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November 02, 1920 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-11-02

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0. S. U.

_..._ _

800 Students and Detroit Ohio State
Men to Be Guests of
Alumni Body
Here's what the Detroit alumni are
doing next Saturday about the Ohi
State-Michigan game.
They're having a big pep smoker
at the Detroit Board of Commerce
during the game, and a special wire
from Columbus will flash the game
plan by- play, while several former
Michigan football men will explain
them on a giant board painted to rep-
resent a football field. A cheer lead-
er will be on deck, a jazz band, corn-
cob pipes, cider, doughnuts, and when
the plays begin coming in they're go-
ing to have a young football riot
down there.
Ohio State Men as Guests
It is planned to have all the De-
troit Ohio State men as guests, and
in addition they want about 300 stu-
dents from Ann Arbor. If you can't
take in. the game in Columbus, take
advantage of this smoker in Detroit-
you'll get some thrills you couldn't
experiencegat the game itself. It's go-
ing to be great.
Young Alumni Officiate
Carl Johnson, '20, Michigan's ath-
lete-satellite, has been appointed gen-
eral chairman, with Russell Barnes,
'20, Harry Carey, '20, and others to
help bost the program. The idea will
be carried out again for the Minne-
sota game with the same organiza-
If a sufficient number of studente
are interested in going to Detroit next
Saturday for this smoker-game, a
special car will be arranged for, to
accommodate them. Details will be
announced later.
Bounce Will Send
hand to Columbus
That the band ought to and will go
to Ohio State is the incentive for th
Band Bounce, scheduled for next Fri-
day night in Hill auditorium.
Headed by H. L. Lindsay, '21, the
committee has arranged for a concert
by the band to be followed by five
vaudeville acts, showing campus tal-
ent at its best. The concert will in-
clude a variety of selections by the
band ensemble and features that have
been deevloped during the year.
One of the headliners on the list
will be the Varsity quartette consist-
ing of Howard Walzer, '23M, Lloyd
Kemp, '23M, Emery T. Jones, '23M,
and Robert Dieterle, '23M. Their rep-
ertoire will be Michigan songs and
some of the latest popular melodies.
They will be followed by an imper-
sonation act and an up-to-the-minute
10 piece orchestra, which will enter-
tain the audience with the latest jazz
The proceeds from the Band Bounce
will be used to send the band to Ohio
State Nov. 6. The admission price, 50
cents, with a full house Friday night

wil put the drive across and will en-
able the campus to see the band in its
element, according to the committee.
Dr. Warthin Gives Annual Talk
Before an audience of 2,000 men
which filled the lower floor of Hill
auditorium last night Dr. Alfred S..
Warthin delivered his 25th annual
lecture on social hygiene.

Eighteen members of the freshman
football team will be sent to the game
at Columbus Saturday, the total cost.
of the trip, estimated at $243, being
met by fraternities.
A subscription is being circulated
at the present time among the fratern-
ities by the student committee on ath-
letic affairs, and the amount is ex-
pected to be raised in short order. A
Conference ruling prohibits the Uni-
versity Athletic association from as-
suming the expense of the undertak-
In the opinion of the athletic com-
mittee, the sending of the men to
Ohio is the least that can be done to
show appreciation for their work on
the field, bucking the Varisty, and
the fraternity response shows that
student opinion is the same.
Appointments to nine committees
were announced yesterday at the
Union. The opera committee and
other committees are to be announc-
ed later. Following is a list of the
committee appointments given out
Dance committee: Alfred May, '22,
general chairman; Douglas Dow,
'22E; E. H. Fox, '22E; Robert Vaile,
'22E; Clarence Hatch, '22.
Returns Committee
Election returns committee: Joseph
Bernstein, '22, chairman; George
Gregory, '22E; Norman C. Damon,
'23; James Patton, '23; Arthur Dav-
idson, '23.
Score board committee: Gerald
O'Brien, '23L, chairman; Seward
Cramer, '23.
Spotlight vaudeville committee:
Pierce McLouth, '21E, general chair-
man; Mark B. Covell, '21E, advertis-
ing and program manager; Stuart B.
Smith, '21E, stage manager; William
Michaels, '22, ticket manager.

Varsity Band Will Lead Procession
Thursday Afternoon to
Extensive preparations for a peppy
sendoff to the Varsity eleven and the
Michigan coaches when they leave
Thursday afternoon for the Ohio State
game at Columbus on Saturday are
being made by a Student council com-
mittee of which Donald Porter, '21, is
"Every student should be at the sta-
tion to see the men off and to show
them that we have confidence in their
ability to beat Ohio," said Porter.
"We want every one out to cheer them
on their way."
Leaving Ann Arbor at 4:50 o'clock,
the team goes on the Ann Arbor rail-
road to Toledo, from where by special
sleeper they leave at 12:20 on the
Big Four for Columbus, arriving there
at 8:30 o'clock Friday morning.
Tentative plans call for a long par-
ade of students, led by the Varsity
band. The procession will move from
the assembling place at Hill auditor-
ium through the main streets of the
city to the Ann Arbor station, where
a number of cheers will be led by Al
Cuthbert, '21E, and his team of yell
leaders. The exact time of meeting at
the auditorium and the line of march
will be announced later.
Efforts are being made to have the
team head the parade in automobiles,
but the departureso early inthe aft-
ernoon may prevent this, as Coach
Yost wants to drill his men every
available minute.

Wireless And Telegraph To Give
Students Full Election Returns

Election returns as complete as
modern methods can make them will
be at the disposal of students of.the
University from many different sourc-
es tonight and running through un-
til early tomorrow morning.
Arrangements have been completed
Voters in Ann Arbor may cast
their ballots at the places in the
several wards and precints of
the city as follows: First ward-
voting room, basement of City
hall; second ward-Ward build-
ing on South Ashley street;
third ward-ward building on
Miller avenue; fourth ward-
voting room, basement of Arm-
ory, North Fifth avenue; fifth
ward - ward building, corner
Swift and Pontiac streets; sixth
ward-voting room, old engine
house, East University avenue
(this is the poll nearest the cam-
pus) ; seventh ward-first, pre-
cinct, City building on Mary
street; seventh ward, second
precinct, voting room in Eber-
bach school, corner of Wells
street and Forest avenue, from
7 to 8 o'clock.
AT 1:30
All city stores will close their
doors at 12 o'clock noon on Nov. 11
in celebration of Armistice day as a
result of a joint meeting of the city
Chamber of Commerce and represen-
tatives from University military or-
ganizations held last night.
The parade, which will be composed
of all ex-service men both from the
University and the city, will start
from the campus promptly at 1:80
o'clock, picking up the city detach-
ments at the city hall square.
To Hold Memorial Service
Col. A. H. Lovell will act as grand
marshal of the day, while Col. Robert
Arthur will head the University de-
tachment and Carl Lehman, the city
organizations. Following the parade
proper, a memorial service is to be
held at 3 o'clock in Hill auditorium.
A special committee is now arrang-
ing a program which will include a
address by a well known speaker and
several patriotic numbers rendered by
the University band.
V. F. W. to Have Banquet
Dr. Lewis P. Hall will be the guest
of honor at the banquet of the Uni-
versity post of the Veterans of For-
eign Wars to be held at 6 o'clock on
the evening of Nov. 11 in the Union
He will deliver the principal address.
Other speakers on the program are
Lieut. Com. J. R. Hayden, former
head of the University Naval Militia,
unit, Col. Robert Arthur and Byron
F. Field, '21. A jazz band will be on
hand and several numbers by the
Overseas quartette are also schedul-
ed. Tickets for the banquet will be
on sale at the next meeting of the
post, which will take place at 7:15
o'clock this Wednesday evening in
room 318 of the Union.

at the Union for special bulletin
service beginning at 11 o'clock to-
night and continuing through until 2
o'clock in the morning. The taproom
and other Union accommodations, it
has been announced, will be kept open
until that time for the convenience of
those who desire to go to the Union
to hear the returns.
Daily Service Complete
Special service by telegraph and
wireless has been arranged for by The
Daily, to begin at 7 p. m., continuing
through until 3 a. m. No phones in
the office, however, will be answered
with the exception of one which has
been reserved for the accommodation
of those who desire to phone the
Daily for returns. The number is
176J. Under no consideration will any
other phone at the offices of The,
Daily be answered.
The Daily has also arranged to
provide moving picture houses with
election bulletins that they will flash+
upon their screens.
Union Provides Music
The Union arrangements include a
musical entertainment to be present-
ed by the Weatherby orchestra for the
occasion. The large assembly h~ll,
the first floor lobby and the tap
room have been designated as places
where the returns will be megaphon-
ed to the crowd.
The regular morning edition of The
Daily tomorrow will carry as com-
plete a report of national and state.
tickets as modern methods can se-
cure. Besides a special Associated
Press reportthe University wireless
station will be pressed into service to
give Daily readers a most complete
story of the election.
Story Contest
Closes Nov. 15
But two weeks remain in which to
prepare manuscripts for the short
story contest now being conducted
by the Chimes, as the contest closes
Nov. 15. As previously announced:
three prizes of $15, $10, and $5, re-
spectively, will be awarded.
Stories should be mailed or taken
to the Union office, and addressed to
the contest editor of the Chimes.
Manuscripts should be headed by the
name of the story, and not signed, but
the anuthor'ssname, address and tele-
phone number, together with the ti-
tle of the story should be enclosed on
a separate slip. The contest is open
to all undergraduate and graduate
students with the exception of mem-
bers of the Chimes staff.
Paris, Nov. 1. - The throne of
Greece nay be offered to Prince
Charles, Count of Flanders, the second
son of King Albert, according to the
Parisienne. The newspaper said that
the reply of Prince Paul to the Greece
government's offer of the throne will
be declined, if Premier Venizelos is
retained in power, which is considered
certain. According to newspapers the
king of the Belgians declined a sim-
ilar offer from Hungary several
months ago on behalf of the Count of
At the Greek legation here it was
said today that the authorities were
unable to confirm or deny the report.
Bolsheviki Disperse Wrgel's Army
Sebastipol, Nov. 1.-The Bolsheviki
have broken General Wrngel's center
and the wings of his armies apparent-
ly have been crushed. The town of
Melitopol and other points have been
abandoned and the Reds are nearing
Perekop, which they claim to . have
captured. Wrngel is making a gal-

lant defense but is prepared to with-
draw from the Crimea across the
Sfvasch sea.
Fair and Cooler Today

Candidates Busy in Last Day of CaN
paign; Both Have Faith in
American People
(By Associated Press)
Marion, Nov. 1.-Putting the stre
and worries of his..campaign behiz
him, Senator Harding awaited calm
the decision of his fellow eountryme
on his candidacy for the nation
chief office.
Makes No Predictions
He made no predictions of the ou
come, but his quiet demeanor a
smiling face carried every . outwa
sign of satisfaction and c fldence.
"I can only say," he replied to
request for his opinion, "that we ha
made the best fight we knew how t
make, and await the result with co
placency." Surrounded by his fami
and personal friends, Senator Hardi
spent election eve at home. Throug
out, the day he let down from ti
strain of the campaign, declined
concern himself with the routinec
his headquarters, and spent most
his time talking of everything, b
politics, with friends and neighbo
who came in to see him.
Expects to Vote Eady
Tomorrow he expects to vote ear
and then motor to a golf course for
miles away to tramp over' the lin
while the story of the ballot is telli
itself throughout the nation. He w
be back at home in time to hear ti
earliest returns.
Virtually the only attention give
to politics by the nominee during t
day was in telephone conference wI
Will H. Hays, the Republican nation
chairman, and Harr fM. Dougheri
who was his pre-convention manage
'he candidate said the information. gi
en him was especially gratifying.
In Good Physical Condition
Although he has spent most of t
last month on the stump,. Senat
Hardin, finished his campaign in r
bust condition physically...After ele
tion day there will be a vacation f
the senator and his wife, but detal
planned for it have not been a
Cox Argues for LeRgue
Toledo, Nov. 1.-Governor Cox,
his last speech of the c.mpagn he
tonight, summarized his argumn
for the league of, nations,' which
said was the premier. issue.. to be d
cided tomorrow at the pol. He pi
dicted victory for himself, not as t
representative of a party; but as t
leader of a cause.
The governor also renewed hisa
tack on Senator Harding on the leag
(Continued on page Eight)
All class elections 'in the Law
school will be held from 9 to 12
o'clock Wednesday morning in
the corridors of the Law build-

Dental college class elections
will be run off from 10 to 12
o'clock Thursday 'morning in
corridors of the Dentalrbuilding.
Class elections in the Med-
ical school will be conducted
Friday morning on. the main
floor of the Medical building.



Publicity committee: Chesser M. With the purpose of providing a
Campbell, '21, chairman; B. P. Camp- permanent memorial for the 127 field
bell, '22; Byron Darnton, '23; Marion service men who lost their lives in
B. Stahl, '23. the World War, an organization
Musical Clubs known as the American Field Service
Combined clubs committee: Fred- Fellowships for French Universities,
erick Storrer, '21E, general chair- has recently been established.
man; Gordon F. Godley, '22E, assist- Formerly called the Society for Am-.
ant chairman; Clark M. Boothby, '22, erican Fellowships in French Univer-
assistant chairman; Jack Holden, sities, the present organization pro-
'22, assistant chairman; Sydney Sar- posses to award fellowships for ad-
asohn, '22, ticket manager; Hugh vanced study in France to students
Hitchcock, '22, publicity and adver- chosen on a basis of national com-
tising manager; Edward Preihs, '2L, petition from American universities
program manager. and technical establishments, and also
Music committee: H. S. Sherman, occasional fellowships for French
'21E, chairman: Carlton B. Peirce, students in universities in this coun-
(Continued on page Eight) try. When endowed these fellowships
will be named after the American field
BHservice men who died in France. It
BURTON C HOUSES is planned, sufficient funds permit-
IDEALS FOR TALK ting, to name a fellowship in memory
of each of the 127 men. In order that
For the subject of his third talk to American students may avail them-
freshmen President Marion L. Burton selves of the opportunities and ad-
chose "The Michigan Standard." "Our vantages gained by attendance at
coset "The Mihi Stchandard.""Ord French universities, which rank high
conception of the Michigan standard -among the educational institutions of
is permanently related to the truth," the world, the society deemed its pre-
said the president. "From the stu- sent actions the most advisable means
dent point of view it should demand of securing this result.
that self-respect, which requires a Books in Library
man to think soberly in regard to In a statement issued from the so-
himself and to those things for ciety's headquarters in New York
which he is at the University. City, the aims of the organization are
"Self-respect requires integrity; in- given in full detail, as well as all nec-
tegrity in our speech, our finances, our essary information for prospective fel-
work, everything we do. Self-respect lows. Copies of a book entitled "Sci-
requires that a man be a 'master in- ence and Learning in France," pub-
stead of a slave, that he actively op- lished in 1917, were sent to the librar-
pose the things with which he dis- ies of every college in the United
agrees, and that he see that these States. Two copies of this book are
things gradually become right. It now in the University Library.
makes a man a giant, liberated to do Fellowships will be offered in al-
the things the world expects of him most every field of study open to stu-
and brings to him the respect of dents in American universities. Al-
others" (Continued on Page Eight)


Turks Capture Armenian Town
London, Nov. 1.-The Armenian
town of Hadjin has been captured by
Turkish nationalists who have mas-
sacred the inhabitants, numbering
10,000, according to a dispatch to the
Armenian bureau in London. These
Armenians have been holding out
against the attacking forces since last
spring .


OPPORTUNITY is offered every student to reserve his copy during the subscription campaign this week. There willbe
no extra copies ordered this year. The 1921 Michiganensian will be the most complete and elaborate yearbook ever published
The more books sold the better the book will be. Every student should have a Michiganensian for every year he's here.
Your only chance to get a book is this week. Cash$5.50 or $3.50 down and $2.50 upon receipt of copy.

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