THE WEATHER FAIR AND SLIGHTLY WARMER TODAY / v4Ra gaitt ASSOCIATED PRESS VA:aNil) NI II IE SEll VICE? OL XXX. No. 1. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1920 PRICE THREE C aNROLLMENT WILL NEAR 11,00( 1 GRHIDIRON AI O MICIANCOACH INE POSITIONS CAUSING YOST ROME TROUBLE AT PRESENT THREE WEEKS OF STIFF PLAY ALREADY PAST rHurry Up" Driving Men Hard in Hope of Retrieving Laurels Lost Last Season Michigan is making every effort to wipe out the blot of last year's grid- iron defeats on her football escutcheon by revenging herself on the teamb that humiliated her a year ago. Three weeks of the hardest kind of practice have already slipped by witb the result that Coach Yost has select- e d some 30 huskies from which num- her will be picked the team on which the Wolverine followers will pin their faith. No rash predictions are being' made, nor is any over-confidence ir evidence. Every man from "Hurry- Up" on down, realizes that the task before them is an overwhelming one and that the only way of accomplish- ing it is to work doggedly day after day. In order to beat teams like Illi- nois, Ohio, Chicago, and Minnesota the Wolyerines will have to turn out one of the strongest elevens ever pro- duced, for there is no doubt that Illi- nois, in particular, will have 'one of. the greatest teams ever seen in the West. Backield Material Good As the situation now appears, Yost is better off for backfield men than linemen. There are at least eight cap- able candidates for the backfield jobs. whereas there are not more than 12 or 13 first class men for the forward wall. It had been hoped that Harold dye, whose leg was broken above the knee in the Ohio State game last fall, would be back at end this fall, but he recently decided to accept a posi- tion in Chicago instead of returning to the University. Jack Dun ..seems to have the call for the quarter back job. Those who remember his work on the freshman team in 1916 and on the senior lit team of last year will not be surpris- ed to hear that Jack is showing a great brand of open field running, as well as handling the team well and doing deadly tackling on the defense. Banks, who played on the freshman team last year is the second choice for quarter. Hie is "a slight lad with plenty of fight who runs the ends well. Andrews and Wheeler are two more likely looking helmsmen. Cohn Plunging Well ,For Halves Yost has several good men to pick from. Abe Cohn, acting captain in 1918 during the S. A. T. C. period, is plunging through the line as well as ever and seems to be pretty certain of landing a position. Ed Usher and Jack Perrin, both of whom played in 1918, are again carrying the pigskin in good shape. Nelson, a now man who possesses an enviable rec- ord on a divisional team overseas is another man who is making a bid for a position behind the line. He is fast and shifty and is a great asset on the defense. (Continued on page three) GAINES, 21E, HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT LeGrand A. Gaines, Jr., '21E, busi- ness manager of The Daily and pres- ident of the'student council, was bad- ly injured during the summer in an automobile collision at Texarkana, Tex. While driving his car, Gaines ran head on into another car which turned a corner directly in front of him, and in the crash his right leg was fractured two inches below the hip. Gaines expects to return Saturady to Ann Arbor, and although he will be forced to use crutches most of the winter, will take up at once his stud- ies and his campus activities. MICHIGAN BEINS ADVISORY SYSTEM Aims to Assist First Year Mel to Become True Representatives of the University JACOBS AND 40 AIDS TO HEAD COMMITTEE In an effort to foster the family spirit among Mihigan men the Union has appointed 400 upperclassmen to act as advisers to the incoming class of '24. It is planned to assign three or four freshmen to each adviser and it will be the business of these upper- classmen to see that the Michigan ideals are instilled in the new stu- dents. In line with this aim, each "big. brother" will call upon the freshmen assigned at least once every two weeks, and these calls will be the means of teaching Michigan to the first year men. Detailed preparations have been made to insure the success of the movement. Albert C. Jacobs, 12, has been named general chairman of the committee conducting the work, and he. has 40 assistants who will super- vise the 400 upperclassmen advisers. This system has been'adopted be- cause of the fact that the rapid growth -of the University in the past few years has rendered necessary some method to prevent the first year men from becoming "lost in the shuf- fe." The Union desires to preserve that enthusiasm which made the new students want to come to Michigan. "The typical freshman who comes here is enthusiastic over the great university of the West," said A. C, Jacobs yesterday, (Continued on page ten) STUDENT WORK AND RATES CATALOGUED BY COMMITTEE Rates and suggestions for student girls who wish to earn money have been compiled by a committee con- sisting of Mrs. Karpinski, a woman student, and Dean Myra B. Jordan. The position of "helper" in a private home is suggested as easy to combine with the college curriculum. Various sorts of work and reasonable pay for such services are suggested, as well as the amount of service required to pay for a moderate priced room and board. For full particulars girls should consult Miss Marguerite Chapin, '20, assistant to the Dean of Women, in Barbour gymnasium. Indian Consul Dies on Way to Post Grand Rapids, Oct. 4.-James Al- wood Smith, consul general to India, died at Monte Carlo, Sept. 29, enroute to his post, according to word receiv- ed here Sunday from the state de- partment by his brother, Dr. Richard R. Smith. No details of his death are known, save that it followed a hem- orrhage of the brain. Michigan Men Write Broadway Play Albert Weeks, '10, dramatic critic of the Detroit News, and author of the book and lyrics of the 1918 Union opera "Let's Go," has written a vehi- cle for Nora Bayes, entitled "Her Family Tree." Seymour Simons, '16, has written the music for the play, which at present is showing in the east. ROOMING-PROBLEM SOLVED THROUGH UNION COMMITTEE MICHIGAN MORALE MANY NEW ROOMS NOW TO BE AVAILABLE AND EKED RATES FOUND LOW- UNIVERSITY PROVIDES TEMPORARY QUARTERS Claim Made That Many Contracts Broken by Landladies; Adiunis- tration to Back Students Fear that many of the students en- tering the University fr the coming semester would be unable to get rooming accommodations was dis- pelled yesterday when 30 more rooms were phoned !to the Union rooming committee. With this in- crease in the number of available rooms, it becomes still more neces- sary for all landladies desiring to rnt their rooms to list them with the Union committee. Rates Take Drop Besides the increase in the number of rooms on the lists at the Union there has been a general decrease in the price which is being charged for accommodations. Much of the trouble in getting rooms in the earlie part of the year, in the opinion of members of the com- mittee, was due to the attitude of cer- tain landladies who were induced by real estate agents to come to Ann Arbor, buy a house and take in room- ers. These women held out for an ex- orbitant rent while those who were taking in students as an accommo- dation as much as anything, in most cases, placed their rent at a more reasonable figure. Housing Comnmnittee Responsible The good condition in which the rooming situation now is, despite the large enrollment in the University, is due in large measure to the Union housing committee. President Marion L. Burton, feeling that it was the duty of the University to see to it that all students entering the University, se- cured rooms appointed Col. Joseph Bursley to take charge of the commit- tee. Emerson Swart, '22, was ap- pointed student chairman. (Continued on page four) President ANeets Class of '24 at Union Reeption Between 750 and 800 freshmen were' presented to Pres.Marion L. Burton at a reception held last night in the Assembly hall of the Union. This op- ened a series of informal class get- togethers which will be held to en- able the men of the University to be- come acquainted with its new presi- dent. Members of the junior class will be given an opportunity to meet Presi- dent Burton from 7:30 to 8:45 o'clock tonight, and on Wednesday night, the seniors and Thursday night the sophomores. It is the urgent deire of the Un- ion, which is behind the project, that every man avail himclf of this op portunity to meet President Burton. Paul Eaton, '21, president of the Un- ion, introduced President Burton who expressed hiz ;leasure at meeting personally the incoming class. Tak- ing, as the substance of his theme, the saying, "If tickets to Europe were as cheap as advice, we'd all go abroad,' the President made mention of the abundance of instruction which was being heaped upon the new comers. He recommended that all advice be taken-but not too seriously; and he suggested that the cock sure type of freshman suspend his judgment at least temporarily. X. C. Fuller Returns to Ann Arbor R. C. Fuller, of the firm of Haller and Fuller, has returned to his home in this city after spending the sum- mer in Chicago, where he has been attending the University of Optom t- ry, taking up post graduate work. . .Asked by The Michigan Daily to say a word officially to Michigan stu- dents, President Marion L. Burton gave the following message: The University of Michigan has always been famous, among other things, for the fine spirit which has prevailed upon the campus. For some reason this institution has commanded not only respect and appreciation but also loyalty and enthusiasm from its students. Wherever one goes throughout the country he meets large groups of Michigan Alumni eager to demonstrate their devotion to this University. Michigan morale has always run high, Morale in some way is related to courage, confidence, and zeal. THE CENTURY DICTIONARY says that it is ."used especially of a body of men engaged in a hazardous enterprise." If morale is a necessity in the Army or Navy, it certainly must be essential to the conduct of a great university. Our life here may not have in it the same dramatic elements as war, nor grip the imagination in exactly the same way, but the interests at stake are mighty and the hazards are tremendous. Here we deal with the most valuable things in life. Nothing is so sacred and inviolate as personality. This enterprise in which we are engaged has marvelous possibilities for both good and evil. Henry Adams put his finger on an element of truth when he said that "the chief wonder of educaton is that it does not ruin everybody concerned in it, teachers and taught." The results will depend very largely upon the kind of morale which the students develop and main- tain, Buildings and equipment are essential in real university work. Excel- lent teachers are a necessity. The single element, however, which will determine results more than anything else is morale. Witness the accom- plishments of the A, . F. University in France. Buildings were barren, laboratories were poorly equipped, libraries were meagre, but a fine spirit prevailed and excellent results followed. In war and in peace, achieve- ment waits upon the fine moral pulse of the community. Michigan traditions require of us today that nothing shall be permit- ted to lower our morale, The rapid, if not alarming, growth of the Uni- verstj conipes us to guard with jealous care the line of the institution. It is no easy test which we shall meet this year. Undue growth makes inevitably for disorganization and disruption. Our emphasis must be al- ways upon the University as a whole. Its interests are paramount. Or- ganizations of all kinds are to be encouraged and commended just in so far as they recognize clearly and quickly that University interests belong first. Even undue emphasis upon the separate college or department tends to weaken the morale of the whole institution. Just as fine national unity must not be sacrflced to local autonomy so all of us must insist upon the University taking procedure over any of its parts. The greatest enemies of morale, however, are those students who for some unaccountable reason set their own petty concerns above the common good, who are marked by a complete lack of interest in university affairs, and who by 4words and deeds bring discredit upon their Alma Mater. We must be very jealous for the fair name of Michigan. This loyalty will ex- press itself in a variety of forms. We shall be concerned for the appear- ance of our buildings and grounds. We shall not encourage a spirit which minimizes the primary importance of university work or pretends. to dis- courage all serious intellectual discussion. We shall insist upon conduct which is. in keeping with the accepted standards of the community. As cit- izens, we shall demand instant and full obedience to the letter and spirit of the laws of the land. Morale can only grow and thrive where the students have a great vision of what their university must be and become. Consequently, what Michi- gan is to be depends upon you. You must organize and maintain the agen- cies and channels through which morale can be developed and can express itself, The issue which Michigan students face this year more seriously than ever before is this: Shall we, in spite of the growth of the University, maintain the true Michigan spirit or shall we permit it to be said that this student generation was unequal to the occasion? I know the answer to that question. I am perfectly confident that we shall have a finer spirit of unity, and more genuine enthusiasm for our University than ever be- fore. Every force that separates and divides us must be banished. Every influence that makes for cohesion and mutual understanding must be fos- tered. Michigan morale will rise to meet the test which unusual conditions impose upon us. M. L. BURTON. EAHRY STIMTES ASUREICAS CONTRARY TO FORMER EXPERI- ENCE, EARLY REGISTRATION HEAVIEST THIS YEAR ALL COLLEGES SHOW REGISTRATION GAINS Freshman Enrollment Shows De- crease Compared With That of Class of 192 Judging by the 7,749 students who had registered in the University up to last night it is estimated that the enrollment for this year, including last summer session, will near 11,000. Registrar Arthur G. Hall, when asked for his estimate of the total, placed it at 10,500 which is about 1,000 more than last year. Accurate Estimate Difficult An accurate estimate of what th total will be this year is made more- difficult by the fact that, unlike previ- ous years, the early registration has been by far the heaviest. However the only day which ran under the corresponding day last year was yes- terday when 100 fewer registered. The literary class of 1924 will be slightly smaller than the freshman class of last year according to Regis- trar Hall, who places this year's fresh- man delegation at 1,600 while last year's freshmen numbered 1,700, the largest class in the history of the University. This loss is made up by the other classes. Dr. Hall attributes this decrease to the large number of reports which were circulated saying that the rooming situation at the Uni- versity was desperate and that in ad- dition to this the University was in- tending to turn away freshmen. 254, Engineering Increase In all colleges present registrations: Point to increase over last year. Ones thousand nine hundred and eighty-- (Continued on page 14) PROF, DEMMOM IEs Professor-Emeritus Isaac Newton Demmon, for nearly 50 years a mem- her of the literary faculty of the Uni- versity, died at his Ann Arbor home last Wednesday after a lingering ill- ness. Professor Demmon was, at his own request, retired from the faculty on Feb. 20 of last year, at which time he was made professor emeritus. Was Oldest in Service At the time of his retirement Pro- fessor Demmon held the distinction of being, in point of years. the second oldest living member of the Univer- sity faculty, but his eligibility to the title of Michigan's oldest faculty mem- ber in point of service, came from the fact that he was appointed to a pro fessorship before Prof. Wooster W. Beman, his only contender for the title. Isaac Newton Demmon was born August 19, 1842, at Northfield, Ohio, and was the eldest son of Leon- ard and Nancy Demmon. His grandfather, whose family had been among the early settlers in the Con- necticut valley, had moved in 1816 to New York state and in 1838 Leonard, the son, had settled on the Western reserve. Received Pioneer Training Later, having acquired lands near Kendallville, Ind., he moved there and established a farm and it was here that Isaac Demmon received his share in the experiences of pioneer life. It was here also that he received his prelimavy schooling. His work in his studies was of such a high standard, that at the age of 15 he was prepared to enter the Univer- sity of Michigan. The farm could not spare him at that time, however, and it was not until six years later, 1863, that he began his collegiate work at what is now known as Butler college in Indianapolis. (Continued on page seven)- CHIMES PLANS APPEAL TO CAMPUS- AT LARGE (L. A. K.) Chimes, the All-campus opinion magazint which successfully com- pleted its first year's run last spring, will this month enter upon its second season of publication with a program touching more varied interests than ever before. The first issue will come out about Oct. 15 and will be found to contain articles of very general in- terest to the campus at large. First and foremost, there will be an article by Pres. Marion uL. Rurton en- titled "The Quest of Quality." Every man or woman on the campus ought to be interested in knowing what the aims and ideals of our president are and what he proposes to do here at Michigan, and in this article President Burton endeavors to lay before the student body his creed for Michigan upbuilding. It is an article every Michigan man or woman should read and is made more unusual by the fact that this is the first time any Mich- igan president has made public his opinions or aims through a campus magazine. (Continued on Page Four) New Latin Course Announced Prof. Crittenden announces a new course, Latin la, for men especially interested in law, history, or political science. Four years of high school Latin, or two years of high school Lati4 and Courses A and B in the Un- iversity, are pre-requisite. BURTON FAVORS LITTLE CONTROL OF ACTIVITIES That the students should have con- trol of their activities as far as possi- ble is one of the things for which the new administration will strive said President Marion L. Burton yester- day, in commenting on a few of the policies of the new administration. So long as the students conduct their affairs properly they will not be in- terfered with as the President hopes to reduce outside pressure on student activities to a minimum. In speaking of the R. O. T. C. at Michigan he said that he felt that it should never be placed on a compul- sory basis. "I do not think that much can ever come of infantry units," said President Burton. "However, much can be accomplished by technical di- visions such as the signal corps. The Dental school has also applied for a unit. The President also expressed him- self as heartily in favor of dormi- tories for men. "However," he said, "the building of dormitories can nev- er change the fraternity status at Michigan". Welsh Miners Out on Strike London, Oct. 4.-More than 210,- 000 Welsh coal miners struck today. They refused te accept the settlement whlcn it was believa sterday would avert the strike- DIRECTORY CHANGE$ MUST BE IN OCT. 8 All corrections, changes in ad- dress and telephone numbers must be in at the office of the Students' Directory by Oct. 9. Names of people in fraterni- ties, sororities, dormitories and house clubs, together with the telephone numbers and address- j es of these- organizations, offic- ers of sectional clubs, honorary societies, etc., with their tele- I phone numbers must also be in E at the Directory office by Oct. .