rHE MICHIGAN DAILY " UGH WILL SPEAK TO LOCAL ON "AMPLER PURITANISM" delivered at Plymouth, England, on the tercentennial commemoration of the departure of the Pilgrim fathers for America. Dr. Hough, who has spoken in Ann Arbor on previous oc- casions, has for several summers past Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, former.y president of Northwestern university, and at present pastor of the Central M. E. church in Detroit, will give the Wesleyan guild lecture at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening in the Methodist church. His .subject, "The Ampler Puritanism," is the same address he preached in the large churches England. Michigan Daily liners bring sults.-Adv. of re- SEND HER A CORSAGEJ for the HOLIDAY PARTIES You know AN OCCASIONAL BOUQUET KEEPS RIVALS AWAY GOODHEW FLORAL CO. PHONE 1321 225 EAST LIBERTY -' ;.'I ~ 11l11[~ 111N11111 Illlllllll1111 I 111111111 1{Ill{11111111111 ti11111II11111111 - -- rMAw = - DON'T LOSE SIGHT w _ OF QUALITY WHEN YOU SEE A TEMPTING PRICE TAG Anybody can find a low price offer, but it takes intel- ligence to see what it means: see whether it is genuine economy or a common "sale" trick. Don't be rushed into buying. Remember what you've learned about clothes, how to get full value and com- plete satisfaction. Quality is the answer. WILD'S good custom-tailored clothes give it to you. You can't really economize any other way. Our prices are being reduced in ac- cordance with replacement values. We make every suit we sell w - - 3 Sae S.S s _ r _ FNE TAILORING FINE FURNISHINGS THI -HI COLUMN COLUMN CLOSES CLOSES S M' ADVERTIS I N- AT3M. i .I The class of 1923 baseball team and hockey team will have their pictures taken at 1:30 o'clock Saturday, Nov. 20, at Rentschler's studio. Middies, bloomers, and black ties will be worn. These pictures are for first teams only. The class of 1921 baseball team will. have its picture taken at 12:45 o'clock Saturday, Nov. 20, at Rentschler's studio. Regular schedules for basketball have been arranged as follows: Soph- omores at 5 o'clock on Mondays; jun- iors and seniors at 5 o'clock on Tues- days; freshmen at 2 and 3 o'clock on Wednesdays. The playground course will be held at 4 o'clock on Wednesdays. There will be a meeting of the board of directors of the Women's league at 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning In Bar- bour gymnasium. CITY Y.W.C.A. TO PORTRAY ORIENT GIRLS ATTENTION! Rainu ater shampoos, marcel waving, manicur- ing, face and scalp treatment. Wigs for runt at Mrs. J. R. Trojanowski's, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 696-W.--Adv. The Kempt Music Studios -Piano, Organ, and Voice Instruction. Es- tablished 1880. 312 S Division St Phone 212-J.-Adv. Typewriters of leading makes for sale or rent. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Arcade.-Adv. OUR AND SODAS SUNDAES FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Corner State and Liberty ARE THEY G OOD I'LL SAY THEY ARE oflo Ni ~cEC EA We are preparing the following Delicious Specials for your TH.ANKSGIVING DINNER Cranberry Mousse Carmel with Nuts Turkey Moulds Rabbit Moulds }~ B3RIC. "Merry-go-Round the Orient," an entertainment of the city Y. W. C. A., will be staged under the management of the world fellowship committee Fri- day afternoon and evening. Begin- ning at 2 o'clock, tours may be made of rooms of the city Y. W. C. A. repre- senting china, Japan, Korea, Armenia, Greece, and India. Foreign girls in their native cos- tume will serve refreshments accord- ing to their custom. No admission will be charged and the exhibition will be open to all. The entertainment will be given expressly for the educational value of acquainting the people with the customs of foreign countries. RYAN TO EXHIBIT MODERN DANCING An exhibition of right and wrong methods of modern dancing by Mr. Ryan, teacher of dancing at Central high school in Detroit, will be a fea- ture of today's League party, and will follow the program of stunts, to com- mence at 4:15 o'clock. Mr. Ryan has a method of dancing which he says will correct the awk- ward steps and positions so often seen in ball rooms and is endeavoring to enroll students for a class which may be under the auspices of the Women's league. New dances lately featured in the East will be part of Mr. Ryan's program. PARTIES SHOW WOMEN'S INFLUENCE, SAYS MRS. WAITE Women's influence in politics is shown by the appearance of social problems in party platforms, accord- ing to Mrs. J. B. Waite in her talk to the Y. W. C. A. forum on "Political Problems," yesterday afternoon at Newberry hall. Mrs. Waite reviewed the history of citizenship for women and explained the 18th amendment expressing the hope that women would not be govern- ed by heredity in exercising the tran- chise. STUDIO RECITAL TO BE GIVEN BY ALMA H. NORSWORTHY Teacher of Expression SATURDAY, N'VEMBER 20TH AT 3:00 P. M. PROGRAM I (a) "Little Boy Blue". ............Eugene Field (b) "Bugle Song". ... .........Alfred Tennyson (c) "In School Days"...... .... Greenleaf Whittier (d) "Lead, Kindly Light".. ........Cardinal Newman II "The Going of the White Swan" ......Sir Gilbert Parker III "Muleykeh"... Robert Browning IV "Mansie Wauch's First and Last Play".......D. M. Moir A cordial invtation Is extended to all those interested STUDIO 1113 COLLEGE STREET Maple Mousse Cranberry Sherbet ORDER NOW THROUGH OUR DEALERS ICE CREA FOR SALE FOR SALE--Two Choral Union course tickets with May Festival coupon attached. Call 1590-M. 40-2 FOR SALE-Conn E Flat Saxophone, $95.00. Fine set drawing instru- ments, $30.00. Call 1198-J. 311 Thompson. 40-3 FOR SALE-Yega tube-phone; tenor banjo, 12-inch head. In excellent condition. Call Bennett, 343. 40-2 WANTED WANTED-Heated garage-vicinity of Engineering Bldg. Box B. C., Daily. 39-2 WANTED--Stenographic work for aft- ernoons. Winifred S. Wilson, 1501 Washtenaw. Phone 251. 39-2 WANTED-Someone to assist in the advertising department. Apply Mack & Co. 13 WANTED-A card writer, one who has had some experience in writing de- partment store signs. Apply Mack R Co. 13 FOR RFNT FOR RENT-Very desirable suite for two in private family. Two blocks from campus. No other roomers. Apply 821 Oakland. Phone 37-.T 40-3 FOR RENT -Typewriters. All new machines, Graham's Book Stores. 39-6 LOST AND F LOST- Log-Log slide W. E. M. on case. 1079-W. Reward. OUND rule. Initials Call Moore, 40-2i LOST-One long string black beads last Friday night. Reward, call 595, giving address. 40-2 LOST-Between William St. and Pack- ard, child's Australian Opossum neckpiece. Reward. Call 754-M. 40-3 LOST-Unset ruby, cut oval. Reward. Call 1126-M. 40-1 LOST-Hamilton watch on Ferry field with initials F. G. F. on back. Re- ward if returned to F. G. Fitzpat- rick, 1015 E. Huron or phone 397. 39-3 LOST-On or near campus or in Wat- erman Gym, Tuesday afternoon, bill- book, containing $22 and miscel. laneous receipts. Finder please call 1257-R. Reward. 39-3 WILL THE fellow to whom I gave my physics and notebooks while we were seeing the team off please return same to 1021 E. Huron, or call Raitt at 481-R. Reward. 40-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE- Remington typewriter, model 10. Not a rebuilt. Best of- fer takes it. Call 1198-J. 311 Thomp- son. 40-3