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November 03, 1920 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-11-03

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Volume I


Number 26.

Bulletin 't the Deans:
Owing to the meeting of the Board of Regents, the Deans' committee
will not meet today. M. L. BURTON, President.
To the Members of the D iiversity:
On Friday afternoon, Nov. 5, at 4 o'clock, in Hill auditorium, Mr. Charles
W. Farnham, attorney of St. Paul, Minnesota, will deliver an address upon
the subject, "Theodore Roosevelt." All lovers of Mr. Roosevelt will feel that
they have made a very wise use of the hour if they hear this lecture. I have
rarely heard anything which has appealed more to both Faculty and stu-
dents than this address. It abounds in fresh material presented in a most
interesting and attractive fashion. The lecture is free and is open to the
public. Mr. Farnham deserves a large and representative audience.
M. L. BURTON, President.
Commitee on Student Affairs:
A meeting of the Committee on Student Affairs will be held on Thurs-
day,. Nov. 4, at 4:15 p. m. in the office of the Graduate School.
Graduate Stadents, Address by President Burton:
On Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 7 p. in., graduate students, ° both men and
women, interested in organization of the Graduate club for 1920-21, will
meet at the Union, Room 316. Officers will be chosen and plans for the
year discussed. Prompt and large attendance is desirable.
At,7:30 p. m President Burton will speak and an informal reception
will follow the address.
'Sophomore Engineers:
The first Assembly will be held Thursday, Nov. 4, in Room 348 of the
New Engineering building, at 11 o'clock. It is highly important that every
member of the class be present at this meeting.,
W. C. HOAD. Class Mentor.
Meeting of the American Association of University Professors:
There will be a meeting of the local branch of the American Association
of University Prfofessor's this evening, Nov. 3, at 7:30, Room 304,
at the Union, for the purpose of electing officers, of reorganization, and at-
t-ending to any other business which may be brought before the meeting.
H. P. THIEME, Secretary.
All men planning to enter the field of public school work, are urged to
attend a meeting in Room 302 of the Michigan Union Wednesday, Nov. 3, at
7:30. Purpose of the meeting is to consider the formation of a Men's Edu-
cational club. J. B. EDMONSON,
Department of Education.
Economics 9:
There will be a meeting of the graduate students enrolled in this course
at 3:15 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 3, Room 202, for the purpose of organizing a
special quiz section. W. P. CALHOUN.
Oral Interpretations of Literature:
A series of oral interpretations of literature will be given on Wednes-
day afternoons at 4 o'clock in Room 205, Mason hall. The program for to-
day will be talken from recent poetry. Those who are interested are in-
vited to attend this series. R. D. T. HOLLISTER.
Excursion to Selfrige Aviation field:
Members of the Aeronautical Society, Aero Students, and others inter-
ested are invited to visit Selfrige field Nov. 6, 1920. Those desiring to go will
register at the New Engineering building, Room 341, before the evening of
Nov. 4, 1920. F. W. PAWLOWSKI.
To Rhetoric Students:
Section X of my students in course 3 will meet Mr. Peterson in Room F
314 N. S. Thursday at 9 o'clock. T. E. RANKIN.

Business Manager Says at Least 3,000
Subscriptions Must Be
With only a few days left for stu-
dents to sign up for the Michiganen-
sian a record breaking finish must
be staged in order to make the cam-
paign a success. At present, in spite
of strenuous efforts on the part of
salesmen, only about 600 copies have
been subscribed for.
According to Boyd H. Logan, '21,
business manager of the yearbook,
"at least 3,000 subscriptions must be
received in order to make the 'En-
sian the kind of a publication that it
has been in the past."
Copies Limited to Subscribers
The business staff of the yearbook
has decided ntot to order any extra
copies printed to accommodate those
who are planning on purchasing their
books next spring. The difficulty of
estimating what the demand will be
at that time has impelled the man-
agement to confine the schedule to
the actual number ordered, in order
that the end of the year may not find
a large supply of unsold copies.
Book Usually Sent to 500 Schools
'Ensian officials emphasized yes-
terday the loss that would accrue to
the University if the last days of the
drive are not more successful than
the start has been. They said that the
yearbook is one of the best forms o
advertising that the University has
inasmuch as it goes to more than 500
high schools throughout the country.
Friday is the last day of the cam-
Postponement of the convention of
the University PresstClub of Michigan
to the first three days in December
was announced yesterday by Prof.
John R. Brumm of the rhetoricdepart-
ment, president of the organization.
The meeting was scheduled to have oc-
curred next week, with the opening
date Wednesday, Nov. 10.
The program for the conference is
practically arranged, and includes
speakers from the faculty of the Uni-
versity and editors of various papers
in the state.
Detroit Publisher to Talk
James Schermerhorn, who is the
publisher of the Detroit Times, will
speak at the smoker, which will in-
formally open the meeting on th
evening of Dec. 1. Schermerhorn is
known throughout the country as an
after-dinner speaker and as an or-
ganizer of newspaper work.
At the first session Thursday
morning President Marion L.TBurton
will speak. Others on the program
are: Prof. F. N. Scott, head of the
rhetoric department; Prof. E. R.
Sunderland, of the law faculty, chair-
man of the board in control of stu-
dent publications; W. W. Bishop, Uni-
versity librarian; and Rev. Lloyd
Douglas, of the Congregational

church, who was formerly connected
with newspaper work.
There will be a banquet Friday
night for the editors from the various
parts of the state who are meeting
here, and it is possible that Thurs-
day night they will attend the Choral
Union concert.
A constitution has been drawn up
by Professor Brumm, president of the
club and head of the department of
journalism in the University, and
Carley Johnson, secretary of the or-
ganization and managing editor of
the Ann Arbor Times-News. This will
be presented to the club for adop-
tion at the convention.
Club to Aid Co-operation
The purpose of the organization,
which was founded last year when
editors of various newspapers in the
state met with teachers here, is the
maintaining of a clearer understand-
ing between editors and the Univer-
sity. It is believed that the former
know how the University can be of
better service to the state, and it is
also thought that the University can
do much to serve the state through
the various newspapers which the ed-
itors in the organization represent.
It has been announced that the
meetings of the Press club, at least
all of the general sessions, will be
open to students of journalism and
to those other students of the Uni-
versity who are interested in this line
of work.
Seven senior women received invi.
tations to join Mortarboard, senior
women's national honorary society,
yesterday. Initiation will be held
Thursday afternoon, Nov. 11, at Fos-
ter's Tea room.
Newly elected members are Alice
Beckham, Olga Johnson, Helen Koch,

(Continued from Page One)
Sen. Cummins had an almost 2 to
1 lead over Porter, his opponent.
Republicans Lead in California
San Francisco-At 1 o'clock to-
night 684 precincts in California
show Harding leading 4 to 1. Vote
xhich included 550 precincts in Los
Angeles county gave Harding 86,762;
Cox 26,847.
Hayes Claims New York
New York - Hayes, chairman of
Rep. Nat, committee, was deluged
shortly after midnight with tele-
grams of congratulation on his suc-
cessful leadership.
Iarding Carries West Virgina
Charleston, W. Va. - With 616
rrecincts in West Virginia report-
ed at 1 a. m. Gov. Cox was credited
with 68,610 and Harding 92,602.
These returns came from 44 of the
55 counties.
Harding Loses Kentucky
Louisville, Ky.-Gov. Cox increased
his lead over 25,000 votes in Ken-
tucky to nearly 35,000 when returns
from 2,588 precincts of 3,226 in the
state had been completed. Vote -
Harding 363,122; Cox 397,939.
Vermont Gives Harding Record Vote
Montpelier, Vt. - Vermont gave
Harding largest vote ever in this
state, his margin of 44,301 bested the
record in 1896 of McKinley, who car-
ried the state by 40,384 over Bryan.
The vote of the state (complete) gave
Harding 648,888; Cox 20,587.
Arkansas Reports Scatter
Little Rock, Ark.-Scattering re-
turns from 21 of 1,750 precincts in
Arkansas give Cox 3,544; Hardin.
Cox Makes No Statement
Dayton, O.-Governor Cox himself
did not formally concede the defeat
regardless of the statement in his
paper. He said "I will make no
statement tonight. What my paper
said is purely impersonal." An-
nouncement of the extra came at
10:15 o'clock. Soon after this White's
concession came.
Reporters who called to see Cox
found him smoking a cigar. He show-
ed no emotion.
New York.-In the face of returns
showing a landslide for Harding,
Cox's own newspaper and Chairman
White of the National Democratic
committee soon after 11 o'clock to-
night conceded the election to Hard-
ing without waiting for returns from
the West.
Governor Cox was at his office when
the extra was published. He said he
had no statement to make. Senato
Harding was at home.

2 to 1 for Harding in N. Y.
New York-The New York Times
estimates Harding will carry New
York state by 700,000 majority.
Senator Harding was leading Gov-
ernor Cox of nearly 2 1-2 to 1 with
returns from more than one-half of
the 7,393 precincts in the state. The
vote in 3,615 districts, 1,375 of which
are in New York City, gave Cox 436,-
463; Harding 983,487. If this pro-
portion is maintained Harding will
carry the state by 1,100,000.
At 8:45 p. m. the tower of the New
York World building suddenly illum-
inated with red light, the signal that
that newspaper, a staunch supporter
of Governor Cox, had conceded the
election of his rival.
The New York Sun, which has
championed the Republican banner
and which claimed a landslide for
Senator Harding, admitted that Gov-
ernor Smith of New York, Democrat,
had been re-elected.
Wayne County Gives Harding 3 to 1
Detroit, Nov. 2. - The first eleven
precincts to report in Wayne county
gave Harding and Groesbeck plural-
ities amounting more than 3 to 1.
Figures were for president: Harding
1,859; Cox 515. For governor: Groes-
beck 1,852; Ferris 555.
The school amendment count was:
yes 821; no 1,642.
Wayne county, incomplete returns,
gives 642 yes and 794 no on school

Josephine McGuineas,
bach, Gladys Reineke,

Esther Pafen-I
and Martha

Prof. Charles B. Vibbert, of the phil-
osophy department, who is a director
>f the American University Union in
Europe, attended the annual meeting
of that organization in New York City
last Thursday. President-emeritus
Harry B. Hutchins, who is president
of the American University Union
board of trustees for this country, had
Professor Vibbert submit his report.
Professor Vibbert has been a direct-
or of the Union for the past three
Debs will get the. returns through
the national socialist headquarters in
Chicago. It has arranged to tele-
graph him. If the party polls a heavy
vote it reports it may make special
announcement to him on Nov. 5,
which marks Debs' 65th birthday an-

Opportunities for college men be-
tween the ages of 21 and 28 who de-
sire foreign service with the Stand-
ard Oil company are exceptionally
good, according to an announcement
made by that company. Dr. A. A.
Snowden, the company's representa-
tive, will be at the Union Friday to
interview men who are interested in
the proposition.
Applicants for Standard'Oil company
positions are not required to have had
previous business experience. Knowl-
edge of a foreign language is desir-
able but not essential, but men' are
expected to learn the natice tongue of
the place to which they are assigned.
Duties range from office work up to
the organization and development of
sales agencies. Engineers are also
Applicants favorably considered will
be trained in New York City and wil.
be given an allowance sufficient to
cover all living expenses. ''he train-
ing class meets for three or four
months and consists of talks by di-
rectors and managers on various
phases of the oil business, special
courses and lectures, and visits to
the refineries. Men in foreign service
are promoted in proportion to their
ability and existing opportunities.
Deland Leads Dorand
Returns from 308 precincts show-
ed the following vote for lieutenant
governor: Read 62,474; Pecard 19,-

Six Candidates for Junior Hap Board
Will Be Voted on
At yesterday's jiinior engineer as-
sembly the following committees
were announced: finance, S. Peterson,
A. J. Stock; publicity, E. P. Love-
joy, chairman, F. D. Ellis, H. G. Life;
social, E. H. Fox, chairman, A. B.
Evans, R. E. Swart, R. C. Vogt, R.
C. Christian, A. B. Stauffer, and P. C.
Nominations for a Junior Hop com-
mittee of three were as follows: E.
H. Foxt, G. E. Gregory, S. Madden, A.
L. May, A. B. Stauffer, R. E. Swart.
Election will take place Thursday
from 8:30 to 1 o'clock in the hallway
over the Engineering arch.
A smoker will be held Thursday
evening, Nov. 11.
It was emphasized at the meeting
that Junior Engineers will wear dark
corduroys this year.
Electricity Must Be Conserved
"Conservation of electricity is neces-
sary if present lighting facilities are
to be continued in the University
buildings," said C. E. Pardon of the
buildings and grounds department,
Because of the change in time and
the subsequent necessity for more
light, the generators at the power
plant have been carrying an extral
load for the past several days. A;
new unit, capable of generating about
300 kilowatts will probably be install-
L t fl v k t ntil this

Purposes of Organization Will Be
Described at Freshman
Election of officers for the Student
council committee on underclass con-
duct was held at its meeting last
night in the Union. After the duties
of the committee were explained by
last year's secretary, plans were
made to have several committeemen
present the functions of the organi-
zation to the freshman engineer as,
sembly and the freshman literary as-
Thebalance of the committee is to
be chosen by the chairman of the
committee and the presidents of the
lit and engineer classes in the near
More than 50 cases have come up
for settlement before the committee
on appeal in connection with the
rooming situation since its appoint-
ment by the University shortly after
the opening of school this fall.
In practically every instance, dis-
agreements in regard to the vacating
of rooms have been straightened out
by the committee with little dissat-
isfaction resulting.
The committee will continue to
hold sessions Monday and Thursday
afternoons at 3 o'clock on the third
floor of the Union until notice to the

Gymnaas i u m

Complete outfit Including
shirt, pants, supporter
and shoes $4.25









n abouz ne week, ru4 ~x
ompleted, economy will have to be NOTICE TO SENIORS
cised in the University buildings, Now is the time to have that Mich-
rding to Mr. Pardon. iganensian picture made so you can
have some finished for Christmas. A
portrait makes the one most accept-
dion Gives First Faculty Dance able gift, conveying as it does your
ith an attendance of 29 couples, personal thoughtfulness to friends and
kinsfolk at home. No need to wait for
Union on Monday evening gave a fine day, however, as our modern
irst dance of the college year for equiment makes it possible for you
ini, faculty members and direct- to have your setting one time as well
members. The second of these as another. Call at the Corbitt & Ham-
ilton Studio on State St. and make
es, which are given monthly, will your appointment or telephone 303-W.
place en Monday, Dec. 5. -Adv.

This Is the First Number of the
Oratorical Association Lecture Course

Ten Lectures Season Tickets $2.so and
At Wahr's & Graham's



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