a Attention, Women? PACKARD ACADEMY University women will have a sep- Join the new class in ball room arate room in which to hear election dancing next Monday and Wednesday returns tonight in the Republican eve.. 7 to 8:30. Regular Tuesday and club's headquarters in Nickel's ar- Thursday assembleis free to members clbsea aof class. Private lessons by appoint- cade. ment. Phone 1850-F1.-Adv. DANCE STUDIOS The Plost Ileautiful and Refined Studios in Anti Arbor 21-22-23 WUERTH ARCADE HOURS: 1-5, 7-10 II I ;w##Iu ##1#r#I##I#I#11I#####~ic##111#lE#1F11#1###o rlii~ll! i W OFTRITZI SCHEFF'S AIDES IN "GLORIANNA," AT THE WHITNEY, SUNDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER SEVETH '5 heff, the world famous olnic opera star, who will. he Whitney theater, Sun- ov. 7, in "Glorianna" is so to tlfe patrons of light is needless to further ex- iderful talent and charm. ay that according to the .d musical critics of Bos- a cago, where she has ree- ded extended engagements na," the famous star is signing as well, if not better, than she has at any time in her remarkable career. She is also as chic and charm- ing in appearance and her gowns are ,the last word in the imported modiste's art. The role of "Glorianna" in Mrs. Cushing's delighful musical comedy affords Miss Scheff an excellent op- portunity to display her wonderful acting ability, as well as to sing in her own inimitable way the several nunmbers, especially composed for her has produced the very best in light by Rudolph Friml and to generously opera both in Europe and America. respond with several encores, not His production of Mme. Schumann- omitting Victor Herbert's famous Heink in "Love's Lottery," "Lulu Gias- "Kiss Me Again." "Glorianna" scored er" in "Dolly Varden" and many oth- a success in New York where it ran ers were among the most artistic ever for over 100 performances and prac- I seen upon the American stage and his tically the same identical cast will be name is a sufficient guarantee of the seen here in the support of Mme. excellence of the cast, chorus and en- Scheff. semble surrounding Mme. Scheff. F. C. Whitney, who is directing the tour of Mme. Scheff, for maiyl years, Patronize Daily advertisers.-Ad S'TUDY LAMPS a d all kinds of ELE CTRIC SUPPLIES Iomnew s must pay their social fore Wednesday, Nov. 10, te Chapin, '19, at Dean can's office. __ or the Freshman Girls' .11 be held at '2:30 o'clock ernoon, and at 5 o'clock rnoon,' Nov. g, instead of afternon as was announc- - I for handing in Junior cahuscripts has been ex- ednesdgy, Nov.'3. non at Newberry hall. Open forums will take the place of vespers this year. Regular rehearsal of the University Girls' Glee club will be held at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. All girls who are interested in pub- lic speaking and debating are urged to attend the try-out of Athena Lit- erary society which will be held at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu room on the fourth floor of University hall. A meeting of the Women's Athlet- ic association board will be held at 7:15 o'clock Tuesdaysnight, Nov. 2, at the' ,Chi' Omega house. Hockey practice for freshmen will be held at 3 o'clock Wednesday after- DAILY SUBSCRIPTIONS Daily subscribers who wish to pay their subscriptions may either send checks, or pay same at The Daily office. The $4.00 , rate will be charged on all un- paid subscriptions after Nov. 10. non, instead of 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, as formerly announced. Juniors and seniors will have hockey practice at 4 o'clock Wednes- day, Nov. 3. University girls who are working on the Y. W. C. A. campaign should report before 4 o'clock daily at New- berry hall in order that their results may be recorded on the membership chart.5 Michigan Da nes will hold a busi- ness meeting at 8 o'clock Tuesday night in the auditorium of Lane hall. Mortarboard will meet at 7 o'clock Wednesday night at the Alpha Phi house. Extra Concert Series goto WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE 273 200 WASHINGTON ST. HILL AUDITORIUM NOVEMBER 4 ALBERT SPALDING Violinist ANDRE BENQIST, Accompanist , America's finest violinist who gave up his art during the war and won great distinction as a Lieutenant in the Aviation Corps. B, Jordan will- n ofrum of the ock :Wednesday speak Y. W. after- ew berry Tea Room TH STATE ° JUST OPPOSITE U. HALL N1 A. M.TO6P.IM. StNDAY 4 TO 8 P. M. LUNCHEON 11:30 TO 1 P. M. WILL SERVE ANYTHING YOU LIKE -AT-. NOVEMBER 13 UNITED STATES MARINE BAND Y- >on 'if Teas or Dinner arranged for in advance Parties W. C. A. BEGINS HOSPITAL SERVICE '. E T ERTISINi U IRIS ICOLUMNi LOSES AT 3 P.MM. . M., small black tebook, gold pen- J. C." engraved on Phone 1597-R. ir of new gray kid ack & Co. and the Villiam St. Phone muff on Boulevard, lead- bridge Road. Finder re-' East Huron. -Reward.- 25-4 signet ring,. initial "W."' Washtenaw ortbetween Building. Phone 785. en south wing of "U" 18 E. Jefferson, a card a purse. Call 1058-R. 2$ Xi end Tau Beta Pi1 day on or near campus. >x A. X., Daily. 25-3 wallet Thursday night. owner' at 783. Liberal. 1 Eve sharp pencil near Ple e call 1963-R or e St. , lay, barrel of gold foun- Initials L. T. F. Call OR RNT - Hoiusekeeping apart- ront rooms, steam heat, I running water. Near d downtown. Inquire 25-3 Large front suite. One campus. For married dies 1724-J. 25-3 Desirable double room. Call at 1011 So. State WANED WANTED-Two tickets for Mich.-Chi- cago game. C. B. Dudley,. 734 N. Prospect St., Ypsilanti, Mich. WANTED-A No. 1 piano player. Ex- perience in orchestra work. Apply. Manager of Majestic Theater. 25-3 WANTED-Registered drug clerk on part time. Apply Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. 711 Packard St. WANTED-Work near campus by Un- iversity student. Box A. C., Michi- gan Daily. 25-2 WANTED - Two tickets for Chicago {game. tall 1366. MISCELLANEOUS THE PERSON who about 4:30 p. m. Oct. 26 took from the Instructor's desk in Room 101, W. H., a Winston .Simplified Dictionary is advised to return the same at once, and save trouble as he was observed. 25 THE RECOGNIZED party who took overcoat from Chemical building will reutrn same to place from which it was taken or prosecution will follow. This is no bluff. OHIO STATE GAME-Can take a lim- ited number of students to Columbus and back for only half of the regular fare. Call ' after 6 p. m. Phone 1121-W, 227 S. Ingalls. 25 THE CITY ordinance requires that autos display rear and front lights while parked, except in boulevard lighted districts. Thos. O'Brien, Act- ing Chief of Police. ' 25-3 THE RECOGNIZED person who took green overcoat from table in cafe- teria hall of the Union, will return it to same place at once or prosecu- tion will follow. 25 WE HAVE afew vacant places now. If you haven't a regular place to eat, call round and get one. Fail- ing's Boarding House, 714 Monroe. Social service work at the Univer- sity hospital under the supervision of the Y. W. C. A. was begun yester- day. The organization of the work this year is different than has been attempted formerly. Freida Stuart, '21, acts as chair-' man of the social service commission at the hospital. Under her direction' Enid Hough, '22, Mildred Lawton, '21,' and Jean Waterbury, '22, act as su- pervisors, planning, e in co-operation with the social workers of the hospi- tal, the program for volunteer work- ers who are chosen from University girls. Not more than 10 vounteer girls work each afternoon. Special pref- erence is given to girls who are in- terested in social service work as a profession. Forestry Club Goes to Farm Tonight Leaving Ann Arbor at 4:45 o'clock this afternoon, the members of the Forestry club will hold their first camp fire at the forestry farm at 6 o'clock Tuesday evening. All freshmen of the forestry depart- ment are especially urged by those in WILLIAM H. SANTELMAN, Leader ARTHUR S. WHITCOMB, Cornet Soloist This organization, famous for a century and a quarter, has played at every presidential inaugural since that of Thomas Jefferson. For the first time in nearly a decade it has been permitted to leave Washington for a brief tour, Ann Arbor, through the co-operation of the Chamber of Commerce, being one of the few music centers to be visited. DECEMBER 2 PERCY GRAINGER Pianist Mr. Grainger is recognized as one of the world's greatest artists. He is also famous as a composer and con- ductor. JANUARY 10 THE FLONZALEY QUARTET ADOLFO BETTI, First Violin ALFRED. POCHON, Second Violin LOUIS BAILLY, Viola IWAN D'ARCHAMBEAU, 'Cello The most perfect string quartet ever assembled. fT LAST TIME TODAY IN "ONE HO UR BEFORE DA WN" AND * %. . WN ESAYTHRSA "THE WODERFULCHANCE e/ WEDNEDAY ONLYRDA IN "THE POOR SIMP" Geo. SeIz's "PIRATE GOLD" FEBRUARY 28 NEW YORK CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY charge to attend this initial camp fire. During the even talks will be given by Roth and other membe ulty. All men who are to camp fire are requested song books with them. ing informal Prof. Filbert rs of the fac- attend this to bring their CAROLYN BEEBE, Director and Pianist ANDRE TOURRET, First Violin HERBEAT CORDUAN, Second Violin SAMUEL LIFSCHEY, Viola JACQUES RENARD, Violoncello LUDWIG MANOLY, Double Bass WFILLIAM KINCAID, Flute. GUSTAVE LANGENUS, Clarinet HENRI DE BUSSCHER, Oboe UGO SAVOLINA, Bassoon JOSEF FRANZEL, French Horn LAWRENCE WHITCOMB, English Horn TICKETS FOR THE COURSE $2.00 - $2.50 SINGLE CONCERTS: $1.0 , 75c, 50e Use the advertising columns of The Miehig .n Daily to reach the best of Ann Arbor's byert.--Adv. Close R. 0. T. C. Enrollment for Fall. Although students of the freshman and sophomore classes of the Uni- versity will still be able to enroll in the R. 0. T. C.'next semester, accord- ing to Major Robert Arthur, profes- sor of military science and tactics, no further enrollments for the fall term will be made after Thursday, except in the case of students who are entering with advanced military credit. _ _ Springer, '19, in Calcutta warm suite at 109 OR SALE Rebuilt Remington, Un- I other Standard Type- w .Fox Portable Type- Marston, .1951-R, 555J Phone 1885. 25-3, Word has just been received by Dean J. R. Effinger that Donald R. CARL CARg BIRD, His Wagon. Par- , CAL csAlvre BIRD His Wag o Par- Springer, 19, former president of the cely delivered . to all parts ofthe Union, has recently been sent to Cal- city. Phone 162'7-W. Y 'cutta in the employ of the Standard LOST AND FOUND Oil company. LOST-Gold fountain pen, initialed I. M. E. Finder please call 1248-R. Patronize D -ily advertisers.--Adv. PENN AN TS OF = IIIIll Il jIIlf I IItIlllII[1ElIlti A full line of Roo - Gift No DARLING & 224-226 SOUTH STATE STREET or #lllrllluuElu lll #ltHll llltlWll !! u!!#!##1# lEn A LL COL LEGES Im Decorations and { velties at MALLEAUX 7 NICKELS ARCADE /