MICHIGAN DA A . T I FICIAL BUETIN SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1921. Number 168. structors in the Universlty: stom of previous years academic costume is to be all members of the faculty at the Baccalaureate Service, Sunday, and at Commencement, Thursday, June 30. wn of good material and in style correct to accord with your de- . be furnished at the University's expense provided your application (blanl may be had at the office of the undersigned) is filed with etary of the University not later than Saturday, June 4. The blank e Tied out and filed as much earlier than this date as may be feasi- ective cancellations may be filed not later than Wednesday, June 15. bers of the Faculty who avail themselves of this arrangement are to provide the academic cap at their own expense, to be retained as their own property. Those who, desire to secure the Doctor's r's hoods can purchase them from any of the houses /handling caps -ns. The University furnishes only the academic gown. ns furnished under this arrangem.ent will be ready for delivery on ing of Saturday, June 25, and delivery will be made to the members aclilty in Room 203, University hall, directly opposite the entrance second floor hallway into the University hall ;auditorium. Members ,culties will retain the gowns until after the Commencement exer- or those who are unable to attend the Baccalaureate Service, Room be open at 8 in the, morning of Commencement Day and gowns may ied at that time. All gowns should be returned to Room 203 im- y after the exercises or during the afternoon of Commencement. - SHIRLEY W. -SMITH, Secretary of the University.-- ugineers: last assembly for the year will be held in Room 348, Engineering at 10 o'clock on Tuesday, May 31. All committee reports will be election will be held to select one Junior Engineer Councilman. A. H. LOVELL, Junior Mentor.. n Chemical Society - U. of M. Section: meeting of the University of /Michigan Section of the American . Society has been postponed until Tuesday, June 7. Further an- ent will be made later. C. C. MELOCHE, Secretary. y Lists. Is have been sent out for the fraternity lists needed forthe prepa- fthe annual scholarship chart. Any. fraternities or house clubs r have been omitted should procure blanks from the Registrar's once. - ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. eats Assigned to the First Session Surveying Camp: al examinations will be held commencing Monday, May 30, from p. m. each evening. Students will consult lists which are posted gineering building and attend the examinations which are required in accordance with the following schedule: . lay-Astronomy 3E, E. M. 4. day-C. E.2, 3, 41. Physics 2E. nesday-C. E.30, 40. -sday--M. E.3. ics examination will be in the Physics Laboratory, M. E.3 in Room neering building. All other examinations in Room 301 Engineer- ing. ents enrolled in Literary College- courses other than those listed ult their instructors. H E. RIGGS," C. T. JOHNSTON, Committee. WHAT'S GOING ON SATTJRDA'Iv 2:00-Varsity band meets for Illinois game in uniform blouses and white trousers, University Hall, 2:30-Varsity baseball game with 1111- nois, Ferry field. SUNDAY 10:30-Veterans of three, wars attend Memorial day services, St. Andrew's church. 6:00-Social half hour, at Methodist church followed by Wesleyan guild meeting. OHIO STTE FALL IN TENTH TO'4-3 SCOREJ (Continued from Page One) ably never been seen on Ferry field, but Johnny's slowness and the desire to play it safe, kept him at third un- til Karpus ended the contest with a neat bingle. ^ ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS NOW ON DISPLAY IN LIBRARYI (Continued from Page One), Not only is the exhibit of value to the student of Oriental manuscripts and literature, but according to the staff in charge, it furishes to the student of art and decoration most in- teresting examples of Oriental bind- ings, miniature painting, and the con- ventional use of design and color. 39UJ or 903M' AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE By Trip or Hour' Phone COMMENCEMENT GIFT S'w large stocks to select frc Bookstores.-Adv. J. L. CHAPM JEWELER AND OPTOXI The Store of Reliability & So 113 South Main Stre ANN ARBOR. - - x Party rides aspecialty every i ~-Adv. .- Vol 1 No. 3 May 1921 WHIMSIES I' Now on Sale 25c j Wahr-'s Viiversity Book SMore i t bWW Ohio State AB Fenner, 2b... ..4 McNulty, f........4 =Bliss, 'ss..........4 Fesler, cf.........5 Slyker, lb . .......4 Henderson, rf .......4 Fick, 3b.... ...4. Huffman, c........ Fish, p...;.....3 R 0 1 0 0 0 0 a H P; A 01 410 1 a 0 3 15 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 '1 0 3 E 0 0 2. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. 4I WINDOW SHADES PICTURE FRAM Total ............35 3 11*29 14 2 *Two out when the winning run was scored. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $25,000.00 Resources.........6,000,000.00 707 North University Ave. Northwest, Cor. Man & Huon Chop Suey Will remain open all summer Qa ng Tiunv LO 615 LIberty St. 1:' PAINTS NAMELS VARNISHES BRUSHES WAL+ PAPER GLASS KALCININES STAINS Ua Et WENZL Student Headquarters We carry complere stocks of "Brigiten-Up" finishes in small size cans for all "touch-upl jobs around the house. Painting and Decorating Michigan AB R Uteritz, 2b ..........5 1 Van Boven, ss ......4 1 Perrin, cf.:.......4 1 Shackleford, lb ......5 1 Ka jpus, 3b ..........5 0 Klein, rf .......... .4 0 Genebach, if ........4 0 Vick, e ....... ..4 0 Liverance, p .......3 ,k0 Schultz, p .........1 0 HPO A 0 3 2. 1 0 0 3 12 0. 2 2 4 1 0 0 2 3 0 1 6 2 0 0 1, 0 0 2 E 0, 0' 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 ANN ARBOR PHONE 84 207 EAST LIBERTY YPSILANTI PHONE 171 114 PEARL 7- Total ............39 4 11 30.13 0 Summary Two base hits-Vick, Huffman, Hen- derson, McNulty. Three base hits- Shackleford, Bliss. Sacrifice hits- Fish, Bliss, Van Boven, Perrin. Stolen bases-Perrin, Shackleford. Sacrifice fly--Huffman. Left on bases--Michi- gan 8, Ohio 7. Double plays-Van Boven to Uteritz, Slyker to Huffman, to Fick. Struck out-by Liverance 6, by Schultz 1, by Fish 4. Bases on balls-off Liverance 1, off Schultz 1. Hits-off Liverance 10 in 8 innings, off- Schultz 1, in two innings. Win- ning pitcher,-Schultz. TS CREATE SEPARATE. SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONj ontinued from Page One). secretary of the College of cy, was given a year's leave nce for study. 'The resigna- Miss Marion C. Goodrich as it regstirar of the literary was accepted. She has been ed with the University since 1891. The resignation of Miss Mary Turner from the board of directors of Betsy Barbour dormitory wa*, also accepted. By resolution of the Regents the philosophy department will hereafter be known as the department of phi- losgphy and psychology. The next .meeting of the Regents will be held on Tuesday of Com- mencement week. I1 SHIRT SALE al GEORGE KYER'S 721 Noith Uhiversity _ y= G ILLET TE BLADES WITH = HOLDER. $1.25- PREPAID In Attractive Case Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded This offer for a limited E - time only. Remit by money order or cash (no stamps} FRAD RAZOR CO. = 1475 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY at111 HHi11111111IMn I Htllulitillini Wego 6000 miles for the Turkish tobacco used in Murad-Why? Because -Turkish has a taste -Turkish has a mildness-Turkish has a delight-far beyond all cigarette tobaccos of all other lands- Murad gives you real enjoyment, and true delight such as no Tobacco other than 100% Pure Turkish Tobacco can give. Facts-Facts - FACTS-! if I P The Turkish-Ci 'ROGR AMSG Our S] tw 1111 trwn 11 111111tt~111111ltlt In tt111111 111111 1~ and INVITATIONS PECIALTY ling in Printing" CHAIRER CO. 'REET PHONE 1404 ttll l ll t11t1tltttltllfl nlltltt lll littf SUGAR BOWL HOME MADE CANDY ABSOLUTELY CLEAN BEST LINE IN THE CITY EVERYTHING MADE IN ANN ARBOR LIGHT LUNCHES f ANN ARBOR SUGAR BOWL > ,o A I/ 'Judge for Yourself-!" Tens of thousands of smokers -ten's of' thousands of times- have PROVEN this 20ยข Everyti and MAYER-S 112 S. MAIN ST )Columbia Records A Treat For You Resolve, no v.! to commence a course in Stenography, Secre- tarial Training, Accounting or Commercial Teachinag. Next July or October a . a- There are many reasons why the college stu- dent should take up one of our couses. Write or call for information.TM . a Hamiton Business College I Palmt . ... T Suits AND -- I w .___ . . .B1 RHODES BROS. ORCHESTRA WILL PLAY LATE SONGS AND DANCES White Flannel Trousers PRICED FROM.$10 TO $25 WE HAVE YOUR SIZE IN STOCK-WHY NO COME IN AND RESERVE WHAT YOU N AT WHILE THE STOCK IS NEW? Allmendinger Music Shop 120-122 E. Liberty Street J. KARL MALCOI State, and William Sts;. Ann Arbor, on Sale Now,'