THE THCE.M CHIGAN :. .. .. iWi i iii'wir rrriir Wi iMiil rYr.r rr . .tir . ... SCRUBERT "Walter Hampden A- SHAKESPEARES PLAYS G AR RIK A . H. Woods presents B4RNEY BERNARD '.in "Hi~s Honor,. Abe Potash" LAST TIME TODAY. May McAvoy AND BruceGordon 'ENGINEERING PROFESSriJAS THTE THEATERS I EL (Screen Prof. John, C. Parker, head of the Jlajesiic -- James Oliver Cur- electrical engineering department, wodsgettry"Nms commenting yesterday on the lighting of the North." in Hill auditorium,{ said: "Any state- ments coming from this department in Arcaide - Ethel Clayton in "A regard to the lights of the auditorium City Sparrow.'" A Jesse L. w'ere made, not because of a desire to Lasky production. criticize, but in the spirit of helpful-j ness. We were merely giving viewxs I'Vierhi- A J. Stuart Blackton expressed by students and member s production, "The House of the of the faculty.1 Tolling Bell." - ".We realize that the bvildings and --- grounds departmentiilie other Orpheum-Harold Brell Wright's branches of the Unixvcr itv, financialI! famous story, "The Shepard ly handicapped. It iz, for this reasonIj of the Hills." that the. electricali engineering d epart- nment is anxious to do anything with- ( THIS WEEK in its power to lighten the burden." 1 Stage --- I Garrick (Detroit)-Barney Ber- V~ar~oye Ou WCJ1( ~ hard in "His Honor Abe Pot- Unesufrse ea nte ash," that Montague Glass Unress infereendlsi the ! farce with the original New number of Gargoyle will appear V4 ed-' York cast. nesday, Nov. 24. Several hundr ed ex- tra copies will be printed due to th Schubert (Detroit)- Walter rapidity with which the October num- Hampden in "Merchant of her was sold. Venice." Paronize Daily Adlvertiers.-A dv. THE BANKOF SERVICE Commercial Banking in all its Branches. Sa'vings Department and Safety Deposit Vaults. h Exchange on All Parts of the World. A. B, A. Travelers' Checks. FARMERS5&MECHANICS BANK 101-103 So. lax: St. ;330 So. State St., (Nickels Arcade) 12Tk .Nber ,f fthi,'FederalI Reserfe System. "THE HOUSE of the TOLLING Colored Pathe Review~ BEL L" Pollard Comedy *CONTINUOS SHOW TODAY Admsslon: Adults 25c. ChIldroxx 10c SUNDAY -- MONDAY -- TUESDAY Gerain FARA IN "Te Riddle As Mysterious, Gripping, and as *Unsolvable as the Sphinx. ' t "EAT ATS THE CAST LP Corillf]anl Skate STRICTLY 11OMtE-COOliED MEALS $5.50 MEAL TICKET FOR $5.00 REGULARMBOARDERS $7.00 PER WEEK. : ' ,; I V 4 . .; s __ W=w=j