THE MICHIGAN DAILY White Swan-Phone 165-We Shop tools and Lab. supplies at in soft water.-Adv. Wahr's University Book Stores.--Adv. 1omn I 1, r LASSIFIE ADVERTIS ING All girls taking required gymnas- ium work should present their locker tickets to Mrs Blackburn by Wednes- day noon, Oct. 13. Dining Rooms WANTED WANTED-A civil engineer with suf- flicent experience to place simple grade stakes on road work. An op- portunity for a man unable to re- turn to school until the seceond se- ester. Salary $150 per month. Ap- ply C. J. Snyder and Sons, Ann Ar bor, Mich. Phone 529. WANTED-A roommate who is a quiet upperclass man, Lit preferred. Double room at $3.50 each. No oth- er students and no children. Good advantages, 812 Sybil St. Phon6 2114-W. WANTED-Student who understands Hoffman Clothes Pressing machine for few hours each day. Modern Method Cleaners. Phone 1918-W. 508 East William St. WANTED-Student as salesman for good line. $10.00 a week and com- missions to start with. Apply in writing to H. F., care Daily. WANTED -Arclerical assistantship in some department of the University by student stenographer and typist. Call Lounsbury, 2316-J. WANTED-An experienced man, as rubber during football season. Ap- ply at Aathletic Association, Ann_ Arbor Press Building. WANTED - Pleasant room in ex- change with 2 or 3 nights a week._ 1037 Baldwin Ave. Phone 2123-M. WANTED-A young man of good char-I acter would like a room in a pri- vate family. Write Box V. R. WANTED-Club of upperclassmen; to C board for the school year, by wom- an of wide experience. Box B. B.I WANTED-Good bass soloist wantedl for church work. Apply 312 S. Di- vision St. Phone 212-J.I WANTED - Private boarding house: near campus for ten instructors. Write Box AA, Daily.y WANTED-High prices paid for your old clothes. Phone 1981-W and will call at you rconvenience. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Modern six room house, fine S. E. location. Beautifully de- corated, clean, ready to occupy. $3,000 down and monthly payments. Telephone owner, 1600-J. FOR SALE-Enigneer's drawing set, complete, slightly used - extra boards, T-square, triangle, etc. Call Kief 1013-J or 311 E. Ann St., eve- nings. FOR SALE-Buscher E flat Baritone and B fiat Tenor Saxophones, like new, with cases. C. E. Gilbert, 319 N. Main St. FOR SALE - 1920 Buick Roadster in A-1 condition. A bargain to quick buyer. Call after 6:30 P. M., 1207 Prospect. FOR SALE - Gibson Mando-Cello. Practically new, fair price. Over- land Garage. Phone 2440, evenings. FOR SALE-Complete set of Spauld- ing left handed golf sticks with bag. 1325 Olivia Ave. Phone 1705-R. FOR SALE-Drawing outfit, Smith's inorganic Chem. text and Zoology lab. manual. Phone 1170-J. FOR SALE - Ford speester in first class condition. Easy terms. 114 N. Ingalls. Phone 855-J. FOR SALE-Set of mechanical draw- ing tools, boards, triangle. Call 663-.W. FOR RENT -POR RENT-Attractive suite for two within two blocks of the campus, well equipped, all modern. conven- ieiices. 725 Haven Ave., near Hill. Phone 2574. 4 FOR RENT-Boy's dormitory; twelve beds in excellent condition. Ideal study room. Moderate price. Call at side entrance, 522 Monroe St. FOR RENT-A light, airy suite for two girls, close to campus. Espec- ially clean and well furnished. Phone 627. A. Simpson. Regulation gymnasium clothes, pro- perly marked, should be in the lock- ers by Wednesday, October 20. 11 catering Girls having gymnasium classes on Thursday should appear for their first class on Thursday, Oct. 21, at Bar- I bour gymnasium, to sign up for an outdoor sport. All girls who have classes on Friday should come at their assigned period on Friday, Oct. 22. L6ckers will be given out daily from 9 to 12 and from 2 to 5 o'clock at Barbour gymnasium; on Saturdays, from 9 to 12 o'clock only. All junior advisers are requested to consult the lists posted in Barbour gymnasium in order to learn the names of their freshmen. The supper to which all freshmen women have been invited by the Jun- ior advisers is to take place on Mon- day, Oct. 11, instead of Oct. 6, ac- cording to an announcement made yesterday by Carol McDonald, m22, chairman. Each sophomore should leave a schedule of her classes at the office of the physical director in Barbour gymnasium. All girls who are interested in oc- cupational therapy, who have had trainigg in it and want to continue the, work, see Hulda Bancroft at Newberry hall. An important meeting of the board of directors of the Women's League will be held at 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning, Oct. 9, in the board room in Barbour gymnasium. Members of the board are urged to be present. Shop tools and Lab. supplies at Wahr's University Book Stores.-Adv. Martha Washington Candies. Tice's Drug Store. 117 S. Main St.-Adv. Engineer's Supplies at Wahr's Uni- versity Book Stores.-Adv. The "STANDARD" Loose-Leaf Notes at Wahr's University Book Stores.-Adv. Shop tools and Lab. supplies at Wahr's University Book Stores.-Adv. Engineer's Supplies at Wahr's Uni- versity Book Stores.-Adv. MISCELLANE OUS PARTY WHO picked up pocketbook in Medical building Tuesday morn- ing, is known and will avoid arrest by. returning to Secretary's office within twenty-four hours. PRIVATE Boarding house opened at 445 East Universit. Strictly home cooking. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Sigma Phi Epsilon badge. Re- ward. Return to 604 E. Madison. TO Student Trade " announce THEIR OPENING AT 8 0 5 EAST HURON STREET THE UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SOCIETY ANNOUNCES TWO SPLENDID CONCERT COURSES Hill Auditorium Ann Arbor CHORAL UNION SERIES Oct. 29-METROPOLITAN OPERA SEXTETTE Giovanni Martinelli and Guiseppe Corallo, Tenors Nina Morgana and Marie Rappold, Sopranos Helena Marsh, Contralto EXTRA CONCERT SERIES Nov. 4--ALBERT SPALDING, Viollnist Nov. 13--UNITED STATES MARINE BAND Capt. W. H. Santelman, Conductor Arthur Whitcomb, Cornetist Dec. 2-PERCY GRAINGER, Pianist Jan. 10-FLONZALEY STRING QUARTET Nov. Dec. Thomas Chalmers, Bass 11-SERGEI RACHMANINOFF, Pianist 13-JAN KUBELIK, Violinist Adolfo Betti, 1st Violin Alfred Pochon, 2nd Violin VANTED-A violinist for dance work.' Thorough experience necessary. Call FOR RENT-Two front rooms, suit- 1-able for two in each. Light, airy, and well heated. Enquire at 608 E. VANTED-Students washing, 110 N. William, second floor. Ingalls. Phone 2569. _______. P____________9FOR RENT-Heated furnished flat, 4 LOST AND FOUND or 5 rooms. Also rooms, single and OST-Will second year Mechanical suites for men, 908 Monroe St. Engineer who borrowed my foun- ,FOR RENT-Double room. Well heat- tain pen in Room 229 at classifica- ed. Second floor. 1012 E. Univer- tion, please return same to K. A. sity. Price $8.00 per weew. Lawrence;1330 Wilmot St.- Jan. 24-DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Conductor Feb. 24-MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Emil Oberhoffer, Conductor Mar. 7-DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Conductor Marcia VanDresser, Soprano TICKETS: $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00 (Patrons Tickets: First-Choice, $7.00) Louis Bailly, Viola Iwan D'Archambeau, 'Cello Feb. 28-NEW YORK CHAMBER 1IUSIV SOCIETY Carolyn Beebe, Director and Pianist (1Musicians) TICKETS: $2,00 - $2,50 OST-Book. Lyon's corporation Fi- nance. Left on desk at F. &. M. Bank, Tuesday. Reward. Call Bogue, 870-R. OST-Saturday, a Caryatedes Soror- ity Pin. Initials on back. Reward. OUND - Fountain Pen 'in Arcade Postoffice. Call Falvey, 871-M. FOR RENT-Two extra good suites, one block from campus. 616 Church. Phone 907-R. FOR RENT-Fine large suite with two single beds; one block from cam- pus. Girls. 911 Monroe. FOR RENT-Single room for rent for lady. 312 S. Division St. Phone 212-J. Public Sale of Choral Union Tickets,.Saturday, October 16. Public Sale of Extra Concert Series Tickets, Monday, November 1. All mail orders for either course will be filled in advance in order of receipt. For complete announcement, please address, CHARLES A. SINK, SECRETARY ft. . . ..,.« - . w. I I THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK aims to be of utmost service to all its depositors It is the largest bank in the county and has grown to over $5,000,000 resources in its more than a half century of existence. I.- CARE OF FUNDS I 1. Two-thirds of the checking accounts of transients are 3. Overdrafts are forbidden by law. carried by us at an actual loss. 4. Your EARNEST CO-OPERATION will obviate our re- 2. We ask you to help reduce this loss by drawing no small verting to the custom of a monthly charge for carrying small checks. Come into the bank and draw enough cash to pay forny what you buy in a half dozen places instead of giving a check TRANSIENT ACCOUNTS. for each purpose. A small check is one under $10.00. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK. We solicit your business. Main Office, North West Corner of Main and Huron Streets Branch Office, 707 North University Ave. 11 mm I''