THE MICHIGAN DAILY Suey nain open Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00 Resources ......... 6,000,000.1) 707 North University Ave. Northwest Cor. Main & Huron .1 summer Tung] tary '_ Lo EDISON NOW HAS A9 NEW OUESTID0NA1IE Latest Quiz Runs from Attar of Roses to Location of Thyroid Gland TEST IS UNREPRESENTATIVE, .' BIASED, SAYS UNIVERSITY MAN Due to much publicity given the original questionaire in -his famous intelligence test recently made for choosing applicants for employment in his firm, Thomas A. Edison has pre- pared a new list in which the follow- ing are the general run of questions: Where do we get most of our sap- JUNIOR LIT DANCE OPEN TO CAMPUS To clear up all doubts concerning those who are eligible to attend the evening dance of the junior lits to be held from 8 to 12 o'clock Saturday night, May 21, in Barbour gymnasium, the committe has announced that, al- ,though sponsored by the junior lits, the affair will be open to the entire campus. Two hundred tickets will be sold and it is urged that junior lits secure theirs early. They are on sale at each of Graham's book stores and also at Wahr's book store. The price is $2 a couple. It has -been decided to have the party semi-formal as regards dress. Sumner formal attire, white trousers or tuxedos will. be optional for the men. St- Will Win .___._ 7 0 a.'=er* - 'V To-i. sf f ' f -- -_yAB' _ 7 _ _ __-- / ,_;1. ; L ::_ . 9 . TAKE HER FOR A RIDE in one of our autos. She and, auto livery service is so reason- you will enjoy it amazingly as you spin along the pleasant highway. It will not besan ex- pensive pleasure either. Our able that one can indulge in the pleasure frequently without fi- CITY TAXI PHONE 230 &E EBERBACH & SONCO. 00 - 204 EAST LIBERTY STREET phires? In what states do the Apache In-e dians now live?t In what country is Lake Lucerne? What is the capital of Mississippi? What are the special properties of the metal magnesium? What country manufactures the most wine? What country owns the island of Madagascar? Where is Madagascar situa ? Where is the Corinth canal?- Who owns the Suez canal? What country built it, and what Was the name of the engineer?1 What is the depth below sea level of Death valley? What is T. N. T.? Who was Saladin? Who was Marshall Field? Who was Faber? In what part of England was Shake$ speare born?1 What country produces most attar of roses? From what country do we import most of our perfume? What city has the finest harbor in the world? What is colloid? Give three exam- Drugs The Spotlight quartette has been se- cured as entertainers in addition to those provided by the orchestra. The quartette will appear in a program, of songs and novelty numbers. HARDING ACCEPTS M 10BERSHIP IN 11)NORARlY LAW FRATERNITY President Harding has accepted the invitation of Sigma Delta Kappa law fraternity to honorary membership, and will be initiated the latter part of June in Washington by representa- tives of the grand chapter of the fra- ternity. The invitation was extended through the members of the national conven- tion of Sigma Delta Kappa chapters' which was held in Indianapolis last week. President Harding's answer reads as follows: "I am glad to accept honorary mem- bership in your fraternity. Please ex- press my thanks and best wishes to assembled members. "WARREN G. HARDING." Use the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach 'the best of Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-AdV. a M- . F WUERTH CO j, - -~~~~ -__ __ _ - ANY shirts start offwell,but they can't stand the gaff of a long race-the constant fric- tion at the wrists, the neck, the waist, the frequent trips to the tub. Eagle Shirts win because the yarns in their quality fabrics have staying power. They give great service per dollar. In buying shirts as II everything else Quality always pays Toilet Articles 4 Chemicals 1'RAO MMKRGG. U.S. PATO. - LOW HEEL WALKING I Laboratory Supplies 11 SHOES The Turkish Ci arette ples. Where is the thyroid gland? Carl R. Brown, of the psychology department, when asked what he thought of this test, said: "I believe that this mental test is probably bi- ased, and that it is not thoroughly rep- resentative. It is a test on general information and examines one as to the extent of his store of facts on sub- rjects of general information.," Gillespie, 'oL 'Gets Circuit.Judgeship r r ar Sunday Dinner! Try Some of my meat Specials! Chickens! Choice Pork Chops! Veal Rosettes! Sirloin Steaks! - ,f, / -x d _ la~li ' (l''I ' We go 6000 miles for the, Turkish tobacco used in Murad-Why.? Because-Turkish has a taste--Turkish has a mildness -Turkish has a delight-far beyond all cigarette tobaccos of all other lands- Murad gives you real enjoyment, and true delight such as no Tobacco other than 100% Pure Turkish Tobacco can give.° Facts -Facts-FACTS-! The great outdoor Walkover for Women. Essentially a sport Shoe but worn by women everywhere for city wear. Made with the new Vamp Saddle patterns in black and brovwn calf. PRICE $10.00 Glen C. Gillespie, '10L, has been ap- pointed circuit judge of Oakdale coun- ty by Governor Alex '. Groesbeck. He will fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge K. P. Rockwell. Judge Gillespie is 36 years of age, was born insOakland county, and opened a law office in Pontiac in Sep- tember, 1910, following his graduation. In 1912 he was appointed assistant prosecuting attorney, and in 1916 was elected prosecuting attorney, serving 'in that capacity until January 1, 1921. 'Since February of the present year he has been director of the Department of Law, City of Pontiac. Freshmen Must Complete Exams Freshmen were urged by Dr.. G. A. May, director of Waterman gymna- sium, to complete unfinished examina- tions as soon as posible. A number of men have not reported at the gym, although the greater part of the work has been completed. THE CENTURY MARKET CALL 1091 QUICK SERVICE Walk-Over Boot Shop t \~ 115 5 South Main Street arm rwYA .. r Tens of thousands of smokers -tens of thousands of times- have PROVEN this - "Judge for Yourself-!" I/- STRAW HATS 20a p wxdEwbt=IV VsarnGc1Ild I I II I I 11||!|1111111||1l l 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllilillililii1111111111111I Money--The Sinews of Travel Money gives strength for the journey and com- fort by the way. If you use and recommend to others. AMERICAN "A. B.. A." BANKERS CHEQUES ASSOCIATION You can rest assured as to the safety of your money, and theirs. Issued in denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100 in convenient wallets. ASK ABOUT THEM We are showing the finest line of Straw Hats in the city at the right prices. Before buying your Straw Hat give Corbett the once-over and you will have no regrets afterwards. We are also showing the biggest line of the new Brown Herringbone Suits at popular prices. The Fitform make of suits are real young men's - Built to fit - Guaranteed to wear and give Satisfaction. Pure all wool garments. TOM CORBETT 116 EAST LIBERTY STREET FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK NICKELS ARCADE MAIN AND HURON STS. Where Fitform Clothes are Sold 1