* ~- - ....Yw; ..,... - - ble Class will It is confidently expected that the r meeting this will keep up its usual high int k. There will and large attendance to the close. etings of this Bertrand Bronson will play a v t school year. number this number.-Adv. class , TJ~~IFe SATJU VAUDEVILLE I LASSIFIE ADVERTISING THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. WANTED D-Salesmen to sell the Wat- by during the summer; a water motor that saves work kitchen. You can make from $15 a day. For further partic- write National Home Appli- Co., 50 Garfield Blvd., Detroit: 172-5 D-A number of students to up an exceptionally well pay- roposition in Detroit during ummer months. If interested or Mr. Lieber at Allenel Hotel four this afternoon, or Satur- 173-2 D-Lady and two 'nephews, its, want three or four rooms ght housekeeping for the fall Write Box W, Daily, or call x, 691-J. 174-2 :D- Rooms near the Campus ext year, by two instructors. with no other roomers prefer- Call 66-W and leave address. 174-3 :D-Three room suite for next y three upperclassmen. South ide. close to Campus prefer- Call Malloch,' 2139-W. 174-3 ;-Young man to work a few as part payment for room dur- ummer. Address C. S., care an Daily. 173-2 ;D-Room for two upperclass on southeast side of campus xt year. Call A. H., 519-J, aft- ner. 172-3 fD-Single room in good home perclassman. Must be few oth- dents in house. Address R. Daily. 172-3 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Airedale Dog, 1 year old, tan legs And head. Back black and grey. Wore shoulder harness and answers to name Jingo. Alpha Rho Chi, phone 1366. 172-3 LOST-A knitted sport coat. Between Ann Arbor and Groomes Beach, Whitmore Lake. Finder call 189 and ask for Sam Riggs. 174-2 LOST-Saturday-Black leather watch fob, with Sigma .Xi key. Name on back, Earl G. Sturdevant. Reward. Call 1110-R. 173-3 LOST-Bunch of keys on Ferry Field Saturday, May 28, at Illinois game. Liberal reward to finder. Call 1509-J. 172-3 LOST-Brown leather purse, between 'Library and So. University. Re- turn at, Secretary's office. Reward. 172-3 LOST-A gold watch with "M" fob in Chemistry Amphitheater, Wednes- day A. M. Call A. Hess, 288-J. 173-2 LOST-One gold Eversharp pencil at tennis courts, June 1. Finder please call Boothby at 1521-W. 173-2 LOST-Ring set with three pearls, up theriver Decoration Day. 'Reward. Call '2287=W. 172-3 LOST-Kappa Sigma badge.. Finder please call Earl Jeurs, 566, and re- ceive reward. 172-5 FOUND-Pair shell rimmed glasses, found at Wisconsin game. Call 1118-R. 172-3 LOST-Army discharge. Please call Hunter, 1128-J. 173-3 LOST-Dunhill 34 pipe, Sunday after- noon between Fair Ground's ten- nis courts and Washtenaw and Hill. Call Patton, 188. 173-3i FOR SALE FOR SALE-A large rooming house, suitable for a fraternity, club or sorority. In first class condition, one block from Campus. 609 Mon- roe St. Phone 2236-J. 174-3 FOR SALE-1919 For Roadster, fully equipped, 1921 license and insur- ance against theft, fire, liability and collision. Price $250.00. Telephone 527-M. 174-3 FOR SALE-Harley-Davidson motor-! cycle, good condition. Call at 6095. Fi1fth Ave., or phon4 220-4. . 172-3! FOI' SALE-Harley twin motorcycle; good as new. Cheap for quick pur- chase. Call 1881-W. 172-21 FOR SALE-1920 Ford touring car, starter, good tires, good condition. Must be sold. Call 1825-M. 174 The Michigan Dames and their families will have their annual picnic Saturday afternoon at the island. They will, meet at 4 o'clock at Lane hall, where the picnic will be held in case of rain. All University women who have lived in Helen Newberry residence are in- vited to attend a tea which will be giv- en from 3 to 5:30 ;'clock Monday aft- ernoon at the dormitory. Girls taking part in the Maypole dance for Lantern night will practice at' 5 o'clock Monday afternoon in Bar- bour gymnasium. It is very important that all be present to fill out the groups. This will be the last practice. Extra practice for the archery tour- nament will be held at 4 o'clock Mon- day afternoon at Palmer field. Girls who have been chosen to lead each class in the Lantern night pro- cession will meet at 12 o'clock Monday noon in Barbour gymnasium. Two Engageemnts Announced Announcement was made Thursday night at the Zeta Tau Alpha banquet given at Foster's of the engagement of Evelyn Naylor, '24, and Clyde V. Nut- ten, '22L. Ifiiss Naylor is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, and Nut- ten is a member of Alpha Tau omega and of Gamma Eta Gamma iaw frater- nities. Announcement has been made of the engagement of.Miss Victoria A'dams, '22L, to C. Ellsworth Selmier, '23. Both Miss Adams and Selmier are from Ann Arbor. IF IT IS INSURANCE WE CAN DO IT Potter & AIIShouse First National Bank Phone 2072 WHITE POLO SHIRTS, $2.50 GEO. KYER Theatre Fantoccini BLANCHE SWEET - n SHOWING TODAY THE MIDDLETONS Funny Mannikins or Little -- Also - i RUSSELL SISTERS Offer a Comedy Singing and Talking Number DOMAN AND DOMAN Two High-Class Acrobats and Wiry Contortionists ARTHUR DEMINS. "MALE AND FEMALE" The Famous Minstrel and Brilliant Conversationalist W U ER T H THEATRE Cars leave P. M.; at 6:10, D. U. 7:10, 8:10 R. Station YPSILANTI w SHOWING T OD AY 7 .1 I ZANE CREY'S "THE U. P. TRAIL" With a powerful cast o rent good rooms for by four upperclassinen. us, west or north side. x G. S., Daily, or call 172-3 ED-White cook to cook for rnity of 30 for tfie next school Address box E. P., care of 174-3 ED-To buy two double deck- ither with or without mattress- d springs. Address G. G., care 172-3 FOR RENT ,ENT-Two single rooms and suite for students during sum- session. Phone 1192-J. 12431 tenaw. 173-3 ENT-Good rooms very reason- priced for summer. Near cam- Address K. B. H., care Mich- Daily. 173-2 ENT-Two rooms, block and a' from campus. Same price to r two or three students. Phone W. 172-5 ENT--Pleasant room with lav- for summer. Near campus.. ess L. E.. care Daily. 173-2 ENT - To summer students, large, cool. shady suites near ampus. Call 2624-M. 174 LENT-To instructor for next ge year, a fine strictly modern Phone 736. 172-9 MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTE, ROY S T E W A R T, KATHLYN WILLIAMS, JOSEPH J. DOWLING, ROBERT McKIM A Massive Picture of the Great West A splendid, virile picture of the pioneer days of adventure along the Union Pacific Railroad where men from all over the world - came to try their luck at gold-getting. 11 POLLARD COMEDY SCREEN SNAPSHOTS COLLEGE MEN fI WANTED 1: FOR SALE -Organdy dress. New. Cor-i al pink. Size 36. , 220 So. Ingalls. Bargain. 174.1 FOR SALE -1919 Henderson motor- cycle,, fully equipped. 608 Monroe. 1$87. 172-4 IMISCELLANEOUS WILL PERSON who topk grey cap from Union cloak-room Saturday noon. pl~ase return it to Maremont, 616 Church St. 173 I i i ') . to handle a product of real merit in their home towns dur- ing their Summer Vacation. Write and we will arrange foib an interview. THE RICHARDSON SPECIALTIES CO. .x. S o WUER-T H SHOWINC AT BOT", THEATRES ORPHEOM 644 Catherine St.,. Detroit, Mich. . 3 DAYS ONLY - - Exclusive Engagement Tuesday - Wednesday -Thursday; - June 7-8-9 A A DRAMA VIVID AS"LIGHTNING ORPHEUM SHOWING TODAY ONLY h U " Te 5Ke -Viper CONSTANCE TALMADGE aj A thundering message o love, honor I a n d fervid fi'meri canism finds a new way to win a husband in MAMMA'S AFFAIR, The cast is packed with fangous names-Careph Hughes; Ruth Stone- house Jac Gilberi and many others PRESENTATION UNDER THE :j AUSPICES OF -MERMAID COMEDY NEWS ERWIN jPRIESKORN, LOCAL POST 46, AMERICAN LEGION. r [". I A IRsT NATIONAL IU ADLTLTS, 5Oe CHILDREN, 25c