SUNDAY FEATURE SECTION SUPPLEMENT FEATURES THEATRES MUSIC LITERARY 4 4 SECTION TWO - - VOL. XXXI. No. 30 ANN AR.OR, MICIIICAN SUNDAY. NOVELMBt 7, 1920 PRICE FIVE CE I 110 H *-R HEROEr*4, ARMISTICE DAY, r7t 0 N-- Co MOIES IN EU gAILNftL Oli MAY BE M-ADE USEFUL IN COURSES WHERE VISUAL EDIUCATION IS ;', CESSARY; UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEN MEIEXBEhIS OF SOCIETY OF VISUAL EDUCATION (By E. G. W.)I A movement for the use of movihg pictures as visual education, is now being considered by the heads of the various university departments. These educational movies have already been used as an aid in demonstrating medi- cine, forestry, and general summer courses. Movies adapted for use in all col- leges are being made by the Society For Visual Education in Chicago. ThisI society was formed for the study of means of visual instruction in classes. All of the pictures are originated and chosen by committees composed of col- lege professors who are experts in their line of work. From the Univer- sity of Michigan Professor V. C. Vaughan is a director of the company, Professor Whitney, of the educational department, is an adviser, and Profes- sor C. 0. Sauer, of the geography de- partment, is a member of the Geogra- phy committee. Prof. Sauer says, in discussing the movement, "This organization fur- nishes a new type of moving picture machine, which is very efficient and inexpensive, to the different colleges using the service. Special slides for a professor's own course are quite pos- sible to obtain, but to have special fWms is almost financially impossible.i To produce a useful film a special1 staff composed of men of education, skilled producerscapital, and com- mercial distributors are necessary. That is the reason that the cooperation of such a service is unusually valu- able. Aid to Geography "I my own course of geography moving pictures would be quite useful. For instance, they could explain and show the character of New York as a port much easier and better than could3 be done simply with lectures. There is also a bureau of education at Wash-t ington which has an extensive supply of film material on forestry, showing the methods used in fire fighting, tree saving and the like. This could be used quite nicely by the forestry de- partment of our university, I imagine." The movies whic were used in the last summer session were mostly inj relation to history, showing how the early French and English settled on the North American coast, moved up the St. Lawrence, and farther. west; how the Revolutionary war progressed, and other historical films. Prof. T. E. Rankin, of the rhetoric department, attended all of these summer session moving pictures, and, in judging them, said, "I think educational movies would be very good as a reenforcement to courses in geology, civics, history, and rolitical economy. The only limitation that I could see to the films last sum- mer were that they were not humanized enough." Walter B. Pillsbury. professor of psycology, when asked if the movies would be of benefit to his course, re- plied, "We might be able to use pie- tnres showing the process of manufac- tre in industries. If it were possible to make pictures of a man's mind at work. they would be invaluable to the course. Otherwise slides answer the purpose iust as well." Demonstrate (haawoins Films demonstrating operations have already been used in the Medical col- lee. They were used quite extensive- 1" during the late world war. Motion pictures dealing with hygiene and pre- (Continued on page four TIME AND ASSEMBLY PLACES FOR ARMISTICE PAY PARADE Ex-service men who take part in the Armistice day parade will meet at the following places promptly at 1:15 o'clock; parade starts promptly at 1:30 o'clock: Varsity band meets at corner of South and East University ave- noes, near engineering arch. Soldiers on corner of North Uni- versity and Washtenaw. Sailors on East University ave- nue in front of Medical building. Marines on the corner East Uni- versity avenue, in front of Engi- ueoring building. Men without uniforms at Twelfth street and North University, oppo- site Barbour gym. I - . T (By G. L. S.) In a recent interview, Prof. Mor- timer E. Cooley, Dean of the Engi- neering college, expressed his view-~ point of present university courses. "College curricula lay too much stress on the material aspects of higher education, with too little de- velopment of a man's sense of art and culture," he stated. Knowledge Limited "The trouble with the modern uni- versity," he continued, "is that it has too much pick and shovel work and not enough cultural study. When a man gets out of the Engineering col- lege or Business administration he knows how to make a good living and that's all he does know. "When an industry hires a man to- day it takes him for general knowl- edge as well as his purely technical knowledge. There are all kinds of men to do an engineering job and do it well, but there are few who are ac- quainted with enough outside subjects to make an appeal to the present day employer. If we grant that a college bred man will manage to make money, how is he going to enjoy it without developing the capacity of apprecia- tion?" Chances Equal It is not, however, Dean Cooley's opinion that the chances of a college man to achieve success financially are any better than those of the non-col- lere man. He backs his assertion by referring to a comparison of the grad- uates in Ann Arbor and the business man about town, believing the same proportion tands for any town, and pointing also to Henry Ford as a notable example of money-making without higher education Cheer Up (Bruce enson) Whe everything goes against you Ard life seems dull and gray, All your aorrows and griefs undo And chirp some cheery lay. For et your troubles and be merry, 'Tis care makes men grey haired. Ther just for one wee moment tarry And see how well you fared. TODAY W REMEMB R 1 ,9- - - - 1' ~p >ii That 's Where Ny Joney Goes, To Buy The Stuff That C a thes-N y Aind yAiIggtJ l8 FOn kL3 lit O USECDNANIEHSA iYOFNS£ 1~A1ALWA I)313Ol '1 MmEIiVES l"EATUJIE EXERCISES 0TOVLiUBll II; ('AMPUS Ohl(mA IZATION S COMBiNE IN NATiONAL HOJADAY i i SEND FOR THAT UNIFORM! i "In memory of the 'buddies' who were with us before the war, served be.ide us in the ranks, and were called to make the great sacrifice, we, the ex-service men ok the University, are going to an- swer roll to the last man, in uni- form, for the Armistice day parade and ceremonies this Thursday." That is the decision which every Michigan patriot who served the nation during the war is going to make now-in time to get that uniform. Whether decorations consist of the simple hash mark or the Medal of Honor, whether our wounds came from sbran or standing too near the potato boil- or, we were great service. not forgotten. all brothers in the Let's prove we have CO MING MONTH- EVENTFUL ONES The practical student, handing over door physical exercise, with an addi- to the man behind the barred window tional $3.00 for the support of the wo- at the beginning of the year the en- mncmisU athletic field; $6.00 for the gravings of Uncle Sam which he earned Health Service, aad $1.00 for the Wo- during the summer sorting canary- men's League. seed in father's bird-store, naturally AUl items except that of tuition, has a sensation of curiosity as to how which varies proportionately with the they will be apportioned. fee charged in the school entered, are (By Hamilton Cochran) Attention! Count off! Squa right, march! What vivid memories will tho orders recall when all the ex-servi men on the campus swing into line c the afernoon of Armistice Day for t biggest parade that the University h seen since the close of the war. livery Michigan man who answer the call to the colors will be then Officers and enlisted men will mar shoulder to shoulder. Regardless service rendered, whether at home abroo E, all will pay tribute to t buddies they lost. The men who have been chosen the parade cpmmittee to lead the va ous detachments from the Universi are veterans who are particularly i ted for their positions. Arthur Heads Division Col. Robert Arthur, who is to he the entire University division, is old army man who is now in char of the R. 0. T. C. on the campus. The Maines will have as their lea er William H. Wilmot, '21, a forn second lieutenant with the Fourth vision and winner of the Croix Guerre with palms, and the D. S. C. Lieut. Com. Joseph R. Hayden, w is to marshall the sailor's section, w in charge of the University nai militia unit throughout the war a saw active service in France. Harrold Furlong, '23M, Michiga mdtlal of honor man,, will comma the detachment of soldiers. He won many honors during his service ov seas that it would require another c umn to enumerate them all. Furlo is one of the 52 men to whom United States gave its highest awe for valor,-the congressional medal honor. Col. A. H. Lovell, of the electri engineering department, has b chosen as grand marshal of the and willhave complete charge of b the University and city detachmentE Many of the former service men the campus have be'en unable to see their uniforms and due to this c tingency, the committee has arran to have these men form a separate tachment, headed by Major Shipn of the R. O. T. C. An invitation been sent to the University' nur who are to be given a place of ho at the head of the parade. City Active The city of Ann Arbor has been v active in planning"for a real Armict Day celebration this year. As a res of a proclamation by Mayor Wurs (By P. L.) * Going to a University and being ed- There may be the birth of a notion in the mind of the downy-lipped freshman as he scuttles about the campus that Verhaps yon man raking leaves will come in for his share of those precious dollars. Here our fresh- man has given up so many yen with- out a whimper to further his chance of some day being met by a brass band in his home town, and he's entitled to' know where they're going. Why, he doesn't pay out all these war taxes with less knowledge of where his money will end up than he does that first plunge. Now our freshman doesn't for a mo- inent suspect that fraudulency or em- bezzlement will thin his stock. The, the same for all departments of the school. Medical students paying a fee for bones assume the risk that they may be loaded. Chances For New Roa d To 'Ypsi In Starchy Way (By H. T. C.) The local postoffice is convinced that Michigan students are firm believers in the old saw, "Cleanliness is next to godliness." w Now some hair-dissecting statisti- ucated, does not consist solely in reg- ular attendance to classes-and foot- ball games. Particularly is this true of this University. Whether concerts, oratory and thea- tres should be classed as recreational or instructive is a debatable question. That entertainments of this character are educational is without question. A resume, of the more important events forthcoming in the month of November shows a variety in which everyone should find happiness. For the gridiron fan, there is the promise of a battle royal on November 13, with Chicago, and to those who possess the eveready, or its equiva- lent in ambition, the Minnesota game on November 20 should prove a stellar attraction. For those musically inclined, a fest of concerts have been arranged, the second of the Matinee Musicale series next Tuesday, Rachmaninoff, of the Choral Union series following two days later, and the week winding up with a fit celebration of the score that Michigan will build up against Chicago integrity of those intrusted with his cian would venture that if all the ar- guidance the first -year he accepts as ticles sent home from here in one a reality just as certain as the humilia- week to be laundered were placed cuff tion of having to wear a pot. to cuff, or toe to toe, or button-hole to In these lean days when even the button-hole, they would make a blue best of us will stoop to pick up a gingham highway, as it were, from the penny from the sidewalk, and the library to Ypsilanti and return by way blind have henchmen to count their of the Ec building. He might even go' change for them, most of us like to so far as to say that the starch used know where our cash goes. For the 'to launder those clothes would make education and peace of mind of those a flag-pole out of a 100-foot hemp rope. who would know, what follows m^,y or that the buttons therein would s with the famous Marine band on No- vember 13. In addition to Bryan's lecture last evening, the Oratorical association presents the Chinese Mark Twain, Ng Poon Chew, who speaks on "China and Her Burdens," on November 23. t ; 2' suffice. make a coat of mail for the Statue of For men: If the initial payment is Liberty, or that the holes in the socks ,130 for a new student, $25 is extract- would make a good foundation for a ed from the matriculation fee. After hogshead of doughnuts. But it doesn't the first year this item is omitted. X87 take a slide-rule to figure that of the goes for actual tuition, and if you don't 26,173 parcel post packages handled 1'T ink that it's cheap at any price, ask here during the first fifteen days of any grad. $2.00 gives you the priv- October, about seventy-five per cent gleg of using one of the finest and were laundry containers. The other most complete ibraries in the country. I twenty-five per cent were composed of :5.00 for outdoor physical exercise in-, packages containing everything from ,mres your good health. The Univor- fudge to candy. Laundry is sent as far T Healh Srvce 's at your comnmand j 'vest as Denver and as far east aC "nr the nominal s=mra of $6.00, and1 Macsachusetts. It is estimated that 35 ) rrP-re Five-,yon a year member- Thould there be a sudden paralization Thir to the Michigan Union. I of railroad traffic for any length of For women: Taking $126 as an ex- time, the health service would be ample of the total amount of the pay- crowded with cold cases, resulting nt, $25 for mitriculaton x87 or from students going shirtless, sockless I;sion, X2.00 for library. $2.00 for out- and B. V. D.'less. PIPE SMOKING LATESTl RAGE FOR LONDON WOMEN London, Nov. 6.-Pipe smoking seems to be on the increase among London women and fashionable cigar stores display dainty small briars, some set with precions stones. It is said there is a growing demand for these. At one West London theate where ,moking is permitted, two smartly dressed women were seen the other even ng in a box puffing at their jew- el'ed pipes, and son an Irishwoman in the gallery followed suit. Her'- was a clay "cutty." all city stores will close their door noon on the eleventh. The Mas band is to head the downtown det ments which will be composed of G. A. R., Spanish War veterans, Scouts, city council, and the var ex-service men's organizations. The memorial service which wi held in. Mill auditorium following narade, will have a deep meaning all the People who attend. It mean that the former service men n the cnmmis and in the city keening alive the memory of their dies who died for their country. 'T is not a man in the University served in the war but did not o comrade throngh the ravages of ease or the action of the enemy. it is that on the second anniversa the close of the great war every and town in the United States is oring the memory of its fighter suitable services of commemoral , { _ . =:L{; - 4 an "ad ; ° p We invite your inspection of our high grade University of Michhran Stationery. Now showing latest styles on Strlthmore Bond and in Deckle Edge Papers. E~V UIIIV~10iY A ve ..Er " ~3ta e 2~r~ct