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June 02, 1921 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-06-02

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Athletes Leave for Conference Meet
to be Held kn Stagg Field
This Week End



Parrell and 21 Wol-
leave today for Chi-
in the 21st anrual
or meet which is to
field, Saturday, June
each event, with they
sprints and the mile
d to be run off Fri-j
n to qualify in each

It is practically conceded that Il--"
nois has the strongest team. They are
particularly strong in the relay, high
jump, and distance races. Jacobs has
the edge on any other high-jumper in
the Big Ten for this man has jumped
over 6 feet, 3 inches consistently,
throughout the year. Illini success is
not altogether assured for although
this team won both the Illinois relay
carnival and the Conference indoor
meet at Evanston earlier in the sea-
son, they will , have to reckon with
teams that they have not bucked up
against and these teams may cut in
on some of their events 'in whi'ch they
are particularly strong.
Loss of Wesbrook Felt
Michigan is conceded to have more
than an even chance to place second
it past performances are any criter-
ion. The Wolverines placed second
in both of the aforementioned indoor
meets and won easy victories over
Chicago and Ohio State. The loss of.
Wesbrook is a serious handicap to
the Varsity in the broad jump and pole

intercollegiates from Harvard by the
narrow margin of one-half point.
Farrel spent most of hs time with
the dash men yesterday and after
practiee seemed very optimistic. The
relay men were also given pointers
in starting and passing the baton.
Varsity lilanks
AggieaNet Team
Michigan's tennis team swamped
the M. A. C. racket men yesterday aft-
ernoon on Ferry field, winning all six
matches and dropping only one set
in the course of the afternoon. The
Agges were outclassed from the start,1
the Wolverines scoring points almost
at will...
In the flit singles match~ Munz,
who -ade his way to the finals of the
Conference championsh tournament
last week, had little difficulty in dis
posi'ng of Palm, M. A.-C.'s best ;man,1
6-1, 6-3. Angell won easily from Free-
man, 6-0, 6-1. The Michigan man
played his opponents backhand con-
sistently and effectively.
Merkel experienced' some ;ifficulty
in overcoinng Croll, the score being
6-3, 5-7, 6-1. +The Wolverine player
was not on the top of his game and
allowed the softer play of his rival to
slow up -his own game. Reindel walk-
edaway with Beal, _>6-1,6.-2.
The doubles matches were also one-
sided affairs. Munz and Angell were
not forced at all 'to win from Palm
and Cross, 6-0, 6-2. The winners dis-
played better teamwork' than in the.
Conference last weekand it is hoped
that they will give the Conference
champions, Segal "and Vories,, a hard
battle when Chicago plays here 'next
Reindel and Merkel completed the
afternoon's' clean sweep by defeating
Croll -and Beal, 6-3, 8-6. The win-
ners were in the lead at all times and
exhibited an ability to stroke the ball
accurately when points were needed.
HawaLians Seek Ancient Press
Honolulans are attempting to have
an ancient Ramage pa brought to
their city during the press congress
of the world which is to be held there
from Oct. 11 to 25. It was on this
hand press that the Bible was first
printed in the Hawaiian language.
Did you ever try using The Daily as
a Shopping Directory? Satisfaction is
at your command if you patronize our
iChop Suey
Will re min open
all su rmer
IQuzang Tun. Lo
613 Lihorty st. E

Preliminaries in Michigan's First
Annual Interscholastic Tennis I
Tourney Today.
Michigan's first annual Interschol-
astic tennis tournament will bet un-
der way this afternoon. Entries for
the tournament will not close until
this noon, at which time the draw will
be made. Up to 3 o'clock yesterday
afternoon, 20 men had been entered
in the singles and 9 doubles teams
were scheduled to play.
Schools from Detroit, Toledo, Ann
Arbor, and Highland Park had notified
the manager that they would send
participants. It is expected that there
will be more entries received this

while on the campus and will be
housed at the various fraternities.
Lockers will be provided them at Fer-
ry field. A dinner at which the high
school players and the Varsity tennis
team, together with Dr. Lee, Profes-
sor Boak Coach E. Bowers of the
freshman team 'will be the guests of
the Athletic association ik to be serv-
ed at the Union Friday evening.
The entries to date are as follows
Detroit Central, F Tait and G. Rice.
Detroit Northern, 0. Zemon and M.
Feerer. Detroit Northeastern, J. Har-
ris. Ann Arbor, Moriya and McCand-
less. Detroit Eastern, P. Jerome and
F. Jerome. Detroit Northwestern, L.
Hoagland and C. McLetchie. - Detroit
Southeastern, R. Biederman. Toledo
Scott, C. Ohl and J. Staley. Highland
Park, F: Donovan and B. Stranad
The doubles will see Tait and Rice,
Zemon and Feerer, Moriya and, Mc-
Candless, Jerome and Jerome, Hoag-
land and McLetchie, Ohl and Staley,
Donovan and Stranad, grouped to-




3:45-Junior lits vs Sophomore lits,
South Ferry field.,
Preliminaries on interclass tra, meet
at Ferry field.

Parcel Delivery,
Trunks iZ everything


Iwo large stocks to select frol



the mile, and Losch and Simmonsk
the sprints, can all be counted onl
add points to Michigan's grand

morning as the official announcement Genuine Fngraving and Embossing.
was late in being mailed out. Last Order your visiting cards now. 0. D.
minute entries will probably bring Morrill, 17 Nickel's Arcade.-Adv.
the singles list up to 25. Michigan banners. pillows, jewelry,
Play Starts at 2:30 memory books, etc. Wahr's Book-
The tournament will be held on the stores.-Adv.
Varsity courts and the first match is
scheduled to begin about 2:30 o'clock.
Contestants will have to play two . W HITE POLO
matches the first afternoon. In this SHIRTS, $2.50'
way, the tournament will have pro- -$2.5
gressed sufficiently to make only the GEO. KY
semi-finals and finals necessary for
Friday and Saturday. Doubles will
probably not begin until Friday. Two Ii'I1 1 1i llllllli
rounds will be played Friday in any a
case. All matches in the early rounds
will be the best two out of three in s X
sets. 1
Members of the Varsity tennis team -
are expected to beon hand all dur- G IL L ETT E
ing the tournament to assist in ref-
ereeing and in the management of the BL A D E S =
meet. The visitors will be entertained
ilte s In Attractive Case ' .
Saitlsfaction' Guaranteed or
From11 -O :34money Refunded
.. ,N O' 1 This offer for a limited
_ time o-y,-k.-
B 1E K-E R'-(nosamp
- -e actes _
110, E. Libe ty. 147 BROADWAY
Ph n-+620 M -
1111 -v -~11iNi111111Hil~llll111

Some people consider cleanliness in a
matter of fact way; it is all right if
it is present, but no trouble is raised
if it is missing. Here, however, it is
of prime importance to us that every-
thing we serve be the cleanest. It's
for your satisfaction; your safety, too

Wisconsin will also be represented
r a formidable aggregation. It will
e remembered that the Badgers
recked Michigan's hopes last year
hen they succeeded in taking points
events in which the Wolverines
ere believed to be strong, thus al-
wing Illinois to win out by taking
e relay.
Notre Dame and Missouri Strng
Among teams not in the Conference
hich are known to be strong are
otre Dame and Missouri. The Cath-
ics are always strong contenders for'
ints and they are bringing a large
Lmber of men with them this year.;
is known that Missouri is not the
rongest in the Missouri Valley this
ear as Nebraska won-the Valley meet
st week. The Cornhuskers will not
e represented this year. It is nowj
efinitely- known- that California will
ot be one of the entrants,. It wouldI
e interesting to watch the perform-
ice of a team that'won the Eastern


The-Arcade Cafeteria is Upstairs
in Nickels Arcade. Fingerle's
is at 322 South State Street


tt t t t ut t r u t nu u u ru iE u t n ui u Ei tu tuuiuttu tuti t ruut









ct CRUB YOUR TEETH," has been
preached so long that the question
"what with?" has been overlooked. People
choose powder, paste, and cream without re-
alizing that strongly abrasive dentifrices wear
off the protecting wall which keeps the teeth
sound and healthful.
Almost as dangerous as acid mouth are the
ever-deepening little scratches caused by rough
and harsh abrasive pastes or creams. Constant.
scrubbing with such pastes deepens the little
scratches 'and destroys the health of the tooth
just as hyper-acidity and the clinging acid film.

DUODENT used alone every day will
keep your teeth healthful, smiling and bright,
and your mouth tasting sweet and wholesome.
Occasionally abrasive must be used to remove
clinging foreign matter or bad stains. For this
purpose a small tube of DUODENT abrasive
is packed with DUODENT cream. This
abrasive is separated from the cream so that
you will not be forced to use it every day. A
little of the abrasive once or twice a week will
keep your teeth free from all foreign matter
and stains.
If you have sensitive teeth it is probably the
result of abrasive pastes. If you want to pre-
serve your teeth you should begin to use
DUODENT today. Ask your druggist for
DUODENT in the famous blue and white
DRUGCRAFT package.

Drugc'raft is a trade mark.
stands for the highest skill in lab(
tory experimentation and prepi
tion. It stands for a guild of ma
workers in pharmaceutical scienc

men who have associated
selves in the task of giving
public the most exact and e


For a long time The


drug preparations which science c

"Company has been experimenting with a non-
abrasive cream and have produced an effective,
acid-film destroying and pleasant tasting cream
containing none of the harsh, scratchy abra-
sive. .This is DUODENT. I

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