'Ii r ANOTHER CAMERON BELIEVES WORK OF AUTHOR APTLY TERM- ED "ASCENT," NOT' "DESCENT" Editor, The Michigan Daily I read H. A. Cameron's recent con- tribution on Darwinism with consid- erable appreciation of its naivete. His statements, however, indicate an ab- solute unfamiliarity with the charact- er of this doctrine's author. Mr. Bry- an said, or at least implied, that Dar- win was an atheist and his doctrine atheism. H. A. C. agrees with him. Let them both read the following sen- tenc9 Impiety Hard to Apply Here "There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creat- or into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycl- ing on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved." These are the closing lines of the "Origin of Species." Are they the thoughts of an atheist? Could im- piety be read into such words? If H. A. C will not apply evolution- ary principles to physical things, he cannot logicallytdo so to matters mor- al and spiritual. I would like to re- mind him that all Camerons-I am a Locheil myself-claim a common or- igin, and they can boast of many illus- trious members of their clan. But I have ascertained that we can trace our ancestors further back, through a long line of banaits, cutthroats, sheep- stealers and pirates, to one Angus Cameron, a half-barbarian Celtic ad- venturer. This Angus, sailing from the north of Ireland, landed on the coast' of Caledonia with a band of fol- lowers, and took possession of the sec- tion now occupied by our clan, pil- laging the land, and putting to the sword or enslaving its Pictish defend- ers. Further back, history is silent concerning the Cameron-perhaps his deeds were too dark to relate-and the trail which leads to the ape pass- es. from my ken. "Poe's World or Our Own?" No, brother Cameron, I'm afraid you have bet on the wrong horse. Rather than "The Descent of Man," that great SCHUBERT D ETROIT Walter Hamipden in SHAKESPEARES PLAYS A R R 1 c DETROIT A. H. Woods presents B tRNEY BERNARD is "is Honor, Abe Potash" work of a great man might more aptly have been entitled, "The Ascent of Man." It is infinitely easier to place your trust in an Omnipotent Being, if you feel that through his marvellous, unchanging laws you are ascending- up from the ape if you will, up from the pirate and the cutthroat whether you will or no--the body, the mind and the spirit going ever upward-- than if you believe in the chaotic, meaningless world that Poe describes: "With its phantom chased for ever- more, By a crowd that seize it npt, Through a circle ever returning in To the Self-same spot." N. C. '28. 9NLY "ACE" IN MICHIGAN TO ADDRESS AERO CLUB TONIGHT Students who were in the air serv- lce during the war will meet at 7:3 0 o'clock tonight at the Union fdr a get-together. Ken Porter, ex-'19E, Michigan's only "ace," who won the D. S. C. and croi de guerre, is listed' 1or an informal talk.' The Aero club, which is backing the gathering, calls for all ex-R. A. C.'s, flying fish, and ground aces to attend. Personal experiences, real and im- sginary, will make up the evening's A-PPROPRIATIONS MA HEALTH SERVIC Appropriations have made for the establishi scription department of service in a special roo pose on the first floor at of the Natural Science b Dr. Forsythe yesterday will be equipped in th Plans are now in the building and grounds c The new room will b the dispensary hourso service, thus handlingr than can be accommoda present system. SPANISH SOCIETY TC ELECTION 0 The Sociedad Hispan tonight at 7:30 o'clock south wing, to elect o the electoir, there will hour, during which, pla quet and a dance will Senor Willey, faculty ad a short address. Members of the societ sons interested in Span to attend. program. Dr. Charles de Nanerede Dr. Charles de Nancr Freshmen Can Receive Union Pins emeritus of surgery in Students wishing to sigf in the school, is seriously ill 'nembership book of the Union, and 900 Forest avenue. freshmen who have not yet received their buttons, may now apply at any I Use the advertising co time during the day or evening at the Michigan Daily to reac main desk in the lobby of the Union. Ann Arbor's buyers.-A TODAY ONLY U a Po ofe "The Poin t of Vie AllSO -E MICHIGAN DAIL Y PAGE SE DE FOR 1r1 1 n[11r111 1iilrEUl1lu1111111111111H 111116111111 lE ADDITION already been ng of the pre- the Health m for this purToda the north end uilding, stated r. This room e near future.r hands of the ommittee. e open during ~O :eztn uring i as.Kay i The VillageSluth" of the Health more students -= ®M 0 R R 0 w andIT H U R SD A Y ted under the _- k ,a y+j .+,ee 'S"^n + F OFFICERSThe story of a girl who married to please her family J ica will meet=,_ u icawil mt 4 and loved to please her- in room 401, fficers. After _ selfI be a social e ns for a ban- C n be discussed. half a visrwil gve Crowding into ha an visor, will give = \,A y and all per- ish are urged sensations than most of us -, know in all our years. Seriously Ill J Cdo1 L. ede, professor 1 K p the Medical=r at his home, I Aumns of The l the best of11 dv. rr r ~ r! = AN ng ~ ili+ - . .r. - p.- 'UII~ lllip l111Jlillllllllll-llillllit4J.PlilllllllllU I11I111111I lllllll.111i1p 1 111J "Pirate Gold" AND "Blazi Amiti( WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY PRISCILLA DE -IN- "The Virgin of Stamb( I - WlU E R T H- LAST TIME TODAY Bebe Daniels LAST SHOWS TODAY IN Hous DETERS [013151 atd "You Never Can Tell" A GAY BACidELOR PARTYT ThE NIOWT --THIS HIS WEDDING DAY, -AND A STPANGE BABY ON HIS WANDS I I Harold Lloyd I IN f. "GET OUT and GET UNDER" DOI BLAME THE STORK" DON" HARRY GRIBBON TEDDY AND THE"CHRISTJE.FOLLIES GIRLS Extra Feature also Topics - Orchestra Miss Adeline Linnell (in person) - s? x Daily Shows i 2:00, 3:30, 7 :00,, 8:30 Matinee - 25e Evening: Adults-35e Riddles -10c Presenting Glimpses of your Favorite Screen Star COMING JAMES O IVER CVRWOOD'S TOMORROW" NOMADS OF THE TNORT H" I 7i