'r r 4bp 4brASSOCIA PRE Zr ~aitg DAY AMD) Nh i A ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1921. L.. Barristers Honor 12 Junior LawsI ;;t: ENTRANCE ULES MAY BE CHANGED Illinois baseball Squad Prepares Fir Hard Struggle With Wolverinee Barristers, senior honorary law so- ciety, will honor 12 men, with mem- bership today. At a meeting last week the following men of the '22 law class were chosen for admission: Dewey F. , Pagerburg, George O. Brophy, John C. Cary, Archie D. McDonald, Richey B. Reavill, Jasper F. Eaton, John F. Dodge, Harry C. Willson, George. I. Murphy, Fred A. Gariepy, Owen J. Watts, and Louis A. Parker. The initiation will be held t Whit- more lake this afternoon, the party leaving the Law school at 2:30 o o'clock. Immediately following the initiation a banquet will be tendered the neophytes/ at the hotel at the lake. uRGSES TO K SWIT NS ENTIOI 'by Ready Response t ; French Reported Satisfied (By Associated Press) , May 24.-Germany replied to the French communication erday on the Silesian situa- e reply declaring in effect that ny had taken the most rigorous 'es towards closing its frontier pper Silesia. French communication was y Premier Briand last night "toM rman ambassador, Dr. Mayer, as requested to ask his govern- t was understood, to end defi- all attempts at aggression in if Germany did not wish to herself to reprisals, by the ier Briand, questioned by a of deputies before the meeting chamber, said there was no for the occupation of the 'egion,, because the aspect of esian question had been chang- I if the Ruhr were occupied the support of the allies it be equivalent, to abandonment treaty of Versailles. ing . between Germans 'and in Silesia had created a new >ver the policy to be followed allied nations regarding that province of Germany, and it distinct influence on debate in inch chamber of deputies when ened today. The Silesian sit- developed rapidly last night nand for the occupation of the .istrict was again heard. sical Clubs' oncert Is Set For Thursday "A ANNOUNCE SPEAKER AT LAWCLASS DAY Judge Olson, of Chicago, Described . by Dean Bates as Forceful Lecturer IS NATIONALLY PROMINENT IN ADMINISTRATIVE FIELD Judge Harry Olson, of the Chicago' Municipal court, has been secured for the annual class day of the senior law class on Monday, May 27, to speak on "A Plan for a Unified Court System". The program, which is part of the regular 'Commencement week series, will be under the direction of the graduating class of the Law school. Judge. Olson is one of the most prominent men in the field of court organization in the country, according to Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law school. The Chicago court system, which was established under. his di- 'rect jupervision as chief justice, was. the first of Its kind in the country and 4y become the model for the New York, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Cleveland, systems that were estab- lished later. He was a member of the commis- sion sent over to England some time ago to' study the organization of them new British system, and on his re- turn was made chief justice of the Chicago court with complete control of its administration and organization. Judge Olson is a nationally known figure, according to Dean Bates, who says 'his achievements in the field of judicial adminstration have done much for the legal system of the. country. His ability as a lecturer is well recoknized, added Dean' Bates, as he is in great demand as a speaker before, bar and, legal asociations. He spoke in Ann Arbor five years ago and made a favorable impression. i SIBMA IU TICTORS fIN MSET wIT 1PIT Committee Will Report to Literary' Faculty on Proposed Changes Tuesday INCREASE IN ADVANCE WORK PROBABLE FOR HIGH SCHOOLS Members of _the literary faculty will hear a preliminary report on revisio . of entrance requirements to the Uni- versity at their regular meeting next Tuesday. The faculty committee which has this problem in charge will confer with 50 high school men on the entrance requirements revision dur- ing the Summer session following which the changes will be reported to the faculty for adoption." The re- port to be' made Tuesday is merely a preliminary one. The real changes advocated by thV committee are an increase in more advanced' work and careful discrimin- ation in, the official recommendation of high school graduates. The pro- posed entrance' requirements are uni- form for the literary' college, engi- neeriig college, architectural college, and pharmacy college except as to prescribed units. A proposed change. is that at least 4 of 12 units of! academic subjects must be such as are regularly sched- uled for the third and fourth years of 'high school curriculum. This may be raised even to t or 6 units. Another change prescribes 1 unit of history for all admitted students. Plan B, which now provides for ad- mission to the literary college of graduates on the North Central list' without prescribed units of language, ma'thematics, or science is abolished in the plan. Rules governing provisional admis- sion and granting of advanced cred- it for post-graduate high school stud- ies, now in force in the literary, col- lege, is recommended for adoption in, the other colleges. STUDENTS WiLL UNITE IN HONORING LUNOGREN, (Special from Daily Illini) Champaign, Ill., May 24.-Illinois' baseball squad will be drilled this week for the opening contest of the decisive two-game series with Mich- igan, to be played at Ann Arbor next Saturday. Despite the impressive showing of the Illini heretofore, Coach Carl Lundgren has various faults to correct and the Illinois field diamond will be a busy place daily until Fri- day when Capt. Tom Johnson and his followers entrain for the Wolverine stronghold. Better Feeling Displayed As Michigan and Illinois prepare to battle for the Big Ten pennant, it is pleasing to record that much better PLAYERS PRESENT DRAMA -TONIGHT' Club Will Offer "The Great Galeoto" ,in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall PLAY IS ENGLISAH VERSION OF ECHEGARAY'S MASTERPIECE feeling between the universities' stu- dent bodies has been created. The soft pedal has been-applied in both institutions to the ,"kid stuff" which threatened to disrupt athletic rela- tions unless it was eliminated. Mich- igan track men were well pleased with their treatment during their recent in- vasion of the Illinois field and it is expected that the Michigan-Illinois baseball game, however hard fought, will be another marker on the path of good feeling. Yost Plans Memorial Illinois partisans are elated over the proposal of Coach Yost "of Michigan,l for Michigan men to contribute a memorial column in the new Illinois! stadium to honor Curtis G. Redden, the great Wolverine athlete, a natie of Illinois. Yost has made this sug- gestion as a result of his recent visit to Illinois to examine the Illini plan" for a great stadium and recreational field.' The spirit 'of this proposal, whether it is carried through or not, has been most pleasing to the Illini. When the Wolverine nine appears on Illinois field on June 4 for the finall battle, Illinois leaders will see to it that they are heartily received. ANNUAL FRESH PA ELRYA TO~! EL FIA Money TEREST IN MI CLASS MAKES M GIFT TO ALU "To be a real loyal V nus every member of t should in the future touch with activities campus," said ,Wilfred retary of the Alumni the University, yesterda the meeting of the s class. SHAW Will Be' Used Campbell for Improveme e Explains Alumnus . "The best way to kee what is going on at Mic future years is to be a and a reader of the officia of the Alumni associatio igan Alumnus," continue He explained that senior made a special rate for to the Alumnus. If they the time of paying their to, Treasurer Campbell t "The Great Galeoto", a problem drama, is to, be presented to the pub- lie tonight and tomorrow night by members of the Players club, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. This play is by Jose Echegaray and it is considered his masterpiece. Echegaray is one of the foremost modern Spanish, dra- matists, and "Thw Great Galeoto" an intense problem-drama is a play es- pecially well suited for production by a club of this kind. The play is to be presented in English and the translation used is that made by Bar- rett H. Clark. The necessary adaptations for stage presentation have been made by Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of the ora- tory department, and the play is to be presented under his personal diree-, tion. A capable cast has been selected from the members of the Players club. The stage craft committee of the club has planned some special scen-, ery. The parts and players are as fol- los: Theodora, Dorothy Dodds, '21; Don Julian, Harold B. Lipsitz, '22; Dona Mercedes, M. Josephine Shaffer, '22; Don Severo, R. S. Tubbs, '22; Pepito, J. Philip Holden, '22; Ernes- to, W. E. Hanselman, '22; - Ruedo, Akl- mond Fairfield, '21; Servant, Robert Fitzge'ald, '22; Butler, Ralp i John- son, '23; Maid, Elizabeth J. Haher,'22. MASQUES' PLAY TICKETS ON SALE usic, novelty acts, and comedy ;s, arranged in a way to provide aried hour and a half of entertain- It, will constitute the program of annual spring concert by the sical clubs of the Uniofl which will presented at 8 o'clock tomorrow ht in Hill auditorium. nsemble numbers will be held in background, however, and among principal attractions will be the elty acts. i an act entitled "TheSextette" all latest song hits and popular dance ic will be offered and several new ibers will be introduced. The up presenting this number * will sist of four mandolins and two p guitars. Exceptional rhythm and copation has been attained with array of stringed instruments unusual jazz will be the feaure he presentation. )mething entirely neWl and unique be offered by the well known rtette composed of Albert Schirm- '22E, Tom Underwood, '23L, 1haul son, '21, and Kemp Keena, S. of but the exact nature of their skit not been disclosed. Interesting lems confronting would-be moon- ers will be tellingly portrayed in comedy skit termed "Moonshin- and everything from tips to nings will be offered by the enter.' ers in this number. .ckets for, the performance- are g sold on the campus in front of Library and at the ends of the onal and may also be purchased a members of the committees h are in charge of arrangements. tickets are priced at 50 cents DELTA TAU DELTA FINISHES . SECOND WITH PHI SIGMA DELTA THIRD By winning the pentathlon in the finals of the interf'aernity meet yes- terday afternoon, Sigma Nu scored a total of,51 points for first place. Delta Tau Delta came second with a total of 36, lRhi Sigma Delta third with 14, Delta Upsilon fourth with 13, and' Theta XIi fifth with 12. One of the most interesting 'events, the pentathlon, was won by Neisch of Sigma Nu. McElven of Delta Upsi- 'Ion, same second in the event; while Lally of Sigma Nu, and Seymour of Sigma Alpha .Epsilon, took' third and fourth places respectively. Neiscl was also the high point win- ner of the meet, with McElven a close second. Martin of Delta Tau Delta, Samuels of Phi Sigma Delta, Smith of Delta Sigma Phi, and Lally of Sigma Nu, also starred in the meet. JUNIOR LITS ELECT SCOTT, REA, WEINEKE FOR COUNCIL Carl L. Lundgren, baseball coach of this University for a number of years, and now coach at the University ofI Illinois, will have presented to him next Saturday by his friends here, a token of their appreciation of his years of service. Saturday has been set aside as "Carl Lundgren" day, and will be celebrated in his honor.'- A fitting present, purchased wholly by, personal subscriptions, has been selected for presentation at Ferry field which will remind the former' coach of Michigan's appreciation of his services. Druids Observe: Annual iRites Druids, senior literary honorary so- ciety, held their initiation yesterday afternoon and evening around the Druid rock in front of the museum and at the Union. The Awenyds who were initiated yesterday into the Druids were: Thomas H. 'Adams, Jo? I. Dakin, Maynard A. Newton, Edward R. Priehs, George Reindel, Jr., Thornton W. Sar. gent, Sidney Sarasohn, Renautd Sher- wood, Allen B. Sunderland, and Thom- as C. Truss all of the class of '22. Fred J. Petty, '21, was toastmaster of the iniation banquet at the Union and Prof. Arthur L. Cross, Prof. Mor- ris P. Tilley, Dean John R. Effinger, and Renaud Sherwood, '22, spoke on' the program. Foimer Treasurer Ill Major Harrison Soule, 88 years of age, who was for 25 years treasurer of the University, is seriously ill at his home on South University ave- nue. His illness is a prostration due. to advanced age. Parker Elected Vice-Pres. A. I. E. E. Prof. John C.. Parker, head of the department of electrical engineering, recently received word of his election as vice-president of the American In- stitute of Electrical Engineers, at a Tickets will go on sale today at Graham's for "The Importance of Be- ing Earnest' , Masques' annual play, to 'be given on Wednesday, June 1, at the Whitney theater. A ,meeting of the Dramatic association was held yesterday when admission tickets were given to members who will con- duct sales among the campus hous- es, these tickets to be exchanged for seats at Graham's. Both men and women are to be admitted to this. per- formance. Oscar Wilde, the author .of the play, has characterized it "a trivial comedy for serious people". It Is, considered by critics to be a brilliant farce,, differing from "Quality Street" and other plays given by this organ- ization. Parts are taken by women selected from the club in competitive tryouts. VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR WILL MEET,FEDERAL BOARD MEN Federal board studentq, of the Uni- versity will be. given an opportunity to obtain information in regard to the summer camp at Ft. Sheridan and oth- er matters of interest to them when Charles Sylvester, district vocational director, and Capt. Mbyron Adams, di- rector of the federal board summer camp, speak before the ex-service men, at the Union Thursday evening. A musical program has been ar- ranged, and the committee urges all federal board men to turn out for the initial welcome to the officers of this, Final arrangements have been made for the Annual Freshman Party which will be held on Friday evening of this week from ! to 2 in the as- sembly hall of the Union. Phil Dia- mond's orchestra will furnish the mu- sic and many attractive features have been planned by the committee in charge. Fifty tickets remain unsold and if the members of the '24 class do not purchase them immediately, they will be placed on sale to the 'whole cam- pus. Freshmen may buy the tickets in.the main office of the Union. Chaperones for the dance include Dean J. A. Bureley and Mrs. Burs- ley, Dean J. R. Effinger and Mrs. Ef- fingerp Mrs. Chapin, and Prof. . L. Brumm and Mrs. Brumm. S-$-$h! Vulcans Initiate Today Nine mortals will brave the wrath of the fiery elements to gain the Blysium of their dreams when Vulcans initiate today. Straight into the jaw of Hades ,they will advance, little reckoning the sin- ister punishments 'awaiting them.: Cpurageously they' will brush by the thre-headed watch-dog, Cerberus, and forge beyond into the Styx. There Charon, the dark ferryman, will con- duct the pilgrims across the. river and along other subterranean waters including Cocytes, the river of fire, and Phlegethon, the river of woe. Their trouble has only begun here, however, for Hermes, the psychopom- oos, will conduct them into the pres- ence of Hades. Here the junior engi- neers will be ordered to polish up the venerable anvil to the tune of the "Anvil Chorus." The Vulcanalia, the feast of the Vul- cans, will be held upon the return from the lower regions. Nay Gargoyle To' Appiear Tomorrow TeMay. Gargoyle will again make itsapparaceon the campus tomor- row.A feature of this issue will be a double page by. W. W. Gower, '23, and also a modern version of Long- fellow's immortal poem, its modern- i 1zed- title being "Hiawatha's Saturday Night". Another snappy article is "Getting a Liberal Education", which Is'a close observer's views on this sub- ject. This May number will not; be lacking in the accustomed number o. typical and local cartoons since sev- eral members of te art staff have exert'ed'themselves to ma~e them par- ticularly clever. The issue will con- tain at number of shOrt. tothe-point tain the magazine' for $1.50 or for three years the same time receive Alumni pin. "It should be understood by member of the senior class th Michigan Alumnus is not a p tion to make ,money for the. a tion or any other organization the official organ to, keep Mi alumni in touch with the camp is given to gradtates at cost,' ed Mr. Shaw. Make Memorial Gift A motion was carried to ma class menlorial a lump sum the Alumni memorial fund of Treasurer Robert A. Campbell todian and from which ' mon drawn to make needed improv about the campus. The fund der the direction of a board o tees of the University which is -ed by the' various alumni org tions in the larger cities. The invitation committee an ed that invitations will be he June 4 and may, be obtained booth in the corridor of U hal that date. It was also'announce every senior wh6 desires to obto allotted two tickets for Comr ment must sign up for them a istrar Hal's office during the before examinations. Every senior who' expects ceive a diploma on June 30 mi out a certificate in Registrar office and then pay the treasur regular diploma fee of $10. Sec Shirley W. Smith will mail every senior 'a book of instri for Commencement week in th future. DOW CHOSEN HEA OF ADVISORY B( Douglas Dow, '22E, was chairman of the Student Ad committee for next year at a m of the committee yesterday: P. Goebel, '23E, was chosen sec: while Thomas I. Underwood, '23 Walter B.-Rea, '22, received an number of votes for vice-cha Owing to the fact that not all members of the committee were ent, it was decided that the settled at the next regular m The new officers will immediate sume their duties. ORGANIZATION COMPLETED FOR- CAMP DAVIS SE Officers' for the second sessic Camp Davis were elected by th who will attend the second ca a meeting last night in the Eng ing building. - They are as folio J. Bebeau, '22E, transportation ager; L. A. Pomerening, '23, a manager; C. R. Potter, '22E, ed "The Black Fly"; H. C. Mitche business manager of "The Blaci R. B. Alexander. '21E. who the:, Club Meets Ton' Junior lits in their balloting yester-' day elected the following men to the ill Student council: Walter B. Rea, P. he H. Scott, and Robert S. Weineke. Final ! ht figures on the number of votes cast of. for all the nominees were not avail- es able at the time The Daily went to