MICHIGAN DAILY S CHUBERT Te Merry MusicalPlay Laughs Galore Songs A Plenty GA R R I DETROIT FLORENCE VOOORE in "BREAKFAST IN BED" IT'S A SCREAMA AT THE THEATE TO MY US I IBRYAN A REACTIONARY? COMMUNICATION SAYS LESS GULLIBILITY TO BRYAN THAN DARWIN TAKES BELIEVE Screen Majestlc-Enid Bennett in "Her Husband's Friend." Also Pathe News, Paramount Magazine and Burton Holmes travelogue, Arcade-Will Rogers, the cow- boy comedian, in "Honest Hutch." Also a special com- edy, "How Ho Could Dance." Wuerth - J. Stuart Blackton's production, "Forbidden jVal- ley." Pathe Review and a Pol- lard comedy. Orpheum - James Oliver Cur- wood's "Back to God's Coun- try." Mermaid comedy, "A Fresh Start," and Universal News. THIS WEEK I and loving kindness, to say.nothing of his political virtues." But how does he know that Mr. Bryan was unbon- scious of his "fashion of thought that satisfied the reactionary thinkers of 60 years ago?" Perhaps Mr. Bryan knew all the time that he was a "re- actionary" but didn't care a whit for the slanderous title. I understand that many enjoyed Mr. Bryan's address and agreed with him. Of course, they als are "reactionaries." "Give a dog a bad name and then hang it." "Re- actionaries" must be bad people. .The name sounds bad enough anyway. Are the reactionaries therefore as good as dead and done for? As one of them, I can testify that they don't feel that way, in spite of the evolutionists and agnostics. But one would think that "Alum- nus" himself is a reactionary, for he seems to believe in the doctrines of Darwin and Huxley, whose theories, if I mistake not, were some time ago (Continued on Page Six) Editor, The Michigan Daily: "Alumnus" is able, by some secret process of his own, to detect "delight- ful unconsciousness" in Mr. Bryan, the same Mr. Bryan that he credits with "obvious sincerity, unselfishness, 11l to UNION -II 11 a TODAY AND TOMORROW DANCES HAVE BEGUN TODAY AND SATURDAY Stage Garrick (Detroit) - Florence Moore in a side-splitting farce, "Breakfast in Bed." Schubert (Detroit)~- The Sel- wyn's happy musical play, "Buddies," direct from New York with Charles King, Vir- ginia O'Brien, and Lawrence Wheat. The discouraging fact that you are unable to dance graceful- ly will probably restrain you from attending your class dances. I will guarantee to teach you all the modern dances grace- fully and artistically in eight lessons. LE VERNE M; HALSEY'S II STUDIO10S WUEUTH ARCADE q IL- . I i ORPHEUMI 4 "When you get the wood in, son, go dig me; goin' fishin." some worms, I'm TODAY AND SATURDAY 2- DAYS ONLY - 2 as . But something happened on that fishing trip that changed the whole life of the lazy, shiftless but lovable Old Hutch. No more appealing story was ever screened-and no better character-acting since Joseph Jefferson's "Rip Van Winkle." Samuel Coldwyn ARe-ents Hlones x uch Adapted from the story "OLD HUTCH LIVES UP TO IT y G arret Smith Nectqk Clarence Badger «Back to God's ENID .7 Country From the Story "Wapi the Walrus," by JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION BENMNETT IT "Her Husband's 11 ADDED FEATURES Fr I "TIE LOST CITY" HOW HE CO ULD DA NCE B R A Y ARCADE ORCHESTRA C 0 M I C WILL RENDER "FALLING WATERS" S PE C I A L MU S I C . NOTE-This serial has been transferred from the. Wuerth and will continue it every FRIDAY -, SATURDAY U NIVERSAL ME RMAID AND NEWS COMEDY NO ADVANCE IN PRICES a romantic comedy drama that will invariably please most everyone. We're sure you'll enjoy it. Come! PATHE NEWS MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA I You 2kry Have Your Choice of eny Suit or Overcoat in Our Store at One-Thfrd Off $50.00 $60.00 $65.00 $70.00 $75.00 $80.00 SUITS & OVERCOATS NOW SUITS & OVERCOATS NOW SUITS & OVERCOATS NOW SUITS & OVEROATS NOW SUITS & OVERODATS NOW SUITS& OVERCOATS NOW $33.33 $40.00 $43.33 $46.67 $50.00 $53.33 E CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON FVRNISHINGS UNION SUITS WOOL SPORT HOSE EXTRA SPECIAL H A T S GORDON COATS $2.50 values, now........$1.89 $2.00 values, now ..........$1.79 Our Entire Stock of $12.00 values, now........$9.69 (SHEEP -LINED) $3.00 values, now.......$2.29 $1.50 values, now.........$l.29 SILK SHIRTS $10.00 values, now......$7.89 $45.0coats now.......$38.50 $3.50 values, now. ........$2.49 $1.35 values, now......:....$1.19 Values up to $16.50 $ 7.00 values, now........$6.29 $35.00 coats, now.... ...$29.50 $5.00 values, now. ....... .$3.79 $4.00 Ladies' All-Wool JUST TWO PRICES NOW C A P S $32.50 coats, now........$27.50 $8.50 values, now. ....... . .$679 Sport Hose....... .$2.89 $5.29 - and - $8.79 $5.00 values, now......... $3.98 $30.00 coats, now......$25.50 utz Clothnig Ihook For The Blue Sign Store TERMS HASH ALTERATIONS EXTRA