THE WEATHER PROBABLY SNOW FF 4p Ak AWf't ~I ,. FLURRIES TODAY s..w VOL. XXXI. No. 33. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1920. s 3i UNDERCLASSMEN PREPARE FORCES FOR FALL GAMES Y. W. C. A. POPPY SALLE SUCCESSFUL STUDENT COUNCILMEN SPIRIT OF FIGHT FRESHMEN INSTILL IN CANE RUSH WILL BE NEW EVENT THIS YEAR Sophomores Must Attend Meeting To. night in Body to Have Chance for Victory A meeting of the class of 1923, on" the turn-out at which depends the sophomore's success in the annual fall games to be held on Ferry field Saturday morning before the Chicago game, is scheduled for 7:30 o'clock tonight in University Hall; John Cary, '22L, will be in charge of the meeting and Howard L. Donnely, '21L, will give a short talk to the second year men. In addition to the election of a man to act as captain of the Sophomores, the games, which are somewhat dif- ferent this year than they were last year, will be fully explained. Yearlings Enthusiastic The contests were explained to the freshmen last night at a meeting of that class held in Hill auditorium. "The spirit which the first year men showed was excellent and unless the sophomores turn out -at the meeting to be held for them they will have a very small chance of winning the games Saturday," declared Calvin G. Wetzel, '21E, chairman of the Stu- dent council committee on Fall games. Wetzel, in opening the meeting, laid special emphasis on a new stunt called the "cane rush," which is pop- ular at Ohio State, and will be tried here for the first time Saturday morn- ing. Kipke Speaks "You must have unity, organiza- tion, and fight," declared James I. McClintock, '21L, who spoke second on the program. John Cary, '22L, ad- monished the first year men not to kill any sophomores until Saturday. The meeting came to a close after an enthusiastic talk by Harry Kipke, '24, freshman captain. The freshmen wil1 meet at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, n front of the Li- brary. All men nct at the meeting last night are asked to appear early, in order to get instruction on all the activities.. Circulation Of Daily Increases Poppy sales yesterday topped 7,000. Under the auspices of the city Y. W. C. A. poppies were sold on all State and Main street corners. The proceeds from the sale will go to- ward the support of the hostess hous- es of the four American cemeteries in France. The poppy is a symbol of Armistice day and the Y. W. C. A. is making every effort in its power to have everyone wear one of the flowers today. "The sales exceeded by far my high- est hopes," said Miss Lucille Litaker, Y. W. C. A. secretary, who is per- sonally interested in the work. "Pop- pies are going like wild-fire. We are practically sold out. I am sure that we could have sold 12,000 flowers more." UNION CAMPAIN AIM 2,500LIFE MEMBERS OFFICIALS ANTICIPATE NO DIF- FICULTY IN REACHING GOAL Next Tuesday morning the Union starts its three day campaign to sign up 2,500 new life members. This drive, which has become an an- nual affair, has assumed an unusually important status this year because of the extensive building program that the Union has laid out. The mem- bership fees will be utilized in the building fund, and if the desired quota of 2,500 members is signed up, it will mean an addition of $125,000 to that fund. This will bring the plans for enlargement that have been announc- ed much nearer fulfillment. Last year the drive netted a total of 2,200 new life members. Union of- ficials expect to better this record in the present campaign because of the larger number of prospective life. members upon the campus now. There are at least 2,500 freshmen and this class is expected to sign up close to 100 per cent. Most of the men of the three classes have already taken out life memberships with the excep- tion of those who have entered from other colleges. There is little chance of the drive faling short as there are, all told, more than enough non-mem- bers in the University to reach the quota, according to Maynard Newton, '22, chairman of the campaign com- mittee. Captains of the soliciting teams will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Union, and next Monday evening an assembly of all the campaign work- ers will be held in the Union assem- bly hall. Alpha Nu To Meet Tonight Alpha Nu Debating society will meet at 7:30 o'clock. tonight. The Chicago pep meeting on Friday night has necessitated advancing the time of meeting one night. The regular program, consisting of a debate on the alien land question, will be followed by a regular bsiness meeting. Visitors, especially those interested inpublic speaking, are invited to the meeting. Ambulance Service Men to Dine All members of any form of Am- bulance service during the war are invited to a dinner and reunion to be given by the Ambulance Service club at 5:30 o'clock Friday night at the Union. All those who intend to be present are requested to call up '. L. Walters, '21L, at 1855. Minnesota Full Back Leaves College Minneapolis, Nov. 10-Edie Reben, star fullback of the Minnesota foot- ball team, has left the university it was stated tonight. Injuries sustain- ed early in the season had handicap- ped him and it was said this discour- agement caused him to leave school. Dean Vaughan Leaves for Chicago Dean Victor C. Vaughan, of the Medical school, left yesterday for' Chicago, to attend a meeting of the! American Medical association com- mittee on public health. CORRECTION Due to a change in plans, Baron De Geer will speak at 4:15 o'clock Friday afternoon, and again Friday evening, instead of Thursday, as was previously announced. MAOR LEAGUERS TO MEETFRIDAY Plan Amicable Settlement of Baseball Split at Joint Chicago Conference MINORS APPOINT COMMITTEE TO AID IN REORGANIZATION (By Associated Press) Kansas City, Nov. 10.-War clouds tonight were vanishing from the ma- jor league baseball horizon with in- dications favoring an amicable settle- ment when the belligerent major lea- guers meet in a joint session in Chi- cago on Friday to effect a peace pact . The national association of minor leagues, after listening to both sides, voted to help avoid a war by agreeing to appoint a committee to act with the major leagues in devis- ing a plan for baseball reorganiza- tion. No Presidents or Lawyers The 16 club owners of the two war- ring leagues agreed to meet at Chi- cago and attempt to adjust their dif- ferences without the aid of outsid- ers. It was agreed that only the club owners should attend the meeting, and that both President Johnson of the American league and President Heydler of the National as well as lawyers who have participated in re- cent sessions, shall remain away. Ma- ir league leaders pointed out that if lawyers are excluded, so that no "technical questions" could be raised, threatened war could be quickly set- tied. President Johnson of the American league commenting on the meeting tonight said the purpose of the con- ference is to see if the two major leagues may not in some way iron out their points of difference. Landis Choice Stands While the National league club owners issued no formal statement most of them take the stand that what already has been done in the advancement of baseball reorganiza- tion cannot be changed at the con- ference Friday. This was taken t mean that the selection of Federal .Tudge Landis as chairman of the new hoard of control at a salary of $50,- 000 a year must be accepted by the American league club owners. CHAITIES CAMPIGN NEAR HiL WAY MARK With reports of Wednesday's sub- scriptions yet to be turned in, the committee in charge of the budget campaign for Ann Arbor's local char- itable organizations announces that a total of $17,545.85 has been thus far received. This sum includes the results of the pre-canvass campaign, which was held last week, and from which 'do- nations amounting to $16,569.50 were pledged. Tuesday, set aside as a day for voluntary subscriptions, netted $976.35. In order to realize their goal of approximately $40,000, the commit- tee states that yesterday's solicita- tions, and the results of the house-to- house canvass which commences Nov. 15 must reach at least $22,500. In all, 570 subscriptions were reported, among which several of $500 and $360 were the largest. MAY FLOWER COMPACT SIGNED 800 YEARS AGO TODAY In commemoration of the 300th an- niversary of the signing of the May- flower pact by the Pilgrims, the Rev. Sidney S. Robins of the Baptist church will. give a 10 minute talk today be- fore the Hill auditorium assembly in celebration of the. signing of the Arm- istice. The coincidence of the dates of the signing of the two pacts pro- vides the means of the commemora- tion of both at the same occasion. Union President Is at Purdue Paul W. Eaton, '21, president of the l Union, is at Purdue university this week explaining the university union idea to officials there. He will re- turn tomorrow. Quarter Deck to Initiate Tonight The Quarterdeck club of marine en- gineers will initiate new members at its dinner at 6 o'clock tonight in room 319 of the Union. Stevens, '87L, Leaving For China To Represent American BankersCMPVS, I F OIN Frederick W. Stevens, '87L, an of- Japanese, and American banks, is to FORl CELEBR TION ficer of the Michigan Union and a offer to the Chinese government the resident of Ann Arbor, who in Au- opportunity to borrow, from time to gust was selected as the sole repre- time, large sums of money for use AT sentative in China, of 37 American in the construction of public utilities banks and bankers forming part of in China.'VETERANS' PARADE FOLLOWE the Chinese Consortium, will leave Must Have Railroads BY EPORIAL SERVICEFOR here today for Pekin, China. Mr. "China with its area greater than M OL ERVE O Stevens, accompanied by his wife, that of the entire United States, with SOLDIER DEAD will sail from San Francisco Nov. 19 its millions of acres of arable lands, on the steamer Siberia Maru. His with its population which is four RED CROSS WORKER TOs schedule includes stops in Honolulu, times as great as the population of BE PRINCIPAL SPEAKEI~ Yokohama, and Tokyo. At the latter the United States, and with its vast place he will stay 10 days to confer deposits of iron, coal and other nat- with a delegation of Japanese bank- ural resources, has only about 6,000 All War Workers, Combtant omd C ers who are interested in the work. miles of railroads as compared to vilan, March in Formation The purpose of the Consortium, 266,000 in the United States," Mr. This Afternoon which is composed of British, French, Stevens says. "The construction of ----- railroads in China will allow the movement of food products from TIME AND ASSEMBLY PLCE1 RUS IA A IL Western to Eastern China, where FOR ARMISTICE DAY PARAD M millions of the people are barely ex-AE OFFER n flflfP fll IM isting. It will also result in a larger U 11tH U USUAL rnuu industrial development in China and Ex-service men who take part in ______ foreign imports and exports will in- the Armistice day parade will meet HAS INCLUDED TWO OF OWN COM- crease proportionally." at the following places promptly POSITIONS IN CHORAL UNION Represents Large Interests at 1:15 o'clock; parade starts CONCERT TONIGHT The American.'group of bankers, promptly at 1:30 o'clock: which Mr. Stevens will represent, is Varsity band meets at corner of (L L headed by J. P. Morgan & company South and East University ave" SereiRahm Nftof New York. This group consists of nues, near engineering arch. ~ Sergei Rachmaninoff, the celebrated banks and bankers of wan Cities Soldiers on corner of North Uni- Russian pianist-composer, who will bnsadbneso aycte be heard in Hill auditorium In the from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The versity and Washtenaw. Choral Union series at 8 o'clockrin te- Consortium was formed at the re-iniinoron east uilding nihhas Upr eried atvery interest- quest of the United States govern- nue in front of Medical building. ing program for the occasion. It will met, which has in mind friendly in- Naval militia men muster t t oyserve as a happy medium of ternational assistance to China in the Waterman .gymnasium in civilian development of her natural resources expressing Rachmaninoff's gifts, but and also the maintenancecoo peace in Marines on the corner East Un will prove of a highly educational the Far ast.versiy avenue in front of value, as well as entertaining. thFaEs. He, as been vr eleratin h. sSponsors Movement neering building. He has been vbe f rate In his At the suggestion of the govern- Men without uniforms at Twelfth choice of numbers from the old and ment, similar banking groups were street and North University, oppo- the modern schools. In justice to his formed in England, France, and Ja- site Barbour gym. unique and artistic creative powers he has included two of his own com pan. This led to the final Consortium _________________ po asionthedwellk oPreludeinagreement between the four groups positions, the well known 'Prelude In which was signed Oct. 15 of this year. C sharp minor," and his more recent Mr. and Mrs. Stevens may reside in Today both the University and the "Etude Tableaux, Op. 33," in the pro- Pekin for three years, depending up- city of Ann Arbor will unite in the gram. Ann Arbor music patrons on the development of the project. celebration of Armistice day. Etery will have the uncommon privilege of They expect, however, to spend three man who answered the call to the co. hearing the greatest pianist of the months each summer in the United ors wil be pre thi afto tc Russian school interpret his" ownmotated . rs wil be present this afternoon t compositions. -_.___take part in the parade which prom- The program follows: ises to be the largest seen in the city Sonata E minor Op..90, Beethoven; 10O ATH UTIPDOSfIU of Ann Arbor since the close of the Six Songs Without Words, Mendels- IUU LLIIU IIUU I war. At 3 o'clock, immediately aftea Sohn; Ballade, Valse,Barcarolle, GNm the parade, a memorial service is t Chopin; On the Mountains, Grieg; be held in Hill auditorium in. com Prelude C sharp minor, Etude Tab- memoration of the Michigan servo leaux Op. 33, Rachmaninoff; Rhapso- men who did not liv, to witness th die Espagnole, Liszt. Featuring, In all, more than 30 victorious termination of the, war. cuts, the souvenir number of the ath- City Units Parade BETSY BARBOUR RESIDENTS letic program will be placed on sale The University detachment, whici ENTERTAIN VETERANS TODAY tomorrow. The publication this year will be composed of marines, sa'lors will be sold on the campus and soldiers and a section for men with. Informal Housewarming Will Open streets preceding the Chicago game, out uniforms, will assemble promptly New Dormitory This and inside of the gate at Feryfieldat 1:15 o'clock. With the Varsity Afternoon ' band at its head, the column will Saturday afternoon. start from the corner of North Uni. Ex-service men are to be the guests A double page picture of the Wol . -versity ahd Washtenaw avenues al of honor at an informal housewarm- verine squad will be printed, together 1:30 o'clock and proceed to the cit ing at Betsy Barbour house immedi- with the individual cuts of players. hall square. Here the Ann: Arbor di ately after the meeting at Hill audi- An attempt was made to obtain a visions will join the parade, whio torium this afternoon. The entire will then proceed by way . of Mai first and second floors will be open to and Packard streets to State- street the guests. dividual Chicago players, but a group Passing up State street by the Union Mrs. Marion L. Burton will receive picture of the team, together with- the formation will go to Hill atj with Miss Eleanor Sheldon, and Jes- likenesses of several of the best torium for the memorial services. sie McCall, '21. Mrs. Rene Talamon, known Maroon men will be'published. In case of rain the parade will no Mrs. Louis Hall, Miss Helen Bishop, Articles by President Marion L. take place, but the services will be Miss- Ward, and Olive Barton, '22L, Burton, Coach Fielding H. Yost, Capt. held in the auditorium as previousj all of whom served in overseas work, Angus Goetz, and Prof. Ralph W. Aig- announced. There are many men et will assist the residents of Betsy Bar- ler, chairman of the committee in the campus who didgovernment wol bour house in serving. Women who charge of athletics, will appear. during the war, but who did not seri were in any branch of overseas serv- The cover design, which is worked in a military capacity. The comtnit, ice are welcome. out in a three color plate, is the work tee in charge of the parade has urg of Clayton B. Seagears, '23. Seven ed that they take formation with the WOODBURY SEASCAPES ARE thousand copies of the program are to detachment for men without out SUBJECT OF GALLERY TALKS be printed, according to William Stad- forms, which will assemble at thi ler, '22E, business manager. corner of 12th street and North UYni Ernest H. Barnes, instructor in arch- versity avenues opposite -Barbouy itectural drawing, gave a gallery talk WYVERN INITIATES gymnasium. yesterday afternoon upon the Wood- Tuscania Survivor Speaks bury exhibition of paintings in Alumni AT BETSY BARBOUR Mr. L. A. Butler, superintendent o Memorial hall. public schools for the city of Ann At "It takes 40 years to become an art- Wyvern initiated 11 junior girls into bor, will act as chairman at the me ist, while one may prepare for almost its membership at 4 o'clock Wednes- morial services, which will last onl: any other work in 10," said Mr. Barnes. day afternoon at Betsy Barbour an hour. Places on the platform have "Mr. Woodbury has shown his mast- house, the first function of any kind to been reserved for the city council and ery of his subject by the lights and be given in the new dormitory. the deans of the various colleges n shadows, plotting, and bold use of The initiates are: Ruth Deemer, the University. The Rev. Charles A color in his seascapes." Edna Groff, Beata Hasley, Catherine Merriam, pastor of the Park Congre There will be two gallery talks a Larkin, Amy Loomis, Dana Pettibone, gational church of Grand Rapids, wil week while the collection is on ex- Evelyn Rockwell, Margaret Schnaple, he the main speaker on the program hibition through the month of Novem- Hazel Storz, and Frances Weimer. During the war he served .with th ber. Following the ceremony, Dean Myra Red Cross and was on the transpot B. Jordan addressed the new members, Tuscania when it was torpedoed of MAY RESERVE SE &TS AT PEP and light refreshments were served. the Irish coast in 1918. Several war MEETING FOR VISITING ALUMNI time camp songs will be sung by th audience during the course of th Alumni may have seats reserved TO SELL YEAR BOOKS services. for them at the Chicago game pep In the evening a banquet is to b meeting Friday night by calling H. H. All last year's Michiganens- riven by the University post of thq Battin, 608 East Madison, phone 166. ians not called for this week Veterans of the Foreign Wars an The doors of the auditorium will be will be sold. several city oragnizations are pla. opened at 7 o'clock and the meeting ning for a dance for service men it will begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock. the Armory. "Advertising in The results." So runs the that are spread around the paper. Daily bringsI little liners tde inside of Whether the psychology of sugges- tion is responsible, or the constant decrease of the illiterate, circulation on The Daily has reached a total of 4.050, an increase of more than 1,200 over last year.- It is estimated by the circulation manager that the total circulation will reach 4,300 by the end of the school year. The additional subscriptions have necessitated the addition of more carriers, and the town has been com- pletely recounted. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE At the beginning of the year The Daily took subscriptions at the $3.50 rate, with the provision that all such subscriptions be paid on or before Nov. 10, or the $4.00 rate would be charged. This time has been extended one day, so that any subscription which is paid today will cost $3.50. Because of the increased cost of the paper this year the $4.00 rate will be charged with- out exception on every subscrip- tion unpaid after today.