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The men ran as follows: Douglas, irkholder, Lewis, and Butler, Thom- Wheeler, Burns, Wetzel. Burk- lder, Burns, Butler, and Wetzel ran, pecially good races, and these men 11 probably form the nucleus for the .rsity mile relay four in the Big n meet at Chicago. Few men were out for practice Fri- y afternoon, and those that report- laid off early to attend the defeat nded Ohio by Michigan. There will no practice this afternoon, and the Kt drill will be held Monday morn- g, so that the athletes can go to the 11 games with the University of .sconsin. M. Whipple Makes Inspection Tour Prof. Guy M. Whipple, of the educa- nal department, is on a tour of in-' ection of high schools in the state. SOCCER TEAM TO INVADE DETROIT On Decoration day, Michigan's in- formal soccer team will journey to Detroit, where they will play the Roses F, C., of that city. This will be a return game, the Wolverines ?'aving defeated th'em in a home game last week. The game is scheduled for 10:30 o'clock in the morning so that the players may return to Ann Ar- bor for the Wisconsin game. All men -must get their uniforms from the clubhouse before 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The following men will make the trip: Baucis, San- chez, Dyason, Theunissen, Van Reen- en, Rorich, Tsai, Merry, Rein, Heyns, Van der Menlen, Echaire, and Rosen- berg. They are asked to meet at the corner of State and Packard streets at 6:45 o'clock Monday morning. Another oxford made especially to our order. Semi-brogue,; French toes, In blacks and tans. $10. Davis Tog- gery Shop. 119 South Main St.-Adv., Carpenstier Ready For. Big hete Georges ,Carpentier, the champion heavyweight of Europe, landed in New York yesterday to prepare .for his battle with Jack Dempsey for the world title on July 2. The French- man radiated confidence and al- though he would not say much about the match, he 'did state that he was in the best of health and positive that he would be the champion of the world on July 3. Georges left'today for his training camp at Manhasset, Loud Island, where he will stay until, the day of the fight. Every day he took a work- out on the boat while crossing the ocean and consequently his manager, Descamps, wants him' to rest for the first six days at his. quarters. Two French spArring partners accompan- ied the hero of France and he may makeadditions to his staff. One cu- rious fact about one of the sparrers is that beside being a fighter he will be the chef for,/the foreigners. The Frenchman received ' a wonder- ful reception when he landed at the dock and was met by Tex Rickard, the promoter of the big fight. His manager told the newstaper men who met him at the landing that Carpen- tier would not train in public. News- paper writers will be the only ones permitted to watch him in action. He also added that he did not come here to get the money, but to win the title as that was far mote important to Georges. The weight ofCarpentier was given out at 175 pounds with the statement that he did not figure on reducing very- much. He hopes to enter the ring weighing about 173 pounds. MEDICS TAKE LEAD IN BASEBALL RACE By defeating the Sophomore lits 8- 5 Thursday afternoon the Medic base- ball team won the campus champion- ship. The Medics took the lead in the first .inning and were never headed. Goetz and Rychner were the stars both in fielding and hitting for the winners. Banks played well in left field for the losers as did Pitcher Davis and first baseman "Bill" Mil- ler. In the lower round the Dents, defeated the senior engineers 13-8. The Dents play the Junior lits Tues- day and the winner of that game will play to decide the second place in the league against the sophomore lfts. Michigan banners, pillows, jewelry, memory books, etc. Wahr% Book- stores.-Adv. Intramural Item~s Snyder von from Oppenheim 6-3, 10-8, in the All-campus tennis tourna- ment matches Thursday. Klein beat Ohlmacher 6-1, 6-1. Hames defeat-' ed Segal 6-1, 6-2. Roh4n beat Rob- bins 6-3, 6-2..' The following matches are announced: Hodgman 437-M vs. Frankel 2627, Hicks 2100-M vs. Snyder 1615, Jerome 1189 vs. Hames 871-R, Rohan 1575-J vs. Sanchez 668-R, Par- sons 1951-M vs. Beaudette 1951-M, Steiner 1741 vs. Walbridge 188. The. following doubles matches are an- nounced: Sanchez and Gregory vs. Schaefer and Landowski, Ohlmacher and Jerome vs. Denherder and Brown, Walbridge and Dunn vs. Zook and Dunankin, Parsons and Beaudette vs. Watts and Krabbe. Sigma Phi Epsilon defeated Psi Up- silon 2-0 in the interfraternity contests and Chi Psi won from Kappa Beta Psi 2-1. The following interfraternity matches are announced: Phi Delta. Theta vs. Alpha Kappa Kappa, Phi Sigma Delta vs. Sigma Phi Ep Phi Kappa Psi vs. Kappa Nu an Sigma Nu vs. Trigon. Two games were played Tht evening in 'the Medic league Sigma Nu defeated the Indepen 9-7 and Phi Rho Sigma won fro pha KappaKappa 19-11. Use Classified advertising an your miscellaneous articles.-Ad SPURT SALE a GEORGE KYER' 721 North University Sunday Dinner MENU SOUP Willits' Best Wafers Olives Radish Roast Sirloin Beef Brown Gravy Fricasseed Chicken with Bi c Cr eamed Lima Beans~ Mashed Potatoes Salad Rolls DESSERT Huckleberry Pik Strawberry Shortcake wit] Whipped Cream Strawberry Sundae Vanilla Ice Cream Tea Coffee Milk Iced T 12:00 to 2:00 P. M.-Price $1 COME EARLY - Not Open Sunday Evening WILLITS' CAFE .Phone 173 815 South §t Daily advertising will spell Ity for you.-Adv. prosper-1; _ P H O NE 270 Parcel, Delivery Trunks In everything. FRATERNITY TEAMS NOTICE Cheevers Challenge The Cheever A. C. wants prac- tice games with any fraternity, class, or independent teams for Saturday afternoons or after 5 o'clock on week days. The club .will play either indoor or regu- lation ball. 'Coach Mitchell has agreed to furnish officials and catchbrs equipment for these games. Team managers wishing to arrange for games call Livet- more between 8 and 12 o'clock at 2672-M. iI i 4N Special Week-end Inducements at The Lutz Clothing Sale I ' t y Adler - Rochester Suits I ______________________ [SITING CARDS-Order them now. nd up. Wahr's Bookstores.-Adv. SHIRT SALE at GEORGE KYER'S 71.1 North University: $35.00 Suits Now $40.00 Suits $45.00 and $48.50 Suits. $55.00 and $60.00 Suits Now i -4 Now Now Ap $28,50 $32.50 $36.75 $43.75 'A I I Opening Dance Whitmore Lake PALM BEACH SUITS, worth $27.00 and $30.00, now $23.25 --I Pavillion I Saturday, May 28 THE FISHERS PEP ORCHESTRA SWAIN FURNISHING GOODS SPECIALS VASSAR KNITTED AND STRAW AND FELT HATS WHITE ,FLANNEL TROUSERS ATHLETIC UNION SUITS Any $9.00 or $10.00 C. & K. Felt Hat in our All Wool Heavy White Flannels, $12.00 $1.50 values. , .".M.,..... . .,.".. .$1.25 store now values, now 2.00 values ...... "... ..,... .......1.70 $7.355 2.50 values .. . 10$9.85 3.00 values .......... ..........2.50 C.& K. HIGH GRADE STRAWS NECKWEAR 4.00 values.......................3.35 $5.00 Straws now................$4.35 5.00'values,.......................4.00 6.00 Straws now...................5.25 ts 6.50 Straws now................. . . 5.65 worth $2.50, now AMBASSADOR/ COLLAR 7.00 Straws now ...................6.00 98c EACH ATTACHED SHIRTS $3.0 values .....................$2.65 DOLPHIN HOSIERY PAJAMAS AND NIGHT ROBES 3.50 values .......... ......3.10 $1.00 value pure Silk Hose, all colors, $4.00 Pajamas .................$3.25 4.00 values.......................3.50 65c EACH 3.50 Pajamas ................. 3.00 5.00 values ........ ...........:...4.40 6 pairs for...................$3.50 3.00 Pajamas.................. 2.60 6.00 values ............ ........5.2,-50c Lisle Hose ......................35c 2.00 Night Robes.................... 1.45 rHIGH GRADE ALL-WOOL BATHING SUITS, $7.35 500 VASSAR ATHLETIC UNION SUITS FOR SATURDAY, 98c KHAKI TROUSERS, FOR CAMP WEAR, $1.75 1 . I ,roups 1. Views Lantern Slides Amateur Finishing Of The Vetter Sort TERMS Lutz Clothing 217 South Main Street Store LL. ALTERATIONS enihun CiASH Down Town AV . ZXTHA