THE MICHIGAN DAILY father Sunday, liltilllll Ii [[IEiill [I I IIi 1M1[[[[([[M[[r 'sljay =U June 5th - f these big pens rour appreciation Sher Drug Co. III~l iyl[[[[ltlN l[[1[[[[[[I N [[l ttt[[I [[I JUNIOR COLLEGES SHOW HEALTHYDEVELOPMENT OFFICIAL STATES 2;(lS3ILML SCHOOLS SHOULD DIVE BUT TWO YEAR COURSES There are at present in the United States approximately 100 junior col- leges, where in struction is given only to first and second year students, and these schools are increasing 'oth in number and enrollment. Junior colleges may be divided into two groups first, those that are the natural outgrowth of the public SOPHS STAND TEST IN HEALTH EXAMS If indications are any criterion it is certain that the sophomores are physically fit for of the 1,000 sopho- mores examined thus far at the Health service, almost every one has shown a marked physical improvement. Al- though definite statistics are not yet scarcely any of the men have a physi- scarcely any o fthe men have a physi- cal condition inferior to that at the time of his entrance to the University. According to Health service officials it is required that all who have not re- ported for this examination do so be- fore June 8. PYRALIN IVORY WARE Thne gift at graduation time Send him one o to show him Calkins-Fletc MA.N TWO -PIECE All Wool school system, and, secondly, those PHYSICS TEACHERS that are the transformations of other CONVENE SATURDAY colleges. CO VE ES TU DA According to United States Commis- sioner Claxton, there are at the pres- Association of Michigan teachers of ent time more than 250 smaller col- college physics will hold its second leges which should cease to give in- semi-annual meeting for this year struction in the junior and senior'here tomorrow. years and confine themselves to the This association is made up of all scope of the ju'nior college. By con- teachers of college physics in the col- fining the work of a school to the leges and junior colleges of the state. freshman and sophomres, these col- The purpose of the organization is to leges turn their entire equipment and co-ordinate and improve the teaching money to making the first two years of physics throughout the state and to of college more effective and benefi- this end the discussions include both cial. the consideration of pedagogical prin- In California, where there are 'at ciples and of recent important ad- present . more than 20 junior col- vances in physics. leges, the work is hampered by lack The meeting will consist of two ses- of money and facilities at the present sions, one at 10 o'clock in the morn- time but a new plan whereby the state ing and the other at 1:30 o'clock in will extend a liberal support to these the afternoon with a luncheon at noon schools is now being considered by the at the Union. It is expected that more legislature. In spite of the many han- than fifty teachers will attend. dicaps of money and equipment in the present system, there is no doubt that Use Classified advertising and sell the junior colleges in this country are your miscellaneous articles.--Adv. fulfilling their mission. Let a classified ad find that lost-ar- Patronize our Advertisers.--Adv. ticle.--Adv. THE EBERBACH & SON CO. 2%0 - 204 EAST LIBERTY STREET The Essence. of, Goodness In Ice Cream Lies In The Fla bor Certainly .has got the flabor ATHING SU ITS with the Patent Crotch - One Piece, Suits $3.oo and up FINE TAILORING FINE FURNISHINGS I THE CANOE TRIP PLUS t For just m'h happy moments as this, C CO, Awvascreated delicious and c e hing. THE COCA-COLA CJx wANY ATLANTA, GA, Su~nday Dinner! Try Some of my meat Specials! Chickens! Choice Pork Chops! Veal Rosettes! Sirloin Steaks! 1It11111111111.1111l11 1t11l111 1 1111 1!lll!Ilttlilggi igi i siiiigii lii i ii llltlig Bring Your Friends TO THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INF STEAKS AND SMALL. BANQUETS FOR LADIES AND GENTS PHONE 46 FOR RESERVATIONS COR NER FOURTh AM) ANN -a (Formerly Joe Parker's) mmm1111111mmm11m11111111111111mIIIme111111111111111 m m1111 IIm 1111111 m imll 11 m1 1 V IS THE CANOE TRIP PLUS A BLIGHTY LUNCH i l II W RIiNNELL BROS. MULISIC HOUSE 'I' ,'1 Indoors, Outdoors-There's Unlimited Enjoyment in Store 4or You If You Choose I 709 N. UNIVERSITY PHONE 1593-J-BLIGHTY WILL PACK IT One of these Victrolas { This Summer VICTROLA lY 1 4 11 Every day, home or camp weather forces canoe; launch; this summer you'll want music-at your summer after the strenuous outdoor day; when inclement you indoors; for the evening dance-for your porch; lawn; the auto trip-in fact everywhere! 11 71~,TA1RDBEST CHICAGO Men's Engliosh Lounge Suits THE CENTURY MARKET CALL 1091 QUICK SERVICE And you can have Music-in unlimited variety and quantity -wherever you'll take one of these small Summer model -Vic- trolas. Light and compact-easily carried-it will play for you the same music as the larger model Victrolas-any music in the entire Victor Record catalog. VICTIROLAVI $3;.00 .. I I DON'T FORGET Enjoy Music the whole summer long with one of these Victrolas! 'Made from Pure Wool Fabrics in attractive pat- terns of grey and tan herringbone-a very special showing at the low price of TO OBTAIN SOME OF SWAIN'S Views of the Campus and Choose Your Small Victrola During Summer Victrola Week May 31 to June 4> For this week we've arranged especially easy terms which permit you to pay for your Vic- trola over a long period of time. Take advan- tage of these terms by arranging for yours this week. To see these models-to hear them, will not obligate you in the reast -COME IN TODAY! VICTROLA viiI $50.00 $45.00 0, Huron River for your M-Book. Coats are made with skeleton lining, Vests un-, lined and Trousers have straight wide bottoms. ASTARR BEST CHICAGO tate St. Second Floor. I Especially careful service in film developing and printing for amateurs. 713 E. UNIVERSITY AV. Other Victrolas, $100 to $1,500-Sold on Convenient Payment Plan. Orin cliBros Come in and Select Your Summer Victrola Now! 116 SOUTH MAIN STREET VICTROLA IX $75.00 11 Wholly Pleasing Victrola Service