MICHIGAN DAlI ,. .... Y : , . : :. , . rii .., W , T 5 t '",. V .i . "'1 i REACH FINALS IN FALL NET TOURNEY Bowers and Borich Fight for Campus Title When Weather Will Permit Play in the fall tennis tournament has been temporarily but effectively stopped by the recent heavy fall of snow, but not before the final round in btoh singles ;and doubles had beenI reached.I As soon as the weather permits, the singles champ'onship will be decided by the match between Bowers and Rorich. Both of these men have play- ed steadily and consistently and have succeeded in downing some of the most favored entries. By virtue of their 6-2, 6-1 victory over Peterson and Andrus, who won by default from Cole and Brott, Riley TEAM LEAVES FOR MINNESOTA TORY the center for student and alumni ac- tivities. On the homeward trip, the team will leave Minneapolis at 10:30 Sat- urday night on the Chicago and Northwestern, reaching Chicago at 11:49, from where they leave on the Michigan Central at 12:30 o'clock. The party will reach Ann Arbor at 6:05 o'clock Sunday evening. Strongest Line-Up to Start CROSS COUNTRY NOTICE The freshman cross country squad, Davis, Leland, Arndt, Hattendorf, Bowen, and Yakes, will meet at 4:15 o'clock Thurs- day afternoon in the Varsity training room ' at Waterman gymnasium for the purpose of electing a captain. winners made a remarkable spur the final minutes and scored two g winning 3 to 2. In the class games the lower (Continued on Page Eight) and Cenebach have won their way into jmraJLA MIUU Xa - Iv the finals in the doubles. Opposing of 1920 Gridiron Squad them will be the winner of the Greg- Yesterday ory-Sanchez vs. Bowers-Creedon - 1_-AP -'., -TAlD OF 25 MEN TO MAKE match. The latter pair defeated Gustus and Kelsey in a stiff battle and the former downed Sullivan and Gibson some time ago. -. -- - ..- I ORP HP L AST TIMES TODAY TRIP FOR YEAR'S LAST GAME Michigan's last practice on Ferry field before the invasion of the north- men of Minnesota for the final game of the 1920 gridiron season left the men tempered for a hard battle, and prepared for the slashing attacks of ,the Gophers, who will make every ef- [fort to win at least one Conference game and to retain possession of the antique "little brown jug" which went to Minneapolis last year for the first time in its long history. Undergoing a light but long work- out on a field, which had just been cgeared of three inches of snow, the Wolverine warriors met practically the same conditions that they will face Saturday, - a biting wind, a lit- tle snow, and a slow field. Further drill in the fundamentals and work in smoothing out the rough spots of the offensive play occupied the Var- sity yesterday, and this will be the end of preparation, with the excep- tion of a light workout on Northrop field, Friday afternoon. Team Leaves This Afternoon Entraining at 1:23 this afternoon from the Michigan Central station, the Varsity team of 25 men, coaches, the manager, and two Athletic asso- ciation representatives arrive in Chi- cago at 7:30 o'clock, from where they depart at 8:15 o'clock via the Chi- cago, Milwaukee. and St. Paul for Minneapolis" arriving there at 9:55 the next morning. While in Minne- anolis. the Varsity will stop at the Realizing that Minnesota is out to' give the Wolverines a bitter battle in its last chance to win a 1920 Con- which is slowly developing its latent ference game, Coach Yost is starting strength. The Iowa score against his strongest line-up against the the Gophers is no indication of the Gophers. In all probability Tad hard fight they put up, for three of ! Wieman will be able to start the the Hawkeye scores came as direct game, and the remainder of the team results of fumbles and were practi- will be the same that played against cally gifts of the Gophers. In this ! Chicago, Steketee and Usher, halves; contest and in the Illinois and Wis- Nelson, fullback; Banks, quarter; !consin games, Minnesota gained more Vick, center; Dunne and Wilson, by straight football than did her op- guards; Goetz and, Wieman, tackles; ponents. and Cappon and Goebel, ends, are A hard .fight is expected by every Yost's choices for the final game of member of the team and by the the year. coaches, for Minnesota is out to avoid Since the Illinois game, this is the the ignominy of failing to win a strongest combination that has ever Conference game. played, and each man is in better _ -hape than ever before. Steketee, YESTERDAY'S SOCCER GAMES No 1I WORRY YOUR HEAD 0 F IF YOU WANT TO -but if you're wise, you'll forget your worries after school hours. Shake off your troubles when tl whistle blows and you shut up yc desk for the day. Come to Hust Bros. and play a few games of billiard No game ever invented gives mo pleasure and nothing is more restf than an hour or so spent over a b liard table. H USTON BROS. Pocket and Carom Billiards. Cigars and Candies. Soft Drinks and Light Lunches. Cigarettes and Pipes. "WE TRY TO TREAT YOU RIGHT Cappon, Goebel, and Wilson are allI physically the best that they been, and all are out for "the brown jug." Gophers Now at Height Coach Sturznegger reports Michigan will have the hardest have little that game RESULT IN CLOSE CONTESTS\ Soccer contests yesterday resulted in the hardest fought and closest games that have yet been played. Phi Delta Theta won from Kappa Beta Psi in a game that was not decided un- til the final whistle was blown. The of the season against Minnesota, hanksgilfg Nf3ZZfA D'E'A} AfLL4DA5Q QFAtOYfW7 IN ?VHsE UfV/VE~'~Af- -xWe AlA Srff. /~Oxc//O 7714 C VZ,?& I 5Z~15CC "The Virgin of Stamboul" ADDED FEATURES MUTT and JEFF JACK EMPSEY In AND In Is Drawing Near Curtis hotel, which is expected to be "THE MERRY CAFE" "DA~REDEVIL JA&CK"* 1. .r FRIDAY - SATURDAY "The Shepherd Of The Hills" 'By Harold Bell Wright W11 Slu s te Thanksgiving Day will soon be here and you will need that new suit and overcoat; we me that one you have been talkng about getting and to get real overcoat and suit value, now is time to get it while our Reconstruction Sale is at full progress. MEN'S SUITS Men's Suits, Values up to $75, $80, $85-Tailored by' The House of Ruppenheimer, all the very high- est grade Materials and Newest Styles - the very best Suits in the House. Your Choice at Our MEN'S SUITS Men's High Grade Suits- 50 and $55 Values-All High Grade Naterals & Latest Styles. Good Range of sizes. Your Choice at Our Recon- struction Sale Price MEN'S OVER00A1 Lot of Men's Overcoats ,$45 values, in best M terials, in Belted and Conservative Models, good range of sizes. Your choice at Our B construction Price I RECONSTRUCTION PRICE $58.95 $38.95 $29.95 I BOYS' SUITS BOYS' SUITS 11 I Boys' $12 Suits, sizes 8 to 18, in the Wanted Mate- rials. Our Reconstrue- tion Price Boys' $15 Suits, sizes 8 to 18, In the wanted Mate- rials and Styles. Our Reconstruction Price MEN'S SUITS Men's Suits - $65 and $70 Values-- All very grade Materials, and Snappy Styles - Range of Sizes Your Choice at Our RECONSTRUCTION PRICE $48.95 $6.95 $8095 11 4 Mrs. Fox was bragging one day about the large number of her cubs. "How many cubs do you bring into the world at one time?"she asked the LIONESS. ..nly ONE,"replied the Lioness-"butits MUR ADS COST 20 CENTS for a BOX f 10-BUT THEY'RE MURADS! MURADS would be lower priced if we left ut all or part of the 100% Turkish tobaccos of the purest and best varieties grown-or if we substituted inferior grades of Turkish tobacco, But they wouldn't be MURADS-they'd only bq q " dge for. Yoursef-!" Selling Without Profit WE Ilt,\Vrp THE FLq'\NC SIZES IN PELTER'S REVERSI1LE LEATHER CRATS . Size $( ........Size 4 . - TStr 49 °,. Y e°t : 42 $3IEEP-LINED COATS MEN'S OVERCOATS { Men's Overcoats - $65 and $70 Values - very high grade Materials in the very best Styles. Men's All-Wool Ribbed Hose in the popular Shades of Brown and Heather - $1.25 values. At Our Reconstruction Price WCOL HOSE Your Choice at Our CASHMERE HOSE Men's Wool Cashmere Hose in Black, and Gra -75c values-at Our Reconstruction Price f EC . NSTRUCTIG N PRICE $48.95 79c 45c . ,_ . MEN'S CLOTH HATS MEN'S SILK SHIRTS Men's $5 High Grade Cloth Hats in the Latest Shades and Styles. Men's $7.50 and $8.00. Pure Silk Shirts. .First Quality. RECONSTRUCTION PRICE 2 Size 2......... Size 3. A 36 PS RECONSTRUCTION PRICE $1~89 $4595 We would like to sell every coat this wceR and In order to dotkis wiu sell the coats wmahout p t $dot*,ltenzflan is called Mr4 M 20'dZ~ ,E Iti4mBxg a11 State SL F Allen Coe Afrs g 11'I Iriik waru~y'rnl uIbr4 . . Fine Tailoring Fine Furnishings