Number 177.
in the Official Bulletin (see Michigan Daily, or Official Bulletin Boards).
The student should note carefully that should he not be following ex-
actly in every particular the regular course laid out for him in the General
Announcement of these Colleges, responsibility rests upon himself ulti-
mately for observance of all rules as to prerequisites, sequence of courses,
removal of deficiencies and the like. These regulations are usually printed
in the current issues of the General and Special Announcements. The
faculty member designated as Classifier advises the student, informs him
of any special rules of the faculties not published, and in general attempts
to save him from errors of classification. The student is therefore advised
to give particular study to the preparation of his elections.
Colleges of Engineering and Architecture.
cc to the Deans:
There will be a conference of the Deans this morning at 10 o'clock in
office of the President. M. L. BURTON.
The regular meeting the Senate Council will be held June 13 at 4:15
ck in the Office of the'P'esident. R. W. BUNTING, Secretary.
inistrative Board .
There will be a meeting of the Administrative Board Thursday, June
5 o'clock. ARTHUR G. HALL.
Iembers of the Faculty of tlhe Colleges of Engineering and Aichltec.
There will be a meeting of the Faculty of the Colleges of Engineering
Architecture, Thursday, June 9, at 4:15 o'clock p. m. in Room 411 of
Engineering building. Reports will be given on the Rating System
Entrance Requirements. LOUIS A. HOPKINS, Secretar r.
The regular Dental Faculty Luncheon will be held Thursday, June 9,
2:15 o'clock at the Michigan Union.
ege of Literature, Science and the Arts - Dean's Advisory Committee;
There will be a meeting of the Dean's Advisory Committee Friday after-
i, June 10, at 4:05 p. m. in the Dean's office.
ULTY, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
There will be a meeting of the Literary Faculty Tuesday, June 14, at 4
ck, in the auditorium of the Natural Science building, to consider im-
ant reports of committees, including those on Freshman Failures and
or-Senior College. ARTHUR G. HALL.
artmnent of Romance Languages:
The last monthly luncheon of the staff will be. on Wednesday, June 8,
2:15, at the Michigan Union. A. ,. r.CANFIELD.
:he 3fembers of the Literary Faculty:
We wish to remind the: members of the Literary faculty that it was
lyed at a recent faculty meeting to extend honor examinaions to all
i classes in which there were a majority of upper classmen and grad-
students, provided the instructor thought it wise to do so. We wish
sk the co-operation of the faculty in this matter and hope that they
see fit to give the honor system a thorough trial in the coming final
bour Gymnhsim:
All freshman and sophomore women, except those who hate already
e appointments for Thursday, who have not had their posture examina-
s, should report- at Barbour Gymnasium, today, Wednesday, June 8, be-
mn the hours of 9 and 12 a. m. or 1:30 and 5 p. m.
way Arrangements in Advance:
In order to avoid crowding and insure adequate accommodations, stu-
s should at an early date purchase railway tickets for the homeward
ney, secure pullman reservations, and check their baggage. All these
gs can be done now at the Michigan Central and Ann Arbor ticket
es. . - ARTHUR G. HALL,
Players Club:
Sam Hume will speak under the auspices of the Players Club on "Drama
and the University" in Natural Science Auditorium tonight at 8 o'clock.
The public is cordiallt invited. R. B. RITTER.
6:00--Meeting of S. C. A. cabinet with
address by President Marion L. Bur-
ton, Lane hall.
6:30-Banquet for Union orchestra,
7:.30-Meeting of University post, Am-
erican Legion, Union.
7:30-Mewbers of Order of Dellolayl
meet,' room 231, Ntural Science
building. '
8:00-Speech by Sanm Hume, of the Un-
iversity of California, on "Drama
and the University," under the au-
spices of Players club, Natural Sci-
ence auditorium.
4:00-Senior lit class meeting, Natur.
Sal Science auditorium.e
4 :1i-Junior lit class meeting, room
Copies of the Michigar
which part payment was ma
will not be held for subsc:
this week, according to a
sued yesterday by the bu
of that publication.
The publication is oblig
all its bills and -have its I
for auditing by June 11 and
do this these copies of the
must be disposed of with'
few days.
Qopies may still be had
at the office in the east base
Library. In case receipts
lost the' Michiganensians
sued if identification is fu
the subscriber's name app
records of the publicatior
Read The Daily for Can
(A R R I C g
The Bonstelle Co.
Read The Daily for Campus news.
Save on low shoes-School End Sale
for men and women -Campus Boot-
Gilbert's chcolate§, 1 to i lb. boxes.
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'r. (C
s who desire to enroll in Courses 1 or 2 -in Military Science
nmer session should consult Major Arthur at once. These
offered for students now in the R. 0. T. C. who have not
n,. .r...r
_r.... .. ..
mpleted both.
2., All text books and other property belonging, to the Military Depart-
ent must be turned in before noon Thursday.
0. T. C. Students:
1. R. 0. T. C. students' wio are to attend the summer camp should
rry with them one piece. of hand baggage containing 6 suits of under-
ar, 6 pairs of socks (light wool or cotton), 6 handkerchiefs, 1 pair high
Q shoes, 3 face, towels, 3 bath towels, 2 pair pajamas, and shaving and
let articles.
2. Travel orders and transportation requests should be obtained from
tjor Arthur before leaving the campus. All students will travel on Gov-
Iment Transportation requests except Messrs. Dean, Marston, Knode,
berhorst, Puyear, McDiarmid, and Shindel, who can obtain tax exemption
inks at the R. 0. T. C. office. ROBERT ARTHUR..
eture on Surety and Bonding:
Mr. C. H. Twichell, special agent of the National Surety company, of
w York City, will lecture at 2 o'clock today (Wednesday) - in room 401,
son hall, on surety and bonding. He will tell something of the oppor-
ities for young men in this field. All students interested are invited
attend. JAM'ES M. GtOVER.
idents in Engineering and Architecture:
All first year, second year, and third year students in the Cplleges of,
gineering and Architecture are hereby directed to %obtain from the
ice of Secretary Hopkins, sometime between June 10 and 15, blank forms
which to declare tentatively their election of courses for the first semes-
- of 1921-1922. A separate but similar form must be prepared for the
cmer session if they purpose to attend the latter. On these forms they
ould list not only the courses they wish to elect, but also (in the space
licated for that purpose) the courses which they are pursuing this senes-
The schedule of hours and classes must be left vacant, to be filled in
the Secretary's office during the summer or by the classifier at' the be-
ining of next semester. ;
Each student must personally consult his proper classifier, making
ch changes or adjustments as seem desirable, and obtain from this officer
soon as possible .between June 13 and 18, approval of his 'elections. First
ar students who have not already determined in what Department (Civil,
Ahanical, etc.) of the College they desire to receive degree, must .make
decision at this time, tentatively at least. Names and locations'of the
>per classifiers may be found in the Special Announcement for first se-
ster 1921-22 which will be ready with election forms for distribution
im Secretary Hopkins' office; office hours will be posted on the Secretary's
lletin Board.
When approved, election cards shall be left with the classifier. On
:ount of the present excessive demands upon rooms and facilities for
truction in these Colleges, assignmient of students to the various classes
st be done more or less automatically and im iartially without particular
ard to the preferences of the individual student. 'The student's classifi-
ion or election card Fill therefore be completed as to assignment of
irs, classes and instructors sometime during the summer in the Secre-
y's office, or, as in the event of necessary changes by the .classifier, dur-
the regular announced classification period at the beginning of next se-
ster, and the completed card will be returned to the student at the latter
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