.I C4ko .4r a DAT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921. acond Presentation of Great Spanish Play Reaches High Perfection Point a (By H. A. D.) With the advantage of a tfrst night success as an incentive to reach the, highest possible 'point of perfection, members of the cast of "The Great Galeoto", made their second appear- ance last night in Sarah Caswell An- gell hall. The gr.eat Spanish problem drama, so well executed in last night's per- formance, is without doubt one of the heaviest modern productions ever attempted by University students. The tragic climax finale of the second act gave the principals an opportu- nity to offer every ounce of feeling at their command. The execution o$ the climax of the third act demand- ed an even greater display of feel- ing, and the demand was fully satis-; fied. Wendell F. Hanselman, '22, in the leading role, as Ernesto, displayed a depth of emotion in every line,, un- usual in an amateur. The more el- derly role of Severo, the well mean-' ing brother, was played by R. S. Tubbs, '22, who was perfectly at ease in the deliberate conviction with which he delivered his lines. The character of Don Julian was excep- tionally well portrayed in the act- ing of Harold B. Lipsitz, '22, whose interpretation of the part was close to the professional. The role of the leading female char- acter, Teodora, was well executed by Dorothy C. Dodds, '21, the emotional quality of her voice being admirably, suited to the spirit of herlpart. Jack Holden, '22, as Pepito, with his air of flippant bluyancy, lent to the pro- duction its only hint of humor, while M. Josephine Shaffer, '21, as Mer- cedes the meddling gossip, portrayed that obnoxious personality effec- tively. subject ATHLETIC GFFIC1LS DISCLAIM AL CONNECTION WITH M CHARSES le no MIard led upon, nt the be- THREE DAY BOLT RULE HOLDS THIS WEEK END Navin Reported to Have Admitted Shortstop Was with Detroit- Under Name of Daly Ill. -- - Ij 1:1 situa- effort Lve an In accordance with the rules of the University that absence from a class on any school day immed- iately preceding or following any University holiday shall count as three absences, all classes missed tomorrow or Tuesday will each be recorded by the University as three unexcused absences. i on hing 'elief the with *k in YEAR. LUNDGREN GIFT COLLECTION TO BE TAKFN TODAY Students will have an opportunity to dlonate to the "Carl Lundgren day" fund this afternoon at the Ohio State baseball game when 15 "M" men will make a collection in the stands. The Illinois coach, who was for six years leader of the Wolverines and pro- duced three consecutive Big Ten championship teams after Michigan's return to the Conference in 1917, will be presented with a gift in remem- brance of his services to the Univer- sity at the Illini game tomorrow. The following "M" men will take a collection in the stands at today's game for donations toward the gift: T. P. Bank, T3, Paul W. Burkholder, '21L, Lawrence C. Butler, ;21, Charles Cruikshank, '21, Robert J. Dunne, '22, William P. Fortune, '24L, Angus G. Goetz,.'22M, Vernon H. Parks, '21, John S. Perrin, '21, Walter B. Rea, '22, Frank W. Steketee, '22, Clarence G. Stipe, '22E, William J. VanOrden, '23, Elton E. Wieman, '21, and Hugh E. Wilson, .22. All Ready For heshman Frolic Everything is in readiness for the Freshman Frolic which will be held this evening from 9 until 2 o'clock in the assembly hall of the Union. With, the first strains from Phil Diamond's jazz orchestra, the 1924 Frolic will bi ushered in with approximately 225 couples in attendance. Many attrac- tive features have been arranged for the affair, among which is a clever specialty dance. The programs are attractive with a yellow and blue. color scheme. Two hundred and twenty-five roses have been purchased by the commit- tee to distribute to .the women. N corsages will be worn on the danc floor. Regular summer formal dress will be worn by the men. According to H. C. Curtis, '24, chair- man of the freshman social commit- tee, there are a few tickets that may still be purchased' for the Frolic at BARTELME STATES MICHIGAN STAND, 11 WIRE TO LUNDGREN Athletic officials disclaimed any con- nection 'with the charges of profes- .sionalism 'against Julie Mee, star Il- linois shortstop, who, under the name of Daly, according to an article in the Detroit Free Press yesterday morn- ing and later stories in evening pa, pers, wore a Tiger uniform ,last falL Frank Navin, president of the Detroit club, is reported to have admitted that Mee and Daly were the same person, although he denied that Mee was or is under contract at the pres- ent time, ,saying, however, that Mee has promisedI to jin Detroit. He al- so stated that Mee had not partici-, pated in ay games, but did not state whether he received any remunera- tion for his services. Bartelme Wires Lundgren "Neither University nor any of its representatives have had anything to do with the charges regarding Mee appearing in the Free Press this moning. We ae raising no ques- tion regarding Illinois players. No objections to your publishing this wire if you, wish to." . This is the of- ficial stand taken. by P. G. Bartelme, .Michigan athletic director, in a tele- gram sent yesterday to Carl Lund- gren, present Illinois baseball men- tor. .y investigation of Julie Mee will consequently be made voluntarily by the Illinois athletic'officials or at the request of some other Conference school. From what information that ha come to light concerning Mee's al- leged conduct during the summer with Dtroit, it is highly doubtful if he can be considered a professional or bar- red from Conference play, for the available information at present says nothing about his being paid or about his participation fn games. May Not Bar Mee Professionalism, playing under an assumed name, or playing with an or- ganized club might be charged against him, but strict interpretation of Conference rules would not eliminate Mee, according to the present data. The Conference ruling upon using another name would bar only those who participate in an intercollegiate contest under an assumed name, and as he didnot take part in any chain- Continued on Page Eight) ftunz Survives First Day Playv (By Bob Angell) Special Correspondent Chicago, May 26. - Muiz is Mich- igan's sole hope in the Conference tennis championship, both dbables teams and the other thnee singles en- trants having been eliminated as a result of the first day's play. The ab- sence of Capt. Walter Wesbrook was keeiny Fe1t bv the Wolverines. SI6-MA DELTACHI INIATES11MN E. J. Ottaway, '94, Editor of Port Hu- ron TmesHerald, Given Honorary Membership FRATERNITY PLEDGES AID 11 AMPLIFICATION PROGRAM Sigma Delta Chi, .national profes- sional journalistic fraternity, pledged its support to the plans for the am- plification of the department of jour- nalism, as outlined by E. J. Ottaway, '94, editor of the Port Huron Times. Herald, who spoke at the initiation banquet ,of the organization last eve- ning at the Union. "The editors of -the state are ex- Atremely anxious to see the courses at the University expanded, a separate department created, and if possible a distinct- school organized,' 'declared Mr. Ottaway. "The means by which such changes can be brought about is by 'continually showing the need and purposes! of better journalism.- In this Sigma Delta Chi can help by keeping such standards high at all times," he .saidf Mr. Ottaway told of the meeting which the editors of the state are to have at the University Oct. 20-22, and stated that at that time steps will be taken to pout out to administrative authorities the value of the amplifi- cation of the present arrangements through which newspaper work is being taught at the University. Dr. H. P. Scott, of the department of rhetoric and journalism, spoke on the subject of "Accuracy", and point- ed out the importance of the mission assumed .by the newspaper man in portraying facts to the reading pub- lie. Other speakers at'the banquet were Lee Woodruff, '21, and James Frey, '22. Joseph A. Bernstein, '22, pre- sided as toastmaster.- In the afternoon the journalistic fraternity held; their initiation, at which time Mr. Ottaway was taken in- to honorary membership. Other ini- tiates were: Marion B. Stahl, 1 '23, John A.. Bacon, '23, Joseph M. Chase, '22, James G. Frey, '22, W. W. Otta- way, '23, Paul Watzel, '23, Edwin R. Meiss, '22, Wallace F. Elliott, '22, Herbert Case, '23, James Hume, '23.' DiaondContest, Greatest of Year, Set Fr rJune Nfth' (By M: ILH.P.) At last the critical moment has ar- rived. Although many devotees of the national pastime have declared that they thought the hour would never approach, official word has been received that the date for the great game, the stellar event of the year in baseball circles, has 'been defi- nitely announced. At 10 o'clock Saturday morning, June 5, the long waited for event will take place. Then the staffs of The Michigan Daily and the gargoyle will cross bats in their annual contest to settle definitely and conclusively the question of supremacy for the year. The object in announcing this game so far in advance is to enable. the Board in Control of Athletics to have plenty of time to erect the auxiliary stands that will be necessary to take care of the many who will 'attend.. Questions have been pouring in for more than two months demanding to know the date of the conflict. Enthu- siastic rooters even from as far away as Dexter, Saline, and Ypsilanti have asked that seats be reserved for them.. This alone is an indication or how great the interest this game has created. It will be remembered that last year The Daily' completely swamped the jokesters to the tune of 24-3, but this year the ha-ha's are thirsting for revenge. It is expected that Dr. Lov- ell will be one of' the shining lights on the punsters' aggregation. Although the fun-makers have a slight advantage in their throwing ability, due to their constant prac- tice, it is expected that this will be balanced by the versatility of The Daily crew. Nothing has been heard as to the condition of the funny-men as OPPORTUNITY GIVEN FOR ELECTION COMPLAINTS ATH-E I 0 Because of the number of com- plaints made relative to the re- N cent ll-campuselections, the Student councl has turned oer Agl the work connected with In, vestigation of these clams to ax committee consisting of the six elected members of the Student BAILEY COSENASTRAK Advisory committee. * ELLIOTT GETS INTRAMJU An opportunity will be given POSITION those who for any reason at all believe ithat there is cause for BASEBALL HEAD TO Investigation to present their SELECTED WEDNE ease to this committee. The secretary of this body will meet any of those who have such "Fox Directs Interscholastc complaints at '2:30 o'clock this While Jerome, Cramer, Ben afternoon in room .30 of the in Land Minor Berths Union, and take whatever evid-- r once is necessary to starta thor- oughi investigation of the mat. Several of the athletic appo u h i vsi ai n o h a -,"ters brought to the attention of for neat year were made at "a the committee. ing of. the board of directors J. I. MeCLINTOCK Athletic association yesterda Chairman. I noon in the intramural ofice. I decided to wait until next We -"- -_night to appoint thebaseball r and his assistants. [ DC RTaR: A. Bailey, '22, was mad manager for next season. His ansare L. W. Snell, '23, W. Col 23, R. A. Bernard, '3, and R' I 'E. The new interscholastic .m will be: E. H. Fox, '22E. The Take-Ofi on Festival and W. W.' Otta- ants for this position are H way's Impersonations Are . man '23, ,M. S. Carter, '23, Favoritles Horn, '23E, and S. Cramer, '2. W. F. Elliott, '22, has been ai to succeed H. E. Storz, '22b, a DIFFERENT COLLEGE ,SONGS mural manager. The ,mana BIGGEST HIT OF EVENING minor sports for next year i Kearney, '22E. L. C. Van Bo From the strains of "Laudes Atque has been given charge of fal s Carmina" through the rendition of succeed F. M. Smith, '22. "The Victors," the final number on the Intramural basketball arran will be in the hands of G. T. program, the annual spring concert ot 23E, who takes the place of E. the Musical clubs of the Union, last sen, '22, who has'had charge night -in Hill auditorium w'as marked this year. H. S. Benjamin,' with a variety of entertainment. ceeds D. Kearney, '22, as The feature numbers of the evening.manager of the intramural Trac mets hve eenturn were the songs of the Glee club. Es- Track meets havebeentu pecially did the college medley please to S. S. Cramer, '23. the audience including the songs of Harvard, Yale, Amherst, Dartmouth. and Cornell arranged under the super- vision of Prof. William Wheeler, of the School of Music. LN PTITC~ I Feature College Songs " "Close' Harmony" and "Chit-Chat", were also delightfully rendered by the Glee club which answered. its numer- ous encores with, some of the better known Michigan songs such as "'When MEMOOIAL DAY RITES I Night Falls Dear" and "In College PARADE AND' SEVERA Days." ADDRESSES The take-off on the May Festival by the quartette composed of Wilson, Memorial day will be. obse Keena, Schirmer, and Underwood was Ann Arbor this year by joi the best of the specialty acts. George ices of the Grand Army of t Duffield, '23L, as motorman, lead the public, the Women's Relief co grand array of talent which included United States Spanih war v a choru orchestra, and group of the Veterans of Foreign Wa operatic stars. A erican egion, and the w The act entitled "Moonshine" was auxiliary of the legion.' the dramatic hit of the evening and St. Andrew'sxlEpisopalryhut Oscar Keydal, '22, and J. Harold hold mem rial services Sunda Smith, '22, who produced the skit gave a creditable bit of acting. ing, at which the organizai4 a crditale it o actngexpected to attend in a bd Ottaway's First Appearance , Rev.Dr. HenrytTatlock wll W. W. Ottaway, '23, in his first ap- upon "The Reason for War". pearance before a student audience, Representatives of the veter gave some, clever impersinations and sociations will decorate all I recitals from McElroy. Ottaway has diers' graves in the city an been on a professional circuit in the rounding districts Monday mi state since 1917, doing the same kind City posts will unite at 9:30 of work. and march in parade down Mai The other specialty act was the sex- to the court house sqare, tette from the Mandolin club which brief Memorial dy'services played several popular numbers. The held ner the- Soldiers'vand act was known as "Perry's Plectrum monument. Pluckers" and was composed of Perry. Tho firing of- a salute to t Corson, Motley, Futch, Smith, and soldiers and sailors of all Cornwell. States wars will conclude t The Mandolin club played several cises. Flowers will be dropp( ensemble numbers and combined with ing the services 'from the Br the Glee club in presenting the finale. viaduct over the Huron river The program was unusually short, or of the sailors and marine lasting but an hour and a half. '_r___h______n____ NOVELTIES FEATURE LEG ATHENA AND ALPHA NU COME INFORMAL DANCE T( TOGETHER IN DEBATE TONIGHT Dancing, to Tune of Robertso Athena literary society will come together with Alpha Nu tonight in chestra, Lasts from 9 to the first joint session they have held O'clock in three years. Two teams, each with two men and- two women on them, Special surprise novelties a will debate the question of rendering the feature tonight at Barbou immediate aid to Germany. The meet- nasium when the campus pos ing starts at 7:15 o'clock in the Al- American' Legion gives its dan pha Nu room. ertson's orchestra has been se An important business meeting for provide the music. the election of officers will be held by The party will be informal the members of Alpha Nu immedi- service men are especially ately at the close of the general dis- Dancing will begin at 91 and c 1 meeting of this year's it was impressed upon ambers that the traditions Lversity should be care- I during the coming year. wing '24 men were elected chairman, Charles Blod- hairman, engineers, Cam- vice-chairman, lits, Stan- .d; secretary, Edward Mu- uict committee is made up lowing '24 men: R. J. Moore, S. Muirhead, C. Dunleavy, W. A, Weeks, H. KipkV, N. Nicholas, J. R. Worth, B. McWood, [eil, C;. Black, J. C. Sterl- y, B. Segall, R. C. Soults, rop, O. S. Erpard, C. 0, 4cGregor, M. Parsons,, C. Boyd, Oliphant, J. Bears- bbard, A. .W. Reynolds, H. [r Reynolds, S. J. Thoring- of Dep- the e of con- will govern- will Union. The number of couples be restricted as only 225 tickets besold. aperons for the dance are Dean Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dean Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, Mrs.