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May 25, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-05-25

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except Monday during 'the Univer-
trol of Student Publications.
exclusively entitled to the use for
tches credited to it or not otherwise
local news published therein.
at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
mail, $3.50.
i building, Maynard Street.
cceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
ear in print, but as an evidence of
ill be published in The Daily at the
ft at or mailed to The Daily office.
receive no consideration. No man-
the writer incloses postage.
essarily endorse the sentiments ex-
' will not be recerved after 8 o'clock

ditor.................C......Chesser . Campbel
i Edir ial Board--e od.....- --r'------ o ruff
dtor.s- H. W. Hitchcock;
r 1. DalnJfMcMais
enan Serwood -nW S t, Jrt
itr ...................A.Beni
.B. P. Campbell
TJ. whinery, L A Kern, S.hT. Beach
.............Rubert Angell
vi Edt r........... ....ary R. ae
..b .............. Thomas Dewey_
....... ... ... ;. R i. . es
Wald Fraik H. MPike Sidny B. Coates
Weet - JA.Bacn C.T. Pei oyer
iQ away Maion B.Stahl
B.ne al Watel Iwell S.Kerr
Grundy 1} Byron Darmtn MarinKIoch
)beroltzei U. A laver Dorothy Whipple
A asIWalter ontelly Gerald P.iOverton
r~ litt BataIlasley Eldwrd Lambeht
r$ca n Kthrine Montgomery Sara wanllr
H .Iowlett
Telephone 9W'
g . . .. . . D . P. J oyc e
.. . . . ..- i. Heath
..... .......F,E. R. Prieh
n .........................-.......V. F. Hillery
ro t+4'Asistats.
[,ambrecht M. M. Moule H. C. Hunt
aniel, Jr. N. W. Robertson M. S. Godring
Hutclinon Tho. Rice H. W. Heidbreder
Cros R.G.Buchell . w. ooley,
Savisa A. J. Parker
ns wishing to secure information copcerning news for any
['he Daily should ise the night editor, who has full charge
Vsto be Prited that rnght.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1921.
Night Editor-G. P. OVERTON.
a asked to definethe word "chair", nine out
individuals will be at a loss to furnish ade-
escription, despite the fact that this is one
most common nouns in the daily vocabu-
?ractically the same case exists in respect to
ous phrase of the campus, "true Michigan
It is heard continually from morning un-'
t, yet there seems to be an element in the
vhich holds a false conception of this charac-
of the individual student which is so vital
relf are of the University as a whole.
year there has been considerable complaint
he piker on the campus. The man who,
capable in an activity, refuses to go out; the
ather- fa who cheers his team in victory
erts it in defeat; the individual on the side-
ho continually offers destructive criticism,
ses players of his own team, who applauds
to the opposing forces; the undesirable
troys the beauty of the campus by littering
paper or cutting across lawns; the self-cen-
'pe who endeavors to get as much as pos-
it of the University without putting any-
to it; all these .."t.rue Michigan spirit"
s have been observed in alarming numbers.
ap night, Judge Heston pleaded for the per-
n of that feeling of loyalty which helps
an any other factor to unite the University
achievement of greater things. At the Pub-
banquet recently; President Marion L.
urged a spirit of criticism which "impeils a
do the best that is in him".
ime for the piker has passed. Michigan is
e' and too conscious of her unified power to
he continuance of this disintegrating influ-
hrom now on there must dominate in every
breast that feeling of "true Michigan
- an unfailing sportsmanship, an insoluble
id an unswerving loyalty.
ren are more able to give students that wide
f the outside worldthey. so often fail to
their college life than George Sherwoo
A man of much magnanimity and with a
im in life, he can and does make students
and think of present day world problems
aften an undergraduate lets the globe re-
out him without getting into the whirl and
taking any responsibility upon himself in
of the problems he will have to face and
er he leaves his alma mater. A college ed-

s merely the preparation that better fits a
meet life's problems later on, and in the
f our studies here we should not forget tc
:ch of the march of events merely because
cern a world other than our own of the
It takes a man who can as broadly com-
the needs of the world as Sherwood Eddy
out our greater interests and give us that
ouch with which so few of us are ac-

usual experience, and we had the privilege of get-
ting away from our local ideas and looking at our
school problems from a new angle. His own ex-
ceptionally clear and sincere answer to all questions
of campus life, grounded as it is on the establish-
ment of higher standards of personality, b-other-
hood, and service, gives us another and better way
of looking at some of our daily perplexities. He
has shown us that a faulty, selfish, and short-
sighted attitude is the crucial point we must at-
Frankly we were surprised at the quality of the
poetry which is contained in Whimsies' first printed
issue. We did not have any idea that there were
people on the University campus who were capa-
ble of turning out anything like the truly good
poetry which this number carries. The poems are
more delicately fanciful, more carefully finished
and more worthy of 'attention than many of the
contemporary attempts which appear on the pages
of the better type of literary magazines.
The 'editors, on their own initiative without any
finanical aid whatsoever, put out the first two num-
bers in response to what they considered to be a
definite need of the student body. Neither the Gar-
goylt which is predominately humorous, nor the
Chimes which is primarily a serious magazine de-
voting itself to campus problems, offer a chance for
publishing purely literary efforts which depend for
their appeal solely on their literary quality. Whim-
sies is designed to do just this. It happens that
this issue is composed wholly of poetry; but in fu-
ture, stories imaginatively conceived will be just,
as welcome as poems.
Whimsies is ia gratifying attempt whatever be
its result, success or failure. It s ows that 4the
older desire for self-expression through the me-
dium of prose and poetry, which many claim has
passed in American universities, is still a potent
factor in the lives of some of our undergraduates.
The growth of utilitarian education with its stress
on practicality has not succeeded in completely ob-
literating appreciation of the lighter fantasy which
is to be found in the delicate nuances of poetry.
In the past there have been scattered attempts
to do the thing which the editors of Whimsies are
doing now. Generally the publications so founded
have lasted for a year or two and then disappeared.
Whimsies is deserving of a more kindly fate.
Undoubtedly the little magazine will be criti-
cised adversely, worse.still it will be tolerantly pat-
ronized by those' who never see ability until it has
,been recognized by the accepted critics. In spite of
this ewe are convinced that Whimsies has talented
contributors well .worth reading. We wish them
success in their attempt to establish a literary mag-
azine which has no "serious" end in view other
than the printing of first class poems and short
The comic sections are fond of showing people
who look at "wet paint" signs and then sit down
beside them. They haven't much on the campus
species which views a "Keep Off the Grass" warn-
ing and then tramps across a newly seeded lawn
within a foot of it:

- AT



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every two hours to 8:48 p. m. Ex.
presses at 9:48 a. m. and every two
hours to 9:48 p. mi.
L rocalsto Detroit-B 55a.m., 7:00 a.m.
and every two hours to 9:00 p. m.,
also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only,
11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m.
Locals to Jackson-7: f0 a. mn., and
12:10 p.m.
1921 MAY 1921
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12: 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 24 24 25 26 27 28
29 3e 31
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TIhe Telescope


When I saw the trees leavi'ng,
Then I thought I would croak,
But 'twas funnier still
When the bicycle ,spoke.
We knew there was something lacking at the
Publications banquet the other night. They for-
got to announce the staff for the Varsity Blotter.
Quoth Eppie Taff:
He dove as deep as he could go,
Poor Samuel Hurst;
But he will dive no more, because
His air-hose burst.
Out Latest Song Entitled:
"No Matter How Young a Prune May Be, It
Always Will Have Wrinkles."
Heard in the Oratory Department
"Hello, - hello, whom do you want? Yes, this
is public speaking."
Stolen Thunder
"Say, waiter, is this an incubator chicken? It
tastes like it."
"I don't know, sir."
"It must be. Any chicken that has had a mother.
could never get as tough as this one is."
- S. California Wampus.
One of our fair sex "contribs" has kicked in
with the following.intelligent query:
Dear Erm:
Now I asks you this, -- if a fever patient were
put on a bed full of cracked ice would there be
cold springs? Feverishly yours,
Possibly, but don't you think it more likely that
there would be an ice scream.
Four from six leaves four,,.doesn't it?
What school did you go to? According to my
text book four from six leaves two.
Well, I'm using higher mathematics.
Famous Closing Lines
"Back to Normal", mourned the girl as she
turned her steps Ypsiward. t RM.

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