ERS AND 'ODAY L ~r Lw 43a 4:Datl IiAV AN!D N SERI ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1921. PRICE ANYrwaC a Y i ONDA 'HOUSE RNATIONAL ' AR FORMS TOPIC S8 OF PRES- Athltic frentors Honored At Game In honor of the men who have so ably directed Michigan athletics dur- ing the past year, yesterday was set aside as "Coach day", and the Uni- versity showed its appreciation of the splendid work accomplished by its Varsity mentors. WOLVERINES WIN 18O INNING CONTEST FROM BADGERS;l LONGEST BIC lOGAME; Scenery Arrives For Alas ques 'Play NTS GIFT KINGDOM )M UNITED to Have Given Free s to Every (By Associated Press) Washington, May 30.-The national Memorial ceremonies for AmeTican war dead were colored by a new touch of international ceremony at services held in Arlington cemetery under the lead of President Harding. Speaking in the Arlington ampithe- ater to veterans of three wars and to a distinguished company of officials and diplomatists, the President spoke to representatives of the nations on the cause of freedom and civilization and promised that the United States never would fail to measure up to every demand presented to it in be- half of civilization. By striking across the sea in the World War he declared America had shown again her faith in free institution for peo- ple everywhere. "Wherever men are free," said the President, "they are wont ,to give thought to our country's services and freedom's cause. Today the sons and daughters, of other lands are placing with loving hands their laurels on America's graves. Our Memorial day has become an international occasion;" At the conclusion of the address Sir Auckland Geddes, the British ambas- sador, seconded the sentiment by plac- ing' on the American flag beside the President a wreath of roses presented by the people of the United Kingdom and the Dominion "in undimmed mem- ory of the sacrifices that America has made for individual liberty." In special reference to the World War, President Harding declared Am- erica had opened the door to free in- stitutions in the countries against, which we fought, and had given oppor- tunities "for planting democracies where absolutism had held sway and making her people supreme." He added that the troubled state as condition abroad still made it doubtful whether a vanquished people would appease an opportunity and would "pay the price required, to maintain the freedom to which the door has been opened." The exercises at Arlington, with a back ground of thousands of flags, decorating graves formed the center of the capitol Memorial day ceremony though various smaller gatherings; were held in other parts of the city. Speedway Races At Indianapolis Won By kfilton Before the game yesterday after- noon, the large crowd assembled wit- nessed the presentation of watches to three of the coaches, accompanied by short speeches from men prominent in Michigan athletics. The presenta- tion to Philip G. Bartelme, director of athletics, was made by R. Jerome Dunne, '22, and Angus G. Goetz, '22M, made the presentation speech in which he praised the work Mr. Bartelme has done during his years here, and told of the great loss Michigan would sus- tain by his resignation. A. J. Kar- pus, '21E, presented Coach E. J. Math- er with his watch, and Lawrence C. Butler, '21, represented the track men in honoring Coach Stephen J. Far- rell. Both men were highly compli- mented on their work here. It is the intention of those in charge of 'the affair that "Coach day" shall become an established custom here, and that every year the Univer- sity shall give some small token of its appreciation to those men who aid Michigan so much in turning out its championship teams. Penn University Man to Talk Thurs- day on Cipher Manuscripts Recently Discovered DRAWINGS SHOW VALUABLE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES _ E i t Teams Alternate Lead Entire Game; Karpus' Single in Final Wins FrayJ VAN BOVEN AND PERRIN TIE SCORE WITH ROME RUNS It took just 5 hours and .15 min-! utes of hectic baseball for Michigan to snatch a 9 to 8 victory from Wis- consin yesterday. For 18 innings the two teams seesawed back and forth, holding alternate advantages, until. Joe Karpus drove a single through the infield, scoring Van Boven with the winning tally. To Karpus must fall the lion's share of the honors, for the fighting third sacker, sent to the mound in the# CONFERENCE S1 Team Won Illinois .........10 Michigan...:...9 Wisconsin .......7 Ohio State.......6 Indiana........4 Purdue........3 Iowa ..........2 Northwestern .... 2 Chicago.....1 LANDINGS Lost 0° 1 4 4 5 5 7 9 9 I this decision but renewed test under protest. Neither side scored again fifteenth, when Dixon began the con- until the to weak- Pet. 1.000 .900 .633 .600 .444 .375 -222 .182 .100 Scenery for "The Importance of Be- ing Earnest", to *be produced by Masques tomorrow night at the Whit- ney theater, has arrived and will be erected today for dress rehearsal to- night. O. W. Davis, of Detroit, who painted the scenes, will be in charge of the work. Tickets for the produc- tion will be on sale at Graham's to- day and at the Whitney tomorrow. It will be open to both men and women. "I anticipate no difficulty in the final rehearsal," said Prof. J.. Raleigh Nelson, director, yesterday. "The cast has worked faithfully for eight weeks and showed especial finish after all day practice yesterday. Each member seems well suited to her part and there is no reason why we should not have an even greater success than in former productions. "We have put a great deal of time3 and expense upon this play and feel the great importance of making a success of this, our first attempt at giving a play in the commercial thea- ter. Beside the excellence of the play and the cast I wish to call at- tention to the scenery, which Is the most unique set ever used in an am-} ateur production in Ann Arbor." DEAD0 HONOREDI MEM'ORIAL SERY UNIVERSITY POST HOLDS I AT FERRY FIELD kFLAG-POLE 300 VETERANS MARCE ON DECORATION I President - emeritus Hutchins Tribute to Dead of Late War Michigan's veterans in the ' war and her hero dead were ho in memorial services held yest morning at Ferry field. City o: zations representing the service paid tribute to the soldier dea services held at the courthouse s in front of the Soldiers' and Sa monument, while committees the Legion and Legion aux dropped flowers from the Broa bridge onto the waters of the I in memory of the 'dead sailors Prof.. William R. Newbold, of the philosophy department of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, will lecture on "The Voynich Roger Bacon Manu- script" at 4:15 o'clock Thursday aft- ernoon in' Natural Science audito- rium. A small quarto manuscript written in cipher and profusely illustrated with drawings was discovered and purchased by Wilfrid M. Voynich, of London and New York, who has at- tributed it upon good evidence to Rog- er Bacon, the famous English philoso- pher and scientist of the thirteenth century. Pbrtions of the text as de- ciphered by Professor Newbold con- firm this opinion. The drawings prove that the author possessed a micro- scope of high power and a telescope, and that with their aid he saw and drew celestial and anatomical ob- jects 'which, so far as it is at present known, had never before been seen by the human eye and were not again to be seen for centuries. Professor Newbold will describe the manuscript, will exhibit upon the screen the more important drawings, and will indicate their importance to the history of the medical and physi- cal sciences. Professor Newbold has delivered this lecture in several large cities, such as New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia, and according to Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne, of the his- tory department, has been received enthusiastically wherever he has gone. first half of the sixteenth after the regular pitching staff had been used in an attempt to turn the Cardinals back, held the enemy in check for three innings and was himself respon- sible for the winning run. Tie Score Twice Captain Van Boven and Jack Per- rin share the glory with Karpus as it was Perrin's homerun in the last half of the ninth that tied the score and sent the game into extra innings. Van Boven's contribution came in the six- teenth in the shape of a circuit smash that scored Uteritz ahead of him with the tying runs. This was the turning point of the game, for after this the' flying Wolverines were never headed. Schultz and Christianson were the first nominees for mound duty. The Michigan hurler showed from the first that he was not in top form although he might have weathered the storm had he been accorded airtight sup- port. Williams, the Wisconsin lead- off man, was passed and Lyman promptly sacrificed him to second. Farrington was safe on a fielder's choice and when Vick threw wild to third to catch Williams the Badger scored with the first run of the game. Schultz, injected another walk here and then settled down and struck out the next two batsmen. Michigan's first inning was uneventful except for Per- rin's first hit and the side was re- tired without a run. Badgers Score in Third Schultz was in trouble again in the third inning when the Badgers manu-I factured two passes and two errors, into a run. During these early stagesI of the game the Michigan infield seem-j ed to be up in the air, Uteritz, Shac- kleford, and Van Boven making some costly, misplays. It was the third inn- ing that the opposition fell on Schultz with a vengeance. After Reudiger had grounded out to Van Boven, Snow and Christianson singled in succes- sion and Williams was given his sec- ond base on balls. At this juncture Liverance was called to the mound, and when the Badgers attempted the squeeze play, let Lyman's bunt roll through him scoring Snow. Farring- ton was. struck out and Elliott pass- ed, forcing in another run. J. Wil- liams rolled' to Karpus, closing the inning. Michigan came back in the fifth with two runs. Vick singled to right field but was forced at second by Liverance. Uteritz was hit by a pitched ball and Van Boven drew a , walk, filling the bases. Perrin sin- gled to right scoring Liverance and Uteritz, but when Van Boven attempt- ed to count on the play he was thrown out at the plate by severalF feet. Shackleford popped 'a foul fly to Davey, closing the inning. Ninth Inning Exciting At the beginning of the exciting ninth inning Michigan was trailing her opponent by one run and after Van Boven had been retired by Pad- dock, who took up the pitching duties for Wisconsin in the sixth inning, even the most strong hearted among the fans had given up hope. Perrin stepped into this breach with a scorching drive .down the right fieldf line which from the-stands had all the appearances of a foul ball. Umpire Brown ruled the hit fair, however, but when Perrin was thrown out at the plate a lengthy wrangle ensued which finally developed that, as the ball had rolled out of the umpire's line: of vision, the baserunner was entitled to a home run, which gave Michigani the tying tally. Wisconsin was onI the point of leaving the 'field afterI en and R. Williams singled to cen- ter to open the inning. Hardell got a life on a fielder's choice and went 1 to third a moment later on Farring- ton's two ply drive to right. Elliott was intentionally passed, his fifth walk of the day, filling the bases. J. Williams singled to center scoring Hardell and Farrington. Davey roll- ed out to Van Boven and Ruediger closed the inning with a long fly to Genebach. With the game apparently lost, Coach Fisher made one last desperate effort by sending Johnson in to hit for Dixon, the last available member of the pitching corps. Vick flew out to left field and Johnson struck out. Uteritz worked Paddock for a walk and with the game hanging on a hair, Captain Van Boven drove a ter- rific smash over Elliott in center field, crossing the plate standing up before the ball was returned to the in- field. It made no difference that. Perrin grounded out to close the inn- ing, Michigan could not be denied now. Karpus Takes Mound Mudd was sent in to pitch, his first work on the hill for several weeks, and hit Berry, the first man to face him. At this point Karpus was sent to the box and Hoffman went to third base. Although Berry was shoved across the plate before the side could be retired, Karpus held the opposi- tion 4for three innings with only two hits against him and Wisconsin did not threaten the score again. In the last half of the eighteenth Van Boven drew a pass and Perrin singled, his sixth hit of the day. Shac- kleford advanced both men with an infield out Karpus came to bat with the stands in an uproar begging for the hit that would end the game and came through with a clean drive through third base, the second time in four days that he has broken up a game with a hit at the opportune moment. SENIORS WILL ELECT ALUMN1 SECRETARIES HONOLULU CHOSEN FOR PRESS MEET Expect More Than 450 to Attend Newspaper Congress of World TO HOLD SESSIONS IN OLD HAWAIIAN THRONE ROOM More than 450 publishers, editors, and newspaper men from all parts of the world will gather at Honolulu next Oct. 11 to 25, inclusive, as delegates to the Press congress of the world, of which Dr. Walter Williams, dean of the school of journalism of the University of Missouri, is president. The business sessions/ of the con- gress ill be held in the old historic throne room in the capitol at Hon- olulu, which was the home of the Haw- aiian monarchs prior to the annexa- tion of the islands by the United States. This throne room, although it still retains its ancient beauty and picturesqueness, now serves as the biennial meeting place' of the house of representatives of the territorial legislature. The Hawaiians have made vast plans for a splendid reception of the delegates, and their legislature has appropriated $25,000 with which to en- tertain their guests. The citizens of the territory Will also raise an ad- ditional $25,000. A steamer will be chartered which will carry the visitors to all special points of interest in the islands. JUNIOR ENGINEERS WILL VOTE OFF TIE FOR COUNCIL Junior engineers will meet in room 348 of the Engineering building, Tues- day morning at 10 o'clock. This meet- ing will be the last one of the year and it is hoped that all class business may be finished at this time. All members of the class are particularly urged to be present as the tie, be- tween Eugene Harbeck and Milton Goetz for Student councilman, will be voted off. ALICE ROMINGER TO GIVE NEXT GRADUATION RECITAL Alice Evelyn Rominger, School of Music, will give the next School of Music graduation recital at 8 o'clock Thursday evening ut the school. Miss Rominger is a soprano who has made an enviable record under the direc- tion of William Wheeler. She will be assisted by Frank Bishop, pianist, who is a resident of Almont, Mich. Miss Rominger's program includes works of Mozart, Schubert, and Chai- inade. Chemical Engineers to Elect Officers Chemical Engineering society will meet at 7 o'clock Thursday in room 303, Chemistry building to elect new officers. marines. More than 300 veterans from various University organizations cluding nurses, army men, vete of the navy and marine corps ani R. 0. T. C. marched down State s to Ferry field and gathered ar the flag staff while memorial ceri nies were held. Invocation was en by Rev. S. S. Robn' of the tarian church. Great War One of Principle President-emeritus Harry B. Ht ins in his tribute to fallen he characterized the past war as a of principle and not of defense. diers have done their duty well ii past conflict," said Dr. Hutchins, now they have a duty at home. next war' is not a war of arm one of service in civilian life in w principles will figure, and it is veterans' of the past conflict who Z strive for the triumph of these ciples." President-emeritus ,Hutc stated that the two things we all strive for is a naturalizatioj foreigners with 100 per cent Au canism in view and obedience to law. The flag raisingceremony and singing of the "Star Spangled I ner" followed the talk by Dr. H ins. Two wounded veterans of war and Professor Talamon, of French department, a veteran of French army, raised the flag, w was afterwards placed at half-i for the remainder of the day. J. M. Wells bffers Prayer A prayer for the dead was off by Rev. J. M. Wells, all presents "The Yellow and Blue" and then er a volley salute, the men mar to the Union, where they were viewed by Major Robert Arthur his staff, President-emeritus Rtei ins, Rev. J. M. Wellsrand Rev. E Robins. After the reviewv thei dispersed at the corner of Main Williams. The staff in charge of ceremo included Major Robert Arthur, i marshal; aides, F. S. Sargent, c mander of the American Legion,' versity post; and N. K. Chamber commander of the Veterans of eign Wars post. a Yesterday 3s'am American League (Morning Results) Cleveland 6, Detroit 5. New York 2, Washington 1. Philadelphia 8, Boston 1. St. Louis 14, Chicago 5. (Afternoon results) Detroit 9, Cleveland 5. Washington 1, New York 0. Philadelphia 2, Boston 1. Chicago 8, St. Louis 5. National League (Morning results) Pittsburgh 13, Chicago 0. St. Louis 9, Cincinnati 4. New York 5, Philadelphia 1. Boston 9, Brooklyn 3. (Afternoon results) Pittsburgh 6, Chicago 3. St. Louis 7; Cincinnati 4. New York 13, Philadelphia 7. Indianapolis, May 3%-Tommy Mil- n, world champion speedster, today loted an American car to the finish ne first in the ninth renewal of the iternational Racing classic, the 0-mile dash around the Indianapolis eedway. Milton's victory came rough a beautifully driven race. Of e 23 entrants, only 8 completed the 0 miles., X-SERVICE MEN MAY APPLY FOR BONUS PAYMENT BLANKS Members of the senior literary class will elect one man and two women to act as alumni secretaries at the next meeting, which is to be held at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in room 205, Mason hall. After the election of alumni secre- taries the class will hold its annual mock election, the following subjects to be voted upon: Most beneficial course, most enjoyable course, big- gest "pipe" course, most popular man, most popular girl, handsomest man, prettiest girl, best student, most suc- cessful bluffer, biggest grind, shrewd- est politician, jolliest girl, class vam- pire, best man dancer, best woman dancer, biggest flirt, biggest fusser, most bashful, most dignified, best kid- der, best man athlete, and best wom- an athlete. At the close of the meeting Fred J. Petty, '21, president of the class, will distribute to those interested, a copy of Dean Carl E. Seashore's "An Open Letter to College Seniors." The au- thor of this pamphlet is the dean of the Graduate college at the Univer- sity of Iowa. REV. DOUGLAS MAY ACCEPT OFFER OF NEW PASTORATE Elx-service men of the TUnivvrsty npinifp Aki n4' 1.,,nothppn ay apply for bonus blanks at the O. T. C. office Tuesday, between 10 id 12:15 o'clock. Names should be ft with W. V. R. Gilbert. Bonus blanks will be distributed ter, but only to those that apply to- ay. Priority payment of the bonus as been decided upon, and date of ayment will depend upon date of ap- ication. Newark Club Meets Friday Convening for the last time this tar, members of the Newark club eld a banquet at the Catalpa Inn riday night. Thirty members were 'esent. including severnl nlmni reached by Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas, pastor of the Ann Arbor Congrega- tional church, as to his acceptance of another pastorate that was offered re- cently. At the regular services Sun- day morning Reverend Douglas an- nounced that, despite the efforts of the congregation to retain him by planning to remodel the church, he had not as yet made up his mind whether to remain. Reverend Douglas at the same time assured the congregation that he thoroughly appreciated its efforts and that it was not through lack of grat- itude that he was still considering bulletin (Special from Cornell Daily Sun) Ithaca, N. Y., May 30.-Wesbrook steadily improving; not able to be out yet. Fisher, captain of Pennsylvania tennis team, now visiting him. Flow- ers from Michigan students received and greatly appreciated.