w . GADR R! K America's Foremost Singina Comedienne NOR A BAYES Her Family Tree A Fainous Musical Play- I San Carlo GRAND OPERA Company with 20 Distinguished European and American Opera- tic Singers and Grand Opera Orchestra I AT THE THEATERS TODAY '-, lllii1llri~tl liliil~ll/1111111111111111111111111111111111lnn~r1E~ 11 II11ilnnr t11111111 HALS EY'S, "DANC-*J'lE ST-UDIOIS The Most Bieaut i/ul and Refined = Studios in Ann Arbor 21-22-23 WUERTH ARCADE HO0URS: 1-5, 7-10 Newberry Tea Room 432 SOUTH STATE JUST OPPOSITE U. HALL OPEN 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. SUN7DAY 4TO 8P.31. LUNCHEON 11:30 TO 1 P. M1. WE. WILL SERVE ANYTHING YOU LIKE -AT- Screen Majestic--Constance "39 East." Also "A! Fresh Start," News. Binney in a comedy, and Pathe Arcade-Elaine Hammersteinz in "Point of View" and a comedy, "It Happens in the Best of Regulated Families." Wuerth-Zazu Pitts in "Heart of Twenty." Kinograms and a Hall Room Boys comedy. Orpieum-Buck Jones in "Sun- set Sprague." Last episode of "Hidden Dangers," and Jack Dempsey in "Daredevil Jack." Also a comedy. TIlS EEK PRE SIDENT TO GIVE TWO ADDRESSES IN GRAND RAPIDS Will Speak Before Michigan State Teachers' Conference Thurs- day The conference of the Michigan State Teachers' association will be conven- ed at Grand Rapids on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 28 and 29. "The con- vention promises to be the biggest of any character held in, Michigan this year," said Prof. J. B. Edmondson, of the educational department. Thirteen Michigan faculty men are on the program, including President Marion L. Burton, who will talk on "Being Alive" and "The. Aim of Am- erican Education," on Thursday. In addition to the conference, there will be a banquet for Michigan alum- ni on Thursday evening, at which, President Burton and Dean. Edward H. Kraus will speak. Prof. Judd to Address U. of Ml. Alumni Prof. C. H. Judd, director of the school 'of education, University of Chi- cago, will speak to the University of Michigan club of Detroit upon "The University of Michigan and a School of Education," at the club's weekly luncheon at 12:15 o'clock next Thurs- day in the Hotel Cadillac. WEDNESDAY- / ". UERT KINOGRAMS THURSDAY HALL 'ROOM BOYS COMEDY I 1 Orchestra. Afternoon Teas or Dinner if arranged for in advance Parties, q 111111ii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111iiil11111111111111111111111111111 l- Lymndono & Cg1pmy° 719 North University Avenue 'KODAKERS - HERE'S YOUR FIRST STOP- RIGHT HERE AT THE STORE ~We specialize in .Developing and Print- ing, and -Enlarging Flashlights W _ a s SEASTMAN _KODAKS AND EASTMAN FILMS (ALWAYS FRESH) lii Uli il Stage Garrick (Detroit) -Nora Bayes playing in that Weeks-Simons musical play, "Her Family Tree." Shubert (Detroit) - The San Carlo grand opera company. Matinee, "Madame Butterfly"; evening, "Cavalleria Ristica- na and Pagliacci." No Holiday for November Election A rumor that University classes were to be dismissed for the election Tuesday, Nov. 2, has been declared by Mr. 0. L. Buhr, assistant to the Presi- dent, to be without official foundation. No action has been taken for such a holiday, nor is any contemplated, he stated. Organ Music AND Admission: OUR AND. SODAS SUNDAES ADULTS ............. ...25C CHILDREN ..............l1C ARE THEY GOODI I'LL SAY THEY ARE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Corner State and Liberty ORPHI'-EUM WEDNESDAY I For BUCK JONES IN .STUDY LAMPS "SUNSET SPRAGUE" and all kinds of NEXT WEEK ', EL ECTR IC SUPPLIES JACK DEMPSEY IN Cecil B. De Mille a go to "DAREDEVIL JACK"' 1 will give you WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP A B0 U T1" CLAY PL AY COMEDY Free Matinee PHONE 273 200 WASHINGTON ST. 11 .r V P, I PHONE 166 TRUBEY 218 SOUTH MAIN QUALITY ICE CREAM .a I 1 1111111 11 1 1.11 Ill. 11 1 I'll; 11 IN I I - MM M M M M WA I I TODAY and TOMORROW Caters to Fraternities and Sororities I it Tv TLF,'s II 'I TODAY AND TOMORROW I LEWIS J. SELZNICK PRESENTS LUNCH ROOM Crowded every meal BUT Room for All Our flast years customers One half block South of b"MAP~ i 0o 0. ,. 0. Elaine Hammerstein 0 1 0 0 '4. 0 A Y.4 V -a b' 0 0 0 0 0 '4 09 '4 0 .. 't i 0b a a 0 a' a ... is 0. '. 0n O c+ b O . b t9 'pa C r!' 0 O ,. 0 0 0d 0t es 0 0. ma 4' e+ '0 "C '0 0a a* 0. [ 0 0 ow 0 0 w0 0 a H d C ,r.., 3 Fd - N ' ... r i :r Iii 0 Oul z ( r. 1* !I1 j ; 1 ./:. wmmwnww q 11 IN 'The 01int 0of View' ALL HER LIFE SHE HAD LOOKED AHEAD TO THIS MOMENT AND THEN WHEN THE TIME CAME SHE TRIED TO DODGE THE ISSUE A PICTURE THAT WILL LIVE IN YOUR MIND i Ip Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $625,000,00 Resources........$5,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron 707 North University Ave. ~ LEADERS PRESSER& ® Tone 628. Ladies Party Gowns a Specialty DON'T MIss THIS ONE! i in addition Y.ti t= Y ' sf "A ]Fresh Start" Brim full of Foolishness Slillllltlilllllllilllll111tlilllllllillll111lllllllllll1111111111lllillllllllllllll lllliflilill COMEDY "1IT HAPPENS IN THLE BEST OF REGULATED FAMUILIES" _. GREAT AMERICAN DAWN INOTE-THE MAIJESTIC MANAGEMENT PERSONALLY GUARANTEES THIS SHOW TO BE INTERESTING, ENTERTAINING AND UNUSUALLY SATISFYING. THE COMEDY IS ABSOLUTELY A RIOT AND WE SINCERELY. BELIEVE1 EVERY PATRON IN THE THEATRE WILL BE GLAD HE CAME. BRAY COMIC SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE ARCADE ORCHESTRA I :-SHOWS START-: : -~TODAY AT: 2:00 -3:30 -7:00 -8:30 COME EA RLY! Prices Including; Tax KIIDDIES..... .....0c BALCONY. ... ......2 PARQUET.................. . Ir '