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4,73 a tS
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dent Advisory committee,
,r a.. w v
ed on Two Hills Near
liver, Red Cross
>ciated Press)
June 7.-Known dead
)od in Pueblo totaled
iree additional bodies
Early today 42 bod-
morgues and 10 had
on the St. Charles
be held for several
, because of the im-
n of roads to the
real estate men today
roperty damage in
flood at between $15,-1
Following up the action taken at
the last meeting of the Regents a plan
to forestall rooming difficulties at the
University next fall has been drawn
up by President Marion L. Burton and
Dean J. A. Bursley. The plan, consist-
ing of a memorandum of agreement
between students and landladies and
a set of rules for men's rooming hous-
es, will be recommended to both land-
ladies and students for use next year,
and is expected to improve to a .large
extent the rooming situation. While
this plan is merely recommended for
use next fall, the University will feel
under no obligation to attempt the
enforcement of verbal negotiations
between students and landladies.
,Submitted to Landladies:
The lodging, house agreement, .as
drawn up by Dean Bureley, has been
submitted to the landladies commit-
Last Chance Offered Students to Give
Toward Fresh Air Camp for
Detroit Boys
the recession of the flood wat-
the Arkansas river to a point
made most of the downtown
and railroad yards accessible.
rable progress was expected to
e today in sthe work of clearing,
streets and buildings.
hundred and fifty families are
ed on two hills a few blocks
est of the Arkansas river, ac-'
to a statement by Miss Laura
lor, -chairman of outside relief
local chapter of the American
ough no definite report can yet
de as to the progress in the
is league drive for life mem-
ps, the proceeds of which are to
he fund for the league building,
ohnson, '21, who has charge of
mpaign, yesterday said that
indications point toward com-
Organized Groups Visited
y league house, dormitory, and
y house will be visited by a
gn worker some time during
eek.. In this way, the need of
ans for the prospective club-
for women will be explained to
organized group of girls on the
s. Pledges will be collected at
ne, and reports of the number
scriptions secured turned into
arters. The final results of the
gn will not b.e known until the
the week. Anyone who is not
d in this way, may obtain sub-
m blanks from the campaign
1 at Newber'y residence. Mem-
is may be taken out by all Mich-
omen students, who have been
d for one semester, and entitle
ders to full use of the building
i as it is built, to all~ieague lit-
, and to the league pin.
Name Not Yet Selected
Women's league pin has not
esigned as yet, owing to the
at the name of the new build-
Lnot be decided upon until the
g of all Michigan alumnae
will be held here later in June.
ime which has at present re-
the endorsement of the league,
imnae council is "The Michigan
s League." This, or whatever
s selected, will be placed on the
ns, which will be designed and
ited as soon as the decision is
terday 's Games
American League
ington 3, Detroit 2.
York 9, Cleveland 2.
n 7, St. Louis 6.
,go-Philadelphia =called on ac- 1
Today will be the last chance for
students to contribute to the Michigan
Fresh Air camp. Everyone who
makes a financial donation to pay the
I expenses of 150 street "kids" of De-
troit and other cities, will receive a
Send a Kid to Camp" tag as evi-
dence of his contribution. Prominent
I"M" men, and athletes who are par-
J ticuldrly interfsted in the camp will
be on the campus to receive money.
Vernon F. Hillery, '23, is in charge
of the day's soliciting.
R. J. Dunne, '22, chairman of the
student committee whichk is support-
ing the camp, received word' yester-
day from the alumni commi'ttee that
it was progressing well in their
campaign to get Michigan alumni to
furnish the site and equip the camp.
Student funds will be used for paying,
the living expenses of the boys.
There is need for 30 University men
to serve as counselors under L. C.
Reimann, '16, chief counselor of the
camp. Each counselor will be in
charge ,of seven boys, an~d will re-
main at the camp for two weeks.
Telegrams have been received from
Edgar F. Smith, provost-emeritus of'
the University of Pennsylvania, and
George W. Perkins, assistant to Post-
master-general Hays, telling the com-
'mitt* of the tsccess attending,
camps at Pennsylvania and Prince-
Members of the senior literary class
will have their final meeting of the
year at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
in Natural Science auditorium. The
seniors will be addressed by DeanĀ£
John R. Effinger, of the literary col-;
lege, and the whole class will then
have a group picture taken in front
of the Library in caps and gowns.
Definite announcement will be made,
at .the meeting by Fred J. Petty, pres-
ident of the class, as to the invita-
tions that are expected to arrive to-
morrow or Friday and the program of1
the senior literary class for Com-
mencement week will be outlined..
It is important that all seniors comes
in caps and gowns, according to Pet-l
ty, as this will be the last opportu-
nity given the class to have a picture
taken as a group.E
Mee Goes to Portland
Detroit, June 7. - Julie Mee, of
Chicago, former University of Illinois
shortstop under contract to the De-t
troit Americans, has been sent to the1
Portland club of the Pacific Coasti
league, Frank J. Navin announced
here today. Mee will report at once,
and other committees concerned with
the change.
The new system is now in use in
various colleges and Nuniversities of
the United States and has proved
highly satisfactory. In recent years
the situation here between landladies
and students became acute and it was
only with the establishment of the
housing bureau that an improvement
was noted. It is expected by Univer-
sity officials that the new system will
remedy the . situation and provide a
binding contract between students and
landladies. In cases where the system
is not used the University will not be
Terms Set Forth
Dean Bursley recommends that the
lodging house agreemenor men be
universally used in renting rooms.
Students are cautioned to read the
agreement through carefully before
signing it and to take care that all
blanks are properly filled in and that
all parts not applying to their case
are marked out.
The agreement between the two par-
ties is as follows: The landlord (les-
sor) agrees: 1. To rent to the lessee
under the terms set forth .below the
(give locatiQn of room) room, at
(number, street). 2. To keep the
room in a clean, comfortable, and san-
itary condition. 3. To keep the room
comfortably warm for student pur-'
poses from 7 o'clock in the morning
to 11:30 o'clock at night. 4. To sup-
ply hot water daily for two hours
in the morning from (hours) and for
two hours in the afternoon or evening
from (hours), or upon request. 5. To
pay for all gas used by the lessee in
......burners and for the electric-
ity used in ...... lights. 6. To furn-
ish all linen and necessary bedding,
supplying at least one clean sheet
and pillow case per student per week.1
The student (lessee) agrees: 1. To
be responsible i for the rent of this
room for the.......semester of thef
college year 192.. at the rate of $....t
per semester, payable each quarter
semester in advance, unlesshe should
be obliged to leave the University, or
unless, in the judgment of the Dean
of. Students, conditions in the house
should make it advisable for him to
move. 2. To- make an advance pay-
ment of five dollars ($5) at the time
of renting the room, which payment
is hereby acknowledged by the lessor
who is to apply it toward the rent for
the first quarter of the semester. 3.
To be liable for any damage to said
room, or the furnishing in it, other than
that due to ordinary wear and tear.
4. To be governed by 'the house rules
and regulations for rooming houses ast
adopted by the Unversity.
Open to Inspection
And both parties agree: 1. That the
above premises shall at all times be
open to inspection and supervision by
the Dean of Students, or his duly au-
thorized representative. 2. That all
disputes or misunderstandings be
tween lessor or lessee, which cannot
be amicably adjusted, are to be refer-
red for final settlement to the Dean
of Students or his representative.
Delegates of the Michigan Hospital
association asembled for the first
session of their fourth annual meet-
ing, when Dr. Hugh Cabot spoke upon
"Avoidance of Psychological Damage
in the Care of Hospital Patients", yes-!
terday afternoon at the Union. Fa-
ther Michael P. Bourke, of' St. Jo-
seph's hospital, Ann Arbor, and Miss
Josephine Halverson, superintendent
of Port Huron hospital, discussed
problems relating to the small hos-
pital, while the Rev. W. M. Puffer,
trustee of Bronson hospital, Kalama-
zoo, gave an address upon, "The Hos-
pital and the World's Life".
Frank E. Chapman, director of Mt.
Sinai hospNal in Cleveland, Ohio,
outlined the results to date of the
Cleveland hospital survey at the eve-
ning meeting at Pattengill auditor-
ium. President Marion L. Burton's
speech outlined his reasons for post-
poning completion of the shell of the
new University hospital, stating that
such completion would require prac-
tically all of the year's appropriation
for new University buildings.
W. W. Gower, '22, was .named yes-
terday as chairman of the Upperclass
Advisory committee of the Union for'
next year. Organization ,details are
being completed for the plan to teach
Michigan traditions, to help with col-
lege work, and to develop class loy-
alty of next year's freshmen. More]
than 400 men will be engaged in the
More Men Needed
The request for volunteers from
the upperclassmen to serve as ad-
visers next year - is meeting with a
hearty response. An encouragingly '
large number of men have signified
their intention of giving their time and
making these duties an important
part of their next year's work. More,
men are needed, however, who may
leave their names at the main desk
in the lobby of the Union.
Officials look for a decided improve-
ment in the results of -the work next
year. The 40 per cent efficiency of
the past year is not considered dis-
couraging, because it was the first
year's operation of the system andc
the late startaugmented the handi-
Some Features Changed
Experience has shown the objection-
able features of the plan, and changes
have accordingly been made. Fresh-
men will visit their upperclass ad-
visers, instead of the advisers calling
on the freshmen as was done the past
year. Assignments will be made ac-
cording to geographical, location toI
avoid unnecessary difficulty for the'
men in getting in touch with one an-1
of Hospital Assoelation
with Meeting Yesterday j
Aftternoon ,
Prof. Sam Hume, of the University
of California, will speak on commu-
nity dramatics at 8 o'clock tonight in
Natural Science auditorium under the
auspices of the Players club. Pro-
fessor Hume is recognized as one of
the foremost authorities' in this line
of dramatics in the country.
Before taking 'up his present pos-
tion, which includes the management
and direction of the university's open
air theater at? Berkeley, Professdr
Hume was director of the Detroit Lit-
tle theater. This fall he will direct a
six weeks season of community dra-
matics in Detroit under' the patron-
age of the Detroit Symphony associa-
tion. It is expected that he will de-
vote part of his talk this evening to a
discussion of his plans for the coming
Lit and
Engineer Exercises June 28;
Programs Scheduled for
Dents or Medles
Speakers and plans for the annual
class days of the senior literary, en-,
gineering,- and law classes during
Commencement week were announc-
ed yesterday by presidents of the
graduating classes. No programs are
being planned by the dents nor med-
ics because of the fact that most of
the seniors in these departments will
lhave left the University by that time.
The class day of the senior literary'
class will be held on the campus to
the south of Tappan hall at 10 o'clock
Tuesday morning, June 28. The pres-
ident's address will be given by Fred
J. Petty, class president, The class
prophet will be Albert C. Jacobs, and
the historian will be Marguerite A.
Clark. The class poem will be given
by Alice E. Beckham, followed by the
orator, Oscar A. Brown. It was plan-
ned to have President, Marion L. Bur-
ton address the seniors but, due to a
special meeting of the Board of Re-
gents, he will be unable tQ attend.
Senior engineers will have their pro-
gram at the, same time, on Tuesday,.
June 28. The president of the class,
Clarence N. Johnston, will be the first
speaker and will be followed by Rob-
ert F. Grindley, the class historian, S.
W. Traylor, who will give the proph-
ecy, and LeGrand A. Gaines, class or-
Judge Harry Olson, of the Chicago
municipal court, will speak at the ex-
ercises of the law class on Monday,'
June 27, in the Law building. Judge.
Olson is a prominent figure in the
field of court organization throughout
the country and will speak on a sub-
ject of that type.
Three Initiated by Delta Sigma Rho
Frank D. Eamon, '00, attorney in
Detroit, and a member of the Varsity
debate team in 1899, together with E.
F. Boxell, '23L, and R. B. Ritter,
'24L, members of this year's debate
team, were initiated into Delta Sigma
Rhd Monday afternoon.
Committee chairmen fA
Union opera have been
the committee on comr
names being announced
f'ows: General chairm
Krueger, '21E; stage ma:
cis L. McPhail, '21; prol
ward T Ives, '22; costu
bert Spence, '22; publicit
Stahl, '23; program, Sidn
'22; electrician, W. K. R
The general chairman ai
manager were re-appoini
and McPhail having hel
positions with "Top o' t
Assistants to the -genei
were not chosen, the seli
men being laid over minti
is possible that the thre
may be selected from ot
the follownig list of nat
work already done, by the
give them a little precedes
ers: Robert Adams Jr.,
M. Brown, '23, Carl Berr:
Beckton, '23, Frank Cam
Lawrence C. Snell, '23.
The itinerary for the 1
virtually complete. The
given next December ins
ing spring vacation, as
conies at the same time
have a serious effect on
going crowds. The opera
Ann Arbor the second wee
On Dec. 16 the longest to
history of the opera will cc
The production will be giv
cities with a total of 15 perfo
the out-of-state schedule inc
principal cities of the Midd
The show will have a t
stand at Chicago, and then
dianapolis, Cincinnati, Daytoi
Cleveland, Pontiac, Port Hu
City, Flint, Saginaw, Detr
Grand Rapids.
Although several books f
year's show have already bee
in, there are a number of wr
-at work. All books must b
in imnmediately as the select
be made. The great amouni
sion work which is necessai
the ,book can bee used requ
there be no delay in turnin
books. The additional fact
early presentation of next ye
ra makes it even more impor
all writers report at once t
R. Kru'eger, '21'E, ,general c
In spite of the fact that
of the annual Lake Gener
conference, June 17 to 27,
with the examination sched
University will be represen
cording to T. S. Evans, sec
the S. C. A. Leon E.' Grub
John A. Bacon, '23,.and P1
Elliott, '22, are expecting
their examinations in time I
The conference is held fo
the colleges of the Middle V
cluding the universities in t
ern Conference, and colleges
and South Dakota. The obje
conference is to trgin churcl
sociation leaders, and to pr
needs and opportunities of
ing vocations.
H. R.-Chapman, Baptist stu
tor, and L. M. Walick, Luth
dent pastor, will attend the c
as representatives of their r
national bodies.
Michigan will also send a
to the Silver Bay conferenc
is to be held from June 24 t
Although it has not been
decided, Hugh.W. Hitchcock,
'21, S'
House rules for rooming houses for
men are as follows: 1. Unless other-
wise provided the lady of the house
shall be the responsible director, and
shall be known as the "head of the
house". 2. Absolutely no intoxicat-'
ing liquor and no gambling shall be
allowed in the house. 3. Quiet hours
shall be maintained after 8 o'clock
every evening except Friday and Sat-
urday nights, and after 11 o'clock on
those two nights. During these quet
hours there shall be no loud talking in
rooms or halls, and no use of musical
instruments in a manner which may
disturb other occupants of the house.
It is expected that quiet will be main-
tained in the roams in the house re-
gardless of who occupies them. 4. No
disorder will be permitted in rooms
or halls at any time. 5. If smoking
in the room is permitted all cigar and.
cigarette stubs, matches, ashes, etc.,
must be properly cared for by the oc-
cupant, and he must assume responsi-
bility for any damage resulting there-
from. 6. Care should he exercised to
turn off light, gas, and water when
not in use. 7. No guests shall be
lodged in student roms, at any time,
withnnt the nowledze and conseunt
Impressive Lantern Night Ceremonies
Held Iy NichiganWomen Last Night:
(By Marion Koch) with the archery and tennis tourna-
Seniors in caps and gowns, carrying ments. Marion Miller, '23, won first
brightly lighted lanterns, forming a honors in archery and Rose Horwitz,
block "M," juniors, taking their places '23, received the championship in ten-
beside the 'seniors and receiving the nis. Miss Horwitz also won the finals
lanterns, sophomores in double file in tennis in the fall. The freshman
holding gay ffowered hoops through baseball team put aside the fact that
which the seniors passed, and fresh- the seniors were the honored class of
men by their side, taking up their the day and won the championship
duties as sophomores-gives the pic- game, 10 to 4. Honor awards were
ture of Lantern night as it was cele- given in the following manner: Sweat-
brated by Michiganwomen last night. ers were awarded to Beatrice Beck-
The program began with the pre- with, '21, Joanna Graham, '21, Katrina
sentation of athletic honor awards by Schermerhorn, '21, Frances Wiemel',
Dean Myra B. Jordan. This was fol- '21. Those who received pins were:
lowed by a May pole dance and the Leota Clarke, '22, Alice Hinkson, '21,
lantern procession, accompanied by a Margaret Rottschaefer, '23M, Quin-
string orchestra. Class and college nith Summers, '21. Arm bands were
songs were sung. The senior lantern awarded to Marion Brown, '23, Martha
song answered by the juniors was the Dodd;, '23, Rose Iforwits, '23, Elsa
best of the evening. Oissen. '23. Doris Snrague, '22. and