THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ammommomm"aloom Father's Day 'V W C A ADAPTABLE SAYS AN ARBOR WOMAN Exquisite Washable Frocks remembered Mother, now clon't forget Father on FATHER'S DAY DESCRIBES THE WORK CIATION IN CHINA OF ASSO. will appreciate any of these: and Batteries, Dry Cells, Shuredge PockeleZe Cutlery, Safety and Common Razors. AUTO ACCESSORIES insylvania Vacuum Cup Tires and Tubes, Berry Brothers Auto Colors, Valspar Varnishes. AND MANY OTHER THINGS WE HAVE f # 'f ate mpabt.Vi.. M: Hl IlS II COLUMN U CLOSES ?.I ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. In a recent letter to the Y. W. C. A., Mrs. Frederick W. Stevens, of Ann Arbor, who is now residing in Peking, China, tells many facts concerning the work of the Y. W. C. A. in the far East. The following excerpts from the letter will be. of "interest to the campus organization: "The Y. W. C. A. is more adaptable to conditions than any other organi-I zation. Everywhere young women are happier and safer for its existence. In Japan the little low building was like the surroundings, but within was the usual activity. The girls did seem dif- ferent when trying to play basket- bal inkimonas, but they were playing Just the same. Shanghai Center of Activities "In Shanghai, the center of Y. W. C. A. work in China, there is great activity. They are doing new things. For example they have a woman who did war work in France as a social introducer. She watches hotel reg-1 isters and calls to take new comers to see the different activities of the Y. W. C. A. work in that city. She took me to visit the remarkable Nor- mal Training school just out of the city, where we found a splendid com- pany of girls. Dr. Sargent's Work Connended "Dr. Sargent is doing fine work. Her health camapign was so success- ful in reducing the plague in Foochow that one of the big insurance compan- ies is now a large contributer to her 'work. "The offices in Peking are in a charming old Chinese' palace. There are the usual houses and fascinating courts. I haven't been able to do all I wish in visiting the organization here. The type of women who are doing this work in the far East gives reason for great pride in America." UC om ens ° tI I l l, , - -_ " -- _ .- r y A collection of Paris creations and American originations of such ex- quisite newness --- such tasteful ex- pressions of mode - such individ- uality - that one cannot help but be tempted to purchase at least one of the charming frocks. Welcome Misses', Women 's $15 $2O0' 25. and upwards i I ,, . . ,,. __ F. . ILll N i _ _ .1 ti 3 III I i 1 Y I lG Styles. 0 The sheer fabrics are of unexcelled loveliness. Imported organdies, epongee, dotted Swiss, French and American ging- hans and novelty figured voiles. Fancy and apron tunics, bright sashes, em- broidered organdy motifs, quaint ruffling and fluting. Styles for all occasions. CORNER WOO WAA TATE NO0 CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER M1OB I Hand Made Voile Blouses $5.00 $7.50 Dainty New Voile Blouses $2.50 $3.50 WANTED ANTED-Salesmen to sell the Wat- er Baby during the summer; a novel water motor that saves work in the kitchen. You can make from $6 to $15 a day. For further partic- ulars write National Home Appli- ance Co., 50 Garfield Blvd.,- Detroit. 172-5, ANTED-Salespeople, men and wo- men, to handle their home territory this summer. Commission basis. If' you are alive and willing to work see Mr. B. A. Wright at Allenel Hotel Thursday or Friday. This is not books or stocks. 172-2 ANTED-A single room with quiet family for summer session. Must be at least half mile from campus. If satisfactory would like the room for next school .year. Box G. A., Daily. 172-2 ANTED-Men to sell brushes dur- ing summer. Good money making proposition. Call Eman, 1268, be- tween 6:30 and 8:30 evenings or write 1007 E. Huron. 148-21 ANTED-Four young ladies to act as waitresses at private summer re- sort beginning June 29th. Refer- ences required. Inquire 1143 Forest Ave. Phone 370-W. 171-3 ANTED- Lady and two nephews, students, want three or four rooms for light hous.keeping for fall term. Write Box W., Daily or call Wil- cox, 691-J. 172 ANTED--To rent good rooms for next year by four upperclassmen. Near campus, west or north side. Address Box G. S., Daily, or call 2332. '172-3 ANTED--Room for two upperclass girls on southeast side of campus for next year. Call A..H., 519-J, aft- er dinner. 172-$ ANTED-Single room in good home by upperclassman. Must be few oth- er students in house. Address R. T. H., Daily. 172-3 ANTED-Select rooms for eight up- perclassmen for next school year. Dall Sewell, 1527-M, between 10:30 and 12:00. 172-2 ANTED--To buy two double deck- ers, either with or without mattress,- es and springs. Address G. G., care Daily. 172-3 ANTED-Rooming house for select group of twelve or fourteen boys. Phjone 692-1. 167-6 ANTED-Student help, Arcade Cafe- eria. See Nicolai between 2 and 5, 'hursday. 172 FOR SALE R SALE--Two blooded male Bos- on Bull pups, four weeks old. A. Klein, 610 Church St. 2642-R. 172 R SALE-Harley-Davidson motor- 'ycle, good condition. Call at 609 S.1 'ifth Ave., or phone 220-J. 172-3 R SALE- Good 1920 Ford road- ter, body and rear fenders. Cheap. 02 E. Huron St. 172 R SALE-Harley twin motorcycle; ood as new. Cheap for quick pur- hase. ,Call 1881-W. 172-21 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Airedale Dog, 1 year old, tan legs and head. Back black and grey. Wore- shoulder harness ands answers to name Jingo. Alpha Rho Chi, phone 1366. 172-3 LOST-'About twenty written pages of note book paper No. 508, tied to- gether. Written with purple ink.' Reward. Call G. Miller, 621 Church St. Phone 863-J. 172-2 LOST-Lady's black glass case con- taining shell-rimmed glasses, foun- tain pen and pencil. Address. 1008 E. Hil 1St., or call 1508-J. 172- LOST-Bunch of keys on Ferry Field ,Saturday, May 28, at Illixgois game. Liberal reward to finder. Call 1509-J. 172-3 LOST -Saturday -gold bar-pin set with thre3 sapphires. Reward. Mrs. E. A. Baumgarth, 1586 Montclair St., Detroit. 170-3 LOST-Brown leather purse, between Library and So. University. Re- turn at 'Secretary's office. Reward. 172-3. LOST-A white gold cuff-button in park near 12th and E. Huron St. Reward of $1. Daily Box, E. M. 171-3 LOST-Sigma Alpha Epsilon pin, No. 15221. Return to 904 Oakland Ave., or call Bittinger, 652-M. 171-2 LOST-Ring set with three pearls, up the river Decoration Day. Reward. Call 2287-W. 172-3 LOST-Kappa Sigma badge. Finder please call Earl Jeurs, 566, and re- ceive reward. 172-5 FOUND-Pair shell rimmed glasses, found at Wisconsin game. Call 1118-R. 172-3 LOST-A blpck enamel Mortarboard pin. Finder please call 2325. 172-2 LOST-Delta Chi pin, No. 502. Finder please call 1172-R. 172 FOR RENT FOR RENT-For summer school on S. Division, one pleasant room on first floor, with private entrance and use of kitchen for two ladies or mar-. ried couple, also suite and single rooms for summer school and room-' ers for Commencement week. 427 E. University. 171-2 FOR RENT-Two rooms, block and a, half from campus. Same price to either two or three students. Phone 1471-W. f 172-5 FOR RENT-Rooms, opposite Univer- sity Hospital, for summer and next school year. Call 1122-W. 171-3l FOR RENT-To instructor for next college year, a fine strictly modern suite. Phone 736. 172-9 _ _ __.1 The Last.Formats of the Year, Any women interested in employment should call at of the dean of women. part time the office There will be an important rehear- sal of the first and second acts of the Senior Girls' play at 7 o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Both cast and chorus will rehearse. Any women wishing summer em- ployment such as waiting table at summer resorts are a ked to call at the office of the dean of women for consultation. All freshmen who have not had. their posture examinations should re- port today at Barbour gymnasium. All members of the Girls' Glee club who were not present at the meeting Tuesday are asked to give their votes for officers to Bernice Nickels Clous- er, '21. The freshmail-sophomore Interclass baseball game will be played at 5 o'clock this afternoon on Palmer field. Officers Elected at Athena Meeting Elections of Athena Literary socie- ty officers were held Tuesday night, at which time the following girls were chosen officers: Martha Shepard, '22, president; Catherine Stafford, '24, vice-president; Margaret Adams, '22, secretary; Celma Simonson, '23, treas- urer; Beata Hasley, '22, oratorical delegate; and Agnes Diehl, '22, audi- tor. Use the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. VISITING CARDS-Order them now. $2 and up. Wahr's Bookstores.-Adv. &nd Up with a 1 Splurge .Order a Corsage for Her. Blu Alaize blossom Shop NICKELS ARCADE FOR RENT-Cool, clean suite avail- able at once or for summer use. .437 Maynard St. 172 . J FOR SALE P'OR SALE -1919 Henderson motor- cycle, fully equipped. 608 Monroe. 1387. 172-4 WHITE POLO SHIRTS, $2.50 GEO. KYER i 6 DANCES FRIDAY AND, SATURDAY BEST MUSIC IN TOWN. GRAHAM'S, SLATER'S A TICKETS AT F