r r [A RECORDS NOW ON SALE )F THE MONTH LIST ght. Played by the Happy Six. Fox Trot.........85 a. Played by Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra. Fox Trot. Little Bird. Played by Coon-Sanders Novelty Or- estra. Fox Trot.. .85c omme. Fox Trot. Played by Coon-Sanders Novelty chestra. weet Lips. Played by Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra. x Trot....................................85ec Played by Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra. Fox Trot. in Your Daddy's Arms. Played by ArtHickman's chestra. Fox Trot ......................... .85C ed You. Played by Art Hickman's Orchestra. Fox ot. ig. Played by Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra. Fox ot............... ............85s ming Back to You-M~aybe. Fox Trot by Ted Lewis' zz Band. n Moon. Sung by Nora Bayes ...............85C ittle Front Parlor. Sung by Nora Bayes. of a Southern Sea. Art.Hickman's Orch.. Fox Trot..85c reams. Art Hickman's Orchestra.. Fox Trot. Eyes. Jess Libonati. Xylophone Solo ....... ....85e eath Hawaiian Skies. Jess Libonati. Xylophone Solo. With You in Apple Blossom Time. Prince's Or- estra. Waltz ..................................$1.25 )reams. Prince's Orchestra. Waltz. d Lilac Time. Metropolitan Dance Players. Waltz $1.25 Dello. Metropolitan Dance Players. Waltz. Willow Waltz. Prince's Dance Orch. Waltz.....$1.25 :ul Annabeli Lee. Prince's Dance Orch. Waltz. t One. Prince's Dance Orcrestra. Waltz........$1.25 the Trail tb Home Sweet Hone. Yerkes Jaza- iba Orchestra. Waltz. have a complete stock of records sung and played AMOUS ARTISTS. Why not make a selec- to be enjoyed by the folks at home all during nendinger Music Shop 120-122 E. Liberty Street LA ADVERTISING I TKIS ICOLUMN CLOSES , AT 3 P.M. "tlom en Manuscripts for the Junior Girls' play of the class of 1923 can be sent during the summer to Elsa Oiesen, 27 Franklin street, Northampton, Mass., or to Helene Torrey, Dowagiac, Mich. Miss Marion Wood will be in liter of- fice at Barbour gymnasium for con- sultation from 9' to 12 and from 2 to 4 o'clock Monday and Tuesday, June 13 and 14. All gymnasium lockers must be emp- tied by Monday, June 13. - Girls who have gymnasium lockers with keys should see Miss Wood. to have their tickets signed before their money can be refunded. Chaperones for the dances this week- end are as follows: Union-Friday, Mrs. Freemont' P. Ward; Saturday, Mrs. H. G. Berger. Armory-Friday, Miss Martha Hills; Saturday, Mrs. Yates Adams. The annual meeting for election of officers of the American Association of University Women, will be held on Sat- urday, June 11, at Ypsilanti. A picnic luncheon will be served. All girls who still want to do social *service work in the hospital are asked to apply between 10 and 12 or 1:30 and 4:30 o'clock at Newberry hall. Rehearsals for SeniorGirls' play for this week will be as follows: Joy, Vanity, and Evil choruses, 3 to 6 o'clock Friday. All women in the play will see Quinneth Summers at that time for plans and materials for cos- tumes. Every person connected with the play will rehearse at 1 o'clock Sat- urday. Failure to attend this rehear- sal will forfeit part in the play and tar- diness will be fined. Payment of $2 fee is'expected from all at this time. Members of the University Girls' Glee club will receive their refund at 11 o'clock this morning in University hall. Cheever House to be Reconstructed "The committee on buildings of the Board of Regents has decided to build Cheever house over according to plans drawn by Prof. John F. Shepard, Ssupervisor of plans for the buldings and grounds committee and E. C. Par- don, superintendent of building and grounds. This house is located on Madison street and will be run as a co-operative house to accommodate 20 gils. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Little finger ring, pearl with cluster of diamonds-on University street car or in front sf 1205 Hill St. Reward. Helen Master, 1205 Hill St. 177-3 LOST- Waltham watch, gold chain and gold knife Saturday. Finder please return to H. A. Loeb, 605 E. Jefferson. Reward. 177-4 LOST-Soph Prom program used as purse. Please call Betty Hoyt. 2226-M. 179-2 LOST-Fraternity pin-A. P. X.-name on back. Call 1366. Reward. 179-2 WAIiTEDi WANTED-Single room for next year, inf house with few other students. Address, Box S: M., Daily 178-2 -WANTED-To hire some men who are experiened in farming. C. A. Carls- ten. 296-R. 179-2 WANTED -- To buy a good canoe. Phone 1873 after 6 P. M. 177-4 WANTED-1921 Michiganensian. Call 69-M. 179-2 MISCELLANEOUS STUDENTS WISHING anexceptional- ly good paying proposition see Mr. Nash at Michigan Union, Monday, June 13, after 10 A. M. 178-3 J. L. CHAPMAN JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST The Store of Reliability & Satisfaction 113 South Main Street ANN ARBOR, - - ICHIGAN. lb L Dr. Warfield visits Medical School Dr. Warfield, former professor of, clinical medicine at Marquette univer- sity, visited the Medical school yester- day, and held a clinic at the Univer- sity hospital. Dr. Warfield is at pres- ent practicing medicine in Milwau- kee. Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT: toevery custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savinaseank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $626,000.00 Eesources......6,0004000.0 701 North University AVe. Northwest Cor. Main & Huron a - I Sunday Dinner' r +r SSme T Weal Rosettesl -- Sirloin Steaks - s THE CENTURY MARKET CALL 1091a QUICK SERVICE I lllliflli llll 1 1lt1t111lill1 1itil1h' \ 1 s+waow r; +y tRAb.INM14 P Y.. AT. O gals Latest Arrii 'j Not all women prefer Sport Shoes. Here is dressiness with details that suggest' the practicability of street wear. N otIce the one-piece ankle strap and vamp saddle, with yretty lines and sensIble beels. ,Brown Calf-Kid-White Cloth SWalk-Over oot Shop " I 1 15 { 5 South Main Street / - - - - - - - - - - - Senior's Engagement Announced Announcement was made last night at the Pi Beta Phi house of the en- gagement of Myrna Goodrich, '20L, and D. Harold Condit, '21L. Miss Good- ! rich is a member of Pi Beta Phi soror- ity, and Condit of Phi Chi fraternity. Spend it pleasantly in a r region. Earn expenses - much more - selling a grade gasoline lantern. MIDWEST SALES AGEN ?42 Iona Nock Bldg., Chilca go, Ill. Phone Orders Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Filled l I FOR RENT - Are you interested in a paying proposition in De- s summer? If so, see Mr. the Michigan Union after 4 y afternoon or Friday morn- 177-3 -Students to board ,during school. Home cooking, $6.00 :. $5.00 for dinner and sup- s. F. M. Cilley, 314 E. Wil- Phone 2121-M. 177-4 -Men to -sell brushes dur- mer. Good money making; on. Call Eman, 1268, be-1 :30 and 8:30 evenings ors 7' E. Hitron St. 175-21 - Salesmen,- Local repre- s throughout Michigan on ss selling proposition.BAd- rJenks, 56 Campau Bldg., Mich. 179-21 - To reserve for next year 1 rooms for four sophomore outh-east side of sampus L. Address; Box H. H., care 179-21 - Boys fbr coming school able.T phone 78-w. 176-3 '-A single room for next fall rclassmen. One within three blocks from campus prefer- ddress, Box L. B. P., Daily. 178-3 - Students who can earnf ney if given the o.pportunity. iday or Saturday-4 to 6 P. doses, 1308 Geddes. 178-3 '-Board by an organization en in private dining room for year 1921-22. Address com- ions to Box J. R. S. 178-3 --Eight upperclassmen de- oms on south-west side of for next year. Box P. Q. R., 178-3 -- Lady desires position in bookkeeping or general office, full time. Box 'J. G. T., 179-21 -Good -room ,for two ladies nencement time. South-west campus.preferred. Call 976-J. 179-2 -From July 1 to Sept. 15, nt cook for small family. dry work. Phone 2096 niorn- 177-3 -Suite of rooms for student ear campus. No ot4,er room- ouse. Box M. H. M., Daily. 178-3 FOR RENT-For next year one good suite and single room for two. Instructors or upperclassmen pre- ferred. Rooms are finished and furnished in oak. Call at 532 Thompson St. Phone 661-W. 178-3 FOR REITT - Furnished three room apartment for summer months. Also two large study rooms suitable for three, and dormitory for winter, on Washtenaw, two blocks from Dental Building. Call 2576-J. 179-2 FOR RIENT-A number of nice rooms and suites,, two students to each, to select upperclassmen or club, for next year. Act at once. Mrs. Smith, .803 S. State St. Phone 754-R. 179-2 FOR RENT - Two suites fo'r light housekeeping i durinig summer ses- sion.214 S. Ingalls St. Phone 854-J. Half block from the campus. 176-3 FOR RENT - Rooms for summer school and commencement week. One block from campus. Strictly mod- ern. Call 1878-W. 179-2 FOR RENT-Ten room furnished house for summer, with garage. Three blocks from campus. $60 a month Call 738-W., 179-2 FOR RENT-Cool,pleasant suites for summer school for Instructors or Upperclassmen. Phone 2726-R. 179-2 FOR RENT-Two furnished light; housekeeping rooms and kitchenette. Price $35. 110 N. Ingalls St. 179-2 FOR RENT-Cottage by season. Straw- berry Lake. Railroad Station, Lake- land. Phone 897-M. 178-3 FOR RENT--To instructor for next college year, a fine strictly modern suite. Phone 736. ' 172-9 FO R RENT - Two single rooms for ladies, north of campus. 1724-J.. 178-3 FOR RENT-Two single rooms north of campus.. 11'24-J. 177-3 FOR SALE. FOR SALE - Mercer two-passenger sport model (race-about). Top,. windshield, wire wheels, two extra tires good. $1,200 or will accept Ford coupe or Buick in trade. E. 0. Bodkin, 2106 Baldwin Ave. 179-2 FOR SALE-Cheap-- Chevrolet Baby Grand Roadster. New battery and ignition, engine and starter A-1, tires good, one extra. $200. Call 344. 179-2 ._.....,......r. w Carefree Vacation--Days! Days when madanoiselle begins to think of holidays and traveling. plans must include a suitable ward, one that will pack easily and keep during the entire trip without troubling her. Her fresh Our French Salon is full of Regal silk lingerie and there is nothing. more practicable and satisfactory for summer wear that silk undergarments. For' they are at once beautiful underneath sheer blouses, thinsummery frocks, and exquisitely cool and pleasing to the skin. They launder nicely, and easily, and are long wearing. They save the extra price in the length of service that they give. Camisoles of Pussy Willow taffeta, in tailored models, trimmed with pin- tucks, and Vanity ribbon, crepe de chine styles combined with lace and ribbon, and silk jersey ones. Prices, $2.50, $3.50, and $5.50. STORE OPENS 8:30 EST. 1857 \ A STORE OF INDIVIDUAL SHOPS STORE CLOSES 5:30 Chimaloons, a combination of cherhise and blooners, in tailored model of Pussy Willow silk, $10.75. a beautifully Crepe de chine chimaloons, trimmed with Val $7.75. Pink crepe de chine bloomers, with knee ruffles and with Vanity ribbon rosette at knee, $6.25. Bloomers in pale blue silk jersey, $3.95. Gowns of delicate tinted crepe de chine, $9.75. Orchid gown of glove jersey silk, $12.75. lace, and hemstitching, worked in eyelet design, E Sleep Anyplae But Eat at Rex's THE CLUB LUNCH 712 ARBOR STREET Near State and Ptckard "R"e 1 (Second Floor) FOR SALE-Old Town canoe, excel- lent condition. Phone 1072-W be- tween 6 and 7 P. M. 177-3 I I m r rr s i SENIORS Tpq Pgp GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES ) I