THE MI SAN DA _. _ . . Classical Club Initiates 83 Thirty-five students were taken in- to the Classical club at the first ini- tiation of the year held Friday night in the parlors of Barbour gymn.- sium. Following the initiation an informal party in honor of the new members was held. Reduction Sale of PTlulinery COMMENCING TUESDAY, NOV. 16. Wjtomen The Y. W. C. A. Forum for today will be held at 4 o'clock at Newberry hall. Topic, "Campus Problems;" Katrina Schermerhorn, '21, chairman. The publicity committee "Y" tea room will meet at this afternoon at Newberry for the 4 o'clock hall. I Lot at. 1 Lot at.. 1 Lot at.. 1 Lot at.. .........$15.00 0 0 0 0 0 .0. 10.00 7.50 5.00 This sale does not include Fur Hats, Feather Hats, nor Metallic Hats DANA RICHARDSON 115 E. LIBERTY STREET PHOTOGRAPHS The Super-Gift FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY PHONE 604W QualSy by PHO0TO G R AP H Y 6 STUDIO Convenient 9 E. LIBERTY To The Campus ]HIS THIS COLUMN COLUMN CLOSES GLUScS AT3PM DVERTISINGAPM. There will be a meeting of the Girls' Educational club at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at Betsy Barbour house. Women may obtain materials for the Red Cross campaign from 4 to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon from Haz-, el Whitling, '21, chairman, at Barbour] gymnasium.] Regular rehearsal of the Athenai Literary society will be held prompt- ! ly at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the Al-1 pha Nu room. Michigan Dames will give a pot-.. luck supper at 8 o'clock tonight in Lane hall. The picture of the Freshman spread committee will be taken at 12 o'clock Thursday, Nov. 18, at Corbitt and Hamilton's studio on State street. All girls taking light gymnasium work will meet regularly at 4 o'clock on Mondays and 9 o'clock on Wed- nesdays. All girls who cannot be present at these times should make special arrangements with Miss Wood at once. The senior Junior hockey game will be played at 4 o'cloc Wednesday aft- ernoon, Nov. 17. The freshman-soph- omore game will be played at 4 o'clock Friday, Nov. 19. The Y. W. C. A. will hold open forum at 4:30 o'clock Wednesday aft- ernoon, Nov. 17. Prof. David Friday will speak on "Women as Citizens." The publicity committee and so- cial committee of the Women's league will meet at 5 o'clock Wednesday at the home of the social chairman, Theo- dosia Burton. Every member should be present. Those who have signed for the play- ground course will meet at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 17, to set the day and hour for a regular class. Those who have signed for basket- ball will meet at the same time. There will be a meeting of Masques at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday in Barbour gymnasium. A demonstration of pup- pet plays will be given. Toy-Shop Revives Doll Making Art "Toy-shop," a recent enterprise of the Y. W. C. A., will open its doors every afternoon this week to those who wish to revive the art of doll making and at the same time play the part of fairy god-mother to the hospital children. Scrap books, the ever popular rag dolls and other home made toys are in great demand at both the Univer- sity and Homoeopathic hospitals and to supply this need, "Toy-Shop," un- der the direction of Norma Judson, '22, has been opened. Every month 60 dolls are needed, and the Y. W. C. A. has not been able to supply the need as yet. Opportunity to learn how to make the toys will be given from 2 to 5 o'clock every day this week in Newberry hall. 250 PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS ENROLL More than 250 students, 42 of them men, and 209 women, have enrolled with the appointment committee as prosective teachers. Since Monday, Nov. 15, was the last regular day for enrollment, students who apply later than this date, will be asked to pay a fee of .1 Not yet too late to join the day or evening classes at the School of Short- hand. 711 No. Univ. Ave.-Adv. PUPPET PLAYS -SUBJECT OF LECTURE TO MASQUES MASQUES PLANS SERIES OF ADDRESSES ON DRAMATICS Puppet plays will be discussed and demonstrated by Mrs. Bradley M. Davis, a Smith college graduate, at a meeting of Masques at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon in Sarah Caswell An- gell hall. This is the first of a series of talks on the various phases of dramatics which will form a part of Masques' educational program for the year. Mrs. Davis will show how puppets are made and manipulated and will play a part of "Midsummer Night's Dream" with them. Masques, as an organization, is as- sisting in the project of interesting a group of women in organizing a pup- pet theater at Michigan. Mrs. Davis' address will be made in the interest of bringing Tony Sarg's marionette theater to Ann Arbor in January. The meeting will be open to any women who are interested. Type writers for rent at the School of Shorthand, 711 No. Univ. Ave.-Adv. For live progressive up-to-date ad- vertising use The Michigan Daily.- Adv. SPALDING SWEATERS Warm and com- fortable with free arm movement. Spaldingsweatersn are garments for ill-around use- =or everybody- nen and women. ust right for all manner of out. door wear. SEND M R CATALOOUL A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 211 S. State St., Chicago, 11L PHONE 166 TRUBEY 218 SOUTH MAIN QUALITY ICE CREAM Caters to Fraternities and Sororities "EAT AT THE CASTLE" Cor. Hill and State STRICTLY HOME-COOKED MEALS $5.50 MEAL TICKET FOR $5.00 REGULAR BOARDERS $7.00 PER WEEK I ,A P' _ ___ __ Notice: Private Canoe Owners DOUGLAS COURTENAY will payr $15,000 Reward' for the infornation as to the whereabouts of the "BRANDED WOMAN" YOUR LAST CHANCE to remove articles from the lock- ers at Saunders' Canoe Livery, We will be here from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. every day until Monday evening, November 22. After that date it will be impossible to get into the lockers until April 1, 1921. We will positively refuse to admit anyone to the Private Canoe Sheds until April 1, 1921. SAUNDERS' CANOE LIVERY U THE MICHIGAN STATE TELEPHONE COMPANY Is organizing classes to teach the handling of local and Long Distance Calls. The work is partic- ularly interesting as it consists of completing calls not only within the city, but to many other cities in Michigan and other states. THE SALARIES ARE ATTRACTIVE Information concerning these classes can be secured at The Telephone Office VAN'S LUNCHI Where they all go I I 1116 So. University Ave.. I Typewriters RENTED SOLD Typewriting and Multigi aphing Done HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE STATE and WILLIAM STS. Lyndon & Company - EST. 1905 719 North University Avenue KODAKERS -HERE'S YOUR FIRST STOP - RIGHT. HERE AT THE STORE We specialize in Developing and Print- ing,and Enlarging Flashlights = EASTMAN KODAKS AND EASTMAN FILMS (ALWAYS FRESH) M,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, LOST AND FOUND LOST--Saturday on Division St. near William, gentleman's gold wrist watch, American movement. $5.00 reward. Address W. A. Bowers, 226 W. Ridgeland Ave., Oak Park, Ill. 36-3 LOST-Gruen wristlet watch between the Majestic theater and 1520 S. Un- iversity, Thursday evening. Reward offered. Call 2325. 37-3 LOST-Black Maribean scarf Satur- day evening between corner of Wil- liam St. andS. 4th and Hill Audi- torium. Call 522-R. 37-2 LOST-10 in. K. & E. Slide Rule. Name in gold on leather case, also in- itials on runner. Finder please call 2574. Reward. Robert Everett. :37-2 LOST-Watch chain with two lab keys attached. Floyd O. Brown, 523 E. Washington. Phine 810. 37-3 LOST - Green leather pocketbook. Last week. Return 604 So. State. Initials S. E. W. 37-3 LOST-Taupe Fox fur at or in Univer- sity Hosptial. Finder please call 2645-M. 37 LOST-Leather covered notebook in Union Billiard room. Call C. F. Tro- jer, 2420-J. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Warm front suite, reas- onable. Avaiiablefor occupancy Nov. 15. 518 Hill St. 34-3 FOR RENT -Double room, newly furnished brick house, steam heat. 915 E. Ann St. 35-3 FOR RENT-Large single room for rent. 1724-J. 35-3 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Black leather, reversible tweed coat, three-quarter length, very reasonable. Call 2577-J and ask for Didier. 36-2 FOR SALE-Antique mahogany finish- ed walnut settee, upholstered with imported mulberry velour. 612 Law- rence. Telephone 847. 36-2 FOR SALE-Dress suit in first class condition. Price Twenty dollars. Size 37 or 38. Call at buisness of- fice of Daily at 1 o'clock any day. 37 FOR SALE-Old German Violin. C. Beny, 1317 Washtenaw. 87-2 MISCELLA NEOU IS THOSE STUDENTS wishing washing done, please drop card to Robert Barnard, R. R. 8, Ann Arbor,- and washing will be called for. 37-5 HIGHEST PRICES paid for your old clothes. Phone 1981-W and we will call at your convenience. 27-12 _111111111111111111111111l1tlIIII1lIII1IlI1lI1lII1 I fgMy Dairy lunch:~ i 8 Our food is the best w- - Our prices are right S7 A. M. T P.M. 5 P. M. TO 7 P. M. ~ w s - a s - SUNDAYS 8 A.M. TO 7:30P.M. w - S512 EAST WILLAM STREET = i -lillililllfliin liili Good Writers for Every Student I Eversharp Pencils Sheaffer FountaincPens Sharp Point Pencilsf ....- fo - I THE EBERBACH & SON CO. 200 - 204 EAST LIBERTY STREET Ready to Serve AT ANY TIME Open from 11 a.m to 12 p.m. Pot of hot tos and bowl of rice PLAIN CHOP SUEY 5 CENTS CHINESE and AMERICAN Style Short Orders Quang TunifLo 613 M. Lborty St Big Reductions on all Gage Hats. Full line Wool Hose, Gloves, Underwear, etc. DARLING & MALLEAUX I 224 - 226 South State Street i E