+rrllrYl I I I I r. -. r w r-w rr.ar ,..,:.: a. +... a .., .. _... _..:, 1 OFFICIAL BULLETIN le I SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1920. Number 18 'ENIAN NOTICE All organization heads should call at the Michiganensian offlce in Press building, between 2 and 4 o'clock any day this week and sign contracts. To insure space this should be done at once. Fraternities and sororities are are requested to sign and re- turn contracts immediately. e to All Freshmen in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: 'he second of the Talks to Freshmen by President Burton, will be i in Hill auditorium on Ionday, Oct. 5, at 4 p. m. Attendance upon, talks will have priority over all other University engagements. or Eigineers: )ue to delay in the class elections the new officers will be unable to de at the, assembly called for Oct. 26. The first assembly of the will 1 erefor be held in Room 348, Engineering building, at 10 ck on -fluesday, Nov. 2, instead of the date previously announced. A. EH. LOVELL, Junior Mentor. neering English: Ll Foreign students it: English 1 will meet Mr.. ten Hoor, Tuesday, p. m. in room 28, to organize a class in conversational English. J. RALEIGH NELSON. PASSENGER AGENT TO GIVE come to the city Saturday to confer duction which has been requested. DECISION ON RATE TO OHIO with Union officials in regard to the special train to the Ohio State game For live progressive up-to-date ad- E. W. Wells, travelling passenger November 6. Definite decision will be #ertising use The Michigan Daily.- agent of the Ann Arbor railroad, will given at this time about the fare re- Adv. .1 Just Received Cross'.Shorter is tory of -Englnd and Greater B ritain. Pargment's Exercises li-ancais Part L. r Jroulten 's Principles of Ba nking Ube the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. Read The Daily for Campus News. WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORES 4'. 4 will meet henceforth in B 173, New Science building. R. W. SELLARS. We Carry Complete Lines of Gordon & Ferguson Lamb and Sheep Lined ,. .,.. 01 EFEATS AN]1 TOl br (continued from Page Four) ore for Dunne. Hllst;oMQ punts icgigan'sa1'2-yard line. Aketee kicks to Mibhigan's, 44-yard on'the frst'down. Ralph Fletcher' a four ,through right tackle. oghits line for three. Ralph her makes firstdown. Ball on igan's 33-yard line. Crangle held -yard gain. Van Orden for Gil - Ralph Flteth1 topped on line ~e. 3,lquist throwi for loss on long run by Cappon. Hellstrom punts Michigan goal line. Michigan's on 20-yard line. Perrin goes igh line for 27 yards. 'Illinois lizek 15' yards for tripping. Usher Perrin lose on line plunges. End arter. Score: Michigan, 6; Ul- 7. Fourth Quarter Li on Illinois' 44-yard line. Dunne ilson. Perrin makes three yards, gh left tackle. Jack Dumi missed it from the 50-yard linle by a few Crangle makes two'yards through Fletcher adds two more. Crangle a three through center. Hell-, i kicks outside on Michigan's 30- line. ketee makes eight yards around end. Perrin loses two. Usher les a but Goetz recovers. , First for Michigan. Perrin held for no Usher goes through line for first . Ball on Illinois' 46-yard line. n iakes three yart& on wide end Usher loses one. Perrin unable in. ketee fails to make place kick 50-yar'd line. Illinois ball on 22- WHAT'S GOiNG oN S&NDAY 9 130 a. m-University Men's Bible class meets in Upper room, Lane hall. 12:00 - University Religious forum' meets at the Congregational.church. .Secy. Thomas"S. Evans presides and Prof. A. Franklin Shull leads the discussion on "Heredity and Re- sponsibility." 3:0-School of Music complimentary concert in Hill auditorium. Publi invited. d:30-Menorah society holds impor- tant meeting in Lane hall. 4:30-Student Volunteers hold social meeting in Upper room, Lane hall. 5:80--Student "Volunteers hold social half hour. 5:45-Social half hour at the Unitar- ian guild hall. 6:00 - Wesleyan guild meets^ at Methodist church. No social half hour be a4se of Union services.. 6:00-Social half hour at Baptist guild. Devotional meeting at 6:30. 7:00 - President Marion L. Burton speaks a't Union services for entire student body at Hill auditorium. 7:00-Varsity band meets at the Un- ion. Dress in civilian clothes. 7-:00-Jewish ,students will not meet tonight on account of Union services. MONDAY 4:00-Prof. J. E. Brumm talks to girls intending to write manuscripts for Junior Girls' play at Barbour gym- nasium. 7:00-All Republicans meet in front of the Union to form torchlight pro- cession to march to the meeting at the Whitney theater. 7:30-Varsity basketball practice a Waterman gymnasium. TUESDAY 6:00-Ferris Institute club dinner in rooms 318-320, Union. 6:15-Tan Beta Pi dinner in room 319, Union. 7:00--Cabinet club meets at the Un- ion. All former members are ex- pected to be present. 7:15-Erie club meets in room 304, Union.- 7:15-Triangles meet in room $02, Union. 7:30-Web and Flange meet in room 321, Union. 7:30-Dixie club meets in room 325, Union. 7:30-Adelphi Hose of Representa- . tives meets in University hall. 7:30-Mt. Clemens club meets in board room, Lane hall., 7:30-Kalamazoo Normal club meets in Lane hail. 7 :45-Former members of the seventh andt eighth divisions of Naval militia meet in room 306, Union. U-NOTICES Tryouts for the Mandolin club will be held at 7 o'clock Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Music room of the Union. Fur Collared Coats =11# ~~lillilllllit1111111#1 #111#11111111111111#I111111#1 11I 1#1#1111 11##11#1!##11t, I A NeW Stock of Electric Lamps Just Received The Adjusto-Lite - It Clamps everywhere. The Cable Neck and Wallace Lamps. Priced from $3.75 up. Electric Ex- tension Cord and fixtures. PEERLESS MADZA BULBS IN CLEAR, WHITE AND BLUE, JUST THE RIGHT LIGHT FOR THE STUDY TABLE, SOFT AND EASY FOR THE EYES. ALSO A NEW LOT OF ALARM CLOCKS, INGERSOL WATCHES ASH TRAYS IN ALUMINUM, BRASS, & GLASS PRICES RIGHT SERVICE PROMPT M. D. LARNED THE UP-TO-DATE HARDWARE 310 S. STATE STREET PHONE 1610 X 1#1111111#1111#i#111#i1111111#1#11 11#111#11111#1#1#111111E1[#11#I I##II## Wadhams & Co. Two COMPLETE STORES STATE STREET MAIN STREET ---r ... ®i M A~ EYFR LVE Just Received Shipment of U "BIG BEN. Schlanderer & Seyfried 113 E. Liberty Street Ann Arbor Michigan IiMy, Dairy Lunch: w w Our food is the best Our Prices are right ODpen Daily 7AUMtol1AM Sundays8 to 2 - 5 P.Mto 7 P.M 512 EAST WILLIAM STREET i Schumacher Hardware Company 308-10-12 South Main Street A Store of IndividualShops Schumacher's The Gift Shop of Main Street Electrical Goods r I ne. Walquist unable to e hits line for six yards. kes first down. gain. Illi- MIAHOGANY FLOOR LAMPS WITH SILK SHADES MAHOGANY TABLE LAMPS WITH SILK SHADES DECORATED CHINA BASE LAMPS WITH PARCHMENT SHADE DECORATED BOUDOIR LAMPS POLYCHROME TABLE LAMPS WITH PARCHMENT SHADE DESK LAMPS AND WALLACE ADJUSTABLE LAMPS .,. . f AT THE THEATERS TODAY Screen: Ajestic -- Wallace Reid in "What's Your Hurry?" Mack, Sennett comedy, ,Don't Weak- en." Topics and Paramount, Inxtra Special de - "It's ia Great Life." ie Prohibition Monkey," eanother comedy. th-Mary Miles Minter in feet Lavender." Fox News 1a Sunshine comedy. Bum-"Captain Swift" with S'Wiliams: Also a com- ,.A ParcelsPost Husbhnd,", ) . J) i I' i Polychrome Candlesticks with Candles.- - ..PerPair Oratorical Association Lecture Course I WILL BE OPENED "Y WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN S WEEK Stage (Detroit)- The A. H. musical comedy, "The i the Limousine." (Detroit)-"The Green- illage Follies," with the- i1 New York east, Saturday November 6 i HISTORY PROFESSOR RETURNS FROM SOUTH AMERICAN TRIP W. L. Schurz, formerly assistant professor of Latin-American History in the University, is spending a few days in Ann Arbor 'after having been in South America for two years as trade commissioner of the depart- WM. JENNINGS BRYAN NG POON CHEW ALBERT J. BEVERIDGE GOY. HENRY J. ALLEN LELAND POWERS AT 1 r HILL AUDITORIUM _ . JAMES HAMILTON LEWIS STEPHEN LEACOCK RABBI STEPHEN S. WISE EMELINE PANKHURST VICE-PRES. THOS. R. MARSHAL t ssors and' ley Bldg. portunity Instructors. & savings for ;invest- Single Admission $1.00 .00 or more monthly with sults 'and absolute safe- ment of commerce. Most of the v years you wijl have a time he spent in Peru and Paraguay. cumulated . which will be Mr. Schurz expects to leave early Qur- association never in the week for Washington, where )n 6 per cent dividends, he is to be stationed until next Jan- rawn before maturity any r cent from, date of in- uary. At that time he will leave for onies pIaced with us, not Rio de Janiero, Brazil. He is plan- not fail to look this up. J .iirg to return to his work in the ou. Win. L. Walz, Pres., University -after a further stay Hof a year or two in South America. s. Advance Sale of Season Tickets at Wahr's and Graham's Season Tickets, General Admission, (for 10 Lectures) $2.50 Season Tickets, Reserved Section ......... .. . ..$8.00 RESERVT SECTION TICKETS LIMITED