THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, d - : -- IPICIAL NEWSPAPER OPFlTE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN )ilsked every morning except Mond,-y auring thr Univer- r by the Board in'Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for ration of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise in this paper and the local news published therein. ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second atter. saription by carrier or mail, $3.50. ces.: Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street. oies: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. nmnications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of id notices of events will be published in The Daily at the n of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. d communications will receive no consideration. No man- will be returned unless the writer incloses postage. Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex 'in the communications. Fat's Going On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock vening preceding insertion. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 IING EDITOR ........."..GEORGE 0. BROPHY JR. ditor .......... ..........Chesser M. Campbell n Editorial Board......................Lee Woodruff ditors?- T. H. Adams H. W. itchcock J~. I. Dakin ,i. E. Mchlanis enaud. Skerwood 'T. W Sargent. Jr. Fditor ...... ............... .....2. A, Bertistein or.. B. P. Campbell s ... ... T. J.,W hinery, L. A. Kern, S. T. Beach . Robe;tAngell B"1;itor............ .............. .Mary Di. Lane ....................... .Thomas Dewey e............... . R. Meiss Assistants Waldo Frank H. McPike Sidney B. Coates , Weber J. A. Bacon C. T. Pennoyer Vickery W. W. Ottaway Marion B. Stahl Reindel Paul Watzel Lowell S. Kerr *Grundy. Byron Darnton ; Marion Koch aberholtzer M. A. Klaver Dorothy Whipple . Adams Walter Donnelly Gerald P. Overton T. Elliott Beata Hlasley Xdward Lambrecht i McBain Kathrine Montgomery Sara Waler Ii. >. Howlett BUSNESS STAFF Telephone 940 S3 MANAGER.,..........LEGRAND A. GAINES, JR. ng .... ....... ................... P. ]oce s............ ......Kunstadter on... .......... ...AM.Heath ...... ,....... V.R. Priehs n".... .... ..........V. F. Hillery Assistants Lambrecht M. M. Moule H. C. Hunt "amel, Jr. N. W. Robertson M. S. Goidring Hutchinson Thos, L. Rice H. W. Heidbreder Cross R. G. Burchell W.. Cooley L..Davis A. J, Parker 'I ,Persons wishing to scre inforaton cocrning news for ay tsgue l'he Daily shouldse the night editor, who has full age of ail news. printed that night. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1921. Night Editor-E. F. LAMBRECHT. SThe entire editorial staff and tryouts will mcet at 5 o'clock this afternoon. ALUMNI SECRETARIES As they have increased in size, Michigan's classes have found the maintenance of their alumni organ- izations :intact more and more difficult. On enter- ing the practical world the outgoing student quite n atui-ally becomes absorbed in new interests with a tendency to displace college associations. Conse- quent1y' an occasional reminder of student days and class-mates is sometimes required to keep the grad- uate from becoming too much engrossed in the af- fairs of day-to-day to the exclusion of his alma heater. Usually this is sufficient, but its omnission may account for the difference between the class that keeps together after graduation and the one that does not. This afternoon the senior literary students will elect two women and a man to serve as alumni secretaries. The burden of jkeeping class-mates in touch with one another and of fostering successful reunions will rest on these three. Elections should be made with the importance of the posts in mind. This is the first step toward the right kind of alunmi organization. THE CAMPUS HULLABALOO "The causes of this - (humming of gasoline ,lawinower) - sb please pay particular importance Ao the following - (chug of automobile driven into campus parking space with cutout open ) - and the result of this was that - (rattling of lumber wagon) - making the catastrophe I have men- tiond inevitable" (sound of a hundred student helped along by the trills o the whistle hounds). voices outside the window, in a wild conclave The above is a fair sample of the fitful excerpts which managed to get to the student ear from the tongue of a certain professor, who was striving with: all his might, on a hot morning, to make him- self heard above the campus babel. It is not an exception, but rather typical. Reminding students about such a matter seems like high school stuff. It is. Btut it evidently has to be done. When will the student Chevrolets and De Palmas manage, to slip their "boats" into the campus ways without foghorning with an open cutout? When will the'congregation outside lecture and quizz room witidows have the sense to lower thepitch a couple of notches or disperse? When will the whis- tling miller's boy cease to be a campus pest? In short, why can't student Michigan -- now - come to respect some of the rights of others who are trying to study, recite, or tak notes - and get a little more of that community spirit which would make the present hullabaloo impossible? Let's get together on 'a no-cutouts, no-chatter drive - and perhaps then the buildings and grounds depart- ment will join the movement by restraining its am- bitiotis mower-pusher until after lecture hours. OUR AGE AND BACON'S Roger Bacon lived in a century when it was necessary to conceal with the greatest care any in- timation of real knowledge for it was an age when the merest suggestion of truth condemned th wripr plain the almost impenetrable cipher that Bacoa was forced to use in a manuscript that has just recently been discovered. This manuscript is of the greatest historical importance and upon trans- lation it has been found that Bacon was in the possession of a telescope and a microscope long before it was ,thought that these instruments had been discovered. Little is known about the life of Bacon, but it has been learned that twice he spent long periods in prison accused of black magic. Not- withstanding these persecutions Bacon continued the study of the sciences in which he was so far in advance of his time, and by the careful use of ci- phers many of the great ideas of this thinker have been preserved for us. The age of Bacon was one of intolerance, an age of repression and ignorance. How different was his time compared with the twentieth century! To- day great prizes are awarded the best contribution to the sciences and the arts. Every means is pro- vided for the furthering of knowledge and men devote their lives in order to contribute some small addition to the god which we praise so highly -- knowledge. Roger Bacon fought the greater part of his life, as het described it, "against the concealment of real ignorance with the pretense of knowledge". Cer- tainly even today in this supposedly enlightened world it would be good to heed this axiom set forth by the persecuted scientist of the thirteenth century. QUASI-COMEDIES Since the beginning of the motion picture indus- try a steady improvement has been evinced in screen productions but in spite of this the comedies have lagged behind. The average picture of this class is positively apethetic and devoid of real humor. The public is thoroughly tired of the usual slap- stick pie throwing contests that are being pre- sented today. Many producers, after futile at- tempts at the humorous, are forced to attempt to bolster up. their productions with exhibitions of shapely bathing beauties. While not denying the charm lent by these graceful maidens, still this scarcely confines itself to the ludicrous. If the pro- ducers feel that these models are essential toa good comedy it is to be hoped they will furnish them real parts to play instead of having them appear in roles that take no brains and less clothes. Until producers start looking a little deeper into human nature in search of the comical and droll the average one and two reel comedies can only be a draw-back to the progress of the screen. Madame Curie is a little hasty in coming, out flat-footed and saying she likes the United States - without having heard jazz. The Telescope The Rescue A lemon and prune, unafraid, Too close to the water line played; The lemon fell in, Was unable to swim, liut the prune gave the poor lemonade. Our nominee for the horn-rimmed tennis ball is the individual who can't understand why the trees won't bark when he's around. Quoth Eppie Tff: Beneath these stones repose the worldly bones Of Henry Roff; He gazed into the barrel of his gun And it went off. We understand that Mr. Edison is working upon a new electrical invention to make possible commu- nication with the spirit world. As yet, however, he has been unable to prepare a wire which will withstand the heat. Heard at the Games She-And you say that the centerfielder is one of the best players on the team? He-Yes, that's what I said. She-Well, if that's the case, why do they make him play so far out? Dear Erm: What would you do if you had a house very dear to you because of family reminiscences, but which{ if rented out, would easily yield you a comfortable income? Yours, D. T. Dear D. T.: After scouting the town for rumors, we should suggest that you do as the people of Sweden do when it wants to rain. You bet, let it. Stolen Thunder Tourist (gazing at a volcano)-Looks like hell, doesn't it ? Native-How these Americans have traveled. Lampoon. A BOOK FOR GRADUATION FROM BOTH ENDS OF THE, DIAGONAL WALK I Phone Orders Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Filled df o STORE OPENS 8:30 STORE CLOSES 5:30 EST. 1857 A STORE OF INDIVIDUAL SHOPS HOLIDAY CLOTHES As smart carefree as one could wish! adamoiselle will find the gayest of Tub Frocks for her summer wardrobe in our collection. Every day adds new models and each is more at- tractive than the last. Fluffy, be-ribboned organdies -in all colors, both new and conservative shades, plain and fancy models that are highly individual in their girlish styling and so beautifully made that they will charm the youthful feminine heart, for $13.75, $19.75, and $2500. For sports, for business, for all-round summer use nothing is more practical than a good serv- iceable gingham dress, plain styles and combi- nations of plaids, stripes, and solid colors, at $9.75, $13.75, $19.75. 'Twas a mass of hot lava, Which the volcano threw, And the poor helpless man Stood and watched his home brew. Our Latest Song Entitled "Mv Wife Has Throes of Anger Which Are Sometimes Hard to Dodge". Famous Closing Lines "Al' fre in lve."hemuttereda-, ey ar h II1 (SECOND FLOOR)