escarce now. Supple-1j Summer school, July 5 to Aug. 26. iversity Training with a Shorthand, Typewriting, Secretarial aining or Commercial Training, 1bookkeeping, Commercial -se this Summed or next Teaching. Hamilton Business Col- onl Business College.- lege.-Adv.- - Summer terma in commercial bra nch-: --only a few left. Cush- es begins July 5. at. the School of Short- hand, 711 N. Univ.'Ave.-Adv. Tiif-~H it'AN L)'AI L TODAY ONLY MAJESTI C NOW SHOWING Elsie Ferguson. in the same play with which she made the season's sen-; sation on Broadway '64arsd and. Profan.. A Paramount Picture Other Features in Addition COMINKG aWATCH WONaDERFUL D)OU-RLE FEATURE PROGRAM SUNDAE' EVENING. SHOWS STA~RT SUNDAY 7:3"-:00 and continue for summer season SHOWING TODAY ROZITA AND BINGNAM A, Sinking Duo from Native , Italy ELAINE ,HAMMER STEIN -IN- "POOR DEAR MARGARET KIRBY " ROY AND WILSON A Harmony Singing and Talking Act JAZZARIMBO T'RIO Three Supreme Kings of Syncopation VAU DEVIL L EjA1 EILEEN PERCY ALLEN AND DAILEY Classy Singers. and Reap Jazz Mu sic IICars leave 2:10, 6:10, 7: 10 P. M., at .D U. R. Station IN ONE CONTINUOUS SHRIEK OF ,LAUGHTER, WUERTH THEATRE Y PSI LANT BEWARE' OF THE BRIDE SHOWING THE DARK DOINGS OF A WILD NIGHIT IN ARMOR .. ' R _ . ., a . ' '. SU NDAY.TU E SDAY I OWN OH, BOY IT'S AWONDER -j P ENID' BEN~ LER 9 ILJ IZZIE \ ) I SHOWING, SUNDAY ARLIE RAY' v\~ THE ROAD HIE WENT £ '~~~sixty. miles an hour with ten t _;- sand dollars of Paw's. hard-ea~ f/ d /, money tucked away in his inside pocke,,t. 1. CHARLIE NEVER ACTED A BETTER PART THANa IN "19 AND PH YLLIS." HE, MAKES THE BEST "LOVE- SICK" LOVER EVEIR. "I19 AND PHYIS" TODAY' O NL.Y "I DistriCuted '* r7 x And then "- a turn in the narrow road, a ~ erring swerve, - Crash"! went the car thr the fence and the bogus Count was cat,' ted' into the middle of the muddy crel. That's just one of the high lights in a -: ductioni that is fairly cram-med v.*th 4c, humor, dram a, suspense and the sage p sophy of the dean of our present c Ly writ. It's a- story of America,- about Amzericlz- by an Amrerican. And its appeal will be by every man, woman and child of us for i' perfectly produced, splendidly enacted a ,'- it's true of Straight Crooks -5h" % " . s s , . M / 1 f , " . ^ / r 'I Look What's Here! ,\ 1 , HAROLD LLOYD'S.-,NEWEST COME THE KCING OF MIRTH' M1AKERS WOULD MAKE A HORSE LAUGH W ARNER inmDICE oP' DESTINY "AMONG THOSE PRESENT' ADULTS 30c CONTINUO N