I PNS GINS EDUCATIONAL I [GN TO INFORM PUBLIC * May 23.-Far reaching w the forests are under by the Central States ue according Ito David President of the League, calling attention to this e by President Harding as Forestry Week. "The forestry prob- lem," said Mr. Goodwillie, "is of such great size and importance to the Cen- tral States that we have simply had to go at the matter fundamentally and along broad constructive lines. We propose now a wide-spread campaign of education through the eight states of .Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan Wisconsin and Minnesota, which comprise the Central Forestry League. In these states are over 50 mil- lion acres of timberlands, unused and unproductive. They are a terrible bur- den upon us in these times of heavy taxes, and the worst is, their area is increasing instead of diminishing. "At the same time the great wood- using industries of the country whichj largely center in' these states area having to go farther and farther for their supplies. To a large extent they now go to the Pacific Coast. It comes home to us in increased prices due to the necessarily increased freight rates. Every house we build, every piece of furniture, every newspaper and every book we buy, casts more, a great deal more, because of this condition. "In organizing# the Central Forestry League we have endeavored to see this problem in its true proportions and to realize the big, earnest effort that must, be put forth by the states and by the people to get trees growing back on the lands where they belong. We want a great wave of enthusiasm for tree MUSIC HOUSE EXHIBITS HISTORIC=SONG BOOK' Coming at a time of unusual interest in musical matters is the appearance in the window of the University Music house of a copy of the first Michigan song book. The historic.connection of] this first book and the growth up to1 the present volume constitute an inter- esting story.3 This first volume published in 18901 by Sheeans bookstore contained a number of songs that are still favorites on the campus. The words are by Charles Gayley and Prof. F. N. Scott, of the rhetoric department, while the music is by A. A. Stanley,, now retiring head of the School of Music. In 1904 the copyright was purchased by Hinds, Noble & Eldredge of New York. They brought out one edition of the boomi considerably enlarged which lasted until 1915. In that year the copyright was purchased by Mrs. M. M. Root of Ann Arbor and was com- bined with a number of other Michigan songs, the copyrights of which had been held by a number of individuals. The new edition also contained a number of hits from the preceding Union Operas. Since that time the book has' passed through five editions , and a seventh will soon be on sale. All of these editions have been increased by the new songs as they same out and by numbers from succeeding Operas. HONOR MICHIGAN. MAN IN CHINA Garlands of flowers intertwined with Maize and Blue ribbons and colored Michigan shields acted as a pedestal for the huge center piece of candy in the form of the Michigan seal at the banquet tendered to F. W. Stevens, '87L, formierly an Ann Arbor lawyer and now the American 'Consortium representative, by the local graduates' of the University at the Astor House, Tientsin; China. Favors of postal campus scenes and photographs of the old and new presidents marked each place. Immediately after the dinner the party adjourned to one of the hotel drawing-rooms for an informal re- union. Mr. H. B. Merrick introduced the guest of the evening Mr. Stevens,' who told of the various changes made and contemplated at the University and urged that the Michigan alumni live their best in order to uphold the high standard of Michigan ji China, as elsewhere. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. "Michigan has the hip death rate of any state states a bulletin issued board of health. "If ( to control diphtheria,' article, "use.must be on of every preventati Dr. W. E. Forsythe, University health serv tioned concerning this "The Michigan campu for alarm regarding th two cases of diphtheria dents have come befor this entire year and these two cases cont death rate." E " I I Fact--- It is an interesting fact °that we planting. "The problem has many phases. Roadside tree planting is one. We strongly endorse the planting of road- side .memorial trees. The farmer's wood lot is another phase of the ques- tion. The great stretches of devastated1 timberlands is another and the largest of all. We have in Illinois over three million acres of timberlands much of which is fire damaged and in very bad condition." Have ,you lost anything that you prize very highly? The Classified columns of The Michigan Daily are always ready to serve you.-Adv. are the only cleaners in Ann Arbor Stevenson Appointed to I William H. Stevenson, dent of the experiment stati Iowa State Agricultural co been appointed permanent d the United States to the Int Institute of Agriculture at I appointment was made to fl cancy caused by the resig Thomas .F. Hunt, Dean of fornia Argicultural college. not using gasoline in any form Have it Plaster Cleaned It costs you no more a f ;. . F{ "p f r ... Free At your store this week this 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent. Simply present the coupon. This test will prove a delightful revela- tion. It will show you the way which millions have found to whiter, cleaner, safer teeth. This offer is for one week only. It means much to you and yours. Act now. We call for and deliver ''I _ ANOL sect .Aouthpiee d i C> %Ye An ideal diet would do these same thing., but few people get it. So dental science now needs the tooth paste to bring these desired effects. Pepsodent will daily bring you five great benefits which the old ways did not bring.. Together they mean a new era in teeth Cleaning. Men who know -pipe satisfaction will tell you that they prefer REDMANOL to any other mouthpiece because it has just the right feel on the teeth. REDMJNOL is as transparent and beau- tiful as amber; but stronger. Modern science has made it tasteless and odorless. Whether you are buying a cigarette holder, a cigareholder, or a "jimmy" pipe, ask your dealer to show you one with a REDMAINOL bit. All Shapes-All Prices If your'local dealer doesn't carry REDMANOL pipes and holders se'Id us his name and address. Redmanol Chemical Products Co. 657 West 22nd Street Chicago riD Men's tobacco stains Do This Watch the quick effects --see the change in a week' I , 0 Men who smoke stain these film-coats with tobacco. The use of Pepsodent brings them -conspicuous effects Food stains with women make these film- coats dingy. The glistening teeth seen every- where now show how Pepsodent removes them. -But children need Pepsodent most. Their teeth are most subject to film and-starch at- has tacks. Very few escape them. Dentists ad- ori. vise that they use Pepsodent from the time ad- the first tooth appears. lily + Present this coupon to your Healer. He. will give you a delightful ten-day test of a new teeth-cleaning method whicR millions are employing.' 'I - Watch tale effects, quick, pleasant and con- spicuous. Watch the new luster that comes., In ten days let your mirtor tell you the wayt to pretty teeth. Leading dentists everywhere advise this method now. You will see and feel the rea-' sons when you make this test. . Now you can fight it Dental science, after long research, h found ways to fight that film. Able auth ties have proved them effective. Now le ing- dentists everywhere advise their da use. End the dingy film' 0 ATIONAL BANK The chief purpose, is to fight film. This viscous coat, which you can feel, causes dingy teeth and also most tooth troubles. - Film clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. The oldtways of brushing did not end it. So film-coats night and day-threaten seri- ous damage. Film is what discolors, not the teeth. Film. is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It; holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it.' They, with tartar, are the gchief cause of pyorrhea. All these trou',les have been constantly increas- ing. Despite the daily brushing with old methods, very few escaped them. The methods are embodied in Pepsodent, the new-day, scientific tooth paste. Millions of people now use it, and the use is fast spreading the world, over. That is the dentifrice we urge you to try. Your druggist has a free tube for you. En- joy its effects for ten days, then judge them for yourself. Also starch and acids Modern diet makes other things essential. And those essentials are. embodied in this scientific tooth paste. Each use of Pepsodent multiplies the sali- vary flow. That is Nature's great tooth-pro- tecting agent. It multiplies the starch di- gestant in the saliva. That is there to digest starch deposits which may otherwise form acids. It-multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva. That is Nature's agent for neutralizing acids which attack the teeth.- ri OF ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN MEMBER FEDERAL R'ESERV BANK ELDEST BANK IN THE CITy )LDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY )LDEST NATIONAL $ANK IN STATE OF MICHIGAN 4,. GRANTED CHARTER NUMBER 22 BY THE GOVERNMENT IN 1868 ' 1 11r ®k PAT.OFF. A At BE G. U.S. REG. V.5®.&.O The New-Day Dentifrice Endorsed by authorities, advised by leading dentists every- where, and supplied by all druggists in the large tubes. Free at These Stores This Week Simply present the Coupon Watch teeth whiten The results of Pepsodent are quickly seen and felt. No user can long doubt them. A book we send explains the reasons for them.- A very short test will convince you that this new wayis essential. Present the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. Watch the other good effects. Then you will see and feel and know that Pepsodent is necessary. You will realize that old methods were not right. And this dis- covery may bring life-long benefits both to you and yours. Present this coupon to your dealer this week. Cut it out now. OFFICERS E. D. KINNE..........President HARRISON SOULE.. ...Vice-President ROBERT F GAUSS..............Cashier CHAS. F. GRUNER...........Asst. Cashier IHARRY M. HAWLEY.........Asst. Cashier 'i Waldo M. Abbot S. W. Clarkson. M. J. Fritz Robt. F. Gauss Harry M. Hawley E. D. Kinne DIRECTORS Walter C. Mack Geo. W. Patterson D. B. Sutton Erwin E. Schmid Harrison Soule' Frank A. Stivers Mack & CO'. 655. 10-DAY TUBE FREE Present this coupon, with your name and address filled in, to any store named. It is good for a 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent. Your Namne.: ... . .. . ..............o.......... Address .... ........... ........., Out-of-town residents should mail this coupon to The Pepsodent Company, 1104 So. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, id the tube will be sent by mail. MICHIGAN DAILY. ONLY ONF TUBE TO A FAMILY ANN ARBOR. MICE I YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED