THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Kempt Music Studios--Piano, Michigan Daily liners bring re- gan, and Voice Instruction. Es- sults.-Adv. blished 1880. 312 S. Division St. -- hone 212-1.-Adv. Read The Daily for Campus News. ORPHEUM I LAST TIMES TODAY The Shepherd Of The Hills' by Harold Bell Wright FOREIGN CUSTOMS WomnenSHOWN AT CITY Y Oriental decorations, costumes and The Wyvern picture will be taken at refreshments characterized the "Mer- 12:45 o'clock Tuesday at Corbett and dy-Go-Round the Orient," yesterday Hamilton's"studio. afternoon and evening at the city Y. W. C. A. Th~e class of 1923 baseball team and Guides in native costumes conduct- hockey team will have their pictures ed the tours through the rooms, rep- taken at 1:30 o'clock Saturday, Nov. resenting China, Japan, Turkey, Ar- 20, at Rentschler's studio. Middies, menia, Greece and India. Returned bloomers, and black ties will be worn, missionary workers and foreign stu- These pictures are for first teams dents explained their customs and only. served appropriate refreshments to the tourists. Chinese tea and odd Regular schedules . for basketball Turkish confections were served in have been arranged as follows: Soph- the rooms allotted to these two coun- omores at 5 o'clock on Mondays; Jun- tries. iors and seniors at 5 o'clock on Tues- The display was held under the au- days; freshmen at 2 and 3 o'clock on spices of the world fellowship com- Wednesdays. mittee of the city Y. W. C. A. for the purpose of acquainting the public with thei ork. 'The ,"Y" at Lane Hall Good Home Cooked Meals Prompt Service Service Table d'Hote Saturday and Sunday WANTED-TWO STUDENTS AS REPRESENTATIVES Well known banking firm desires part time services of two students for specal remunerative work. Ex. perlence unnecessary. Absolute honesty and best of reference essential. Residents of state desirable. In application give class, age, home address and brief outline of any business experience. All replies held strictly confidential. Added Featore "KISS ME CAROLINE". A CHRISTIE COMEDY "As Usual" ADULTS 20c KIDDIES lOc FINGERLE'S CAFETERIA'S STATE STREET at the CAMPUS A wonderful assort- ment of good things to eat are waiting for you. Pure food at low prices at these distinctive eating places Aroade Cafeteria The playground course will be held at 4 o'clock on Wednesdays. There will be a meeting of the board: of directors of the Women's league at 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning in Bar- bour gymnasium. Swimming classes at Barbour gym- nasium have begun. All who have registered should report. The Women's Cosmopolitan club will have its picture taken at 2 o'clock Sat- urday afternoon at Spedding's studio. Girls who can play the piano and would like to play for folk dancing are requested to call at Miss Wood's office in Barbour gymnasium as soon as possible. All uppercIass men taking elective work in gymnasium are required to have a locker ticket and to be examin- ed by the Health service. Dancing classes have begun. Be- ginners willimeet regularly at 5 o'clock Thursday afternoons. The advanced class will meet at 5 o'clock Wednes- day afternoons. The calss of 1922 baseball team, in- stead of the class of 1921, will have its picture taken at 12:15 o'clock today at Rentschler's studio. Women 's League Throws A Party Three star attractions featured yes- terday's Women's league party. First came the "Simp-foney Orchestra," at- tired in costumes and equipped with instruments which corresponded ex- actly with the idea suggested by the name. Several numbers by the whole orchestra and a trombone solo which taxed the wind of the performer and the imaginations of the audience, were included in this act. Next the reporter was ushered into the classic halls of "Wishagain" Univer- sity for women. Deans Morgan, Suif- finger, Cooty, Fawn and Skates were in solemn conclave over the question of admitting a member of another sex into their institution. The students came forth to show the social graces for which they were famed. One girl "spoke a piece," another sang, and two gave dances, one of the modern "aspen leaf variety" and the other of true oriental technique. Following these "stunts," W. J. Ryan, teacher of dancing in the De- troit public schools, demonstrated modern dances as correctly and in- correctly performed. Mr. Ryan pro- poses to start a class in dancing un- der the auspices of the Women's league and a large number of wom- en signed for the course. DEAN JORDAN TO APPROVE ALL DANCE CHAPERONES Dean Myra B. Jordan has announc- ed that chaperones for the Union on Friday and Saturday nights, the Arm- ory on Friday and Saturday nights and the Packard on Saturday night until Christmas, will be supplied and approved through the office of the dean of women. Chaperones for tonight are: Union, Miss Martha Hills; Armory, Mrs. Mabel Cake, and Packard, Mrs. Walter Sherman. -r ad oman' Read The Daily advertisements.- Adv. Win. Goodyear and Comliany's 32nd Anniversary Celebration Coats at Less Than Cost I ' Ho CREArrW BY C1~ C~RAMDSronde POST-OFFICE BOX 1335 N - DETROIT, MICHIGAN Up The Stairs C. J. FINGERLE NICKELS ARCADE I THISTIS COLUMN COLUMN CLOSES CLOSES ATSP. ADVER iSIN AT P M.CD V E R T 1* 8 I-N G al AT 3'._M I1lOT one bit exaggerated! We mean every word of it when we say these coats are go- ing at- less than cost. Our Coat stock is bigger than it should be at this time of the season-that's the reason for the reductions. Except a few Sports Models every Coat in our entire stock is included. There are all styles and shades, many of which have luxuriant fur collars. The smartest fabrics of the moment are well rep- resented. The most superb, perhaps, of the new de- signs this year are fashioned from Fur Fabric, an unusually pleasing imitation of Hudson Seal. Collars and cuffs are of beaver, marten, grey LOST AND FOUND LOST-On or near campus or in Wat- erman Gym, Tuesday afternoon, bill- book, containing $22 and miscel- laneous receipts. Finder please call 1257-R. Reward. 39-3 LOST-A green wool golf stocking; near corner of Monroe and State Sts. last Thursday evening. Leave at 622 Monroe. Reward. D. L. Bronson, 2612-J. 41-1 LOST-Hamilton watch on Ferry field with initials F. G. F. on back Re- ward if returned to F. G.bFitzpat- rick, 1015 E. Huron or phone 397. 39-3 LOST- Log-Log slide rule. Initials W. E. M. on case. Call Moore, 1079-W. Reward. 40-2 LOST-Between William St. and Pack- ard, child's Australian Opossum neckpiece. Reward. Call 754-M. 40-3 LOST-One long string black beads last Friday night. Reward, call 595, giving address. 40-2 LOST-Bunch of keyes on oblong ring. Finder please call Frazer at 566. Reward. 41-3 FOUND--Fountain pen. See W. P. Rayner, 907 N. University or call 2272-W. 41-1 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Very desirable suite for two in private family. Two blocks from campus. No other roomers. Apply 821 Oakland. Phone 376-J. 40-3 FOR RENT- Three rooms furnished, suitable for light housekeeping. Half block from campus. Address, Box K., Daily. 41-3 FOR RENT --Typewriters. All new 4achines. Graham's Book Stores. 39-8 FOR SALE FOR SALE-New Fox Portable Type- writers, $50.00; especially suited to students' work. Also rebuilt Stand- ard Typewriters. Phone Marston, 1951-R. 555 Packard. 41-2 FOR SALE-Conn E Flat Saxophone, $95.00. Fine set drawing instru- ments, $30.00. Call 1198-J. 311 Thompson. 40-3 FOR SALE- Remington typewriter, model 10. Not a rebuilt. Best of- fer takes it. Call 1198-J. 311Thomp- son. 40-3 FOR SALE-Yega tube-phone; tenor banjo, 12-inch head. In excellent condition. Call Bennett, 343. 40-2 FOR SALE-Two Choral Union course tickets with May Festival coupon attached. Call 1590-M. 40-2 WANTED WANTED-Every University Student to start a saving account with Hur- on Valley Building & Savings Asso- ciation. Can draw your money any time and get 5 per cent from date of investment. H. H. Herbst, Secy., Ann Arbor Savings Bank Building. 41-1 WANTED-A card writer, one who has had some experience in writing de- partment store signs. Apply Mack & Co. 13 WANTED-A man for part time work. Call 1457-J be'ween 10-12 A. M. 41-3 MISCELLANEOUS WILL THE fellow to whom I gave my physics and notebooks while we were seeing the team off please return same to 1021 E. Huron, or call Raitt at 481-R. Reward. 40-2 squirrel, raccoon and Australian These, too, go at less than cost. op os sum. (Second Floor) DRESSES C HARMING Dresses of Duve- tyne will appeal particularly to the college girl. They're original designs, well made and very smart. Others are of serge, tricotine, sat- in, taffeta and charmeuse in the most novel conceptions of the present season. Our entire array of Dresses (except Evening gowns -already reduced) has been dis- counted. Now 1-4Less (Second Floor) MILLINERY T EVER "before have we shown such a thoroughly wonderful display of fall and winter Milli- nery. There are Hats of every size and shape that the season favors - Hats for every type of grl. And at the discount prices we know of no better opportunity for 'purchasing. Surely, none has yet presented itself. Now 1-3 Les) (Second Floor) UNPAID SUBSCRIPTIONS All subscriptions to The Mich- igan Daily should now be paid. If you have not paid, please do so at once. The $4.00 rate is now being charged in accord- ance with notices to this effect which have been given. Please bring check or money in per- son to The Daily office any time between 8:30 and 5 o'clock. /1/ 2G9