a Washington candy, 90c a lb. Want anything? If you want what very Friday. Tice's, 117 So. you want, when you want it, use a .-Adv. Want Ad in the Michigan Daily.-Adv.. of the May, Dexter, Friday, Use Classified advertising and sell Hague Park Orchestra.-Adv. your miscellaneous articles.-Adv. STEAMSHIP TICKETS'.. TO ALL, FOREIGN COUNTRIES THE MICHIGAN DAILY Chaperones for the dances this week end will je as fOUlows: Union-Fri- da, Mrs, Yates ^dams; Saturday, Mrs. IL. W. Cake;- Armory-Friday, Mrs. F. P. Ward; Saturday, Mrs. H. G. Berger. Any women interested in work as waitresses at Gratiot Inn, near Port "uron, for this summer should call' HoelnMunger, phone 1222-M. Rehearsals of Senior Girls' play' choruses for this week at Sarah Cas- well Angell hall are as follows: Five o'clock today, devil's chor- us and dance of Whim and Ambition; 9 to 12 o'clock Saturday, all choruses and dances of the first act. THREE INTER-SORORITY BASEBALL GAMES PLAYED The second round of the inter-house baseball tournament will be played off next week. W. F. KELLER 412 Natl. Bank Bldg. The end of the first round shows the following results: Alpha Phi victors over Alpha Chi Omega by a score of 7 to 3; Kappa Delta over Gamma Phi Beta, 5 to 2; Newberry winners over Chi. Omega by default. The loss of one game puts as house out of the tournament. Betsy Barbour Entertains Guests Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Stock, of Chicago, will be guests of. honor at lunch Friday noon at Betsy- Barbour house. While in Ann Arbor they are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lockwood. Have you lost anything that you prize very highly? The Classified columns of The Michigan Daily are always ready to serve You.--Adv. Craftsmen's Club-Tickets for the annual banquet June 4, may be obtain- ed from Henry Ward, Fred Redemsky, Ned Smith, Hugh Bell, Frank Walters, Robert Campbell. Only members of the club are expected to attend.-Adv.; Visit Mrs. Stoddard' Rain Water Sham- po0, Marcel and 'Water Waving, Manicuring f or Ladies and Gentle- men. 707 N. University (Upstairs) J t Pei a Shopping Directory? Satist at your command if you patro advertisers.-Adv. Read The Daily for CampU MMER'S SMARTEST FASHION d SUPERBLY BEAUTIFUL Add to your own the charm of tl perfectly matched,tiridescent, s mering strings of Oriental Pearl BUY DIRECT FROM IMPORTE Saving jobbers and retaller pro We place these heavy, lusti glowing ropes of beauty in your h for your own inspection before pay a cent. SEND NO MONEY Merely tell us which of the t shades you desire and the lengt string you would like. We send i to you by express. You examine tb and if they please you, pay' the pressman the purchase price. If return them at our expense. ' / A SHOWING OF x , Hats, Taffeta Hats, Leghorns, Ribbon and .Braid Combination, Felts, Duventyne. A R & HINT Z 328 SOUTH MAIN STREET M 'sty? iankins Show"- Chinese Customs On display in Newberry hall are some "Chinese friends" as Dr. Clara Sarg'ent called them. Real up to date Chinese figures they are. First. there is a charming Christian couple called Mr. and Mrs. Wang. They are well to do, and are clothed in silk as all people of their class are. On their faces ate kindly expressions. In. the* company there is also a bride dresed in red and the groom in green. These! are un-Christianized Chinese whose marriage has been arranged for them by their parents. And last is the lab- orer and his wife dressed in matting cloth. He seems like a rather hap- py-go-lucky fellow with his friendly, smile. These .figures were made at the "Door of Hone" in China, a refuge for girls supported by the mission body. Dr. Sargent sent them to the Y. W. C. A. cabinet asking them to intro- duce her Chinese friends to her "sup- porters at Michigan". -e Essence o Goodness SIncf Cream Lies In The Ilabo XC ER EA M Certainly has gLt the flabor ,A0 !_ YI 18-inch 24-inch 30-inch string string string ...$10. ........ 13 .. ..... 16.85 SEND FOR A STRING TODAY These pearls are guaranteed to be genuine mother of pearl, are inde- structible, are not harmed by per- spiration or toilet preparations, and can bevwashed in warm water. Each string is supplied with a Sterling sil- ver clasp and a strong silk cord. Remember, it costs you noth'ing to see them. ALFRED M. LEWIS CO., Inc. Importers 507 Marine Bldg., San Francisco, Callf. IThee Shades: Cream, Rose, White .-v. A Cool Drink r.. Z[ affetta ' 1 , 1 Juniors Acquire Signs Of Dignity When you wake up during your 8 o'clock this morning and observe that the girl two se t to the right of 'you is wearing a mortar-board, just drop back to sleep again, for she is only' undergoing the wear and tear of ini- tiation. If you think she is an absent mind- ed senior who has forgotten her robe, you will suddenly remember that it is Friday, when one isn't suposed to appear in the formal and stately garb of Commencenent. No, to let you in on the secret, Mortarboard is going to initiate eight new members Sunday, and all pledges are required to wear the symbol all day today. and BUS LINE ADRIAN-TECUMSEH-ANN ARBOR Central Standard Time Sport Hats Reduction on all dark stralt'hats z SL AS 1IETHIS. COLUMN CLOSES ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M,. j Ir Lv. Lv, I ~v Lv. Ar. Lv. L v. Lv. Lv. Alr, NORTH Week A.M. Adrian---Main Corners........ 7:45 Tecurniseh-j-Main Corners..12 Clinton-Main Corners.......8:45 Saline-Main Corners ........ 9:,1 AnnArbor-Main & Huron.... o :io SOUTH P.M. Ann Arbor-HuronRs. 4th Ave. 4:35 Saline-Main Corners........ 5:10 Clinton-Main Corners....... 6:oo Tecumseh-Main Corners... :20 .Adrian-Main Corners........ 7.00 Sun- day P.M. 4:00 4:40 5 :50 6:25 P.M. 7 :o 7:35 8:25 8:45 9:25 mma . Fogerty 's t WANTED 'ED-If you want outside work ng vacation, nothing better than ng LIFE INSURANCE in your e city or community for OND of OLDFST MUTUAL COMPAN- in the United States. Good ract. Address, Union Mutual Insurance Company, 1122 De- Savings Bank Bldg., Detroit, . X59-3 'ED - Summer salesmen for e to house work in Michigan. u are intrested in makin some iponey, call Malleaux and Clark 10 S. Thayer St., between 3:00 5:00 or 6:30 and 8:00 P.M. 159-21 'ED-Men to sell brushes dur- summer. Good money making) osition. Call Eman, 1268, be-1 n 6:30 and 8:30 evenings or e 1007 E. Huron. 148-21 ED - Representatives wanted summer. Pleasant work and pay. For further information interview write, Ohio Canvas Toledo, Ohio. 161-3 'ED - All :..tudents desiring )graphic positions during the ner months,, file applications in Secretary's Office, University of igan. 159-3 ED-Want to rent a first-class 1or suite for next year. Must arm, clean, light, and well furn- L. Box C. E., Daily. 159-3 ED-Student to help in Press- hop. One with experience pre- 'd. Horace Claveau.. 802 So. . Phone 385-W. 159-3 'ED- Two seats for. Saturday noon and evening concerts of Festival. First balcony. Phone -R. 161 FOR SALE ALER-$60.00 Victrola. Mahog- case. Condition good. Can be for canoeing. 15 records. i$32.00. Phone 2186-R. 161-2 ALE - Vega (Tenor) banjo bargain. Fine condition. Call ngs 2127-M at 7. 636 'Oakland. 160-2 A.LE-Ford roadster, 1915 mod- ood running order. Must be bargain. Phone 1825-M. 161 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Key ring and about 5 keys in- cluding A-1 and C-1. Alumium name plate with 603 State scratched on it. Reward on return to address. 161 LOST - Monday P. M., . man's gold ripg, pale amethyst setting. Stone oblong and cut on under side. Find- er please phone 1695-W. 161-2 LOST-Black jet shoe buckle on Oak- land between Church and Michigan' Union.Return to 1120 Oakland or phone 1359-M. Reward. 161 LOST - Between -Cousinsand Hall's and Forest'-Ave., a, black leather handbag with bank books, money, etc. Call 2641-W. 161-31 LOST-.Pair of shell-rii glasses in long black case at May Festival,' May 18. Ple e call 1724-M. 161-2 LOST-A jack knife Fountain Pen. Parker's Lucky Curve. Call A. V. McPhee, 1468-M. Reward. 159-3 LOST-Alpha Sigma Phi pin, finder call 1460 and ask for Iland. Re- ward. 159-3 FOR RENT ' FOR RENT-Three light housekeeping rooms. Hot and cold water in kitch- en. Forty-five dollars per month. May bethad by June 1st. 110 N. In- galls St. 1 £ 160-2 FOR RENT-Housekeeping apartment. Two large rooms, ground floor, run- ning hot and cold water, near cam- pus A~nd downtown. 203 S. Thayer St. 161-3 FOR RENT - For summer school. Three suites and, one single room, 610 Forest. Call 2641-W. 161-3 MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION! Good money-making proposition. Something anyone can do. No experience necessary. Works unusually well. Call D. Heetderks, 1170-M between 16:45 and 8 eve- nings or call at 920 E. Washington. 161-6 WILL THE person who took the wrong coat from the Surgical Amphitheater Monday evening call Sutton and ex- change? 2655-R. 161 WILL THE person who borrowed a "C" clarinet from C. M. Atkinson be- fore Xmas, iIndly call 566. Thank Specialty Hat Shop .117 Z. Liberty St. College exchanges) U Ohio State-The Men's Glee club at Ohio State has presented the school with a bronze tablet memorial to-their late direcpr, Alfred R. Barrington. Missouri-According to the "Eve- ning Missourian" the campaign being conducted at the University of Mis- souri for a Memorial Union building is meeting with great success. The drive has been extended to the alumni and reports show that in the case of the alumni in St. Louis the goal has been nearly reached. , Wisconsin-Mrs. Amy Davis Win- ship, who recently celebrated her ninetieth birthday, is probably the old- est college student, in the United States. She now has an application filed to enter the summer school at the University of Wisconsin. During the last 11 years she has attended Wisconsin, Ohio State, Florida, Southen, California, and Kansas uni- versities. Psychology and sociology, have been her special subjects. Pennsylvania - A recent article, published in the Pennsylvanian, which urged ,a separate college for women, failed to meet the approval of the Penn women students. One junior stated that the granting of the fran- chise to the women of the country raised them to an equal plane with the men. To distinguish us from the male student by the term 'co' is in- sulting. I think that a nation-wide campaign should be conducted by all co-educational institutions to abolish the word." Colorado - Students at Colorado college registered between: May 2 and May 14 for the work of the first se- mester of next year. Use Classified advertising and sell 'WUER TH SUNDAY-MONDAY TUESDAY I I I OFFERING A FINE GROUP OF IP Spring. Suits at 11 $ .50 *GmRIZ ARLSS i. TlE DHE II You know his laughing leer- All tailored with the skill and beauty that mark the work of the Kirschbaum Shops. The type of suits for which you paid at least $55 or $60 in-1920. He's a smooth s medder. His they burn like His words, they like fire. oClety eyes, acid. melt I WHITE FLANNEL TROUSERS ALL SIZES He fascinates you. He captivates - you. He holds you in his spell. Acclaimed by every- one as the greatest achievement of the si- lent drama. F. W. 309 SOUTHI Gross MAIN 'J U_