, _ _ _ __-THE MICHIGAN DAILY University Men! Start a Savings Pres. H. H. Herbst, Secy., A. A. Sav- Account with HURON VALLEY BLDG. ings Bank Bldg.-Adv. & SAVINGS ASSO. Your money will double in 10 years. Never paid less If you can walk you can dance aft- than 6 per cent dividends since in- er four private lessons with Mlle. corporation 30 years ago. Can draw Jeanette Kruska or Phillip Miller, '23. your money any time and receive 5 1 Let us prove the fact. For appoint- per cent from date of investment. ment call 2308-R between hours 12-2 Money in association not taxable. or -at the Studio, 324 E. Huron (two Under State control. Wm. L. Walz, blocks west of the High-School).-Adv. wJMoliienI 1 i; ! M; Campaign members of the Y. W. C. A. are requested to turn in their re- suits at the office in Newberry hall as soon as possible. TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHING The next hygiene lecture will held at 4 o'clock Tuesday, Nov. 9, stead of 5 o'clock Thursday, Nov. on account of Armistice day. be in- 11, PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE BY EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHERS AT MODERATE PRICES 0. D. MORRILL 17 NICKELS ARCADE a _Calkins - Fletcher Drug Co. - w a w - w # w WED-HERS a # \"A' h s ftk - _ wllTbe encourae otry- agan.itsworthuyouriwhile - _ - = -teour customers ta-te - # a r # w - Mt- # - w 32#OUHSAT TREw EATADSUT NVRITwVNE 32 711TPACKAD STREET Sophomores must pay thei social tax of $1 before Wednesday, Nov. 10, at Dean Myra B. Jordan's office. Girls' Educational club will have its Michiganensian picture taken at the Corbitt-Hamilton studio at 12 o'clock Monday. Please be prompt. Women's Athletic association mem- berships will be received from 3 to 5 o'clock Monday, Wednesday, and Fri- day of this week in Barbour gymnas- ium. Try-outs for the Freshman Girls' Glee club will be held at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon in room 204 of the School of Music. All Athena members are requested to notify Amelia Igel at once at 1058- whether they will be present at the initiation banquet which will be held Tuesday evening. BETSY BARBUR NOW COMPLETELY FURNISHED COLOR SCHEME WORKED OUT IN OLD BLUE AND PUTTY Betsy Barbour dormitory is now a real home with furniture in its par- lors. The heavy curtains that had hid- den the rooms from view until every- thing was in place were pulled aside Saturday night and the girls found a bright fire waiting them in the living room fire place. Coffee was served there and Dean Myra B. Jordan told the girls about Betsy Barbour. The color scheme has been worked out in old blue and putty with bright- ening touches in the chintz hangings, and pieces of oriental bric-a-brac which are the gift of Mr. Barbour. In the book cases at either side of the fire place are many old books which were given by Mr. Barbour and Miss Mary Turner, a member of the board of directors of the dormitory. The formal room is to be called Betsy Barbour parlor and is furnished with pieces from Mrs. Barbour's home. In front of the living room is a sun- room with reed furniture and bright chintz. Tuesday Set For First Hello Day Next Tuesday when the girl whom you have been seeing in quiz every week, and that tall slender maiden with the handsome fur coat, and the studious lady with the horn rimmed glasses who seems to abide In the Library reading room, smile and say "Hello," don't think they are getting unduly familiar. Just say "Hello," back. Here is the reason. Tuesday is to be "Hello" day. The scheme is under the auspices of the University Y. W. C. A. and is a plan toward the solution of one of the college problems, the prob- lem of "getting acquainted," and the "Y" workers are hoping that after this day of friendliness and cordiality be- tween the University women, they will not be willing to let the idea die. So everybody, all together, "Hello!" TICKET COMPLAINTS A number of complaints have been received by the Student council from students who sent in their yellow coupons for Chi- cago game tickets before the -time limit set by the Athletic association, and had these cou- pons returned. All men who have complaints to make in this regard should submit their evidence to Stu- dent council members who will be at the Student council desk in the student activities room, third floor of the Union, between 1 and 3 o'clock Monday and Tuesday afternoons. What is a college student without his pipe? Get yours early and get the best-a B. B. B. Full assortment to select from at HUSTON BROTH- ERS. "We try to treat you right."- ASK FOR IT AT YOUR FAVORITE FOUNTAIN ° COL U MFNEC O U M CLOSES CLOS.S A.3P D ADVERTISING AT3P-3 i LOST AND FOUND LOST-A large fancy jeweled comb Thursday night; somewhere between Cushing's pharmacy and therArcade or in the Arcade. Liberal reward. Box A. Z., Daily. 30-3' LOST -- Psi Omega Fraternity pin, somewhere between Chemistry bldg. and 1007 E. Huron St. Finder please call 1268 or above address and re- ceive reward. 29-3' LOST- Leather backed Embryology notebook. Reward for return. H. W. Hann, 503 E. Liberty St. Phone 2354-W. 29-2 LOST--Large leather note book in Union coat room, Thursday noon.1 Kindly return to G. L. Cotter, 518 Cheever Ct. 29-2 LOT-Package containing Blue Satin on either State or Williams. Find- er please call 1325. Reward. 28-31 LOST-Pair heavy shell rim glasses without case. Near High School.. Call 1225-R. 30-11 LOST-A silver fox fur at Hill Audi- torium, Wednesday night. Please phone 2166-W. 30-2 FOUND-Gloves in Student Publica- tions' offices. Owners may recover them by calling and identifying same. 30-1 FOR RENT FOR RENT - Light housekeeping. Rooms furnished and heated. 555 S. Division. Call afternoon and even- ing. 28-3 WANTED WANTED-Three good seats together for Chicago game. Hodge, 822 Arch. Phone 348-R. 30-1 WANTED - Two tickets for Chicago game. Any place. Single or to- gether. Call Pliver, 2138-W. 30-1 WANTED-Two tickets for Chicago . game. Call McBride, 240-M. 30-2 WANTED-4 or 2 tickets to Chicago game. Call 1842-W. 30-2 MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES paid for your old clothes. Phone 1981-W and we will call at your convenience. 27-12 WILL THE gentleman who took over- coat by mistake from third, floor S. W. of U. Hall please return to or notify owenr. P. Gillette. 805 E. Huron St. Phone 1462-W. 30-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Rebuilt Remington, Un- derwood and other typewriters. Also new Fox Portable Typewriters. " $50. Phone Marston, 1951-R. 555 Pack- ard. 30-6 This includes both Plain and Fur-trimmed Models. The Coats are large wrappy styles with Large Cape Collars, some Fur-trimmed. The Furs used are Coon, Australian Opos- sum, Seal and Australian Coney. Sale starts FOR SALE - Gibson Mando-Cello practically new. Cheap. Call Ellis, 633-J. 27-6 FOR BERT FOR RENT - Housekeeping apart- ment; two front rooms, steam heat, hot and cold running water. Near campus and down town. Inquire, 1207 Willard. 30-3 1 rr- '7 7 . _ 1 . 1.1. _ F T1! t " _