?xlra -d cl t t i VOL. XXXI. CHICAGO FOOTBALL EXTRA ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS ANCIENT RIVALS CLINCH ON FERRY FIELD FOR FIRST TIME SINCE1804; MICHIGAN SCORES BY AIR ROUTE MICHIGAN CHICAGO HEAVY WIND FROM WEST IS BIG FACTOR; KICKS AGAINST IT DIFFICULT ALUMNI OUT IN FORCE FOR REINSTATED GAME' Block "M" Exhibited Between Halves in South Stand for First Time (By Robert C. Angell) Michigan triumpehd over Chicago in a game that was bitterly contested from start to finish this afternoon on Ferry Field. Ferry Field, 2:55 o'clock-The play in the first half was remarkably even until near -the close of the period when two long end runs, one by Steketee around left end and the other by Banks who circled the other extrem- ity took the ball to the Maroon 15- yard line from the 50-yard mark. From this place a pass, Banks to Usher, put the ball over for the first counter. Steketee made the score 7 to 0 with the resultant goal. The wind from the west made the going bad, and the team going toward the west goal was forced to play in its own territory much of the time, due to the inability of the punters to cope with the wind. Goebel was knocked out twice in the first half and after the second time was replaced by Cohn who im-I mediately stopped the first play. Thei half ended with the bail in the MaroonI possession on the Chicago 20-yard l line. Ferry field, 1:30 o'clock, - Both' Michigan and Chicago teams came on the field half an hour before the game started and practiced kicking and, passing. Fifteen minutes later, with the strains of the "Victors" reverber-1 ating-from stand to stand, the Mich- igan Varsity band marched down the field. Returning to the east end of the field the band halted in front of the flag pole and played the "Star Spangled Banner." Following this the "Yellow and Blue" was played, the flag being low- ered to half mast in honor of the Michigan men who died in the war. Officials from the Athletic association caught several ticket scalpers outside. the gates before the game started. Chicago won the toss and chose to. defend the west goal. FIRST QUARTER Steketee kicked off to Timmie who returned ball to the 30-yard line. Timmie goes off left tackle for 1 yard. Timmie adds another 5 yards. On the next play Chicago was thrown for a 2-yard loss. Palmer kicked outside on Michigan's 43-yard line. Steketee makes 5 yards on wide end run. Ush- Michigan Position Chicago 11 Cappon ..L.E.. Strohmeier 39 1 Goetz......L.T.....Jackson 1 Capt. Capt. 3- Dunne......L.G....Hartong 18 8 Vick........C.......Reber 7 4 Wilson .... R.G..... Pheney 3 14 Johns .... R.T.... McGuire 2 10 Goebel ....R.E.. Halladay 15 15 Banks.... Q.B.....Crisler 36 6 Steketee.... L.H......Rouse 6 7 Usher .... R.H..... Palmer 41 12 Nelson ... .F.B... Timmie 21 Officials: Hackett, West Point, Referee. Snyder, Harvard, Um- pire. Lambert, Ohio State, Field Judge. Clark, Indiana, Head Linesman. Length of quarters-15 minutes. Usher and Cappon make 5 yards in 2 downs. Steketee punts out on Chi- cago's 48-yard line. Rouse sweeps around right end for 9 yards. Goebel is injured but remains in the game. Chicago. makes first down. Ball on Michigan's 40-yard line. Timmie plunges through center for 2 yards. Palmer fails to gain through left tack- le. A forward pass is intercepted by Johns on Michigan's 32-yard line. Usher plunges through center for 41 yards., Cappon is stopped for no gain on right-end run. Usher adds an- other 3 through center. End of first quarter. Michigan 0, Chicago 0. SECOND QUA XITER Steketee punts to Chicago's 15-yard line where Goetz nails Crisler. Tim- mie is unable to gain through left tackle. Timmie makes 3 through left guard. The same man hits left tackle for 1 more. Palmer punts outside on Chicago's 29-yard line. Cappon makes 2 yards through right tackle. Steke- tee fails to gain around right end. A forward pass by Banks is not com- pleted. Steketee attempts a place kick which goes wide. Palmer returns hbll to Chicago's 30- yard line. Timmie makes 3 yards through right guavA. The Chicago full- back is stopped on his next attempt at the line. Palmer gains 1 yard off tackle. Palmer kicks outside on Mich- igan's 49-yard line. Usher plows through center for 5 yards. Banks makes first down around right end. Usher gains 2 through right guard. Cappon makes 3 more. Banks fum- COACH YOST Renowned Wolverine mentor, who has developed iLchigan teams for the last. 19 years bles and Dunne recovers on Chicago's 'cago's 43-yard line. Usher hits the 25-yard line. Usher fails to gain, line for 3 yards. A forward pass, Steketee makes 2 yards on a wide end Banks to Steketee, is intercepted by run. A forward pass is intercepted Palmer who returns ball to Chicago's by Palmer who is downed by Cappon 37-yard line. on Chicago's 5-yard line. Dunne and Cappon stop Strohmeier Timmie plows through the Michigan on line right end run for no gain. line for 9 yards. The Chicago full- Palmer loses a yard on line plunge. back makes his first down on another Timmie adds 2 more through center. line plunge. Timmie fails to gain on .Palmer kicks out of bounds on Mich- another attempt at the line. Crisler igan's 38-yard line. Usher ploughs makes 1 off left tackle. Timmie is through line for 6 yards. Cappon smothered for no gain. Palmer kicks i makes first down. to Chicago's 37-yard line. Steketee Usher hits left side of line for 5 goes off right tackle for 1 yard. Goe- yards. Banks makes 3 more off right bel attempts a pass which is ground- tackle. Usher makes first down. Stek- ed. Dunne throws a pass over the etee adds 41 through right tackle. goal line from the 45-yard line which Banks fails to gain around right end. is barely knocked down by a Chicago Banks is thrown for 10-yard loss. back. Steketee misses another Ald Steketee kicks outside on Chicago's goal from the 46-yard line. 43-yard line. Wilson stops Palmer on . 5 . er fumbles and recovers for yard gain. Banks is thrown for a 4-yard loss on left end. Steketee punts to Rouse on Chicago's 31-yard line. Timmie makes, 4 yards through eenter. On the same I play he is stopped for 1 yard. A forward pass, Crisler; is Incom- plete. Vick stops Palmer. Timmie I goes through guard for 1 yard. Pal- I mer punts over the Michigan goal- line. Ball on 20-yard line. Steketee loses 1 yard on left end run. Usher makes 1 yard through left tackle. Steketee punts to Chicago's 45-yard line. Crisler pass is incom- plete. Another pass meets same fate. A third pass is .knocked down by a Michigan man. Palmer punts to Mich- igan's 25-yard line. Michigan was un- able to gain in successive- attempts. Steketee punted out on Michigan's 35- yard line. Two plunges by the Chicago backs netted them 7 yards. Timmie adds another yard. Chicago penalized 15 yards for holding. Crisler's long pass goes incomplete. Palmer punts over Michigan's goal. Ball is brought out to the 20-yard line. ASSISTANT COACHES-W TSQN. D ?I"GLASS, AND STURZENEGGER Yost's three cohorts who have assisted him in P UIix football knowlge in this year's Varsity