TH E W ATHERASSOCIATED THE WATHE PRESS RAIN; WARBLER DAY AND NIGHT WE RE TODAY SERVICE VOL XXXI. No. 31. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTS RECORDSFOR FIVE CROuPS BROKEN IN 19 2.0 PRODUCTION CORD REACHES HIGHEST POINT IN HISTORY OF COUNTRY OUTPUT GREATEST BY 75 MILLION BUSHELS 21r an Attacks Dar "inian Theory LEE CLUB EADY A eing False And Demoralizing RYrAA'q IAIA "The Darwinian theory is a damn- able and paralyzing influence," de- clared Wiiliam Jennings Bryan in his speech, "Getting Back to God," deliv- ered Sunday noon at Hill auditorium. Later he said, "If the Darwinian theory is right, Christianity is wrong." Bryan based his speech on first, "Religion is the most practical thing in the world and the basis upon which morality is built," and "The Christian life is the larger life." In developing these two statements he spent most of Tobacco, Rice, Sweet Potatoes, -Pears his time attacking Darwin and evolu- Also Surpass All Former tion. Annals "Don't Mix Family Trees" "Some of you may trace your gen- (By Associated Press) ealogy back to the chimpanzee, but Washington, Nov. 8. - America don't mix your family tree with mine," farmers broke the production records he said. In justifying his statements of five crops this year. Preliminary he contended that man started with estimates of the output today by the God and worked down, instead of eptmts of agriuture howyy tht starting with "stuff" and working up. department of agriculture show that Hedcrd,"ha cmtoh corn, tobacco, rice, sweet potatoes, He declared, "I have come to the and pear crops surpassed in size conclusion that the Darwinian theory thns ofanyrevsisurpas yearin ie not only has a paralyzing effect on cots histoy.rioseChristianity, but that it is untrue." country's history. Mr. Bryan characterized the two hypo- Buckwheat Low theses of Darwinism and evolution as In addition very large crops were masses of unproven theory which grown, in some instances closely ap- would take more faith to believe than proaching records of oats, barley, Christianity. He also emphasized the rye, potatoes, apples, and hay. The fact that Nietzsche's writings are a buckwheat production, however, has logical conclusion to those of Darwin, stood since 1866, this year's crop be- and that' Nietzsche's advocacy of ing more than 8,000,000 bushels un- frightfulness was simply a continu- der. Final crop production figures ance of that conclusion. will be announced next month. Introduced by Rev. Chapin Corn, king of all crops, and of In introducing Mr. Bryan, the Rev. whiclh the United States grows more Mr. Chapin said that while he did not than 70 per cent of the world's output agree with the speaker on all politic- reached the enormous figure of 3,199,- 126,000 bushels. This production isC 75,000,000 more than has ever been FACULTY FAVORSgr CHAeN grcsin before. ___ Iowa Leads in Corn Senate Council Election Altered, The value of this year's crop, based Library Committee Enlarged on November prices, is estimated at $2,792,837,000. Iowa's corn crop is The faculty, at its meeting yester- the' largest of any state at 441,660,000 day, decided upon a rotation plan for bushels. Illinois ranks second with the election of the two members to the 302,634,000 bushels, and Nebraska is Senate council and six members to third with 250,298,000 bushels. the Library committee in place of the five who have acted up to the pres- al questions, "he always agreed with him on religious and moral questions. Referring to his audience, which was apparently in sympathy with him, by giving his statements frequent ap- plause, the Commoner observed that the assemblage on Saturday evening was one of the largest and most en- thusiastic that he had ever addressed, but that the audience on Sunday was even larger. Mr. Bowen of the public schools of Ann Arbor, led the audience in sing- ing two hymns after which Robert Dieterle gave a solo. BURTO'N FAVORS States to Freshman Class That They Should Take it in Right Manner LARGER BUDGET DRiVE COMMENCESU OFFICIALL LANE, NEWBERRY HALLS NOT TO BE INCLUDED THIS YEAR With $40,000 set ae their objective, representatives of the 11 charitable organizations of Ann Arbor will of- ficially start their campaign for an increased budget today, Volunteer donations will be accept. ed today and tomorrow at the city gas ofihce, which is the present headquar- ters of the committee In charge of the gampaign. After Nov. 9, the drive will be temporarily postponed until Nov. 10, when on that day and the day fol- lowing, solicitors will make a house to. house canvass of the entire city, by means of which the committee hopes to have secured the required amount.# During the past week the organi- zations conducted a pre-canvass cam- paign with the purpose of arousing the interest of town residents in the give. Reports of this drive were made last night at a meeting of the soliciting teams, and will be announc- ed some time this week. On account of the nature of the work in Lane hall and Newberry hall. and the size of the, Ann Arbor Com- munity budget, these two will not en- ter the budget this year, but will present their claims for financial sup- port directly to the citizens of Ann Arbor and to the members of the fac- ulties at the time of the student can- vass in January. Mr. T. S. Evans in a circular letter (Continued on Page Sid) ent. Terms Expire This Year All terms expire this year, so elec- tions will be started with a clean slate. One member will be elected to serve one year on the Senate council, the other for two years. Each year hereafter one newmember will be elected to fill the vacancy of that year. No person is to be eligible for re-election within less than a year after having been on the council. On the Library committee, two members will be elected each year to serve for three year periods. There must be at least one member from each of the groups required for grad- uation from the literary college. State Eligibility Rules These men will be eligible for re- election to a second term but not a third, and cannot serve again within less than a year from the expiration of the last term. Formal adoption of this plan took place at yesterday's meeting. The elections will be by ballot and will be held at the next session. TICKET COMPLAINTS A number of complaints have been received by the Student council from, students who sent in their yellow coupons for Chi- cago game tickets before the time limit set by the Athletic l association, and had these cou- pons returned. All men who have complaints to make in this regard should submit their evidence to Stu- dent council members who will be at the Student council desk Fin the student activities zoom, f third floor of theUnion, between F 1 and 3 o'clock this afternoon. LITS ELECT LEADERS FOR CLASS GAMES THIS SATURDAY "You are the picked one per cent of America," said President Burton in. his talk to the freshman class Mon- day afternoon in Hill auditorium. The subject of his speech resolved itself into the word "Criticism." He said the freshman class had probably by now secured the impression that all the upperclassmen had to do was to criticise. He then went on to dis- prove the fact and finally showed by a series of illustrations why "real" criticism could be the best thing in existence. Serves as Check and Spur "Criticism serves as a splendid so- cial check, is a spur to efficiency, and is one of the finest things in the world," he stated. Pointing out that we must not only criticise, but must combine our minds to actually solve the problem in hand, he cited a num- ber of examples of seemingly minor, things that need stressing. A "Be the right kind of a critic," fin- ished President Burton. "Get the facts, get a full knowledge of the sub- ject and then don't base your judg- ment on trivialities. Be fair and just. Be able to react properly to criticism -to proceed to it, or to quietly ignore it. Criticism must be love; get the right attitude toward it. That word plus friendliness means growth." Nine Leaders Chosen The chairman of the Student coun- cil committee on under class conduct opened the session with a short talk on the intention of the committee.- The men of the class elected nine members to act as leaders during the class games this Saturday. Harry Kipke was chosen as captain. The lieutenants are: Stephens, Briggs, Stracke, Whitfield, Goldwater, Heil, Birke, and Murane. SPOTLIGHT STILL { DESIRES TRYOUTS Tryouts for acts in the Spotlight vaudeville are still wanted, accord- ing to the committee in charge of the entertainment. The program has not as yet been arranged, although it is stated that a number of good acts have been secured. At the present time there remains' only three more weeks before the vaudeville will be presented,,and it is the hope of the men in charge to ob- tain several mares short and "snap- py" acts to make the piogram com- plete. Those who have talent suit- able to the vaudeville stage are ask- ed to try out for the Spotlight, and to see Mr. Shuter in his office, room 308 Union, any time from 3 to 4:30 o'clock throughout the week. l UllILIIIIu uIIUIIU Arranges for Minstrel Show to Be Given This Season in Whitney Theater NAMES OF CANDIDATES WHO WILL.FORM PERSONNEL GIVEN To make the production of the Glee and Manddlin club the best that it has ever been, ad to place it in a class with the Union opera, is the aim of William Wheeler, director of the singing of the club, E. Mortimer Shu- ter, in charge of the production work, Earl V. Moore director of the musi- cal activities of the Union, and Fred- erick R. Storrer, '21E, chairman of the Union combined clubs committee. Quite different from former years, the program this year will feature a minstrel show. "This will be a real first class show," said Mr. Shuter yes- terday, "and not the common minstrel show as is usually understood by the term." In order to give it the proper stage settings and the artistic envi- ronment necessary for such a per- formance, permission has been asked to use the Whitney theater. Specialty Act Men Wanted Soft shoe dancing, novelty acts, duets, quartettes, and a saxophone sextette, which will be a replica of the famous Brown brothers, are some of the promised attractions. Men who can do this kind of work or act as the proverbially funny end men, are asked to see Mr. Shuter at once in room 308 of the Union. Book writers who can compose dialogue for the show are also wanted. The Glee club has been selected, but men are needed for the specialty acts and the writing of the dialogue. "On the whole, the voices of those who tried out this year are better than I have ever had in this class of work," Mr. Wheeler said yesterday. OperaWork Not to Conflct Work on the Glee club production will not interfere with anyone taking nart in the Union opera, officials say. It is believed that the minstrel show will be so goad - that permission has already been asked to take a trip to several cities in this state during the Christmas vacation. High fares make a longer trip prohibitive. The first rehearsal will be held at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the reading room on the second floor of the Union. The following men, whose eligibil- ity has been passed upon, are an- nounced as the members of this year's Glee club: First tenors: C. E. But- ler, '22, B. G. Booth, '23, H. G. Whit- comb, '21, E. M Stevens, '21E, H. P. Wagner, '21, Kemp Keena, grad., Toseph Failing, '24M, G. . Planck, '23. Colir McCormick, '22M, E. D. Thskins. '23. Second tenors: Howard Walser, ,2M, 0. C. Michelmann, '22, L. A. Burns, '21. J. E. Johnson, '22. W. H. Turner, '21M, A. F. Nissly, '21, Dan- tel Van Woerkom, '23, L. F. Melland- er, '22E, N. H. Swenson, '23E, Eugene Potter, '23. Ten First Basses First basses: Robert McCandless, '21M, Albert Schirmer, '22E, R. S. Buol, '21M, Dudley Newton, '23E, E.. F. Perkins, '21, F. G. Davis, '21, Fred- erick Roser, ,'21E, C. L. Mills, '23, Ernest Scofeld, '23; P. J. Beatty, '221. Second basses: Thomas Under- wood, '22, Lloyd Kemp, '22M, Thomas E. Dewey, '23, F. H. McPike, '23, H. E. Belles, H. D. Reed, '22, R. D. Smith, '21E, A. M. Holmes, '211E, W. G. Bet- tens. Rudolph Habermann. Shrubs to Decorate Front of Library Yew and evergreen shrubs are be- ing planted in front of the Library this week. The building and grounds department intends to complete the plan of completely surrounding that building with this type of ornament. Oldest Employee In U. Of f. Dies Michael Condon, oldest employe of the University, died Sunday afternoon at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary A. Hayler, 412 N. Thayer street. He was 77 years of age and had been in the service of the University for 62 years. Condon was born in New York city in 1843, and lived in Ann Arbor more than 70 years. He began working in 1858 as errand boy for Dr. Tappan, first president of the University. He helped to erect the old chemistry building in 1868, and was first dis- pensing assistant in the laboratories from 1875 until he was pensioned in 1915. After that time he was given keys to the building, but his visits became less and less frequent, and for sev- eral months before his death he was confined to his bed. He is survived only by his sister. CARVR0TOAPPER IN RECITA L THIS EVENING PIANO SOLOS BY LA FORGE, WHO ACCOMPANIES BASSO, ADD VARIETY In the second concert of its series to be given tonight in Pattengill au- ditorium, the Matinee Musicale is giv- ing Ann Arbor an opportunity to hear Mr. Charles Carver, a basso, who is reputed as a singer of rare charm. Frank La Forge, accompanist and composer, will assist Mr. Carver in a program including "Ridente ia Calma," by Mozart; "The Kiss," by Beethoven; Handel's "O Sleep, Why Dost Th)u Leave Me?"; Bishop's "Love Has Eyes"; "Dream at Twi- light," by Richard Strauss; Hugo Wolfe's "0 Thou My Sacred Land"; "Maidens are Like the Wind," by Loewe; "Over the Steppe," by Gretch- maninow, and Grieg's, "Thy Warning is Good," sung by Mr. Carver. Mr. La Forge will play two piano solos, "Romance" of his own compos- ing, and MacDowell's "Etude -de Con. cert,. Mr. Carver will continue the pro- gram by singing Caesar Francks "La Procession," "Des Pas des Sabots," by Laparra; Foudrain's, "Alger le Soir," and "Chanson du Tambouriner," by an old French composer. He will sing four of La Forge's compositions, "Be- fore the Crucifix" "Retreat," "A Heart Mislaid," and will close with two Mex- ican folksongs. Web And Flange Initiates Today Engineering arch, since ancient days the Mecca of initiations of the favorite sons of the T-square and transit, will be the scene of another demonstration when Web and Flange, senior civil engineering honorary so- ciety, meets at 4 :o'clock this after- noon to give their initiates the rites that will make them members of their organization. After the events at the arch the ,society will holdta banquet at the Union. BARON De GEER TO GIVE LECTURE FRIDAY, THIS WEEK Baron De Geer will deliver his two addresses on "Autographic Records of Climate of the Past 10,000 Years," at 4:15 and 8 o'clock on Friday of this week in the Science auditorium, instead of on Thursday and Friday as previously Announced. Hold All.Jersey Smoker Wednesday Jazz music, smokes, and talks will be the main features of the program for the all-Jersey smoker, to be held at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening in the Union. ACTION FOLLOWS REFUSAL OTHER FIVE. TO JOIN ORGANIZATION OF JUDGE LANDIS CHOSEN TO GOVERN TRIBUNAL Will Present Proposition to National Convention of Minor Leagues Today (By Associated Press) Chicago, Nov. '8. - Major base- ball leagues were broken up today and a new 12 club league was com- posed of eight national clubs and the three of the American league which sided with them in the plans for a re- organization of baseball. The 12th club will be chosen later., Organization of the new league came after five American league clubs had refused to reply to an ultimatum issued by the other 11 clubs giving them an hour and a half in which to join the organization. Lasker Plan Followed After organizing the new league the baseball magnates proceeded with the Lasker plan for civilian control of professional baseball and appointed Judge Kenesaw M. Landis, of Chicago, chairman of the tribunal which will govern the game in the future. Judge Landis, if he accepts the po- sition, will be the supreme dictator of all clubs joining in the plan and will receive a salary of $50,000 a year. Second and third members of the tri- bunal will be appointed later. Ore of them will be chosen by the minor leagues. Kansas City Meeting Place Representatives of the new league left tonight for Kansas City, where the National association of mino' leagues meets tomorrow, to present the proposition to them. JudgeeLandis was notified of his ap- pointment by a committee of five members. He told them he would take the matter under advisement for a few days. The plans for the new league and a .new controlling body contain frequent references to the minor leagues which are given assurances that they will not be overlooked in the administra- tion of the game and that their terri- tory will not be invaded. Action Follows Long Session The action came after an all day, session of both factions with neither side yielding to the other. , The five clubs which stood with Ban Johnson of the American league are Detroit, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Washington and St. Louis. "We are the majority of the Amer ican league and consequently are the American league," Clark Griffith of the Washington club said. "The Amer- I can league will operate next year with or without the New York, Chi- cago and Boston clubs." Ex-G. R. Football Players to Meet Men who formerly played football in Grand Rapids with either of the local high schools are meeting at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the Union, the room to be announced on the bulletin board in the lobby. Is ELEVEN BASEBALL CLUBS ORGANIZE INTO NEW LEAGUE PHOTOGiAPHERS WANTED All men who care to take pie- tures for the Mahiganensian, call Avery; phone 2220, or leave names, addresses, and phone numbers at office in Press build- ing. Post card size kodak most desirable, although others will Fdo. II X t (. r ,L II I II II I 11 1 11 16 [il ili all l ll lll illf il Ill III I ll II I I I I I 1 IIfiill I l l l l l li i a l l l l lll Ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 H III I I I l 1i ill I l l l t lll I 1 I I II 111 Ill [ill 1 1 Ill I I I IlU 1ill li li li lil il ll lli l ifill I1 1 1 1 1 ll I II I IItI111 llll M ull f1111tIInI I11 U 11 (Iii l Michigan Daily Subscriptions must be paid today or tomorrow or the $4.00 rate will be charged. If you have not paid, either mail your check or call in person at the Daily Office. rIII1111I111tI i 1111111111111111111111111111111111111t11Ilitlllll i lllllt1111111 [ltllllllllll ll tllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllll iillllll11111111111111111|1111111111111llilllllltlllllllt tlltll1lu u in u u u t t ll nl t lll ll tu i tulllu tul 1l|111111111ullllutttln11l1!