w14 lAlaJa~r ~l K '95, the well ly of Grand cue of a fish- a a heavy sea,I gale, off thel 1 ' at 1 rue de Fleurus about September 1. Professor Van Dyke was active ini the work of the union in Paris during the war. Dr. H. S. Straus is assistant director at Paris, and Dr. G. H. Mc- Lean is director of the British divis- Prof. Paul Van Dyke of Princeton ion with headuarters at 50 Russell university has been appointed direc- square, London. tor of the continental division of the Pamphlets and information con- American University union in Europe cerning ,the present work of the union for the year 1921-22 succeeding E. B. in France may be obtained from the Babcock of New York university, and secretary of the trustees of the union, will take charge of the Paris office Prof. J. W. Cunliffe, director of the sailing his boat, the oast, when a fishing was sighted with a ie hulk. ssed, White threw af ean. The clutch on working, and White iits momentum, the on its course at top School of Journalism, Columbia uni- versity, New York. Students wishing to, enter British or French universities may obtain in- formation by addressing officers of the American University Union. GOSPEL MEETING, In LANE HALL FRIDAY EVENING AT 7:4a Subject: Acts 13:38-39 "Be it known unto you that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins, and by Him all that believe are justified." to R e - .- w- - e ..r,. CHINESE -JAPANESE, and Other , Foreign Students_ a SECURE RES'-RVATIONS ON YOUR FAVORITE STLA.1'.2'SI3IP LINE FRONT. W. F. KELLE 402 National Bank Building Telephone 808. ANN ARBOR,,MICH. r Ir r CITY B. G OD r r P 1 r lIE G O O D IlI 11 1 11 H111 iP-1S - AGGAGE SERk BAGGAGE SERVIK ML i 14%MIOF A i JIL R lgftwe held, and the fisherman t were towed safely into er harbor.. Daily for Campus news. hone 230 . ., y t a t: ; !, ,, 1ve zurl ln a er" 9zvezv ia SOC7C__y Our Stock of E- e GIFT BOXES NZ of { " Fr Wy 4 i*4*"* *, Y j ,f STATIONERY If ls, o a o, ie rn erg a n / selecz-- suitable f 1, . ,:.,. t. r 5 . . C fi , i.. Ar~ .:. f for GRADUATION is very complete I { . .:, ::, ,. . V " ti ra7a' o6nen n, (rne coanecr wainxc vweR j 0. D. MORRILI, 17 NICKELS ARCADE w unrnrnt rnnnrururnrrurrnurnnnnrrrnuurrnrurrutrttirEr r trrtr GIFTS FOR MENCEMENT ,. Stationery Leather Goods Address Books Brass Goads . I Fountain Fens r r _ j. qtr a . Z r rr . r r r. t S. _ rt r\1" r t t ti r " r } ? r' < Jy+ Tr $ s F , _ ,"r i SSS . .. tvq f . jjT F p: 'Y\ " t 'v. 3a r -.{ ^a"A' "'Qr rJ ni QQX Y ' _ ' '.\" .\. .. \ " C'Tir... ^ "."" "S _ ' h ' X44 ti w,..a..,'K.'Kr:.w'ri$W'tiHitiv. ".i ...t,:wN.vwv !"vrewv. iw..M.wsKi rNYVXrt 4'i)Ya / . \ -an in llz r t O.O D CLOTLI-IES 144. Gold and Silver.Pe' ncils . ..o-- r MAYER-SCHAIRER CO. C ... .. .. .. ... ... .. r. . C Iltllliltlll:= 'nveftment in good appearance 112 S. MAIN STR3EET PHONE 1404 Illl I11 Bring Your Friends TO THE f CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INN Get this thing settled early life: findthemaker whose clothes best fia maker alert to style changes, who faithfully observes high stand- ards of quality. When' you. have this settled, inm telligent clothes-buying becomes a, simple matter. STEAKS AND SMALL BANQUETS FOR LADIES AND GENTS N. PHONE 46 FOR RESERVATIONS F. ALLAN 211 South Main Street CO. i. CORNER FOURTH AND ANN (Formerly Joe Parker's) -the house of Kuppenhexmer good clothes The1 +ektmer.