.r~k i~Ia
Li L
At 3:45 Ann Arbor time this afternoon, the team bearing'
Michigan's fighting nine will come to a stop at the Michigan
Central station. We owe it to these men to drown out the steam
locomotive with a leather-lunged "locomotive" that will show
them, that every man and vyoman in the University is proud'
of the fight they made.
No team has better deserved a triumph, than this, which has
maintained its morale in tb face of reverses and seemingly'in-
surmountable difficulties. One defeat at the hands of the Illini
merely served to strengthen the Varsity's determination to
come back. And they did. No game was considered lost or won'
until the umpire gave his final decision; this was proved by the
18-inning contest with, Michigan's. opponents of yesterday.
Let's have everybody who is not in the hospital on hand
this afternoon to give that squad the only kind of a reception
their work deserves. Three-forty-five -- remembert
ed Forem"*t Teacher of Oratory
.in Inited States and
ratory is the oldest and noblest
e fine arts," was the statement of
Hori. Albert J. Beveridge, before
indience assembled in Hill audi-
im yesterday afternoon for the
entation of the portrait of Prof.
mas C. Trueblood and of the
mas C. Trueblood fellowship of the!
rersity. "Never was,,it more im-
at thanv the 'period upon which'
have just entered and by far the
most teacher of this art in the Un-
States, and that means in the
d, is Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood
Is University wh'm we are assem-
today to honor."
Immel is Chairman
K. Immel, of the oratory depart-
t, was the chairman of the occa-
. He called attention to the fact
a large share of the credit for ob-
ing the portrait went to R. D. T.
ister,. of the oratory department,
has pushed the movement from
start. He then remarked that Pro-1
or Trueblood has been a friend
er than a'boss, a man to work with
er than under .
hth C. Bills, '04L, a Detroit attorn-
Id' former Varsity debater, deliver-
he presentation speech. Mr. Bills
how certain courses were bound
tand out' in the memory. of one
has been out of school for a num-
of years. "I shall always. temem-:
Professor Trueblood's class as one
re simplicity and directness were
, he stated.
t'presenting the fellowship of $20,-
which is to be for graduate stu-
s in the public speaking'depart-
t and the portrait,. Mr. Bills said,
is is given, not V the students
, but by the friends of Mr. True-
Parton'Accepts Gifts
hie gifts were accepted by Presi-
Marion L. Burton on behalf of
Regents and members of the Uni-,
ity. The President said: "I be-
e a true university has a pro-
ud feeling for the art of public
Wking.- Like the beauty of a por-
t It is to be judged not by its ex-
sic but by its intrinsic value, by
spirit and the character of the per-
-represented." y
r. Beveridge m ade a few brief re-
ks on "'Delivery in Public Speak-
The geperal rules laid down
: Have something. to say, speak
r when you do have something to
speak simply and directly, be
to the other side and sincere, nev-
say anything you do not honestly
eve, and finally stop when you get
pugh.. He also cautioned 'against
kling for applause and said to let
heat come from an inward 'fire
tn expressing motion.
*pencer scott, '14, of the text
k department of Harcourt Brace
Icompany;, publishrs, New' York
is pending several days in Ann
or. Mr. Scott is a nember of the
rd .of governors of the Michigan,
b of New York City, and recently
! a prominent part in the member-
p drive which brought the person-
of the club up to 600 members.
is at present assisting in manag-
the '14 class reunion .which is
eduled for June 27 and 28 of this
SyCip , 'o4L, From Mtanila, Visits
Faculty On Way To Washington
the Oratory Department.rThis cut
Was Made From a. Photograph of
the Portrait Which Was Presented
Yesterday to the University.
. +
President IHeartily Endorses Plan to
~ Give Urchins an Outdoor
"I am greatly pleased with the plan+
formulated by Michigan students and
alumni for establishing a Michigan
fresh air camp for 'boys. It repre-
sents a constructive attack upon ar
problem of primary importance. I feel
confident that this undertaking willa
appeal strongly to every friend of
the University," said President Marion +
L. Burton, in a statenient issued yes-
1terday. Campaign Active
A meeting of representatives of
student orgnizations, a meeting of;
the.local Kiwanis club, and large sub-
scriptions marked yesterday's activ-r
ti'es for the Michigan fresh air camp,
which students plan -to pattern after
the successful camps of Princeton -and+
the University of Pennsylvania. It is
proposed to give to street urchins of'
Detroit and other cities a two weeks'
vacation in the out-doors, the camp
to be distinctly a University proposi-
Tag Day Tomorrow -
The project was explained to repre-
sentatives of fraternities and sorori-
ties at a meeting at 3 o'clock yester-
day afternoon in Lane hall, when R.
J. Dunne, '22, chairman of the stu-
dent committee, Hugh W. Hitchcock,
'22, fraternity chairman, and L. C.
Reimann, '16, who is to be thief coun-
selor of the camp, spoke. Tags were
given out, to be handed to those who
Imake contributions, but not to be
worn until tomorrow, Tag day,' the
final day of. the campaign.
The Kiwanis club gave its support
to the movement when it appointed a
committee to canvass members for
funds to go towards the equipment
of the camp, Dunne spoke to the club
at luncheon at noon.
Fraternities and sororities not rep-
resented at yesterday's meeting can
secure supplies at Lane hall today. Jf
speakers are wanted to present the
plan to the organizations, Dunne
should be called or L. C. Reimann, at
Lane hall.
arker Likes Idea
Prof. John C. Parker, of the engi-
neering faculty, said yesterday re-
garding the camp plan, "It is bully.
I've been a boy myself, and I know
that a lot of cussedness and mean-
ness and general deviltry is the re-
sult of a fellow's not having the rigt
outlet for his' energies. This relief
valve the camp will supply. Inciden-
tally it is a great thing for our Mich-
igan men' to work at. This is the sort
nil +hn-~T h-- va nnr sn can -nieh.
Albino Z. SyCip, '12L, of Manila, who
is representing the 15,000 Chinese;
business men of the Philippine Is-'
lands in protest of the law recently
passed by the Philippine legislature
which would require all business memn
in the islands to keep their books in
English, Spanish or some native dia-
lect, was in Ann Arbor yesterday to
call on several of his former Urofes-
[ors and renew old acquaintances be-
fore he left for Washington to take
up with government authorities . the
possibility, of the repeal of the law. I
Dean Heriry M. Bates ,of the Law
school, Prof. Thomas C. trueblood, of
the oratory repartment, and Prof.
Jesse S. Reeves, of the political sci-
ence department, received visits.
Termed Bad for Chinese
Mr. SyCip was in China last month
and conferred with Dr. Yen, the Chi-
nese foreign minister, regarding the
new act of the Philippine legislature.
Officers hold that the act will be a
gross injustice to the Chinese people,
will destroy the Chinese vested inter-
ests, damage American trade and in-
jure the Philippine commercial pros-
pects with China.
In China Mr. Syclip learned 1of the
work being done by Frederick W.
Stevens, '87L, of Ann Arbor, who went
last November to China as the Ameri-
can representative'- in the Chinese
Consortium, an organization compos-
ed of American, British, French and
Japanese banks, which lends large
sums of money to the Chinese to con-
struct railroads and other public util-
Famine 'Conditions Improved
"Famine conditions are much better
now," he declared when asked about
the recent 'disaster. "The Chinese peo-
ple feel very grateful to the Amer-
ican people for their aid. Lack 'of
transportation was chiefly responsi-
ble for the famine, but we believe that
under the leadership of Mr. Stevens.,
roads will be built which will prevent
a similar disaster in the ,futuine.'
Mr. SyCip ispresident-, of the Yek
Hua Trading corporation of .Manila,
a large exporting and importing house
dealing in Nmerican goods. He also
practices law in that city.
Mr. SyCip came to Ann Arbor from
Manila in 1905, learned the English
language, attended Ann' Arbor' high
school and spent four years in the.
University, graduating from the Law
school in 1912. He is accompanied on
the mission by Rafael 1achuca Go-
tauco, vice-president of the Chinese
Chamber of Commerce of Manila.
Wisconsin Professor to Join English'
Department in Time for
Fall Semester
Varsity Netmen
Defeat laroons
BY 4TO 2 count
Michigan's tennis team scored an-
other victory yesterday afternoon
when the Varsity netmen defeated the
University of Chicago team 4 matches'
to 2. Even without the s'rvices of
Walter Wesbrook, the Maize and Blue
team defeated the powerful Midway
quartet headed by Segal and Vories,
the Conefrence champions. Had the
Michigan captain been in the iineup
it is highly probable that the score
would have been 6 to 0.-
Against Chicago, Michigan won
three singles matches and one du-
bles'match. . Vories and Segal' assert-
ed their supremacy in the doubles by
defeating Aligell and Munz, while
Vories won from Angell of Michigan
in singles after three sets.
Munz Beats Segal
In the number one match, Lewis
Munz of Michigan defeated Perry Se-
gal of Chicago in straight sets, 6-1,
6-4. Munz did not experience any-
where near the same trouble in de-
feating Segal yesterday that he did in
the *Conference tournament a' week
ago. On that occasion, the Michigan
player was forced to go the limit to
win 6-4, 9-7, 9-7, in the semi-final
Harry Vories won the only singles
match of the day for Chicago when he
defeated Robert Angell 4-6, 6-4, 6-3.
Albert Frankenstein proved no match
for Charle's Merkel of Michigan. The
Maize and Blue player made Tew er-
rors and the Chicago player did not
have a chance to get started with the
result that Merkel won 6-1, 6-1
The fourth singles match went to
Michigan when George Reindel Jr.,
won from' E. Hazzard 6-1, 9-7. The
first set proved to be easy for the
Wolverine with the result that he
slowed up slightly.
Vories and Segal Win ;
Michigan's first doubles team bowed
to the Conference champions, Vories
and Segal. Munz and Angell took the
first set but the Chicago team came
right back for the next two. They
had been doped to win this match.
In the last match of the afternoon
and the one which would decide
whether Michigan would win the se-
ries or whether it would end in a tie.
Reindel and Merkel of Michigan came
through and won the deciding match
only after they, had been extended
to the limit in a very close three set
rhatch. The score, 10-8, 5-7, 7-5, is an
indication of the closeness of this
contest. This match was -the closest
of the afternoon and was featured by
many long points and fl&shes of good
tennis. Toward the end it developed
into steady play on the part -of both
teams with Michigan finally winning.
Michigan women, who take out life
membership in the Women's league at
the present time, will not of course,
have the opportunity of enjoying the
use of the prospective clubhouse while
Slackleford and
Ahead in
First, S
(By Associated Press)
Madison, Wis., June 6.-Illi
calie the 'Western Conferen<
ball champions when Wiscon
feated Michigan here 7 to 6.
feat left the Wolverines half
behind the Illini, with whom t
been tied for the lead.
The contest was exceptiona
fought and at times rivaled
inning contest between the tw
last week. Michigan went ii
lead in the first. inning th:
home ruin by Shackleford, an
in the sixth through errors
consin and home run by Karl
two men on bases.
Michigan then began playii
ball. and Wisconsin, profitibg'1
error, finally pulled into a
lead which was held.
Paddock, Wisconsin's pitcl
the star. He scored 2 runs a
hit freely at the start tightene
end and fanned 5 men in th
innings. His strikeouts total
The final score of the g
Wisconsin came on a home
The game assured Wisconsin
place in the Coniference,
they have one 'more game tc
that with Purdue tomorrow.
Illinois and Michigan have
their schedule.
Lantern night, Michigan 'women's
annual celebration of the passing of
the seniors amid the pro'gression of the
lower classes, will be held tonight
at Palmer field. 'Seniors in caps and
gowns, carrying lighted lanterns, jun-
iors with their flowered hoops, form-
ing an M ' and a brilliant arbor, re-
spectively, together with the sopho-
mores and freshiren, will compose the
Field events consisting of finals in
baseball, tennis, and archery, will be-
gin at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon.
Picnic suppers to be held on the
grounds at 6:30 o'clock are to be made
a special feature this year. Mortar-
board will be on hand to sell ice
cream, ginger ale; and peanuts, while
the Women's league will serve cof-
Evening festivities will begin with
the presentation of arm bands, pins,
and sweaters by Dean Myra B. Jor-
dan. At 7:30 o'clock the May-pole
dance will take place accompanied by
a stringed orchestra. Events will cul-
minate in the spectacular lantern
Prof. Oscar J. Campbell, of thet
English department of the University
of Wisconsin, yesterday notified Uni-#
versity authorities of his acceptance
of a professorship in the English de-
partment here. The appointment is{
to become effective with the opening,
of the first semester next fall. h
Professor Campbell is a graduate of
the University. having received his
A.B. degree with the class of 1900..
Later he took M.A. and Ph.D. degrees,
from Harvard. In 1910 he was made a
traveling fellow of Harvard and stud-
ied in the Universities of Copenhagen,
Berlin, Paris, London, and at Oxford.
Since 1911 he has been on the faculty
of the University of Wisconsin.
Through his published contributions
on the subject of English literature,
Professor Campbell has won a repu-
tation both in England and the United1
States as one of the leading scholars!
and authorities on the subject.
The appointment of, Professor
Campbell is made possible by the re-
cent increase in the mill tax income
of the University, without which any
additions to the faculty at the present
time would have been out of the ques-
Iota chapter of Sigma Gamma Ep-
silon, national scientific geological
fraternity, was installed in the Uni-
versity last Saturday night.
Prof. W. H. Twenhofel, of the Ufi-
versity of Wisconsin, grand presi-
dent of the fraternity, made the in-
stallation address. Iota chapter is the
outgrowth of a local geological society
which has held regular meetings for
the past two years and has for its pur-
pose the advancement of geological
The following are charter members
of the organization: Fred W. Bart-
lett, George S. Buchanan, ,Lawrence
M. Gould, Roy W. Grumbine, Russell
C. Hussey, Fred B.' Kniffen, John B.
Leighly, Howard B. Marshall, Ches-
they are students. However, there are
several reasons why student women t
should become life menbers of the'
league. Only by general co-operation
of all-Michigan women, both alumnae
and student, can the women students i
of the future be supplied with a socialt
center and clubhouse such as is need-
ed on the campus at present.
Alumnae members of the league will ,
be entitled to the use of, and full priv-
ileges in the new building.
League membership implies a close1
contact with the student body, thusa
it will act as a connecting link between I'
the alumna member and her Alma '
Mater. "
League literature will - keep the
alumna member in touch with the'
campus and itsvarious activities ina
the years following graduation. 1
The Women's building will be to thes
alumnae of the future, what .ihe Mich-;
igan Union is to men who have grad-'
uated from Michigan.r
The immediate reason that the cam-
paign must be carried through quick-
ly is that if the $500,000 goal, which'
must be reached before a building site
is given, is not obtained in the immed-
iate future all the available campus
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood,
he oratory department, was t
a banquet at the Union last ev
the Oratorical association and
pha chapter of the Delta Sigma
Dean Henry M. Bates, of t
chool, acting as toastmaster,
ad the keynote of the evening,
poke of honoring Professor Ti
not at thle conclusion but at t
[eighth of his career.
'Short talks were made by
Bills, '04L, Frank Eanm, '00,
Senator Beveridge. Each speak
ertinent remarks and lapsE
V. H. Crossley, '21L, spokE
words of welcome to the init
Delta Sigma Rho, honorary of
raternity, .and paid Professo
blood tribute from the stand:
he student.
The climax of the prograi
when Professor Trueblood roc
spond to a toast "Reminisceni
said that it was interesting
hat 45 years ago that there
college in this country the
teaching public speaking wh
there was not one college o
*ng but that hpd some del
teaching the art of public sp
Pueblo, Colo.,, June 6.-Sy
and drastic action''to ascer
number of dead and to clean
of Pueblo, flood stricken fo:
days, was begun this 'afterno
ing under military authority
Col. Paul P. Newlon ordere
able bodied man to apply hi
the task of removing debris i
street, in an effort to preven;
from fire and pestilence. T;
bars sightseers from the c
makes work compulsory, for
ulated pay or under militar
without pay.
Th' cit. h" sheen"diided i
der of its president, the
band will meet at 3:20
this afternoon in front J
auditorium in order to
he returning baseball j