-1.. :HIG 41 L .. i 11 YPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES Sold, tented, Ex- changed, leaned and ' . . s F r. Just Received Shipment of C..BIG BEN... 11 I epaired. Schlanderer & Seyfried 113 E. Liberty Street Ann Arbor Michigan New Carburetor WleingPerfected A new carburetor, invented by Will- iam L. Breath, is now well on its way to completion by George Granger Brown of the chemistry department. The advantages of the carburetor are its automatic control to road con- ditions and its increased economy of gasoline. It automatically thins the mixture when the motor is running on a light road, and enriches it when heavy work of any kind is put on the engine. Brown stated that this carburetor has shown itself capable of increasing the amount of miles per gallon of gas- oline at least 25 per cent. In tests carried on at Long Island, cars equip- ped with the Breath carburetor, made a much better showing than cars oper- ating with an ordinary carburetor. The best record with an ordinary car- buretor in these tests did not equal the poorest showing made with a Breath carburetor.. In co-operation with Mr. Brown are A. A. Young, '21E, S. T. Lowe, '21E, and H. J. Mack, '21E. " believe that we have something better than the old style of carbu- retor," says Mr. Brown. " Learn to Dance 11 rya"' PPER SHORTG E WILL CONTINUE, SAYS YOUNG GOVERNMENT MEASURES RELIEVE SITUATION SOME TIME IIIIllulI~IlllIlIulllInIllIL P _ PHIL DIAMOND an'd his first orchestra will furnish the music for the VICTORY DAY DANCE at- DEXTER WED., NOVEMBER 10 L COME! Everybody Wil Be There - -" -t111111t1111111111111ll l llI No permanent relief from the scar- city of wood-pulp for paper can be ex-' pected until the governmentenacts extensive conservation measures or enters the market to control prices, according to Prof. L. J. Young, of the forestry department, who further states that perhaps 20 years will pass before the supply can equal the de- mand, even if measures pending the next congress are passed. This is true of all lumber products, he says, but. the newspapers have been emphasizing the paper shortage because of its im- portance to them. Prices Rise A United States forestry service bulletin of June says, "Pre-war spot market prices for newsprint of about $2 per 100 pounds have risen untit now sales are reported at $15 as a maximum, and even higher rates are predicted at; $15, newsprint for a 32- page paper costs seven and a half cents. Because of the paper shortage, advertising rates during the past year have risen 35 per cent or more. Ad- vertising has been refused, and efforts to increase circfilation have been sus- pended." Much Paper Used r- CAN NOT FOR *1 rA TRUBEY 218 SOUTH MAIN QUALITY ICE CREAM. PHONE 166 Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to. every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Sayings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00 Resources .........$5,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron 707 North University Ave. I I momw Caters to Fraternities and Sororities --- ~ I SPALDING SWEATERS Warm and corn. fortable with free arm movement. Spaldingsweaters are garments for all-around use- for everybody- aen and women. Just right for alla manner of out- door wear. SENT)F( ~t('ATALO0t;h. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 211 S. State St., CIceago, III Ready to Serve AT ANY TIME Open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pot of hot tea and bowl of rice PLAIN CHOP SUEY 35 CENTS CHINESE and AMERICAN Style Short Orders Q1an Tung Lo 613 E. Liberty St MIMEOGRAPHING Textbooks, Forms, Letters, Cards, Anything LOWEST PRICES' BEST SERVICE IAl - 0. D. MORRIL 17 Nickels Arcade TYPEWRITING m Double Space Page...... Single Space Page...... . Carbon Copies........... .12Y2 .20 .3 cents cents cents LAST TIME TODAY Halsey's Dance Studios Huaainal ADDED FEATURES Fourth Episode OF The most beautiful and refined studios in Anni Arbor. W e teach all modern dances in one course. 21-22-23 WUERTH ARCADE et LL HOURS- 1-5-7-10 One large daily uses 20,000 tons of paper, amounting to the product of a century's growth on 7,500 acres, ac- cording to the bulletin.. "The kernel of the timber depletion problem lies in the enormous areas of forest land which are not producing the timber crops that they should. There are 326 million acres of cut-over timber lands in the United States. The timber re- maining is being consumed four times faster than it is being replaced." From this, says Prof. Young, it can be seen that there is no hope for relief in the newsprint situation, unless stringent conservation measures are enforced, against the influence of the lumber interests, who find it more profitable to sell their products at constantlyincreasing prices. 1I "The Lost City, i i2: : :~ Kinograms Sunshine Comedy ORCHESTRA AND ORGAN MUSIC EWUL CHAftCW4 5 i Ik! FRIDAY - SATURDAY WILLIAM FARNUM IN "DRAG HARLAN" SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY "TRUMPET ISLAND" 7ttt ll11fllfl!ilill lllflllllflltff lll ifllllllf i11llllllflliill llt lt ORPHEUM' LAST TIME TODAY EVA NOVAK IN "WANTED ATHEADQUARTERS" JACK DEMPSEY, IN "DAREDEVIL JACK" FRIDAY - SATUDRAY JACK PICKFORD IN "BURGLAR BY PROXY" SUNDAY - MONDAY BERT LYTELL "LOMBAR.DI LIMITED" Edwards Bros. 310 S. State Stj _ M IWHITNIEY THE"ATREI a _ - .. SUNDAY, NOV. 7 o _ o . a - _ - w _ w - w WARN ING! o _ ING AT 10 O'CLOCK THE FAMOUS GRAND AND COMIC OPERA STAR - K - _ o a o a _ a - aw _ w-w. 0 - o _ i THwI E OKMSCLCMD I o _ _ wa - w - w _ w. I Mrs. Fox was bragging one day about the large number of her cubs. "How many cubs do you bring into the world at one time?" she asked the LIONESS. "Only ONE," replied the Lioness-"but it's a LION." MURADS COST 20 CENTS for a BOX of 10-BUT THEY'RE MURADS! MURADS would be lower priced if we left out all or part of the 100% Turkish tobaccos of the purest and best varieties grown-or if we substituted inferior grades of Turkish tobacco. But ,they wouldn't be MURADS-they'd only be Foxes! , "Judge for Yourself-!" Special attention is called to Murad 20s in Tin Boxes =AV , i krali intfralu"z 'I_.. - I NP 0 Diamond's Orch. with "Phil"Himself DANCING 9 TO 1 Drop in after the BAND BOUNCE Friday, November 5 PACKARD p