THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the Univer- year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OP THE ASSocIATED PRESS Tha Associated Press is exclusively' entitled to the use for blicationoof all news di4 athes credited to it or not otherwise ited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second bscttription by carrier or mail, $s.o. Ofices: Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, 960 ; Editorial. 24 . ommui cat not to exceed aowords, if signed, the sit- r' 'ntt ecessarily to "appear in pint but as an evdence of i. antd notices of events will be Published in The Daily at the tion~ =of the dtor, if left at ;or mailed to 'The Daily office gned communications will receive no consideration. No man- ipt wil be retuirnedl sunless the writer ixcloses postage. Th aily "doesenot necessarilyendorse the sentiments e- se in the ommunication. Wt's Going O" notices will not be reeived after 9 O'lock he evening preceding insertion. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 YAGINO'EDITOR ...........GEORGE O. BROPHY 31., s Eyditr............... . . chesser M. Cami'be rman 'ditorialBoad...-.............-......Lee Woodruff at Editors- H.W Hthcc T. H. Adams H. W. Hitchcock .XDakin EMMais . Renaud Shkerwood r. W.Sargent.° Jr aA Editor. . Bernstein Edito .-........................'..' Ke . P. cam bell orials.............T. 3. Whinery, L Aeaer beTABeac s.......... .................Rert Angell nei'o E. .tor. . ........ . ... Nary D. Lane sraph..". . . ...... - -.. ------.Thomas Dewey scope ..............--...... . ...: .. R. Meiss . ~~Assistants s phine Waldo Frank H. McPike Sidney B. Coates . Wleber j A. Bacon C. 'T. Pennoyer ibeth Vickery W. W. Ottaway Marion B.Stahl 'g Reindel . Paul'WatacI Lowell S, Ker, e B. Grudy Byron Darnton Marion Koch ces Oberholtzer M. A. Klave - Dorothy Whipple rt :. Adams walter Donnelly Geald P. Overton ace F. litt Beata Asley Edward Lambrecht iston McBain Kathrine Montgomery Sara Wailer , H. IV. Howlett BUSINESS STAFFT Telepbone 960 * INESS MANAGER....... .LEORAND A. GAINES, JR. rtising .. .......... ....D P jovce i=aeds...... ...............S."Kunstadter i~~... . ..... .. ..... M. ~eath iwit.............................,.R. Prieh ton .. -............ . ... ............ V.F. Hillery Assistants W. ambrecht M. M. Moule H. C. -Hunt . Hamelr' N. W Robertson M. S."Godring H. "Hutchinson '16s. L,Rice H. W. Heidbreder A. Croce R.~ G. Borchel W. Cooley bt. 7,. Davis A. J. Parker Persons:wishing to secure information concerning news for any of The'Daily should 6e the night editor, who has full charge 1 news to be printed that night." WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1921. Night Editor-MARTIN KLAVER. BUILD MICHIGAN FOR THE AGES hrough the trying days of the earlier Univer- of Michigan, when money was scarce, and g those men whose memories we revere were asting their consummate efforts, not only in rg to their studehts their time in the classroom, in striving to realize the goal which they had nselves set of a more full and better under- ding of the broader functions of education, the hetic beauty of architecture in the buildings of higan's campus was overlooked. ,Buildings e had to be, in those days, and when after the test effort, money was secured to add to those ady installed on the University's land grant, no rt Was made to concentrate the architecture, or nify it. he vision, in those early days was, in a word, er educational than aesthetic. There was so h to be done in the line of new equipment, new iratus, new classrooms, that the men lost sight Iat unity of design the need of which is brought e to us today'when we realize the enormity of' additior which is to be made to the present fa- es at Michigan. '. is only at this time, when we survey the pres- buildings of the campus, that we realize what have lost. We have old buildings, to be sure, they were put up rather with the original idea erving a present purpose, than of having a per- ence and a lasting place in the affection of -igan graduates. IHow different it would be if y, we might look upon a unity Qf architectural gn and placing which would evoke that rever- xwhich comes from the structures at Oxford. ambridge, or even at some of our own univer- he time is at hand to awaken in ourselves a keriing impulse to the beauty and reverence :h will be added in years to come if we build our structures not with an eye to their present ef- 'cy, but with the thought that we are creating niversity for posterity. Only in such a spirit we accomplish what others failed to do. Let uild Michigan not for today, but for the ages. UTOPIAN AMERICANS f all the self-contained individuals in the world, "why-should-I-worry ?" American, with his >e of pampered Polyanna ideas and his smirk npractical Utopianism, is among the worst, and dafiger to our standing as a society and a na- Ie continually goes' on the assumption that, lealimin, the Monroe doctrine, and the consti- n will protect his rights to the full, it is unnec-. y for him to bother his own head aboit such stead of action. Let the other fellow read, let him think, let the powers that be endeavor to locate and remedy all evils which confront us as communities, as states, as a society, or as a nation; but by all means let us as individuals never inconvenience our- se'lves 'by assisting in the process of constructive brain-work. We have our old prejudices which tell us that America is the greatest country on earth and that "all's well with the world". Everybody ex- pects his neighbor to be the sentinel, and continues to rest on the couch of effortless idealism. It is too much work to do otherwise. It is about time that the American citizen pull himself together, extricate his person from' the slough of indifference, prick up his ears, and scrape the rust off his' creaking thought-tracks, to the end that he may attain to an ability to recognize facts and a will to be public-minded. He must not allow himself to fall back into the mental laxness of pre- war days. In no community should a wide-awake policy of public thought be promoted and fostered more readily than in the university group. Too many- college men are infected with the same virus of Utopian indifference. Let's work it out of our sys- tems. GOLF SUPPLIES 'AT- BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK % I Y IY .illl li l MYMli r ,. DETROIT UNITED LINES In Effeet Nov. 1, 1920 Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Limited and.Rxpress cars leave for Detroit at 6:06 a. m., 7:06 a.;in., 8:10 a. ra., and hourly to 9:10 p. m. Limiteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. m. and -every two hours to 8:48 p. m. Ex- presses at 9:48 a. m. and every two hours to 9:48.p. m. Locals to Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m. and every two hours to 9:00 p. M.,, also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsianti only, 11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m. Locals to Jackson--7:b0 a. m., and 12:10 p.m. STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES W. F. KELLER 412 Natl. Bank Bldg. k A FESTIVAL WELCOME Ann Arbor, because of its educational facilities, has attained an enviable position as a cultural cen- ter, and one of the leading contributors to this standing has been the annual May Festival under the direction of Prof. A. A. Stanley. The people of Ann Arbor are not the only ones who have ap- preciated this fact, and each year with the open- ing of these seasonal concerts, an influx of ,guests into the city has taken place- for the purpose of at- tending the affairs. In this, Professor Stanley's last year as director, it is with a sense of great pleasure that we note the presence in Ann Arbor of an even greater number of guests than has gathered before. A program of the highest quality.has been arranged as a tribute to Professor Stanley, the culmination of the con- tinuous advancement which the Festivals have achieved under his guidance. To the artists and visitors who are in Ann Arbor we extend a most hearty welcome and a wish for the fullest enjoy- ment of all that the University has to offer. Before the campus becorhes a cement billboard, may we suggest that there are better channels for getting information before the student body than the present fad of painting it all over the side- walks? Now that the Great Torture is over, we hope every little girl who stared from the sidewalks was able to make out Her Hero junder the Valspar finish. 1921 MAY 1921 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 !6 7 8 9 10 111 192 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 90 81 ' PANAXAS We Clean, Bleach and Block Panamas., etc., into the Late Shapes, with all new trimmings to look just like new. We don't use any acids and do only High Class Work. Factory Hat Store, 617 Packard St. Phone 1792. This No t for Dodge Taxi - # Is -. . 'I I The Betsy Ross Shop 6h'I ya T he Arcade" Invites YoU To it Even a busy city like Chicago has seen the value of a "great storehouse of knowledge" and built the new Field Museum. .How long before the Univer- sity of Michigan will see its great collections prop- erly housed? The elescope The Worst of It Is That it Happened Isn't it a funny coincidence When you bolt a class, Feeling pretty sure in your mind That you haven't put anything over On the prof; And then you meet him on the campus The very same day, And he strengthens your conviction By asking in a suggestive manner, If you are feeling better? Make This Your 10 May Festival Headquarters The Fu n tai n Room Beautiful : . I 1 111I fl1 f r --. is it Awarding the Interclass games to the freshmen like soothing a child with a stick of candy aftet has taken castor oil. Quoth Eppie Taff: Beneath this earth there lies a man Known as Tree-Feller Grimm; He sawed a branch which sadly proved To be supporting him. .Some people are so "dumb" that if you say your engine is missing, they'll offer to go look for it. Our Latest Song Entitled: "They Don't Serve Spoons with Coffee 'Cause the Music Is So Stirring." Absent-minded professor, 'as he meets his son upon the campus-How do you do, young man, how is your father this morning? Stolen Thunder "I suppose you marry a lot of eloping couples, squire. Quite a source of income, eh?" "Yes; I git five dollars for marryin' each couple, an' they come in such darned haste, I allus fine 'em ten dollars more for speedin'." -Boston Transcript. News Miscues "There is less immortality among university stu- dents than among the average young people." -Michigan Daily. Of course we have a little transmigration now and then. Fine 'Oxfords Made for us by Johnston and Murphy. Semi-brogue Scotch-grain Wide Toe Brown and Black Wagner & Company STATE STREET AT LIBERTY' For Young flen & ., J'nwu i84 4V NPH SHOE t. ie great inherent fault of the Amer- today is his unwillingness to think, ftter, even to listen to the views of >es occasionally put forth a bit of utside the routine channels of busi- His is the same pass-the-buck at- Famous Closing Lines in the mouth," cried Jonah whale I