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November 10, 1920 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-11-10

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course, although elective work is not
compulsory. Those wishing to enroll
are asked to sign up on the bulletin
board at Barbour gymnasium. HoursS
for these classes will be announced
later. -
Sixty presidents of University hous-
es, the totalnumber now elected, rep-
resenting 1,000 Michigan women, at-
tended a supper given by Dean Myra
B. Jordan, Monday evening, at Bar-

League Parties
Appeal To Mlany
"Where are you going, my pretty{
"To the Women's league party, of
course," she said.
This is the answer most frequently
heard every Friday afternoon as wom-
en of all classes hurry toward Bar-
bour gymnasium to enjoy the pro-
grams prepared for them and to join
in the informal fun that follows.
If you can remember the time when
you used to be "skeered" to go to
bed in the dark because there were
bears hidden in the room, then the

without selling experience to become
associated locally with big banking
institution Not necessary to have
Fad banking or selling experience;
ve teach you in daily sales meetings
conducted ny trained men and by per-
sonal assistance working as a junior.
1ou will start earning at once while
earning. $30.00 and more weekly not
at all uncommon. Come in and talk]
At over-see what other part time men
are doing, then decide. See Fred E.
Fox, 703 First National Bank Build-
ing, 9 to 10 mornings or phone 418-W
for appointment. Guaranty Fin-
ance Corporation. E. D.
Prof. Mittenthal's School for Danc-
ing Friday evenings. Class 7:00 to
8:30. Class for Ann Arbor folks as
well as University students and also

married folks. You can take term,
half term, or single lessons. Rates
for eight lessons: Gents $8; ladies
$5. Enroll now. Class growing rap-
Read The Daily for Campus News.
Home of Sweet and Purity
Always Fresh
30 S. Main Phone 474-W

bor gymnasium. recitation by Esther Welty, '23, will be
Mrs. Marion L. Burton, styling- her-apt pea.Iyurat nlis
self the president of one of the hous- apt to appeal. If your taste inclines
eS on the campus, spoke of the re- perninof the presengim-
sponsibility resting on house presi- HersnEtiot,matineygirl by
dents as leaders of their groups. Dean Helen Elliot, '23, will tickle your fan-
dens a lades f tei grup. Dancy. Aesthetic dancing by Grace OhI-
Jordan in a short talk expressed her c het'1dargbytGracenh,
satsfatio a th lageattndacemacher, '21, Marguerite Cavendish,
satisfaction at the large attendance '21, and Hortense Hoad, '24, will also
and said it was her hope to unite the be a feature of the afternoon's enter-
large body of women whom the house tainment.
presidents represent, and make effec- "Get-acquainted" circle dances in
tive their potential power in Univer- the gymnasium and card games in
sity life.th gynsu ancadamsn
Tals by Marguerite Clark, '21, league rooms will follow the pro-
president of the Women's league, and tram.
Marguerite Chapin, '20, assistant to
the dean of women, explained the or- PAPERS OF CHEMISTRY PROF.
ganization of house presidents, their COME BEFORE SOCIETIES
duties, and their house organizations.
Horatia Corbin, '22, was elected chair- Three papers by Dr. E., D. Camp-
man of a nominating committee to bell of the Chemistry department
suggest names for officers of the or- have come before English chemical
ganization who will be elected at its societies lately.
next meeting.-
ne__ ____ng.Freshmen Hear Lecture on Posture
ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED AT "Posture" was the subject of the
GAMMA PHI BETA DINNER second hygiene lecture for freshmen
given by Miss Marion Wood at 4
Announcement was made of the en- o'clock yesterday afternoon in Sarah
gagement of Margaret Campbell Crit- Caswell Angell hall. Emphasizing the
tenden, '22, of Washington, D. C., to importance of correct posture, Miss
Lawrence Bassett Schneider, '20, of Wood explained that it avoids friction
Lawenc Bsset chnide, 20,ofand thus conserves energy. She
Fort Wayne, Tnd., at a formal dinner adtu osre nry h
Fortaynvendr ta frmals dnnem- pointed out that correct sitting pos-
party given for the members of Gai- ture is just as essential as standing,
ma Phi Beta sorority by the Ann Ar-, and both are necessary for health.
bor alumnae at the Barton Hills an__trencssr___ he_ h
Country club last night. Mr. Schneid- OPPORTUNITY-Am organizing a
er is a member of Phi Rho Sigma and sales force to handle a very conserv-
Kappa Sigma fraternities. ative new financial institution secur-
ity. Can use ten men easily extra
Special Hosiery sale this week $1.00 hours. Good commissions, dignified
value for $.65. While they last. Davis work; the work will be instructive
Toggery Shop, 119 N. Main St.-Adv. also of market conditions. See me
anyhow between 5 and 6 P. M. 602
First National Bank Buildin E. G.
Patronize Daily advertisers.--Adv. ITilden. 32-1


Men's Dress Footwear

Nothing smarter for Evening dress, nothing
more comfortable for dancing. Patent or
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has need for these

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Hundreds of Overcoats must be sold. Every-
one has been placed in Brown's like-new condi-
tion. Many cannot be told from new. You'll be
able to find just the size and color you want at
low prices.



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to $20.00


Coats and'Suits for Woren
Coats for women in great variety. These coats were bought from university
students and we are passing the saving on to you. Every one of these coats has
been placed in fisrt-class condition. Many show very little wear. Many styles
and colors to select from. Let us show you these coats and suits.
$3.00 to $20.00

120 North Fourth Avenue

East Side of Court House


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