ad tkerein. bigan, as second 'nard Street. s, if signed, the sig- at as an evidence of in The Daily at the to The Daily offilce. sideration. No man- (ses postage. the sentiments e- nerved after 8 o'clock ...,.GEORGE O. BROPHY JR. ...........Chesser M. Campbell ...................Lee Woodruff . .. I . ahl err ..LEGRAND A. GAINES, JR. .D P Joyce . . . .. ...S. Kunstadter ............. F. M. Heath ... R. Priehs . ...........V. F. Hil1ery -r1, ILillr1 IlI LIIIIMIIIIIIJ habitat, every '21 senior will see to it that the fame of Michigan, her spirit, her equipment, her quali- ties and her opportunities are- known in that place; and that he will do all in his power to foster alumni clubs of Michigan men and women wherever he, may be, and to see to it that the best college material among high school graduates in his neighborhood is made aware of the greatenss of his alma mater. Finally, that when the time comes for action of any sort in the best interests of the University, he will be ready and openhanded, afraid neither to part with his time nor with whatever coin of the realm he can spare to Michigan. Are we graduates of the class of '21 - ready to be real alumni? "AU REVOIR" At. this time of the year the last sounds of ap- plause die away as the last course completes its final class ; bluebooks begin to dot the campus ; hot weather sets in; and rop-mates commence to break up housekeeping and ship their belongings in a di- rection which they expect to pursue shortly. Rail- road tickets are being bought, and books sold; sleep is being deliciously anticipated, though not partaken of. Only one specter bars the way to the jumping off place, and it is not our purpose here to talk of examinations. Accordingly, when friends are discussing plans for the summer, when seniors are attempting to di- vine the course of their future life, and when in every heart is that tugging regret at parting, we extend to all, a hearty wish for an excellent sum- mer. Absence from Michigan increases, if possi- ble, the feeling of pride which her student body has in its University, and all present indications show that on coming back next fall there will be an even stronger spirit of co-operation;than in the past to- wards the accomplishment of the great things which Michigan has before her. With this in mind that The Daily extends its handclasp and an "au revoir" to the men and women of Michigan, all of them, for those who are graduated, as well as the under- classmen, will 'be with us again sometime in the fu- ture. I The Telescope The Movies Oh take me to the movies, Daddy, Take me to the show, For, there I learn so many things A young girl ought to know. Romance is there, and handsome men, And' luxuries galore, A thousand things and beauties that I never saw before. I see the weak protected there By stalwart William Hart, While Wallie Reid, though clad in rags, Just thrills mefto the heart. And Thomas Meighan, Conrad Nagle, Don't you think they're grand?. Just why they're still unmarried I cannot quite understand. But really, Dad, you view there All the world within a glance, And everyone is so absorbed And watches in a trance. We frown and smile and laugh and 'cry And sit the movie through,' Which tells a tale we know is not, And never can' be true. - G R A A BOOK FOR GRADUATION l BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL W __ :_._ - - - DETROIT UNITED LINES In Effect Nov. 2, 1920 .Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern,.Standard 'Time) Limited and Express cars leave for Detroit at 6:05 a. m., 7:05 a. M., 8:10 a. m., and hourly to 9:10 p. m. Limteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. m. and every two hours to 8:48 p. m. Ex- presses at 9:48 a. m. and e"ery two hours to 9:48 p. mn. Locals to Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m. and every two hours to 9:00 p. m., also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m. Locals to Jackson-7:0 a. m., and 12:10 p.m. Secretarial Training Course. Plan or next Fall. Hamilton Business Col- lege.-Adv. Learn to typewrite this stimmer course for only $10.0. School of Shorthand, 711 N. Univ. Ave.-Adv. G A R R I C 4 E T P O 1 T The Bonstol. Co. presents "MY LADY FRIEND! H liltlliillLN111{111111111111Ui11111 11111111111 i A i OTHERS SA Y: i I _I jing reder erring news For any who has full charge "I [JNE.11, 1921. W. OTTAWAY. rophy, Jr. and Legrand M. Woodruff, Mary D. pbell. s - Renaud. Sherwood 9 A; DESIRABLE STEP B$ THE UNIVERSITY (The Detroit News) The recent authorizing on the part of the Board of Regents of a reorganiza- tion of the department of education makes possible a further development of the University of Michigan. It is one more proof of the fact that Dr. Burton,' President of the University, and the Board of Regents are determ- ined to remove all obstacles in the way of the fullest realization of the ideals' 9 of our state school. To the many alumni of the University and-to all the citizens of this state in- terested in keeping the University in the front rank of the higher institu- tions of learning, the news of this ac- tion by the Board of Regents will be gratifying. With the increased em- phasis which has been given through- out the country in recent years to the subject of education and the training of teachers, it has been found neces- sary in some of our leading univer- sities to meet this demand by means of an extension of the department of education. Through the establishment of a sep- arate school of education these oppor- tunities may be now even more fully realized. In a very definite manner have the citizens of this state recently given evidence. of willingness to sup- port our state University, and the ac- tion of the Board of Regents is a recog- nition of the increased interest in what Is being achieved in the college class- rooms in Ann Arbor. A school of edu- cation is a desirable addition to the University of Michigan. Positions are scarce now. Supple- ment your University Training with a Secretarial Training or Commercial Teaching Course this Summer or next Fall. Hamilton Business College.- Adv. Secretarial Training Course. Plan now to take this course this Summer or next Fall. Hamilton Business Col- lege.--Adv. WHITESHIRTV1 Your last cheance--and ouir We have a lot of several dozen white shirts, with col attached, to offer for your selection before you leave on yt vacation. We have shirts in colors and stripes, to be sure, at pri equally low, but Michigan men prefer white shirts 'almost the exclusion of others. These shirts are perfectly made and bear the names nationally known firms, We have divided the lot-of wide price range-into t lots with prices of $1.95 and $2,25, LOT NO 1 This includes. soisettes, pongees and oxfo These shirts formerly sold from $2.50 to $1.95 Expert, k. and Slug- LOT NO. 2 A very beautiful basket Weave, silk finish. Also ford cord. Former prices from $4.00 tO$4.50. $2.25 ATHLETJC UNPERWEAft STRAW JiATS, NF4 KWF-AR, CAP. 'WO SIDES OF GRADUATION (To THE CLASS OF '21),. alumnus-elect is bound to receive over- neasure of advice on such matters as "con- the impossible", "building for character", :hing your wagon to a star". dnd of tonic food is good for us. We of it to 'leave the University's -halls with a f responsibility and an urge of ideals so 1 that not eventhe stamp-licking and check- copying of the first lean years of routine ibly down either. But we may be sure the and the writers will see to it that we aim I pull the shaft strongly. They will set up. e enow" before our eyes to make all the ire and all the' intermediate trials seem as There is no 'danger that our attention b fixed oh the right way so far as our atti- atd life and its ideals and duties are con- i this eternally forward focus of com- :nt -time there is, perhaps a danger that we lect to look back. If we take leave of our ter in the right way our spirit of departure tt least half one of gratitude. Crowding s of the friends and the plea'sures we have appreciation of the training we have re- ere, ought to take an equal place in our n attitude with hopes and determination mmrnediate future, the future Michigan has. sible for us. gion we are going to join is ordinarily f as "Michigan's splendid body of fifty loyal alurni". .Thousands of them are wonderfully loyal, in a way to bring pride' [niversity which can name them as hers. e are degrees in loyalty. Every college t its few who will forget. , The class of ht to take, as individuals and as a group,, on to hold Michigan in the high place her very senior's life may rightly demand, and lination bearing a few practical clauses ybe summed up as follows: very member will. maintain, through 'the Alumnus, through correspondence, and every possible reunion he can attend, his , I if Davis Toggery Shop 119 SOUTH MAIN STREET II1Fi1111#I###I#1##I!{dill#I!M!##1!#IU#II. The heroes are good looking and Their ladies are divine ; What matters it their ventures, then, Are not like yours and mine? I. What matters if he jumps a cliff And lands without mishap, As long as he's a lovely, lurid, Luring sort of chap? Don't send me off to college, Dad, Don't make me go to church ; In giving education, movies Leave them in the lurch. So if you want your daughter to Know all there is to know, Oh take me to the movies, Daddy, Take me to the show. Everything a man wears All high grade Merchandise We only wish that we had space enough to print all the contributions which have been sent in, but we shall hold them over, and expect to have a host more added to them next fall. So when you come back next term, please don't forget your old friend, Erm., The other day after 'a bluebook in Precious Ivory 7, we were so hungry that we walked into,a Dairy lunch room and actually ate off the arm of a chair. There's always something to be thankful for. No matter how bad the circumstances may be under which someone leaves you forever, you may con- sole yourself in that he has gone for good. at redcedprics' For one week, starting today WAGNER & COMPANY 'State Street at Liberty Outfitters for men S&ne. :184 te is within range of Ann Ar- te will make it a point to come 'renew his friendships, revive iigan's athletics and activities, art wherever possible by com- mpus of his views on the de- Famous Closing Lines "What a blue-book!" remarked the he . .: