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October 24, 1920 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-10-24

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"of ability he is given his degree and the burrough of Edgeworth a suburb °"IT.'of 1
Qis in position to accept a city mana- outside of Pittsburg, and later was H S - O U of M. Ra'.
CI TYMANAGER gership. evdneoph toogns rmoed to the managership of a LEANTUESFYOURRah
Asa vdneo h hruheslre iyin Penslvnioo Rah H(
and possibilities of a course such as Harrison Gray Otis. upon comple- II I R'ITVi nhii Michigan!
B I G H9N U this, we find that of the four men who tion of his University work, was USOlLINIIGJUIUJRah R
Pave entered the city manager field awarded a managership and since__________
(Continued from Page One) upon completion of their studies allI that time has become the secretary of CLIP THIS COLU)N, AND KEEP 9R
to he urausof ovrnmnta r- fur reremarkable successes, the National City Managers' associa- IT; MICHGAN NEEDS YOUR
search, which we find in most of, our John R. Kebn,'5 a pon-to.SIIE I
large cities. Here, in the capacity of ed a city manager before completing Hig Position
assistant secretary to an adminstrator the course and though he did not get Capen A. Flemming entered the field "Thle 'ellow and Blue"I
on the bureau, they get the actual ex- his degree he was a very efficient ad- before completing his University work (By Courtesy of University Music
perience necessary for a city mana- ministrator and retained his position and is today the representative of the .House) _
ger. While so employed the prospec- until the outbreak of the war, when American City Bureau in the Pacific 1
tive city manager receives a good sal- he entered the service, coast area. Sing to the colors-.that float in the
ary, which alone Is an inducement to Wilbur M. Cotton, upon completing The above illustrations certainly light;
enter this vocation. if after six the work and obtaining his degree of prove that the course is one which Is Hurrah for theYellow and Blue.
months of this work he shows signs M.A., was given the managership of worth while. Just think of it, of the ellow the stares as they ride thro'
four men who hav completed the the night,
work here, not one has failed to make And reel in a rollicking crew;
good. This is certainly a record of Yellow the fields where ripens the
FI S E H D S IU CH which wemay well b proud. grain,
FIR T ETH DIT C URn these days of rapid development And yellow the moon on the harvest A W D CI
and progress the city manager can no wain; Hail, AX Largest.
COR. SOUTH STATE AND EAST WASHINGTON longer be chosen from that category Hail to the colors that float in the W D C is ag
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24 of men which is limited to individuals light; setadm
highly trained along any one line. In- Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue.sw and mel;cr
stead we must now train a man in2 we mean by bj
MUSIC: Soloists, Mr. William -Wheeler, Tenor and Director; Mrs. nearly all branches of work in order Blue are the billows that bow to the
William Wheeler, Soprano;. Miss Doris Howe, . Contralto; Mr. htth iymaae'la a or uWm.D E
Frank L. Thomas, Baritone; Mr. Leonard Brooks, Organist. out as it is intended. This then is Wheu yellow robed morning is due; ' " RLD'S"'
MORNING SERVICE:. Organ Prelude, "Priere" (Ropartz), "ene- the nature of the course in our Uni- Blue are the curtains that ev'ning has
dictus" (Tours), the Chorus, "Give Ear, oh Shepherd of Israel" versity, and from its very nature it spun,
(Whiing, te Coru, "igh fro Heven (Guno), rs. must needs be limited to men who are The slumbers of Phoebus to woe;
(Wheeler heCouLih rm evn (oo) r. able to grasp this broad education. Blue are the blossoms to memory dear,
Wheeler.______ And blue is the sapphire that gleams'
like a tear; Hail,
STUJDENTS ESPECIALLY WELCOME - Use the advertising columns of The Hail to the ribbons that nature has 1
wMichigan Daily to reach the best of spun;
Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue.e
= wear,
~Here's to the hearts that are true.
- Here's to the maid of the golden hair,
And eyes that are brimming with
c ~Garlands of bluebells and maize in---
Z13 1 = tertwine;
= r And hearts that are true and voices
combine; Hail,
BIG_ DA Y S to the college whose colors we
-GTARINC T= wear;
STAR I~i1 y =Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue.
= "The Victors"
Th -censM s o ua co (By courtesy of Louis Elbel)
The cree 's ost opuar A tor= Now for a cheer, they are here, tri-
= umphant.
=Here they come with banners flying,
In stalwart step they're nighing, Y
With shouts of victory crying,-
_ We hurrah,-hurrah,-we greet you
- now, Hail!
= c Fa eer praises sing,
a For the glory and fame they've bro't
Loud let the bells them ring,
L L For here they come with banners fly-
= ingr.,
=Far we their praises tell,
s = For the glory and fame they've bro't
Loud let the bells them ring,
1111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111 "^N n 111i1i11 i1111 I vI,1111111111111111 For here they come with banners fly-
". "'~4 ;' :5: -in l g,
=Hee they come, Hurrah!
Bigger, Better, CHRU
_irlxT Bursting More Laughable -_. r _Hail to the victors valiant, ."
~Fa than Hail to the conu'ring heroes, Hal!
J >.? ;>, <=,;;<;'"> "= :; Hail to Michigan, the leaders and
;4tiv :' 'x">:::ii-:::.k :" ":. hanbest,-
with Hail to the victors valiant,
f fa eY},. :";y~, ". iAnytIhnOg Vallie - Hail to the conqu'ring heroes, Hail!
Hail to Michigan, the champions of
Excitement:::has "ever .done _ the West.
Exciemen = hs evr doe -We cheer them again,
We cheer and cheer again, for Mich-
C }{ .*. **,,- We cheer with might and main,
S~ ~ We cheer, cheer, cheer with might and
_sv;,1: t:i. k:.":{:t:i ,i '~:;t:;a: main we cheer,
-- Hail, to the victors valiant,

_ Y our , u ruh'y79 Hail to Michigan, the champions_ of
"'v U S I-U ' t~j *the west. _
a b _"Varsity"
Speed 9 111 Sa So!!!! = Men of Michigan on to victory,
CEvery man in every play;
Michigan expects her Varsity to win
Extra Feature---Paramount oih~!Rh a!Anot
-Varsity, Down the field, T
Never yield, Raise high our shield,
M -ackm-lft ett - March on to victory for Michigan,
-C o And the Maize and Blue, Oh Varsity,
c8 " -b~WM~P for you, ~~~.
'We have no fear for you, Oh Varsity.
+lzVarsity, Down the field,________
March on to vcoyforMihgn
= _ We're for you, Here for you to cheer
"The Locomotive"
*Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! SPE
Michigan! Michigan!
4, 4 w Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! AC
''D riRah!! Rah! Rah! ARh!
c Michigan! Michigan! _______


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