r .LwI
No. 169.
Tie Score Is Broken by Ilini Kits
Bunched in Ninthr
Michigan dropped into second placer
in the Conference baseball league byN
losing 3 to 2 in nine thrilling inningsl
that included nearly everythiug
known to baseball. Time was called
three times during the fracas 'whilec
rain fell. Once the infield was cov-
ered with canvas, so that the game
couldbe continued if the elements.
Michigan had plenty of opportu-
nity to win the game, but through
carelessness. ,in baserunning, and
unusual plays on the part of the in-
dian nine,,the necessary runs failed
to materialize. The Wolverines had
men on bases in every frame but the
third, and in, five of the 'eight there
were at least two populating the
sacks. Illinois combined nine its
and a life on an error for thee runs;s
while the best that Michigan could
do with 10 hits and three walks was
two counters.
Hitting Is Even i
Peden's daring dash for third in he
fifth innin g with the base unadorn-
ed by a defeding player was an ex-
amle of the way in which the Oranget
anl Blue base runners took advan-
tage of every break. Though he, was z
out, because of Van Bovens perfect
throw and Karpus dive for thebag,
his try was none the less prase-
Hitting honors for the day were
more or less even, Michigan securing
10, including one triple, and Illi-
nois 9, which total held two don-
bles. Shackleford and Peden each
connected for three hits. Dixon fan-
ned four of the feared Illini bats-h
men, while three Wolverines took the
strikeout route to the bench.
Three Wolverines shared fuildding l
honors. Uteritz pulled Dixon out of
a bad hole in the sixth with a britl
liant unassisted double play. With
two on and no one out Uteritz spear-
ed Hellstrom's liner with one hand,
and then doubled Vogel by sliding o
second just before the Illini runner
could return to the same base. Kar-
pus made a sensational stop of e-
den's drive down the third base line,
but then threw low to first. Perrin
made a beautiful running catch off
Mee's bat in the fifth.
Teams Start Early
Hellstrom, who handled five chanc-
es around second, and Jackson, who
had seven to take care of during the
afternoon, were Illinois' stars.
Both Michigan and Illinois had men
on bases in 'the first inning, but no
damage was inflicted by either side.
With Mee and Dougherty disposed of,
McCurdy singled to right, but a quick
throw by Dixon caught him off first
for the third out. Perrin got Mich-
igan's blow but died on base when
Shackleford grounded out.
Vogel started the fireworks in the
second, when Van Boven juggled his'
grounder. He went to second while
Shackleford was tagging Hellstrom,
and scored on Crossley's single. Pe-
den then singled, and Crossley went
(Continued on Page Six)
(Special from Cornell Daily Sun)
Ithaca, ,N. Y., May 27.-The
condition of Walter Wesbrook,
Michigan track and tennis star,
is improving rapidly. The ser-
iousness of his recent attack of
appendicitis has appreciably low-
ered his vitality, but at the pres-
ent rate of his improvement he'
will be able to return soon to
Ann Arbor.
Fair; Somewhat Cooler in East
Geology Students Ready For Trip O
To Kentucky Mountains For Cam ON "" A
All plans for the summer camp in berland mountains into the Tennes- O
geography and geology, under the di- see valley through Knoxville over t
rection of Prof. Carl O. Sauer, and the Caroline border to Asheville and To Be Given by Prof. Cross of Fine
G. M. Ehlers, instructor, both in the the highest point in the Blue Ridge Arts Department This W
geology department, are complete. A mountains, will be the basis of the
full registration amounting to 28 two weeks work away from the SImmer r
men besides instructors, has been ae- camp. This trip will be very vala- It
cured and many applications for ad- ble in a practical way as the country INTROUCTIO TO STUDY OF t
mission had to be denied. to be traversed is crowded with sub- PEOPLE AND LIFE OF ORIENT 1
The camp willbe on the Cumber- jects of geographical and geological
land river in the southern Kentucky interest and, at the same time, will Aiming to satisfy the interest in the r
mountains, about 14 miles from the be a very pleasant hike. Altogether art of the near and far East, to fur- Y
railroad. The location has many fav- the camp this year promises to be ther investigation in the civilizationt
orable points being inda beautiful successful in all respects. of the orient, and to aid in arriving
country, affording a wide opportu- at a better understanding of the dif- is
nity for geographical !nd geological ferences and likenesses of the peoples t
research. As the camp will be built of the East and West, a newly organ-
high in the mountains and the cli- H LLY VB jIJBL ized course in Oriental Art will be
mate is dry and cool, the students :conducted during the coming Sum-.
will not ;suffer, from the summer mer session by Prof. Herbert R c
heat. The work will last about six F II ISMlCross of the fine arts department of
weeks, four weeks of which will be the University. res
spent in or about the camp, and will East Compared with West a
consist entirely of field and practi- Yale Head Says Sectional Feeling The course may be described in a
cal work. Can Be Done Away with by general way as an introduction to the g
A walking trip across the Cum- Aid of College study of the arts of the peoples of
-the near and far East, including
LATTER MUST REPRESENT Moorish, Saracenic, East Indian, Chi-
ILI Y CgNATION NOT PROVINCIALISM ven of the spirit, character, and
'1.-cprinciples of oriental, as compared
U1CIVILIANS LI t21on, May 28. Sectional with, opposed to, and as standing
antagonism to a large extent can be wholly apart from, occidental art.p
OPPORTUNITY FOR SUMMER WORK wiped out -if universities become na- Professor Cross' lectures will be il-
IN ROCKFORD OFFERED tional in scope, and do not repre- lustrated by means of the lantern,
LOCAL MEN,-anamlopotnteforadg
sent provincial viewpoints of a sin- n aml opporuntie for reading
- I in connection with the field of orien-
Citizens' military training camps gle district, class, or society, Pres- tal art will be afforded by the Uni-
will open July 21 and remain in ses- ident Arthur T. Hadley, of Yale uni- versity Library.- t
sion for one month. These camps are versity, declared here tonight, at the These studies will be of the great-e
open to men between the ages of. 16 annual banquet of the Associated est interest and value not only tow
and 35 years of age, the only require- those who have a desire for general
ments being that applicants are of Southern Yale club. knowledge of the origin and develop-
good intelligence, character and phys- "It is essential, at this time, that ment of the Fine Arts throughout the
icat condition. The government Will college students should understand Iges,' but will appeal quite directly
pay all expenses of the men while in the thought and feeling of their fel- t r
training, this including transportation, low citizens as a body; not those of ors, and supervisors of art workin
subsistence, clothing, quarters, equip- their own group or class, but those the public schools whose more im-
ment and medical and dental care, of 'the many different groups that hepic scos woe mel id-
mediate needs are to be well provid-
There are nine of these camps each make up the nation. ed for in the College of Architecture
located throughout the country, the "It is true," said Mr. Hadley, "that of the University. Courses will betur
camp for men of Illinois, Wisconsin, the United States has not developed conducted in that college in object i
and Michigan being Camp Grant at such spirit of international antagon- drawing, industrial art, poster de-
Rockford, Ill. In niaking application ism as Germany did, but we have signing, costume designing, interior
each man must give his home address within our own borders possibilities ,
in order that the correct camp be as- of concept which are just as funds- scape gardening. d
signed him and that transportation mental and they will prove just as Plan Interesting Lectures t
from that point be secured 'for him. serious. Among the 75 dr more special le- t
Applications for admission may be,se- "The most hopeless feature of an- tures and entertainments open to the
cured at the Union or at the city Y. tagonism is that it is based on class general public as well as to studentss
M. C. A. 'Students may 'be examined misunderstandings. City and country in the University, there will be sev-
without expense at the University are often as far apart sin thought eral of especial interest to those stu-
Health service others being examined and feeling as though they represent- dents who expect to devote their time
by Dr. G. G. Alway, First National ed separate nations. Organized capi- hox to devote their t-
Bank buildis g. Applications should tal and organized labor pursue their lined. Furthermore, persons whose'
be left at t le place where the physical several ends without any real knowl- art work is in any way associated
examination was made, edge on the part of the leaders of with educational institutions or withE
The purpose of these camps is "to either group of what the rank even more general public programs,
bring together young men of all types, file of the other are thinking, will find co-operation offered by the
both native and foreign bor; to de- "Some of this is the inevitable re- facilities of the newly established
velope closer national and social un- sult of the rapid growth of the na- School of Education,.
ity, to teach the privileges, duties, and tion, to which we have not been ablev
responsibilities of American citizen- to adapt our minds.,a
ship. To show the public by actual "Some of this is due to the lack a #It(
example that camp instruction of the of social distinction, to the fact that ELNE II 'II I ULLI d
kind contemplated will be to the lik- we play the game of business and o
ing of their sons; that it will develop politics as though the players were NS
them physically, mentalty, and mor- poker chips, instead of remembering, n
aly ; and will teach Americanism in first, last, and all the time, that they
its true sense." -are live men and women like our- A novel experiment in educational
The local committee of military, selves." administration ywas inaugurated in theN
Training Camps association is as fol- engineering college recently when a
lows: Gardner S. Williams, of Ann MUNICIPAL BEACH classification of instructors and pro-
of Students,rand Alfred H. Lovell,Cif- OPENS FOR SUMMER from opinions expressed by other
ton C. Martin, and T. Riordon Piersol members of the faculty and senior.
of this city. The municipal bathing beach which students. The tabulation, which is un-b
-_ _ _is located on the north bank of the der the direction of Dean Mortimer E.
Huron river nea the canoe livery Cooley and the psychology department
Varsity 71 en To opened yesterday for the summer sea- and is not intended for publication, is
son. The beach is under theidirection operated on the three main bases oft
onor Coaches of Robert M. Kerr, "21, and is open to pf popularity, efficiency in teaching,u
T__the public free of charge with the ex- and general technical knowledge.'
Testimonials of appreciation will ception of nominal payments for the Prof. J. F. Shepard, of the psychol-r
be. presented to three men in charge use of locker and towel. - ogy department, under whose immed-
of Michigan athletics by captains of The beach was enlarged two years iate supervision the work is being car-'
Varsity teams at the Wisconsin game ago and alterations and improvements ried on, said that such tabulations are
tomorrow in the form of watches have been made this year in an en- not infrequently employed in largea
-purchased last week through sub- deavor to provide every facility for business establishments as a basis for
scription on the campus. The move- bathers. The building is open from 1 promotion, but that the use of such a
ment, which is being sponsored by a to 8:30 o'clock daily. Life guards are method in educational institutions has
number of "M" men, was aided by stationed on the beach, and bathing only been attempted recently.
the proceeds from donations for suits may be rented for a small fee. The tabulation of the opinions ex-
"Lundgren day" yesterday and was pressed by seniors is nearing comple-
made possible by the use of State u e tion, according to Professor Shepard,
street stores, at which contributions but the returns from the faculty have1
were received. -not as yet been worked on, so no de-a
Angus G. Goetz, '22M, and R. Je- Evanston, 'Ill., May 28.- Michigan finite statement as to the success or
rome Dunne, '22, will present Philip and Northwestern tied at five each in failure of the plan can be lnade.
G. Bartelme, director of outdoor ath- a Conference golf tournament over
letics, with his testimonial; Lawrence the Highland Park course today. Heavy Fresh Glee Club Dance Date June 4
C. Butler, '21, and Carl Johnson, '20, rainfall prevented the playing off of Members of the Freshman Glee club
will act for the track men in hon- the tie. will meet at 7 o'clock Wednesday, June4
oring Goach Stehen J. Farrell; and Ingham, of Michigan, won his match 1, at the Union to discuss plans for
A. J. Karpus, '21E, and Walter B. and made low score, 71, giving three their annual dance which will be held,
Rea, '22, will represent the basketball points toward the Wolverine total. at the Packard academy, Saturday eve-
squad in showing its appreciation of Bennett and Holdsworth, of Michigan, ning, June 4, instead of June 3 as
Clonch .J Mather's services. contributed the other points. had been planned.
Pay Tribute To WILL 6 FULL
former Mentor MEMORIAL H
Yesterday was, observed as "Carl
Lundgren day" and the students at
he Illinois game paid tribute to the
ne time Michigan coach. The stands RD D
were crowded and the overflow was
anged around the edge of the field.
t was, without doubt, the largest CITY, UNIVERSITY. UNITS PLAN
hat ever turned out to witness a FOR HONORING HEROES
asebal game at the University. TOMORROW
Coach Lundgren, who is now di-
'ecting the Illinois nine, was for six FLAG-RAISING TO TAKE
'ears mentor of Michigan baseball, PLACE AT FERRY FIELD
turning out several championship PA EATFR Y
:eamns. In remembrance of his serv-
ces here the committee in charge of National, School Anthems Will Be
he affair presented him with a hand- Sung at - Commemoration
Some gold watch bearing the follow- Exercises
ng inscription: "To our beloved
Coach Carl L. Lundgren, in appre-
:iation of his services, fr'om Michigan
nen. College championship 114, in the service will be held tomorrow
Conference championships 1918, 1919 by both city and University posts of
nd 1920". Coach Lundgren was the American Legian and Veterans of
leased with the reception and gift Foreign Wars. The staff in charge of
iven him. the program of the University posts
will attempt a particularly imposing
1111M1 mmamrnirrnI service, starting with apraedown:
BIInllINCd" E MStatestreet to Ferry field, where th,
program will be presented, and back to
I N SCHOOLLOF MUSIC the Union for a review by President-
i U U U U i U Uemeritus Harry B. Hutchins.
City Will Honor Vets
PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC GIVENI Members of the city veterans' organ-
HERE FOR FIRST izations will unite at 9:30 o'clock toi,.
R Fmorrow morning for the march down,-
TIIWEMain street to the Soldiers' and Sel-
ors' monument. Brief services will be
Announcement has been made of held here under the auspices of the
th'e University School of Music cours- city and the military units.
es for the 1921 Summer session, The various University organizations
hs for the 1921nSumtedr ssin, will assemble at 10 o'clock tomorrow
which will be conducted for , six morning, form in marching order, and
weeks, beginning July 5. then proceed, to Ferry field via State
Bowen on Faculty street route, where all will gather about
For the first time in the history the flag staff. The various units will
f the school, summer courses will be led by the Varsity band and are to
meet as follows: Nurses, in, front 'of
be given in public school music un- Hill auditorium, army men on Ingle
der the direction of George Oscar street facing North University avenue,
Bowen. 'For several years before navy and marine corps on North Uni-
oming to Ann Arbor Mr. Bowen was versity avenue facing west, and the
xi charge of -the Summer School o ununiformed men and R. O. T. C. on
the Mall between the Natural Science
Music Pedagogy at Northampton, and Chemistry buildings.
Mass., which was attended by hun- The staff in charge of ceremonies in,.
dreds of music supervisors all over eludes Major Robert Arthur, grand
he country for specialized work in marshall; aides, F. S. Sargent, co.-
his line. It is hoped to build up mander of the American Legion Uni-
versity post; and N. K. Chamberlain,
uch an institution in Ann Arbor. commander of the Veterans of Foreign
In the public school music depart- Wars post.
went, Mr. Bowen will be assisted by Hutchins to Give Address
Alberta E. Waterbury, supervisor of In the services at Ferry field, Rev.
music at iewark, N. J., J. W. Fay, S. S. Robins, of the Unitarian church,
supervisor of instrumental music at will give the invocation.' The raising
Rochester, N. Y., and Hazel Gertrude of the flag and the singing of the Star
Kinsella, supervisor of public school Spangled Banner will follow a tri-
music classes in Lincoln, Neb. bute to fallen heroes by President-
Offer Full Courses emeritus Hutchins. Rev. J. M. Wells
The usual courses gill also be giv- will offer a prayer for the dead; all
en in practical mus~tc, that is, in present will sing the Yellow and Blue
voice, piano, violin, organ, 'cello, etc., and then, after a volley salute, the
as well ascourses in theory designeI men will march to the Union for review
to meet the regular need of the stu- and will disperse at the corner of
dents of the school and also the needs State and William streets. All wound-
of professional musicians who wish ed soldiers in town hospitals are to
to take advantage of the summer be carried in automobiles.
months to brush up or coach along It has been especially urged by those
the lines of their specialties. Fac- in charge that all men turn out wheth-
ulty members in these courses will be er they have their uniforms or not.
William Wheeler, Nora Crane Hunt,
Maude C. Kleyn, and Frank H. Thom- GOLF CLUB WARNS
as, singing; Mrs. George B. Rhead,
and Nell B. Stockwell, piano; Earl STUD)ENT PLAYR S
V. Moore, organ and theory; An-
thony J. Whitmire, violin and ensem- Special warning to student players
ble, and Marion C. Wier, 'cello. at the Ann Arbor Golf and Outing
A series of complimentary concerts club was issued yesterday by Mr. W.
will be given as usual by members H. Faust, chairman of the greens
of the School of Music faculty. At committee, to the effect that there have
the last program the summer Choral been numerous violations of the rules
union, under' the direction of Mr. and ettiquette of golf recently. So
Bowen, will appear in a program of many complaints have been received
miscellaneous choral works. by the greens committee that Mr.
Announcements are being sent to Faust wishes to warn students that
music teachers throughout the Mid- their playing rights will be revoked
de Western states and a< large attend- and no others issued for' either the
ance has already been assured. summer or fall terms if the violations
continue. The -privilege is -a special
* one issued only for the convenience of
lletin students whose residence in Ann Ar-
bor is temporary, ' and interference
with the rights of regular members
(Special to The Daily) will not be permitted.
Chicago, May 28.- Lewis Munz, of
Michigan, after a terrific semi-final
match with Segel of Chicago, 6-4, 9-7, PARKING NOTICE
9-7, lost to Fritz Bastian, of Indi-
ana, in the finals of the 1921 Confer- Parking will be prohibited on
n, tenin cmState street between North Uni-
ence tennis championships, 8-6,. 6-3 versity avenue and Ferry field;
6-3. Bastian was runner up to Wal- n 1also all intersections in front of
ter Wesbrook in both 1919 and 1920. the Michigan Union during the
Vories and Segel of Chicago repeat- parade Monday, Decoration day.
ed their success of 1920 by defeating -THOMAS O'BRIEN,
Prucell and Yeager of Illinois in the f Acting Chief of Police.
finals of the doubles, 6-2, 3-6, 6-4,
4-6, 6-4, 3-6, 6-0.