICKELS I1 I Xmas CrsBooklets, Leather Good, M Books, Pennants, Mich. Pins, Fobs, Spoons, etc. Find them at the ONLY STUDENTS' SUPPLY" STORE_ Phone 1 160-R 1111 South University Aveni Big. Reductions on all Gage Hats.neW o Ho e G o qsU d rw a FulllineWoolHose Gloqs, nder ear , DALIG&MLEU 224 - 226 South State Street *1 Phone Orders Mail Orders Promptly Filled Promptly Fillc EST. 1857 All Silk and, Wool0Dresse, 1-2 off , I V.. iV I7GiAL-{/ilAMW{f .[Ai Vi$95.00. Fine Set drawing instru- ments, $30.00. Call 1198-J.' 4 Thompson. 40-3 FOR 4AL.-Reining~ y~rtr * nnd'eI 4 '. r ult.' Best 'of- ter takes it. al~t -r.'311 Thomp- Rn:. 40-3 F~t S E- Vega. tuna-phone tenor banjo, 11 inc'-h'eiad. I 4ecellent ' uidt on. 1 Bnnt, 34a. 42-1 WA T D-A card, writer, one who has bad spmg eperiene 14 writing 4,q- partment store' &ig i ItA l Mck & Co. WA114D-A man for part time work. Call 1457-J between 10-12 A. M1. 41-3 yo ETFOR RENT -Typewriters.' All new machines. Graham's Boo1x Stores. E. Huron St. or cl 7- Ie ward. _ all..... LOST-_Beieeu William St.'and Peck- a'r d, "cnd's Australian! Glo sum neckpiece. Reawaro. +Gall75 ' !- LOST--Bunch of k~yxes i olon ring. Finder ple,,sa 9411" *ra~eT t 5666. Reward '1 LOST-Black coin purse. cont~ulog bill and silver. l4ewar4. F'I.A er please call 152.' 42-1 LOST-A, pax? ot brawn kid gauntlets Barbour' gymnasium. Please ioall. 1767 ,2. FOR V *N FO1 i ENT--Very desirable sulte tsr two in private family. Two blocks from campus.. No Qthor roomers. Apply 821 Q04144d. ]?hone 376-J. 40-4 FOR RENT- Three rooms furnished, suitable for light housekeeping. Half block from campus, Address, Box K., Daily. 41-3 DANCES It surely seems like before the war -to have an announcement like this; made. Silk and wool dresses at 1-2 price. 'It really doesn't seem possible, does it? And yet it's true and they're real beauties, too. Tricotines, serges, jerseys, and all the more popular'materials in all the newest shades and styles. Let me tell you about a few of them: A blue tricotine, made with waist in surplice style, -fastened with one large button, has a skirt accordion pleated and trimmied with a wide pleated frill down the side. A description does not do justice to the beauty of, this little frock with its saucy frill standing out from thesides of the skirt. Red leather forms the tiny narrow belt at the waistlipie. . t Blue tricotine, made with side panels heavily embroidered and trim med with leather cut in fancy designs and sewed to ,the material is rarely lovely. Iridescent beads make another navy blue gown, also of tricotine. Beads, embroidery and fancy stitching all combine to make these dresses extremely lovely. The silk dresses are crepe de chines, georgettes, tricolettes, satins and combinations of materials. Made in all the most popular. and new styles and trimmed with :embroidery, beads, satins of contrasting shades. These dresses are plain enough for an afternoon occasion or lovely enough for the most formal affair., HAVE BEGUN The discouraging tact that yau are unable to dance graceful- ly Will p robably restrain you from attending yeur class dances, I Witll guarantee to teaoh you all the modern dances grace- fully and artistically in eight lessons. LE VERNE Me HALSEY'S ST D O WUERTH AC-E (SECOND FLOOR) F. ~ "r ~