THE MICHIGAN DAILY g Fountain Hussey, Alice Freeman Pal- mer, Lucinda Stone and other famous alumnae who have hrought much to R their Alma Mater." Classes and campus organizations ;ive Women's building, ear the name of no one na, is to be a memorial. tot one, but all of Mich- and well-beloved alum- ts of various memorial replaces and pieces of! en who have done much and whose names have history of the institu- aid lasting tribute. of Mrs. W. D. Hender- ary of Alumnae Coun- ng, while new in struc- e, will house all the h have become dear to en. It will keep alive such women as Sarah , Olivia B. Hall, Ethel may also be commemorated in the new building. Gifts of all kinds may! be presented to the clubhouse, where they will serve both, as tokens of ap- preciation from former students, or, groups of students, and memorials of those who have graduated from Michi- gan. With the accumulation of such donations, the building will become, after a time, a living record of the achievements of Michigan women dur- ing the passing years and a monument to those who have gone before . Cosmopolitan Club Elects Officers Officeds for the Woman's Cosmopali- ton club have been named for the coin- ing year as follows: president, Ruth King, '23; vice president, Frances Mc- Call, '22; secretary, Constance Ohling- er, '23; treasurer, Zok Tsung Tsoa, '23. REPUBLICAN CLUB PLANS FOR YEAR Several matters of state wide in- terest were taken up and considered at the meeting of the Republican club Tuesday afternoon in the Union. Elec- tion of officers for the ensuing year were made. Plans for an Affiliated Collegiate Republican club, representing all the larger colleges of the country were considered. Sentiment was expressed in favor of calling a meeting early next fall, at which time a speak- er of national interest would be brought here to address the group. The problem of obtaining a uniformi absentee. voter's law was discussed as an end for future work. The club ex- Chop Suey pressed determination to continue try- ing to have Hill auditorium opened for political speeches. Prof. Jesse Reeves, of the political science department, was elected to honorary presidency of the club. The following men were elected officers: West Gallogly, '22, president; James Frey, '22, vice president; Jacob Ilost- rup, '24E, recording. seertary; James K. Pollock, grad., corresponding sec- retary; James Spier, '22L, treasurer. Engineers Elect Secretary at Meeting J. H. Pilkington, '21E, was elected alumni secretary for the senior en- gineering class at the final assembly of the year Monday morning in room 348, Engineering building. LEANERS PRESSERS zoo r..wasmoro . 1 Law, Medic and Dental Boo Bought, Sold Exchanged Inks & Pastes Typewriting Paper Diddle's Book S 11 Nickels Arcade 1 once of Goodness e Cream Lies In Will remain open all summer Quang Tfing Lo 613 16 *v at. E Men *nd*Wmen of Mich ig 11 The Fabor SW A IN ICE CREfAMor Certainly has got the Jiabor Groups To you the next ten days will be the most trying of the school year. We take this opportunity of wishing you success in your examinations. To the Seniors who will say their last good- bye to Michigan and Ann Arbor:-May good fortune be your faithful companion in all o your future efforts. Views (RALIN IVORY WARE Lantern Slides Amateur Finishing Of The Iletter Sort ,1 _____WNO. C. FISCHre Plain and Washington Streets Co. gift at graduation time 1 111t11; 713 E. UNIVERSITY AV. ERBACH & SON CO. EAST LIBERTY STREET f I, II THE GREATEST SALE OF SHIR, TS EVER HELO IN ANN ARBOR N~ For two days only, Friday and Saturday, June 10-11, we will offer your choice of any shirt in the jstore (neck band style) at just one-half price. Here is an opportunity to stock up for the coming year. (Collar attached shirts not included in this sale). I $2.00 Shirts now...........$1.00 $2.50 Shirts now ..:....$1.25 $3.00 Shirts now ...........$1.50 $3.50 Shirts now. ... .. $1.75 $4.00 Shirts now ...$........2.00 $5.00 Shirts now...........$2.50 And yet they cost no more" Coliars &AL IO T its EA RL St W ILSO N TRC)Y, N. Y. HERE IS A CHANCE TO SECURE A HIGH GRADE Adler-Rochester Suit AT A BIG SAVING Candy By Mail 11" When you leave Ann Arbor bear this in mind: Wherever are, at home, at camp, at the seashore, or even abroad,- can still get Betsy Ross Candies. * $35.00 SUITS $40.00 SUITS $45.00 and $50.00 $55.00 and $60.00 NOW NOW SUITS. NOW SUITS NOW $28.50 $32.50 $36.75 $43.75 $27.00 and $30.00 Palm Beach Suits Now $23.25 BIG SAVINGS ON FURNISHING GOODS UNION SUITS L T'S SPECIAL STRAW HATSU$1.50 values ..... 1.25LT S A 2-Piece All Wool $5.00 Hats now.$4.35 $2.50 values ..... 2.10 BATHING SUITS $6.00 Hats now.$$5.05 DOLPHIN $7.2 DOLHIN$7.35 $7.00 Hats now.$6.00 PURE SILK HOSE Big Reductions on all $7.50 Hats now. $6.2565c A PAIR BiglRDuTIons on al 6 pairs for ......$3.50 ODD TRUSERS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MAIL ORDERS We insure you Fresh Candies anid the Best of Servicep- TERMS CASH Lutz7ClothingStore 217 SOUTH MAIN STREET ALL ALTERATIONS EXTRA he Betsy Ross Shop I