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June 11, 1921 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-06-11

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1 Abp





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_. _' - a

nal Gargoyle
To Appear Soon


By . .H.
Depicting a general "vacating"
scene on its three color cover, the
Gargoyle for June, which; will, appear
early next week, shows three stu.
ents (?) assembled at the M. C. sta-
tion, apparently waiting for the tra-
ditional chemin de fer. .
A burlesque musical comedy will
prove a novel drawing card for this
issue as it contains such "brkng-down-
the-house" hits as "We are Clever
Serving Girls" ad infinitum. "How to
tell the Comedy from the Feature" will
undoubtedly convince the most skep-
tic movie fans of the wonderfulness of
the movie shows of today-also, it is
extremely' educational. The usual
sketches and attractive art features
are in the number, and the editorials
are exceptionally -clever.


inal . arrangements for the pro,
ns and events of Commencement
k were announced yesterday by
f. L. M. Gram, of the structural en-
ering department, who is in
rge, of the schedule for the Bac-
.ureate address and Commence-
t, and by the presidents of the
luating classes. A bulletin con-
ing a list of the events for the
k is being prepared by Shirley
Smith, secretary of the University,
will be given out to seniors or
others interested beginning next
Lay, June 17. A special meeting
all seniors ips been called for 5
)ck Thursday, June 16, in Hill
itorium, to be addressed by Pres-
t Marion L. Burton and Professor
n. '
eaaurea e Address Sunday A. M.c
he prograp of senior events' will
:n with the baccalaureate address,
i1 d'clock Sunday morning, June'
by President Burton. Members of
graduating classes will asseinble
he camhpus as follows: Lits on the
k° between 'Tappan hall, and the
eum, engineers and architects on
walk in the Engineering court,
ics, including nurses, on the walk
the west side of' the Medical
ding, laws on the walk to the
of the Law building, pharmics
he south of the Chemistry build-
homoeops on the walk leading
h from the Chemistry building,
Ws on the walk west of the Chem-
r building, and graduates to the
h of the Fire station. The march
he auditorium will start at 10:45
6ck °. 1.
he senior lit class banquet will be
at 12:15 o'clock Monday in the
n Assembly shall. 'The Al-sen-
reception tkes place that eve-
in the same place and will be fol-
3d by a formal dance.
ass Days Monday and Tuesday
he class days of the literary, en-
ering, and law classes come Mon-
afternoon and Tuesday morn-
The laws will be addressed by
e Harry Olson ofChicago, on
iday afternroon in room D of the
building. The exercises of the
and engideers are at 10 o'clock
Tuesday morning. The banquet
he engineers is at 12:30 o'clock
day in the Union. At 8 o'clock
evening the senior girls will pre-
a play written by Prof. John L.
nm, of the rhetoric department.
senior promenade for all classes
be held at 7:30 o'clock Wednes-
nigt, the line forming on the
pus And ending at the Library,
re the senior members of the'
edy club will present a play. Aft-
concert by the Varsity band, the
ors will attend the faculty rece -
at 9 o'clock in Alumni Memorial
Geddes to Deliver Address
At 8:30 o'clock the classes will as-
ble on the campus, in the same
tions as for the Baccalaureate ad-
s, in readiness for the procession
111 auditorium at 8:45 o'clock. Sir
kland Geddes, British ambassador,
deliver the Commencement ad-
s. Therorder of marching will be:
engineers and architects, phar
q, hoioeops, and nurses, with the,
s in front,ndents, medics and
es, graduates, and laws. The line
tarch will be from the Library to
e street; down State to South Uni-
ty avenue, and around the cam-
to East and North University ave-
, where the classes will be form-
I a line five abreast before march-
into the adit'orium.
tion Seekers Should See Dean
udents who wish to do part time,
k in Ann Arbor during the sum-

vacation should leave their names I

Complete rehearsals this afternoon
of all members of the company for
"Everynation", Senior Girls' play, to
be. given Tuesday, Jun'e 28, at the
Whitneytheater, will.finish the pre-
exaniination practices for that produc-
tion. Prof. J. L. Brumm, director
and author, has stated that both cast
and choruses have made much prog-
ress and he expects a well done, high-
ly finished* play at 'the end of the
final rehearsals.
"Everynation" has been described
as an allegorical drama with a back-
ground of music and incidental group
and solo dancing. A brief synopsis
of the plot 'follows:
Everynation, a beautiful woman,
who personifies the nation, begins
I her 'career attended by Youth, Beau-
ty, and Truth, her handmaidens. Des-
tiny, a somber-visaged philosopher,
stalks through the action, apparently
a nebesic figure, a haunting reminder
of the fact that destiny must work
its will. Quite naturally, Everyna-
tion, a woman in search of happiness,
is easily intrigued by Ambition, who
in pursuit of Whim presents himself
as a bold knight in command of
wealth and power. He wins the favor
of Everynation through Vanity, who
has made her mistress conscious of
her Youth and Beauty. And l ecause
Truth proves to be an inconvenient
hussy in, syping out the inmost
thought which actuates Everynation
in her relations with Ambition, she is
banished. Ambition's purpose is well
served by the four politicians _
Blub, Bray, Brag, and Blow, who rep-
resent the reformer, the boss, the
scholar, and the press, respectively.
And it is not until Conscience appears
that the lust for power and self- ag-
grandizement is seen in its true light
by Everynation.
The revelry of the second episode is
interrupted by the discovery that Am-
bition is none other than Satan him-
self. Then with Youth lost and
Beauty despoiled, Everynation faces
the misery and suffering which she
has brought upon her people un-
wittingly. Under the spell of the
Spirit of Dreams, she comes to real-
ize suffering, through which she at-
tains Vision and finally Hope. Threat-
ened with destruction by the mob, she
is defended by Destiny, whom she
still repulses. When the mob post-
pones its assault upon her until they
have killed Conscience, Everynation,
in her extremity gifted with, insight,
sees Destiny in his true character as
the ideal of national life - Democ-
Members of the cast whose names
are mentioned in the synopsis are:
Everynation, Frances Maire; Des-
(Continued on Page Ten)
The annual picnic of the Ann!
Arbor branch of Collegiate Alum-
nae will be at 12 o'clock today on
the' Normal school campus at
Ypsilanti. Those going from here,
are expected to take the 11:10
car instead of the 11:30 as er-
roneously announced. I

Krueger Issues Call For Tryouts
For Commencement Week
With the Summer spotlight as the
principal theatrical event of the sum-
mer school period, the Union is al-
ready laying plans for the production
which is to be given the last wek in
July in Hill auditorium. Committees
are to be appointed soon.
The student entertainment for alum-
ni on Tuesday, June 28, at Hill audi-
torium, is to be given under Union
auspices. Edwin Krueger, '21F, has
been placed in charge, and yesterday
issued calls for tryouts for the dra-
matic event of Commencement week.
Attempts will be made to put on even
a better show than last year. Four
acts will compose the program, which
is to last one hour.
All departments of the Union, ex-
cept the ladies' diting room, will re-
main open this summer as during the
regular college year. Men and women
will eat in the main dining room and
cafeteria serv'ice will be continued
as in the past. Barber shop serv-
ice, billiard room, and dancing are
among the my activities which will
be carried on. .
When the crowd gathers on Ferry
field next fall for the first football
game of the 1921-1922 school year, the
new temporary stands will be com-
pleted, and all present stands will be
rpaired, painted and improved, ac-
cording to Prof. James H. Cissell, of+
the structural engineering depart-
There will be at that time 37,000
available seats around the football
field, which makes an increase of 15,-
000 over the present seating capacity.
Those which were just completed and
at the present time are serving as
right field bleachers at the baseball
diamond will be moved to the west
end of the gridiron during the sum-
All necessary repairs will be made
upon the present concrete stands. The
north stands will be painted, besides
having larger and more convenient
entrances and exits installed, and
every attempt will be made to have
the whole layout present a uniformis
and attractive appearance.
Sewer construction will also be un-
dertaken and necessary sanitary con-
veniences will be provided for in the
north stands.
Beginning with next fall, the struc-
tural engineering department will
make a complete study of further per-
manent enlargement of the stands.I
The department will draw up, plans
ana have all necessary information so
that when the time does come for the
construction of the proposed perma-
nent bowl or horseshoe, as the case
may be, no time need, be wasted, and,
work can, at that time, commence

Elaborate plans have been made fora
the big closing social event of the'
year for the senior classes, the Sen-
ior reception, to be held from 9 to
2 o'clock Monday evening, June 27,,
in the assembly hall of the Union.-
The entire second floor of the build-
ing will be thrown open to the sen-
iors, and since all classes have com-
bined it is planned to have all at-
tend at least a part of the time. The
affair will be formal, but white trous-
ers will be permissible.
Nobe Wetherbee's orchestra will
furnish the music/ and the Blu-Maize.
shop the decorations. The committee
in charge is Chesser M. Campbell, '21,
Richard B. Matshall, '21E, and Thur-
man B. Doyle, '21L.
All Library Books Called in Today
All books which have been drawn
from the Library must be returnedl
today. according to an annncement

Class Presidents and Faculty

Presidents of the graduating classes
met yesterday afternoon with officials
of the University, includin Dean Jos-
eph A. Bursley and Sec. Shirley W.
Smith, to discuss the serious problem
that now confronts those in charge of
Commencement, on Thursday, June 30,
as to the arrangement of the seating
capacity of Hill auditorium to handle
the huge crowd that is expected The
members of the administration have
been handicapped more and more in
recent years, according to Secretary
Smith, in handling the ceremonies, and
this year the problem becomes of even
greater acuteness because of the large
graduating class.
The following mesolution was adopt-
ed'by the presidents of the classes and
the faculty members present, after less
radical measures were cosidered and
The problem of seating at the Com-
mencement exercises of the class of
1921 is more serious than this prob-
lem ever has been in the past. It is
with the view of acquainting the gen-
eral public, the faculty, the alumni,
and the graduates of the present year
with the difficulties of the situation
and enlisting their co-operation in
meeting these ilifficulties that the fol-
lowing statement has been prepared
and issued.
65 Seats to be Removed
The main floor of Hill auditorium
contains 1,877 seats of which 65 will
of necessity be removed on Commence-
ment morning to provide room for
maneuvering the procession of grad-
uates across the stage. This leaves
a net balance of 1,812 seats. In the
first balcony there are 1,097 seats, in
the second balcony 1,621, making a
grand total of 4,530 exclusive of the
stage. The senior class includes at
present count approximately 1,250 per-
sons. It. has been customary for each
renior to receive two tickets for im-
mediate relatives. Undoubtedly an av-
erage of-two tickets for each senior is
reasonable since some will have pres-
ent for example, a father, a mother,
and 'brother and sister. On this basis
3,759 seats out of the 4,530 would be
required for seniors and their relativ-
es. There is not room upon the stage
for all members of the faculty and last
year 70 were seated upon the main
floor instead of upon the stage. If 50
seats are estimated as necessary for
the faculty this year the total for sen-
fors and faculty would thus be 3,800.
This leaves 730 seats for visiting alum-
ni, relatives of the, honorary degree
men, and for the general public. More
than this number of seats have in the
past been required for alumni alone.
Appeal to Students Voted
At a meting held June 10 of the
presidents of the senfor classes, the
secretary of the Alumni lssociation
the Dean of Students, and other offic-
ials of the University it was unanim-
ously agreed that the most promising
solfition of the problem for this year
would be found in a statement o the
case and an appeal to the student
body, the alumni, the faculty, and all,
others to recognize and act upon the
following facts:
Commencement is primarily for the
seniors and their relatives, and second-
ly, for the alumni, particularly the re-
turning alumni who are upon the cam-
pus for the few Commencement days
only. We believe, and we hope others
will believe with us that these classes
should be provided witr seats for Com-
mencement, even if it means the ex-
clusion of all other persons as cer-
tainly it will this year.
We therefore urge the -co-operation
of all concerned on the following
Graduates Get Necessary Tickets

1. That each member of the grad-
uating class shall be furnished with
such number of tickets as he or she
may need for parents, brothers, or sis-
ters, or other intimate relatives. Such
tickets may be procured on applica-
tion at the office of the secretary of
such student's school or college. .Ap-
plication should be made at an early
date. We earnestly urge- senior stu-

.j Tn

Arrange For Commencement Seaz;;'g

dents to act in the spirit of fair play
and not apply for or receive tickets
otherwise than on the above principle.
Secondly, we ,urge, that only visiting
alumni, with such immediate relatives
as they may bring to Ann Arbor with
them, join in the alumni procession
for members of which 'seats 'will b
reserved in the aduitorium.
In addition to the above men or wo-
men who are to receive honoraryde
grees should be provided tickets for
their hosts, " and for such immediate
relatives and close associates as they
may desire.
We repeat that we believe the above
named classes include all those whose
interest in the Commencement cere-
mony is ,primary and the chart of the
hall and the most careful estimates of
the numbers included in the above
show that these classes Will require
all seats in the auditorium.
Courtesy to Seniors Urged
We therefore urgas a courtesy ,to
the seniors at the greatest and con-
cluding event of their college career
and as a courtesy to our alumni vis-
itors that all other persons will will-
ingly give up their own desires to be
present at the Commencpment exer-
According to the plan outlined no
tickets will be given out and no seats
will be reserved for others' than the
senioirs, their relatives, visiting alum-
ni, and relatives and associates of hon-
orary degree men. After the Com-
mencement procession is in the audi-
torium and' after 9:50 o'clock the doors
of the auditorium will be opened and
any unfilled seats, if there are any,
will be open to the public.
We urge again that this plan may
be regarded, by all interested, not as a
bit of officious control of a great pub-
lic function but as an honest effort to
meet as ,fully as possible the just. re-
quirements of the situation.
E. T. Traut, President Pharmacy
Class, ,
R. F. Cannon, President Dental
F. J. Petty, President Literary Class,
C. N. Johnston. President Engineer-
ing Class.
R. B. Penzotti President Homoeo-
pathic Medical Class,
A. G. Bouchard, President Law Class,
E: D. Straight, President Architec-
tunre Class,
0. H. Ensing, President Medical,
S. W Smith, secretary of the Uni-
versity,+ ,rI
Paul Buckley, Assistant Secretary
of the Dihiversity,
W. B. Shaw, Secretary of the Alumni
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
June 10, 1921.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:'
The second paragraph of your edi-
torial in Friday's Daily concerning the
distribution of grades is a fair pre-
sentation of the attitude of the Uni-
versity authorities on this subject.
Were it true, as you state in the clos-
ing sentence, that a literal appl ca-
tion to individual sections of the nor-
mal distribution (held to govern for
a large number of classes over a long
period of years) is, a "not uncommon
mistake", your comments would be
well deserved. I am compelled, how-
ever, to challenge the accuracy of

your assumed facts.
The norm to which you refer is, in-
deed, intended to guide the teacher,
not in assigning the final grades, but
rather in planning the work and
standards of the course and devising
the examination questions. As a mat-
ter of fact, furthermore, the records
show that not once since the adop-
tion of the marking system has a sin-
gle instructor in 'a single class ex-
actly conformed to this. normal or
long-run distribution. While a few
j instructors may upon occasion have
I uttered indiscreet remarks concern-
ing the supposed behavior of certain
other instructors, the rather wide-
spread misunderstanding of the stu-
dent body in this matter is based
wholly upon idle rumor, self pity, and

Committee Will Desig
Aceording to Departi
Plans for carrying out 1
sity's budlding program
next two years are expeci
definite shape after the r
June 22 of the building co
cently appointed by Presid
L. Burton. While announi
not be made at that time
buildings will be construct
$4,800,000 appropriated by
lature, President Burton'is
that the-work shall be rus
idly as possible.
Committee Announ
The members of the bu
mittee are President Burl
tary Shirley W. Smith, -
liam Clements, of Bay City
Shepard, of the psycholo
ment, and Albert Kahn, D
.According to President I
burden resting on the co
two-fold: first, to see that
tng intended for the differ
ments are designed tq fit ti
these departments, thus as
every dollar is wisely spen
ond, to work out an o
which Will be able to briF
the various buildings at
Albert Kahn's appointm
committee as consulting ar
made with the understandi
official shall supervise -the
in all stages of. its develo
f'essor Shepard will give
tion to the details of th
every building, studying
particular reference to the
al needs of the departji
Is in Full Charg
' The building committee
full charge of the plans, be
sible only to the Board 4
All business operations wi
fully centralized in the off
retary Smith.
President Burton' is
that the state of Michigan
that the need was imperi
the University askedf
which to erect new buil
hopes, by the time, the 1
ture meets, to have com
program which will be s


Special arrangements are
made by the Michigan Central
Ann Arbor Railroads to provide
cial service for the majority. o
days during the next t'vo weel
order to better accommodate the
of home-going students. Extra,
for cars and pullmans have been
vided so as to insure the comfor
convenience of all.
Preparations are being made to
care of baggage. All of the tra
companies in town are putting o
ditional trucks and help, and
promising prompt and efficient
vice. Baggage may be checked thr
from the stations to any destin
whether it be by railroad or vi
lake routes.
"Please impress upon the stu
the advisability of procuring
tickets and reservations early, i
der to prevent disappointment a
last hour rush," said Mr. A. Wisi
ticket agent of the Michigan O
lines yesterday.




senior ii

All box communications must
be called for by Saturday, June
18. After this date all letters
will be destroyed.



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