&.THER CAL SHOWV- DAY I g Lw1p :4ia t PRE DAY AN~D NII SERYl 166. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921. PRICE DuBLIOUTBREA V la P"rfo rm W ESBROOK REPORTED)CUBS READY FOR Mysterius Rites I^RAIDL **RV* 12 Junior Laws Ithaca, N. Y., May 25.-Walter N Proving their worth after safely Wesbrook is rapidly improving. Barristers, senior law honorary so- and courageously braving the trials His temperature and pulse are ciety, initiated 12 men of the '22 law aPd tests offered to all seekers after now normal and the attending class yesterday afternoon at Whit- knowledge, nine initiates were ush- physician removed one-of the Skate, more lake. After the mystic ceremo- ered into the secrets of Vulcan, sen- drainage tubes today. The pati- and Impersonations Promise nies were concluded the initiates were -or engineer honor society, yesterday ent is abei to eat light foods and Varied Entertainment given a banquet at the' Lake hotel. MOST.VIOLENT FIGHTS IN YEARS in the annual campus initiation. A is in the best of spirits. The men intated to membership DISTURB IRISH banquet was held at the Union after WRESTLING ON BICYCLES ONE are: Dewey F. Fagerburg, George 0. CITY the initiation, at which Dean Cooley OF QUARTETTE'S FEATURES Brophy, John C. Cary, Archie D. Mc- of the engineering, college, M. E. Mc- Donald, Richey B. Reavill, Jasper '. NEW 5,O ,QO USOM Go wan, '21E, president °of the Vul- fl~ T~IV Df ~Eaton, fJohn F. 'Dodge, Harry C. Will- E $ cans and A. F. Shirmer, '22E re re- Featuring a variety of acts, includ- son, George I. Murphy, Fred A. Garie- HOUSE BURNED DOWN senting the initiates, delivered short I . ing ensemble musical numbers, com- py, Owen J. Watts,-and Louis A. Par- talks. E. M. Stevens, '22E, presided U I edy skits, and impersonations, the ker. Armed Incendiaries Create Havoe; as toastmaster. l Uannual pring concert of the Musical Police Capture 50 After Junior engineers initiated were A. F. clubs of the Union will be presented Battle ' Shirmer, F. B. Smith, George E. Greg- at $ o'clock tonight in Hill auditor- ory, W. E. Bandemer, Milton Goetz, 10th Birthday of Leader Celebrated by iunm. The program consists of five iS C. S. ,Finkbeiner,. W. C. Naylor, Doui- at n h omte ln ohv (By Associated Press) glas Dow, and D. C. Douglas. ' University Choral Club acts and the committee plans to have Dublin, May 25.-Dublin today ex- at Partyth ntire show over in an hour And a C perienced the most violent outbreak Glee Club Opens that has occurred in several years. M IE BLUO bANILL 11 RETIRING MUSICIAN GIVEN The Glee ub O be - I 11111 ii IThe first number will be a rendi- "The Great Galeoto"l Presented with Heavy fighting in the streets resulted , TRAVELLING BAG, CUFF LINKS tion by the Glee club of a college T hg Order of Emotional in many persons being wounded, sev- - medley which includes the songs of ActEng eral killed and the destruction of a A N N Dr. A. A. Stanley bid farewell to the Dartmouth, Yale, Harvard, Cornell, A___ number of public buildings, among d Amhet. a thm eig hemebesof the University Choral adAhrt them being the $5,000,000 customs TFancy westling on bicycles will be PROF. HOLLISTER DOES WELL house. It was in this vicinity that the I T O NL IGN C L E union and thanked them for their co- combined with vocar numbers in the IN ADAPTATION, DIRECTION heaviest fighting occurred. ENTERTAINMENT operation with him during the past act presented by the popular quar- Shortly before 2 o'clock in the year at a party held yesterday aft- tette consisting of Albert Schirmer, In a production characterized by morning numerous young men, heav-22suebmoinlatgadsatr ,i g nterets custm, house Reorganization of Mimes, Michigan ernoon at the School of Music in cel- '22E, Thomas Underwood, '23L, Paul superb emotional acting and master- and held, uptrd the ssmn he Union honorary dramatic society, was ebration of his, 70th birthday. Wilson, '21, and Kemp Keena, s. of ly handling of delicate situations the and.held' up the staff, assembling them Un.o honorar dramatis soiey rwas oth Players club last bight presented in the vestibulM under guard. Two ,effected Tuesday night by the socie- He said that when he was graduat- M. Other detail in re t the rcu ast tnigh pente ty s, dpti f anew onsituton.are still withheld by the quartette. "The' Great Galeoto" to an apprecia- dozen boxes each containing four tins tys ,adoptoyn of a new constitution. ed from the conservatory at Leipsic Shuter Directing tive audience in Sarah Caswell Angell of petrol, and four bales of cotton Under the new order, nine members he expected to spend a great deal of Oscar F. Keydal, '22, and J. Harold hall. A high quality of stage presence wase wre pasedint th buldig.have been elected .to membership and waste were passed into the building. e initiated nem2. time composing,i "in fact," he declar Smith, '22, will present the "Moon- was maintained by the entire cast berednabout' 60, sme o the car- ' Will Provide Entertainment ed, "I didn't expect to do anything shine Act" and in rehearsals thus far throughout the play and displayed the tered about 60, some of them carry- T thave displayed professional talent in result of hard practice and expert di- ing two revolvers each. Petrol was their number. Mr. E. Mortimer Shut- rection. poured over the most important doc- e Mmes a e y and cu his work first at Providence and then er is directing the dramatic numbers. It would be unfair to the member uments and the building was set on bersome body and to revert to the at Ann Arbor he found that there was Impersonations Novelty of the cast to single out any individ- original idea of the society, which fire in a number of places. little time for composition. Another act which is scheduled to ual for special mention on the grounds Fifty men were captured by police. Created Musical Atmosphere lend novelty to the pi'ogram is the of merit alone. In this respect every for various campus functions and vis- "I have had to spend most of my act of impersonations which will be actor was on a par., But because of iltin teamf atshrt mnotics, In e- energies up to the present time in given 'by W. W. Ottaway, '23. Otta- the more difficult roles borne by Har- RU1U U rn let in of fuue mem an e f bringing about a musical atmos- way has been interested in such work old B. Lipsitz, '22, Wendell F. Han- 1BU :::LUIU0 FO 1uM1M fort will be made to get 'a group of phere," stated Dr. Stanley, "and now for several years and has for the past selman, '23, and Dorothy C. Dodds, mi"" 1 enoeablento pth on lass that I have succeeded in doing what two years been on a professional cir- 21, playing Ernesto6Julian, and Teo- MPLO MENT NOT IGHT vide entertainment of the first class I set out to do, I am going to try and cuit. dora, respectively, these people stood ^sts, usic, an daCnces, uch have a good time in the creative The other specialty number will'be out strongly. as was given for the Cornell track line." the sextette composed .of members of Too much credit cannot be givet ONLY FEW REQUESTS FOR STU- team. With reference to his successor he the Mandolin club, consisting of four to Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of the ora- "E L O RAIE By te ne cnitution M me exclaimed, "I want ybu to stand by mandolins and two harp guitars. This tory department, who adapted the HDeac ymedr to te itatin o 15 my successor just the 'same as you combination will render a selection play for stage presentation and had each year, to be taken in two groups, have stood by me." In closing he said of popular numbers, entire charge of the direction. Employment for the summer and one in the late spring and the second that he sincerely wished that he Program Short permanent positions for graduating in the middle witer. Only upper- might see the members of the Choral The entire program has been so ar- i students are much searcer this year classmen are eligible for member- union individually, even if he could ranged as to make the entertainment 19L ItO PREPARED than in the past, according to a sur- ship. Qualifications for the, society not see them together again in a short and varied, the ensemble num- vey of the various departments in the will be special aptitude i some form group. bers of the musical clubs being in- FOR L 1 University that have received letters of dramatics as produced by the Dr. Stanley Cuts Cakes terspersed with the specialty acts. LIDIIT T AY from employers asking for men. Union, and in the future merely length Levi D. Wines, a member of the Tickets it 50 cents are for sale on Bnsiness Letters Posted of service in operas or Spotlights Choral union who has been with that the campus and may be procured at Two '"DenJAHoseatog hewill not of itself be sufficient, as this wothousand seven hundred fifty Dean J. A. Bursley, although he wsn, t organization since its founding, gave the ticket office in Hill auditorium to- is not taking over the employment system of election has resulted in the - Michiganensians arrived in Ann Arbor a short talk expressing the regret of night before the show. ysedymrig ed o iti bureau until July 1, has received sev- overlarge membership and the conse- the union in not being able to singdistri- eral letters which have been posted on quent neglect of the Mimes' duties' under Dr. Stanley's baton again and bution. Yesterday afternoon the 25 the' bulletin board in the corridor of Registry Arranged For WOMEN S BUILDING heavy cases of books were, brought Uniersity hall. Most of thein the opportunity to work with him. FUNDS AUGMENTED to the east basement drive of the Li- guests are for agents to sell products tution is the provision for a Mimes pr nt k with G brary and unloaded. Here counters during the summeer. One publishing registry, where all vaudeville or leather travelling bag and a pair ofand the staff of the company wants compositors for the opera candidates can register and be 'Ensian 'is ready. to assist in giving vacation months. tried out for coming productions. the Choral union. The party ended Women's building funds will be out the books. The books will be The Commerce club has sent out with refreshments, part of which wasgiven out upon presentation of the letters to 3,500 companies in Micbi- MEDICAL SOCIETY a huge cake, which Dr. Stanley cut dn to a deciion m a , t-receipt number ant, if not already 'gnOho IliosNe or adamidst aplause. cording, to .a decision made by the paid in full, uo amn fter- gan, Ohio, Illinois, New York andpuopamnofter Massachusetts whose capital stock is ELECTS EDMUNDS amidst aplase, play committee yesterday. maining $2.50. The temporary stands $ ,rTeR ary c at it luncshonr ye- This money will be sent to Mrs. H. will be open from 8 to' 5 o'clock to- more than $200,000 in order to find - "terday noon at the Union also honor-p out if they have any openings for stu- Dr.' C. W. Edmunds, assistant dean ed the retiring head of the School of J. Goulding, '96, treasurer of the day and tomorrow. dents. Nearly all replied that because of the Medical school, has just been Music by presenting him with bug Alumnae council, as a distinct gift The 1921 Michiganensian is a hand- of the poor business conditions at the elected to the Association of Ameri- Music by resen. from the class to be used for some some year book of more than 760 present time they are not in a po. can Physicians, the highest honor special furnishing, not as a part of pages. The binding this year is of sition to take anybody, but that they of its kind in the country. Members the sinking fund. When the choice is brown leather with the name "Mich- would keep the club in mind and call are chosen from the United States R. O. T. C. CLUB HEARS DEAN made, it will be approved by the fol- iganensian" embossed in gilt on 'the upon them laler. . and Canada an'd are limited to 150 in BURSLEY AT ANNUAL BANQUET lowing members of the play commit- cover. The title pages of societies, Heinz Concern Wants Men number. tee: Edna Groff, Caroline Leonard, athletics, and classes pare illustrated Others said that they had nothing Three other members of the local Speaking on "Opportunities Offered Edith Cady, Florence Shirey, Eliza- by Paul Bartlett Taylor, of Kalama- to offer right now but if the students Medical faculty who belong to the by the R. 0. T. C.," Dean J. A. Burs- beth Vickery, Margaret Tibbals, and zoo. These illustrations are colored interested were in their city, to stop association are Dr. A. L. Warthin, Dr. ley headed the list of speakers at the Harriet Gustin. halftone processes. and have a conference with them. The F. G. Novy, and Dr. L. H. Newburgh. second' annual R. 0. T. C. banquet, giv- The proceeds of this year's play A new department of this year's Heinz Products company states that en last night at the Union in honor of amount to far more than those of any book is the Feature se '~~~~~~~~~ anyjn bookuts comsn thee Fhae-atnursengh section, which l they are sending two representatives Newark Club Will Banquet Friday the senior members of that organiz4- previous year. contains pictures of initiations, fam- here next week to get 50 to 75 men Joe Parker's old hostelry, now the tion. Following the address by Dean . ous Michigan athletes, pictorial his- for summer jobs. Chamber of Commerce Inn, has been Bursley, M. W. Turner, '23E, ex-presi- " torical sketches, the old and new Prof. I. L. Sharfman, of the eco- chosen as the place for the ,seventh dent of the R. 0. T. C. club gave a Union, and a "Who's Who from Mich- nomics department, has received a annual banquet of the Newark club, short talk. igan". number of letters from bond houses which will be held at 7:30 o'clock Fri- Robert Neale, '22E, president of the American League asking qr students. The National day evening, May 27. H. M. Kerber, organization addressed the club, tell- Philadelphia 5, Detroit 3. Student Masons Invited to Party Cash R ter company is sending a Grad., will speak for the alumni while ing of the plans for next year. The Washington 10, Chicago 5. ( Student Master Masons are invited represen ive who will be in room C. Baccaro, '21D, will talk on behalf last speaker on the program was Capt. Cleveland 3, Boston 2. to attend the annual Masonic May 104, Econofnics building, from 2 to 4 of the student members. Pkans for the Frederick Hoorn, of the University R. party from 9 to 1 o'clock tonight at o'clock Friday afternoon to interview coming year will be discussed and the 0. T. C. Music for the affair was fur- ' National League the Armory. Continuous refreshments those interested in that line of work. election of officers will be held. nished by MacDiarmiad's archestra. . All games postponed-rain. will be a fMature of the evening. SENATE ITTS F DISAIRMAMENT NAIES, 74'T BORAH PLAN FOR WORLI FERENCE GIVEN UNANIM APPROVAL GREAT BRITA 'WILL BE REJ Amendment to Nava to Conferen (By Associated Press) Washington, May 25.- Unanimoi senate approyal was given today Senator Boriah's proposal for' an f ternational naval disarmament confe ence. By vote of 74 to 0 the Idaho sei ator's amendment was added to ti naval appropriaton bill authori t the President to invite the gover ments of Great Britain and Japan send representatives to a confere with representatives of the Unh States in an effort to reach son agreement on. disarmament. The vote was in conformity with ti understanding reached last .*eek administration fores to give the support to Senator Borah's plan. side the 46 Republicans and 28 Dei ocrats voting for the amendment, A nou emert was tuade in behalf e ma absentees that they, too, favor the disarmament plan. Upon passing of the bill, the anmen meat will go to conference with ii house, but its advocates believe it wi be endorsed and then approved l President Harding. EXAM SCHEDULFO ENGINEERS ANNOUNCE Schedules for- the final examin tions in the engineering college aj now ready for distribution at the o fice of L. A. Hopkins, secretary. e tam courses will be examined at sp ial periods as noted below the re ular schedule. All cases of conflic between assigned examination period should be reported for adjustment I PrOf. C. H. Fessenden, room' 333, re resenting the classification commli tee. No date 'of examination may b changed without the consent of th classification committee. Examinations will begin at 8 o'cloc Monday, June 13. Afternoon exan inations last from 2 to 6 o'clock. Monday classes-at 8, second Moi day morning; at 9, first Tuesda morning; at 10, second Tuesday morr ing; at 11, first Monday morning; s 1, second Thursday morning; at e first Friday morning; at 3, first Thur day afternoon. 'Tuesday classes-at 8, first Satui day morning; at 9, first Thursda morning; at 10, first Monday. aftei noon; at 11, first Saturday afte noon; at 1, first Wednesday mornig at 2, second Wednesday morning; a 3, second Wednesday afternoon. Consolidated classes-shop 1, firI Friday afternoon; shop 2, seco Tuesday afternoon; shop 3, seco Wednesday afternoon; shop 4,firi Friday afternoon; drawing 4, fir Wednesday afternoon; drawing 5, fir Tuesday afternoon; E. M. 1, 2, 5, fir Tuesday afternoon; C. E. 2, fir Tuesday afternoon; M. E. 3, fIr I Thursday afternoon; E. E. 2, first Fr day morning; Surv. 4, first WednesdE afternoon. Irregular classes - first Thursd afternoon; first Friday afternoo second Monday afternoon; secor Tuesday afternoon; second Wedne day afternoon; second Thursday af ernoon. H E MUSICAL CLUBS OF THE MICHIGAN UNION HEAR "The Moonshine" "The Big Four" 3 A VARIETY PRIOGRAM TONIGHT!! The *Sexttte," the i musical combination TONIGHT! I acts The Glee and fl clubs in some HILL AUDI'ORIUM TICKETS 50c